75 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT                 Bangkalan people are attached to Islamic culture. Their daily life is influenced by Islamic teachings and is evident in their social behavior, including in the arts and seeking solace. One of the consolations known in the community is to travel. Of course, Islamic travel and does not violate Islamic law. For the people of Bangkalan, the pilgrimage to the tombs, in addition to being one of the rituals believed to seek blessings, is also a place to tour. Therefore, the pilgrimage to the graves of scholars and community leaders in Bangkalan becomes a sight that can be seen every day. Religious tourism then developed into an opportunity in the development and improvement of people's welfare. Unfortunately, this has not yet become the focus of interest of the Bangkalan district government. Through building city branding as a religious tourism destination opens up opportunities for Bangkalan to compete with other regions in getting tourist visits. This study tries to identify the problem of tourism development and produce output in the form of religious tourism branding draft for Bangkalan district. The method used is observation and in-depth interviews. Although the results of this study indicate that the Bangkalan district is not ready to build a religious tourism brand, but the data obtained in the field shows that Bangkalan has a lot of religious tourism potential. The results of this study are expected to be input for the district government, scholars and tourism stakeholders. Further hope is to be able to help the Bangkalan district government to build city branding and create marketing communication concepts for their region as a part of decentralization strategy.Keywords: city branding, decentralization, tourism, religious, bangkalan ABSTRAK Masyarakat Bangkalan lekat dengan kultur Islam. Kehidupan keseharian mereka dipengaruhi ajaran Islam, termasuk dalam berkesenian dan mencari penghiburan. Salah satu penghiburan yang dikenal dalam masyarakat adalah melakukan perjalanan wisata. Tentu perjalanan wisata yang Islami dan tidak melanggar syariat Islam. Bagi masyarakat Bangkalan, ziarah ke makam, selain menjadi salah satu ritual yang dipercayai untuk mencari berkah, juga menjadi ajang berwisata. Karena itu, ziarah ke makam-makam ulama dan tokoh masyarakat di Bangkalan menjadi pemandangan yang bisa dilihat setiap harinya. Wisata religi kemudian berkembang menjadi satu peluang dalam pembangunan dan peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Sayangnya, hal ini belum menjadi focus of interest pemerintah kabupaten Bangkalan. Padahal membangun city branding sebagai destinasi wisata religi membuka kesempatan bagi Bangkalan untuk bersaing dengan wilayah lain dalam mendapatkan kunjungan wisatawan. Penelitian mengidentifikasi problema pembangunan wisata dan menghasilkan output berupa draft branding wisata religi untuk kabupaten Bangkalan. Metode yang digunakan adalah observasi dan wawancara mendalam. Meskipun hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kabupaten Bangkalan belum siap membangun brand wisata religi, tetapi data yang diperoleh di lapangan menunjukkan bahwa Bangkalan punya banyak potensi wisata religi. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi masukan bagi pemerintah kabupaten, ulama, dan stake holder pariwisata. Harapan lebih jauh adalah membantu pemerintah kabupaten Bangkalan membangun city branding dan membuat konsep komunikasi pemasaran bagi wilayahnya sebagai bagian dari strategi desentralisasi.Kata Kunci: city branding, desentralisasi, wisata, religi, bangkala

