215 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Gerher, Famy (Portland, Cumberland County)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki pengaruh masase terhadap penurunan denyut nadi member di fitnes center urban gym. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Urban Gym salah satu fitnes center di kota Bandung. Penelitian ini dianggap penting karena masase merupakan salah satu cara untuk memanipulasi laju penurunan denyut nadi agar proses pemulihan berlangsung cepat dan tidak memerlukan waktu yang lama sehingga denyut nadi kembali dalam kondisi normal. mengingat masase suatu komponen yang dapat membantu proses pemulihan dan pelemasan otot agar tidak terjadi musclebounce (penggumpalan otot). Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode eksperimen. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah member pria usia produktif fitnes Urban Gym kota Bandung sejumlah 20 orang yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen tes dan pengukuran secara langsung kepada setiap responden. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa kelompok yang mendapatkan perlakuan masase mempunyai denyut nadi istirahat yang lebih kecil yaitu sebesar 60 sampai 68 denyut per menit. Hasil pengujian secara statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara kelompok yang mendapatkan perlakuan masase dengan kelompok yang tidak mendapatkan perlakuan massage. Pemberian masase akan memperlancar aliran darah, merilekskan otot, dan merangsang sistem kerja tubuh, sehingga ketegangan tubuh akan berkurang, kerja organ-organ akan kembali normal. Keadaan ini akan menyebabkan ketegangan otot akan menurun selain itu dengan pemberian masase secara keseluruhan memberikan hasil penurunan denyut nadi yang signifikan. ;---This study aimed to investigate the effect of massage to decrease the pulse members in urban fitness center gym. This study was conducted in one of the Urban Gym Fitness center in the city of Bandung. This study is important because massage is one way to manipulate the rate of decline of the pulse so that the recovery process is rapid and does not require a long time so that the pulse back under normal conditions. given massage is a component that can help the process of recovery and muscle relaxation to avoid musclebounce (clotting muscle). The method used is the experimental method. The sample in this research is the male member of childbearing age Urban Gym Gym Bandung some 20 people were divided into two groups. Collecting data using test and measurement instruments directly to each respondent. The result showed that the group receiving massage treatment have resting pulse rate is smaller in the amount of 60 to 68 beats per minute. The test results indicate that there are statistically significant effect between the group receiving massage treatment with the group that did not receive massage treatment. Giving massage will increase blood flow, relaxes muscles and stimulates the body's systems work, so that the body tension will be reduced, working organs will return to normal. This situation will cause muscle tension will decrease in addition to the provision of massage overall results significantly decreased pulse rate


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    The higher the stock price, the financial condition of the company will look more stable and stronger, while when the stock price of a company decreases, the financial condition of the company will look unstable and weaker. The purpose of this study is to investigate how significant the influence of inflation, interest rates and exchange rates on stock prices on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The population taken from industrial and chemical manufacturing companies in the 2015-2019 period was 74 companies. The sample collection technique uses the Purposive Sampling method. The sample used in this study was 18 companies. The results of the study using the t test showed that partially inflation positively did not have a significant effect on stock prices while interest rates negatively and exchange rates positively did have a significant effect on stock price and using the f test showed that simultaneously inflation, interest rates and exchange rates positively did have a significant effect on prices stoc

    Design and Build a Web-based Management Information System at CV Sanjaya Abadi Baru

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    Competition in running a business at this time is tight, companies that do not utilize technology will be left behind from their competitors. Therefore, it is necessary to implement technology such as the System Information Management into the company’s business processes. This research was conducted at one of the developing companies in city of Batam named “CV. Sanjaya Abadi Baru”. In this research, the author uses research method called Agile Scrum, this research method is a popular method to manage application development project and helps in building application quickly, this method uses Backlog as a list of features that need to be implemented, Sprint as a time cycle rule in working on a task and the Daily Scrum to update the work process on daily basis. Author also includes diagram design, detailed design, implementation result, and system testing. The conclusion result from this research is that the system information management built for CV. Sanjaya Abadi Baru is proven to be more effective and efficient than the old company system in the company's business processes to store, process data and obtain information that influences decision making within the company and helps prospective customers to get the information needed more quickly, precisely and accurately

