19 research outputs found

    CtBP1-Mediated Membrane Fission Contributes to Effective Recycling of Synaptic Vesicles

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    Compensatory endocytosis of released synaptic vesicles (SVs) relies on coordinated signaling at the lipid-protein interface. Here, we address the synaptic function of C-terminal binding protein 1 (CtBP1), a ubiquitous regulator of gene expression and membrane trafficking in cultured hippocampal neurons. In the absence of CtBP1, synapses form in greater density and show changes in SV distribution and size. The increased basal neurotransmission and enhanced synaptic depression could be attributed to a higher vesicular release probability and a smaller fraction of release-competent SVs, respectively. Rescue experiments with specifically targeted constructs indicate that, while synaptogenesis and release probability are controlled by nuclear CtBP1, the efficient recycling of SVs relies on its synaptic expression. The ability of presynaptic CtBP1 to facilitate compensatory endocytosis depends on its membrane-fission activity and the activation of the lipid-metabolizing enzyme PLD1. Thus, CtBP1 regulates SV recycling by promoting a permissive lipid environment for compensatory endocytosis

    Differential Spatial Expression and Subcellular Localization of CtBP Family Members in Rodent Brain

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    C-terminal binding proteins (CtBPs) are well-characterized nuclear transcriptional co-regulators. In addition, cytoplasmic functions were discovered for these ubiquitously expressed proteins. These include the involvement of the isoform CtBP1-S/BARS50 in cellular membrane-trafficking processes and a role of the isoform RIBEYE as molecular scaffolds in ribbons, the presynaptic specializations of sensory synapses. CtBPs were suggested to regulate neuronal differentiation and they were implied in the control of gene expression during epileptogenesis. However, the expression patterns of CtBP family members in specific brain areas and their subcellular localizations in neurons in situ are largely unknown. Here, we performed comprehensive assessment of the expression of CtBP1 and CtBP2 in mouse brain at the microscopic and the ultra-structural levels using specific antibodies. We quantified and compared expression levels of both CtBPs in biochemically isolated brain fractions containing cellular nuclei or synaptic compartment. Our study demonstrates differential regional and subcellular expression patterns for the two CtBP family members in brain and reveals a previously unknown synaptic localization for CtBP2 in particular brain regions. Finally, we propose a mechanism of differential synapto-nuclear targeting of its splice variants CtBP2-S and CtBP2-L in neurons

    Physiological Concentrations of Amyloid Beta Regulate Recycling of Synaptic Vesicles via Alpha7 Acetylcholine Receptor and CDK5/Calcineurin Signaling

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    Despite the central role of amyloid β (Aβ) peptide in the etiopathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), its physiological function in healthy brain is still debated. It is well established that elevated levels of Aβ induce synaptic depression and dismantling, connected with neurotoxicity and neuronal loss. Growing evidence suggests a positive regulatory effect of Aβ on synaptic function and cognition; however the exact cellular and molecular correlates are still unclear. In this work, we tested the effect of physiological concentrations of Aβ species of endogenous origin on neurotransmitter release in rat cortical and hippocampal neurons grown in dissociated cultures. Modulation of production and degradation of the endogenous Aβ species as well as applications of the synthetic rodent Aβ40 and Aβ42 affected efficacy of neurotransmitter release from individual presynapses. Low picomolar Aβ40 and Aβ42 increased, while Aβ depletion or application of low micromolar concentration decreased synaptic vesicle recycling, showing a hormetic effect of Aβ on neurotransmitter release. These Aβ-mediated modulations required functional alpha7 acetylcholine receptors as well as extracellular and intracellular calcium, involved regulation of CDK5 and calcineurin signaling and increased recycling of synaptic vesicles. These data indicate that Aβ regulates neurotransmitter release from presynapse and suggest that failure of the normal physiological function of Aβ in the fine-tuning of SV cycling could disrupt synaptic function and homeostasis, which would, eventually, lead to cognitive decline and neurodegeneration

    Activity-induced synaptic capture and exocytosis of the neuronal serine protease neurotrypsin

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    Extracellular proteolysis plays an essential role in synaptic remodeling that is indispensable for cognitive function. The extracellular serine protease neurotrypsin was implicated in cognitive function, because humans lacking a functional form of neurotrypsin suffer from severe mental retardation. By immunoelectron microscopy, neurotrypsin has been localized to presynaptic terminals, suggesting a local proteolytic function after its synaptic release. Here, we studied axonal trafficking and synaptic exocytosis of neurotrypsin by live imaging of hippocampal neurons expressing neurotrypsin fused with enhanced green fluorescent protein or its pH-sensitive variant, superecliptic pHluorin. In differentiated neurons, we identified neurotrypsin in mobile transport vesicles along axons and in both an intracellular and an extracellular pool at synapses. Short depolarization triggered rapid synaptic exocytosis of neurotrypsin. Once externalized, neurotrypsin lingered at its synaptic release site for several minutes before it disappeared. Cell depolarization also enhanced synaptic capture of intracellular neurotrypsin transport vesicles, and elevated synaptic activity increased both number and motility of mobile axonal neurotrypsin vesicles. We further observed trading of neurotrypsin vesicles between adjacent synapses. These activities may support the replenishment of neurotrypsin after activity-induced synaptic exocytosis. Together, the activity-dependent recruitment of neurotrypsin to synapses and its exocytosis and transient persistence at its synaptic release site argue for a spatially and temporally restricted proteolytic action at the synapse. Thereby, neurotrypsin may play a role in activity-dependent remodeling of the synaptic circuitry that is key to adaptive synaptic changes in the context of cognitive functions, such as learning and memory

    Bassoon and the Synaptic Ribbon Organize Ca2+ Channels and Vesicles to Add Release Sites and Promote Refilling

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    SummaryAt the presynaptic active zone, Ca2+ influx triggers fusion of synaptic vesicles. It is not well understood how Ca2+ channel clustering and synaptic vesicle docking are organized. Here, we studied structure and function of hair cell ribbon synapses following genetic disruption of the presynaptic scaffold protein Bassoon. Mutant synapses—mostly lacking the ribbon—showed a reduction in membrane-proximal vesicles, with ribbonless synapses affected more than ribbon-occupied synapses. Ca2+ channels were also fewer at mutant synapses and appeared in abnormally shaped clusters. Ribbon absence reduced Ca2+ channel numbers at mutant and wild-type synapses. Fast and sustained exocytosis was reduced, notwithstanding normal coupling of the remaining Ca2+ channels to exocytosis. In vitro recordings revealed a slight impairment of vesicle replenishment. Mechanistic modeling of the in vivo data independently supported morphological and functional in vitro findings. We conclude that Bassoon and the ribbon (1) create a large number of release sites by organizing Ca2+ channels and vesicles, and (2) promote vesicle replenishment

    Bassoon proteinopathy drives neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is characterized by inflammatory insults that drive neuroaxonal injury. However, knowledge about neuron-intrinsic responses to inflammation is limited. By leveraging neuron-specific messenger RNA profiling, we found that neuroinflammation leads to induction and toxic accumulation of the synaptic protein bassoon (Bsn) in the neuronal somata of mice and patients with MS. Neuronal overexpression of Bsn in flies resulted in reduction of lifespan, while genetic disruption of Bsn protected mice from inflammation-induced neuroaxonal injury. Notably, pharmacological proteasome activation boosted the clearance of accumulated Bsn and enhanced neuronal survival. Our study demonstrates that neuroinflammation initiates toxic protein accumulation in neuronal somata and advocates proteasome activation as a potential remedy