    Branding da cidade como conceito para o desenvolvimento do turismo regional

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    City Brand is an identity, symbol, logo, or merk of a particular city which has aimed to look for the specialty of certain city. The specialty of city is used as a society product to attract tourists, investors, residents, and talented people. Thus, the objectives of this study is try to determine the positioning and making the city branding in Bangkalan, East Java, Indonesia. The expected target is the improvement of society awareness toward tourism object and the renovation of tourism object in Bangkalan. Furthermore, this study is conducted for 3 years started with the collection of primary data. This primary data will be the material of analysis in the second year. The results of the previous analysis will be the basis for the implementation of the third-year study. In addition, this study is also used survey, field research, interview with some elements of society, investigate the real condition of tourist destination and tourism stakeholders in Bangkalan. Afterwards, the result of this study shows the lack of readiness from the government in mapping the area and the concept of tourism in Bangkalan. Moreover, the society awareness to maintain the security and comfort of tourism place are also an obstacle to create city branding in Bangkalan. But religious tourism can be developed as proper as the jargon of Bangkalan itself.City Brand es una identidad, símbolo, logotipo o imagen de una ciudad en particular cuyo objetivo es buscar la especialidad de cierta ciudad. La especialidad de la ciudad se utiliza como producto de la sociedad para atraer turistas, inversores, residentes y personas con talento. Por lo tanto, los objetivos de este estudio son tratar de determinar el posicionamiento y hacer la marca de la ciudad en Bangkalan, Java Oriental, Indonesia. El objetivo esperado es la mejora de la conciencia de la sociedad hacia el objeto turístico y la renovación del objeto turístico en Bangkalan. Además, este estudio se lleva a cabo durante 3 años comenzando con la recopilación de datos primarios. Estos datos primarios serán el material de análisis en el segundo año. Los resultados del análisis anterior serán la base para la implementación del estudio de tercer año. Además, este estudio también se utiliza encuesta, investigación de campo, entrevista con algunos elementos de la sociedad, investigar la condición real de los destinos turísticos y las partes interesadas del turismo en Bangkalan. Posteriormente, el resultado de este estudio muestra la falta de preparación del gobierno para mapear el área y el concepto de turismo en Bangkalan. Además, la conciencia de la sociedad para mantener la seguridad y la comodidad del lugar turístico también es un obstáculo para crear la marca de la ciudad en Bangkalan. Pero el turismo religioso puede desarrollarse tan propiamente como la jerga de Bangkalan.City Brand é uma identidade, símbolo, logotipo ou merk de uma determinada cidade que tem como objetivo procurar a especialidade de determinada cidade. A especialidade da cidade é usada como um produto da sociedade para atrair turistas, investidores, moradores e pessoas talentosas. Assim, os objetivos deste estudo são tentar determinar o posicionamento e fazer a marca da cidade em Bangkalan, East Java, Indonésia. A meta esperada é a melhoria da conscientização da sociedade em relação ao objeto turístico e a renovação do objeto turístico em Bangkalan. Além disso, este estudo é realizado por 3 anos começou com a coleta de dados primários. Estes dados primários serão o material de análise no segundo ano. Os resultados da análise anterior serão a base para a implementação do estudo do terceiro ano. Além disso, este estudo também é usado pesquisa, pesquisa de campo, entrevista com alguns elementos da sociedade, investigar a condição real do destino turístico e as partes interessadas do turismo em Bangkalan. Posteriormente, o resultado deste estudo mostra a falta de prontidão do governo em mapear a área e o conceito de turismo em Bangkalan. Além disso, a conscientização da sociedade para manter a segurança e o conforto do turismo é também um obstáculo para a criação de marcas urbanas em Bangkalan. Mas o turismo religioso pode ser desenvolvido como o jargão da própria Bangkalan

    Accessibility of Persons with Disabilities in Religion Tourism Destinations in Bangkalan District

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    It is the right of everyone to travel, to all tourist destinations, including religious tourism. Likewise, with persons with disabilities who have physical limitations, their right to obtain public facilities is protected under Indonesian law. However, awareness to build public facilities that are disabled-friendly is not yet the awareness of all parties. As a regency city that has many religious tourism destinations, ideally, Bangkalan also provides facilities for people with disabilities. Moreover, although not all, many of the tourist destinations are always provided with places of worship (in this case the mosque). Persons with disabilities are also entitled to worship in places of public worship. Unfortunately, almost all religious tourism destinations and mosques in Bangkalan are not equipped with this facility. This study tries to identify what facilities are not provided in religious tourism destinations and places of worship in the Bangkalan district. Data collected using survey methods. The results of this study are expected to be input for the Bangkalan district government to develop their area into a disability-friendly area. Keywords: disability, destination, religious touris

    Perancangan Filter Bandpass dengan Teknik Penggabungan Filter Lowpass dan Highpass