    Pengaruh Faktor Kepribadian terhadap Toleransi Risiko Keputusan Investasi Saham

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    Saham merupakan salah satu instrumen investasi terpopuler yang tergolong dalam instrumen aset berisiko tinggi. Toleransi risiko menjadi salah satu faktor penting yang menjadi pertimbangan investor dalam menentukan preferensi investasinya pada saham. Toleransi risiko terdiri dari berbagai macam aspek, termasuk diantaranya adalah karakteristik kepribadian investor. Penelitian terdahulu membuktikan bahwa karakteristik kepribadian individu memiliki pengaruh terhadap pengeluaran, pengelolaan investasi, dan toleransi risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh karakteristik kepribadian terhadap toleransi risiko keputusan investasi saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang berasal dari 83 sampel penelitian yang merupakan investor aset keuangan di Surabaya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa karakteristik kepribadian tidak mempengaruhi toleransi risiko investor, namun toleransi risiko memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan investasi saham

    Pengaruh Faktor Kepribadian Terhadap Toleransi Risiko Keputusan Investasi Saham

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    Saham merupakan salah satu instrumen investasi terpopuler yang tergolong dalam instrumen aset berisiko tinggi. Toleransi risiko menjadi salah satu faktor penting yang menjadi pertimbangan investor dalam menentukan preferensi investasinya pada saham. Toleransi risiko terdiri dari berbagai macam aspek, termasuk diantaranya adalah karakteristik kepribadian investor. Penelitian terdahulu membuktikan bahwa karakteristik kepribadian individu memiliki pengaruh terhadap pengeluaran, pengelolaan investasi, dan toleransi risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh karakteristik kepribadian terhadap toleransi risiko keputusan investasi saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang berasal dari 83 sampel penelitian yang merupakan investor aset keuangan di Surabaya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa karakteristik kepribadian tidak mempengaruhi toleransi risiko investor, namun toleransi risiko memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan investasi saham. ================================================================================================================== Stock is one of the most popular investment instruments classified as high-risk asset. Risk tolerance becomes one of the important factors to be considered by the investors in determining their investment preferences at stock. Risk tolerance consists of various aspects, including the investor’s personality traits. Prior research has proven that the individual personality traits have an influence on spending, investment management, and risk tolerance. This study aims to prove the influence of personality traits on risk tolerance of the stock investment decisions. This study uses primary data derived from the 83 sample which is the investor of financial assets in Surabaya. Data analysis techniques that used in this study is the linear regression analysis. The result of this study is that personality traits did not affect investor risk tolerance, but risk tolerance has an influence on stock investment decisions

    Les termes d'échange entre blocs et fractures dans les simulateurs de réservoirs fracturés

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    La modélisation des écoulements en réservoir fracturé s’appuie généralement sur une représentation dite double-milieu. La fiabilité du calcul des transferts matrice-fissure est alors essentielle pour les prévisions de production. A l’échelle de la maille d’un simulateur double-milieu, ces transferts sont formulés en supposant un écoulement pseudo-permanent entre un bloc matriciel représentatif, non discrétisé, d’une part, et le réseau de fissures limitrophes homogénéisé d’autre part. Si elle peut suffire à estimer les échanges monophasiques, une telle formulation se révèle par contre inadaptée à la prévision des mécanismes de production polyphasiques. Cette thèse revisite une méthode de sous-maillage des blocs matriciels et l’optimise en vue de la rendre opérationnelle et intégrable aux simulateurs double-milieu tels qu’utilisés à ce jour par l’industrie pétrolière. Sur le plan théorique, un modèle mixte a été construit en couplant le modèle d’écoulement de fracture à grande échelle à un modèle d’écoulement à l’échelle locale du bloc matriciel désormais discrétisé et non plus comme un simple terme-source. Sur le plan pratique, la mise en œuvre de ce modèle mixte a comporté trois étapes principales, (a) la définition d’une méthode générale de discrétisation du bloc matrice réalisant le meilleur compromis entre caractère prédictif et coût de calcul, (b) la transcription numérique du couplage entre d’une part, le modèle double-milieu tel qu’utilisé actuellement et d’autre part, un modèle d’écoulement diphasique au sein du bloc matriciel maillé, (c) la validation des formules de couplage et des méthodes de résolution pour divers cas d’application qui mettent également en évidence l’impact de certaines hypothèses de travail. Le modèle mixte proposé offre de réelles et décisives perspectives d’amélioration des simulateurs double milieu de l’industrie. ABSTRACT : Flow modelling in fractured reservoirs is generally based upon a dual-medium representation. The reliability of matrix-fracture transfers calculation is then essential for production forecasts. At the scale of the dual-medium simulator cell, these transfers are formulated assuming a pseudo-steady-state flow between a representative, non-gridded matrix block and the homogenized adjacent fracture network. If such a formula is satisfactory to estimate single-phase exchanges, it is on the contrary inadequate for the prediction of multi-phase production mechanisms. This PhD thesis reconsiders a matrix block sub-gridding method and optimizes it in order to make it efficient and applicable in dual-medium simulators as used to date by the oil industry. On a theoretical aspect, a mixed model was built by coupling the large-scale fracture flow model and a local-scale flow model of the matrix block that is now discretized and no more treated as a simple source term. On a practical aspect, the implementation of this mixed model followed three main steps: (a) the definition of a general matrix-block discretizing method that ensures the best compromise between physical predictability and computing cost, (b) the numerical transcription of the coupling between the dual-medium model as used to date and a two-phase flow model of the sub-gridded matrix block, (c) the validation of the coupling formulas and of resolution methods for different application cases showing also the impact of some working assumptions. The proposed mixed model offers real and decisive perspectives for improving the dual-medium simulators of the industry

