46 research outputs found

    Atomic-scale visualization of quasiparticle interference on a type-II Weyl semimetal surface

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    We combine quasiparticle interference simulation (theory) and atomic resolution scanning tunneling spectro-microscopy (experiment) to visualize the interference patterns on a type-II Weyl semimetal Mox_{x}W1−x_{1-x}Te2_2 for the first time. Our simulation based on first-principles band topology theoretically reveals the surface electron scattering behavior. We identify the topological Fermi arc states and reveal the scattering properties of the surface states in Mo0.66_{0.66}W0.34_{0.34}Te2_2. In addition, our result reveals an experimental signature of the topology via the interconnectivity of bulk and surface states, which is essential for understanding the unusual nature of this material.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Economic Assessment of Autonomous Electric Microtransit Vehicles

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    There is rapidly growing interest in autonomous electric vehicles due to their potential in improving safety, accessibility, and environmental outcomes. However, their market penetration rate is dependent on costs. Use of autonomous electric vehicles for shared-use mobility may improve their cost competitiveness. So far, most of the research has focused on the cost impact of autonomy on taxis and ridesourcing services. Singapore is planning for island-wide deployment of autonomous vehicles for both scheduled and on-demand services as part of their transit system in the year 2030. TUMCREATE developed an autonomous electric vehicle concept, a microtransit vehicle with 30-passenger capacity, which can complement the existing bus transit system. This study aims to determine the cost of autonomous electric microtransit vehicles and compare them to those of buses. A total cost of ownership (TCO) approach was used to compare the lifecycle costs. It was shown that although the acquisition costs of autonomous electric vehicles are higher than those of their conventional counterparts, they can reduce the TCO per passenger-km up to 75% and 60% compared to their conventional counterparts and buses, respectively. Document type: Articl

    Natural Variation in Arabidopsis thaliana as a Tool for Highlighting Differential Drought Responses

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    To test whether natural variation in Arabidopsis could be used to dissect out the genetic basis of responses to drought stress, we characterised a number of accessions. Most of the accessions belong to a core collection that was shown to maximise the genetic diversity captured for a given number of individual accessions in Arabidopsis thaliana. We measured total leaf area (TLA), Electrolyte Leakage (EL), Relative Water Content (RWC), and Cut Rosette Water Loss (CRWL) in control and mild water deficit conditions. A Principal Component Analysis revealed which traits explain most of the variation and showed that some accessions behave differently compared to the others in drought conditions, these included Ita-0, Cvi-0 and Shahdara. This study relied on genetic variation found naturally within the species, in which populations are assumed to be adapted to their environment. Overall, Arabidopsis thaliana showed interesting phenotypic variations in response to mild water deficit that can be exploited to identify genes and alleles important for this complex trait

    Progress in dark tourism and thanatourism research: An uneasy relationship with heritage tourism

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    This paper reviews academic research into dark tourism and thanatourism over the 1996–2016 period. The aims of this paper are threefold. First, it reviews the evolution of the concepts of dark tourism and thanatourism, highlighting similarities and differences between them. Second it evaluates progress in 6 key themes and debates. These are: issues of the definition and scope of the concepts; ethical issues associated with such forms of tourism; the political and ideological dimensions of dark tourism and thanatourism; the nature of demand for places of death and suffering; the management of such places; and the methods of research used for investigating such tourism. Third, research gaps and issues that demand fuller scrutiny are identified. The paper argues that two decades of research have not convincingly demonstrated that dark tourism and thanatourism are distinct forms of tourism, and in many ways they appear to be little different from heritage tourism

    Modelling and Evaluation of Battery Packs with Different Numbers of Paralleled Cells

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    To better evaluate the configuration of battery packs in electric vehicles (EV) in the early design phase, this paper proposes a mathematic model for the simulation of battery packs based on the elementwise calculations of matrices. This model is compatible with the different battery models and has a fast simulation speed. An experimental platform is built for the verification. Based on the proposed model and the statistic features of battery cells, the influence of the number of paralleled cells in a battery pack is evaluated in Monte-Carlo experiments. The simulation results obtained from Monte-Carlo experiments show that the parallel number is able to influence the total energy loss inside the cells, the energy loss caused by the balancing of the battery management system (BMS) and the degradation of the battery pack

    The Importance of and a Method for Including Transfection Efficiency Into Real-Time PCR Data Analyses

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    ABSTRACT: The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is widely used to ascertain absolute or relative changes in the expression levels of specific genes as a function of cell type or in response to changes in environmental stimuli. Real-time PCR is an advance which allows for the analysis of gene expression over a wide range of initial cDNA concentrations, where the cDNA is the product of reverse transcriptase reactions applied to RNA samples. With the advent and advances in gene delivery technologies, it is now common for the cellular responses under scrutiny to be initiated via the expression of an exogenously delivered gene. When transfection (or transduction) is a part of the procedure used to prepare cell samples for real-time PCR, it is necessary to take the efficiency of gene delivery into account. Here a robust mathematical model for such analyses is derived, and validated with theoretical and experimental support. Comparison to existing analysis methods is presented to demonstrate the high significance of noting transfection, loading, and primer PCR efficiencies when processing PCR data

    Temperature-Responsive Properties of Poly(acrylic acid- co

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