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    UWB technology started to become an attraction in the field of research since the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allowing this communication is used for commercial communications at a frequency (3.1 GHz - 10.6 GHz). UWB has a very wide frequency range so that in practice there is often interference due to signal interference. Therefore in UWB system filter design is required to maintain UWB device. In telecommunications, filter is a transmission device that has the function to pass the desired frequency. In this paper designed bandpass filter which is applied for UWB technology. The designed bandpass filter is a combination of a lowpass filter (LPF) and a highpass filter (HPF). The lowpass filter has the characteristic of passing a frequency lower than its cut-off frequency. The highpass filter has the characteristic passing a frequency higher than its cut-off frequency. Considering the characteristics of both filters, the bandpass filter (BPF) is a combination of lowpass and highpass filters. In this research designed lowpass filter in microstrip technology with step impedance method, that is by combining high impedance microstrip and low impedance microstrip with a certain length. As for designing HPF using the distribution method of short circuit stubs by adding via ground on each stub. The design of this filter uses Roger substrate RT 5880 with dielectric constant εr = 2,2 with thickness (h) = 0.508 mm. In this research it can be concluded that bandpass filter can be designed with lowpass and highpass filter incorporation method, although at the merging of highpass and lowpass structures is disturbed by each other, but overall design shows matching bandpass

    Revealing Dengue Risk Factors in Cilacap Regency, Central Java

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    Dengue virus (DENV) infection is still an important health problem in Indonesia, it is important to identify the specific risk factors in an area. The aims of this study is to analyze the risk factors for DENV infection from various variables such as mobility, preventive behavior, house conditions, occupancy density and the presence of mosquito larvae. This is a case control design, involves 64 cases and 64 control in Cilacap Regency, Central Java. Variables this study were mobility, practice of dengue prevention, ventilation area, occupancy density and presence of mosquito larvae. Data collection was carried out by questionnaire, observation and epidemiology investigation form. Results of this study showed that the existence of Aedes sp larvae and dengue prevention practice as significant factors contributed to the DENV infection in the research area.  This research highlighted the importance of dengue prevention and control and  human practice as a common denominator to minimize the risk of contracting dengue

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Pada Kelas IV Di SD Muhammadiyah 10 Tipes Surakarta Tahun Pelajaran 2014/2015

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mendeskripsikan apakah terdapat pengaruh dan seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan model pembelajaran problem based learning terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada kelas IV di SD Muhammadiyah 10 Tipes Surakarta tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Variabel bebas (X) adalah model pembelajaran problem based learning dan variabel (Y) adalah motivasi belajar. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah tes, angket, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji F, uji r2, dan uji t. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan persamaan garis regresi Y= 54,9+0,23X. Nilai thitung = 2,29 > ttabel =1,70 (2,29 > 1,70). Nilai F hitung = 4,44 > F tabel = 4,17 (4,44 > 4,17) dengan taraf signifikansi 5 %, sehingga H0 ditolak. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah Ada pengaruh pada penggunaan model pembelajaran problem based learning terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pada kelas IV di SD Muhammadiyah 10 Tipes Surakarta tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Dan model pembelajaran problem based learning memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap motivasi belajar siswa kelas IV di SD Muhammadiyah 10 Tipes Surakarta tahun pelajaran 2014/2015 sebesar 13 %

    Analysis of Empowerment Program that was Implemented in Mamuju Regency East Sulawesi Indonesia

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    Community Development National Program is one of empowerment policy in Indonesia. One strategy of the policy is health and education. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the implementation of the National Program for Community Empowerment, especially in Healthy and Education Mamuju. This research is a qualitative descriptive which aims to obtain a clear picture of the policy implementation in Mamuju. Data collection techniques in research using interview, observation and documentation. The researcher using the interactive model technique in data analysis. The results of this study indicated that the program already could be quite good such as; 1) Local authorities, district and village levels as offender conducted communication by transparent, open, and consistent. However, the beneficiaries did not really understand the details of the program itself. 2) Human resources, information, and finance for program implementation was adequate. However, the facilities were still inadequate 3) Disposition between the parties involved was good enough 4) the bureaucratic structure of the program has been running well and in accordance with the operational standard as well as responsibilities