    The application of renewable energy to social housing : feasibility study

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar desde el punto de vista técnico y económico, la integración de instalaciones de energías renovables en el diseño, en la infraestructura y en el equipamiento de viviendas sociales, usando también conceptos de eficiencia energética, lo que permitirá mejorar la calidad de vida de sus usuarios, logrando menor consumo de energía y un menor costo energético. Las viviendas sociales proporcionan una oportunidad única para implementar proyectos de instalaciones de Energías Renovables con el fin de propiciar las condiciones económicas, sociales y tecnológicas que permita a la comunidad generar parte de la energía que consume y mejorar la calidad de vida de los usuarios. Si en cualquier proyecto, los requisitos y restricciones deben estar perfectamente identificadas para lograr el éxito del mismo, en proyectos para este tipo de viviendas low-cost, alcanza un valor especial esta identificación. Una vez analizada la disponibilidad de recursos se deberán definir las instalaciones a implementar solar, minieólica o biomasa, y si resulta mejor realizar las instalaciones de manera individualizada, por vivienda, o en conjunto. Finalmente, el análisis económico resulta crucial, ya que será un factor determinante el presupuesto de inversión, debido a la características de las viviendasEscuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería IndustrialUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    Pengaruh Faktor Kepribadian terhadap Toleransi Risiko Keputusan Investasi Saham

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    Saham merupakan salah satu instrumen investasi terpopuler yang tergolong dalam instrumen aset berisiko tinggi. Toleransi risiko menjadi salah satu faktor penting yang menjadi pertimbangan investor dalam menentukan preferensi investasinya pada saham. Toleransi risiko terdiri dari berbagai macam aspek, termasuk diantaranya adalah karakteristik kepribadian investor. Penelitian terdahulu membuktikan bahwa karakteristik kepribadian individu memiliki pengaruh terhadap pengeluaran, pengelolaan investasi, dan toleransi risiko. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan pengaruh karakteristik kepribadian terhadap toleransi risiko keputusan investasi saham. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang berasal dari 83 sampel penelitian yang merupakan investor aset keuangan di Surabaya. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis regresi linier. Hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa karakteristik kepribadian tidak mempengaruhi toleransi risiko investor, namun toleransi risiko memiliki pengaruh terhadap keputusan investasi saham

    Biological Studies on Alcohol-Induced Neuronal Damage

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    Alcohol is a well-known cytotoxic agent which causes various kinds of neuronal damage. In spite of thousands of published studies, the true mechanism of alcohol-induced neuronal damage remains unclear. Neurogenesis is the generation of neurons from neural stem cells (NSCs) and occurs in predominantly two regions of the brain, the subventricular zone and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. NSCs are the self-renewing, multipotent precursor cells of neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system. Recent studies have begun to illuminate the role of neurogenesis in the biological and cellular basis of psychiatric disorders and several clinical symptoms seen in alcoholism such as depression, cognitive impairment, underlying stress and brain atrophy have been linked to impaired neurogenesis. Heavy alcohol consumption decreases neurogenesis in animals, while in vitro studies have shown decreased generation of new neurons after alcohol exposure. These findings suggest that decreased neurogenesis is important in the pathophysiology of alcoholism. Neurogenesis can be divided into four stages; proliferation, migration, differentiation and survival. Our in vitro studies on NSCs showed that alcohol decreased neuronal differentiation at doses lower than those that affected cell survival and suggested that neuron-restrictive silencer factor, or repressor element-1 silencing transcription factor (NRSF/REST) could be involved in alcohol-induced inhibition of neuronal differentiation. In an animal model of fetal alcohol effects behavioral symptoms improved after NSC transplantation. Neurogenesis could be the target for new strategies to treat alcohol related disorders
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