    Language Learning Strategies Based On Gender

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    Gender as an individual characteristic has been proved to affect the use of strategies in learning a foreign language but how gender affects the use of strategies in learning a local language where the people in the community speak a national language is not explored yet.   Some studies show that female students employed language learning strategies more often than male students (Oxford & Nyikos, 1989; Awang Hashim & Syed Sahil, 1994;  Green and Oxford, 1995; Dreyer & Oxford, 1999). The present study was aimed to identify how gender affects the use of strategies in learning a local language in the environment where people in the country have a national language. A Non–probability sampling was used to collect data. With the Cronbach Alphas ranging from .79 to 82, mean scores of the use of language learning strategies the male and female students reported using were compared. In the present study it was found that metacognitive strategies were the strategies mostly used by female students and cognitive strategeis were the strategies mostly used by male students. This means that male students are likely to be more dependent on memorization than female students. Cognitive strategies which are characterized at least with memorization or rote learning in the present study tend to be used by male students


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    The anguillid eel is a catadromous eel capable of inhabiting freshwater growth habitat and seawater spawning habitat throughout their life cycle. At the juvenile to mature stage, they inhabit freshwater then migrate to marine water to spawn. Changes in salinity, which is one of the stressful environmental factors for the eel, affect their physiological condition by increasing the leukocytes number. This increase is an adaptation method to improve their immune system as a response to salinity change. This study intended to evaluate the leukocyte differential of anguillid eel (Anguilla bicolor McClelland) exposed to various salinities. This research applied a Completely Randomized Design. The treatment was three levels of saline media including 4 ppt, 15 ppt, and 30 ppt with five replicates. The independent variable was the different salinity, and the dependent variable was the leukocyte differential. The parameters measured consisted of the different percentage of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, and eosinophils in which the measurements administered after two months of the eel exposure. We analyzed the data with ANOVA at the confidence level of 95%. The results showed that exposure of salinity significantly affected the percentage of leukocyte differential (P < 0.05). The increase in salinity decreased the neutrophils and monocytes, but increased the lymphocytes, and showed no effect on eosinophils


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    The objective of this research was to produce Warahan textbook through multi-literacy model and to describe its feasibility. This study used cycle form method. The research procedure was conducted in three stages: pre-cycle, cycle I and cycle II. The result of this research was Warahan textbook through multi-literacy model for tenth grade students of senior high school, and it got content feasibility value 75% with proper category, language feasibility value 75% with proper category, score presentation feasibility value 69.4% with proper category, and graphic feasibility value 72.7% with proper category. Furthermore, textbook feasibility test by practitioner got mean 88.45% with proper category. Product try-out in class got mean 87.1% with proper category. Moreover, based on feasibility questionnaire distributed, it could be concluded that Warahan textbook through multi-literacy model was proper to use as teaching material for tenth grade students of senior high school.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk buku teks warahan melalui model multiliterasi dan  mendeskripsikan kelayakannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dalam bentuk siklus. Prosedur penelitian dilaksanakan dengan tiga tahap yakni Pra siklus, siklus I, dan siklus II. Hasil penelitian ini adalah buku teks warahan melalui model multiliterasi untuk siswa kelas X SMA dan menemperoleh penilaian kelayakan isi dengan persentase 75% dengan kategori layak, kelayakan bahasa memperoleh nilai 75% dengan kategori layak, kelayakan penyajian nilai 69,4% dengan kategori layak, dan kelayakan kegrafikan dengan nilai 72,7% dengan kategori layak. Uji kelayakan buku teks oleh praktisi, mendapat nilai rata-rata  88,45% dengan kategori layak. Uji coba produk pada kelas mendapat nilai rata-rata 87,1% dengan kategori layak. Berdasarkan angket uji kelayakan yang telah dilakukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa buku teks warahan melalui model multiliterasi layak untuk digunakan sebagai bahan ajar untuk siswa kelas X SMA.Kata Kunci: Buku Teks, Model Multiliterasi dan Waraha