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    255 research outputs found

    Web-Based Online Queuing Information System at the Lendang Nangka Health Center

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    The online queuing system is a system that can make it easier for users through the administration process at the Lendang Nangka health center. However, the system implemented at the health center is still done manually, such as patients coming directly to the health center to register, and officers taking notes, and taking queues. So, this takes a long time and makes the dating patient feel bored and bored. The purpose of this study is to create a web-based online queuing system, system feasibility tester, user response and performance of this system. The model used for this study is ADDIE with five stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques use questionnaires given to system experts and users. Meanwhile, the data analysis is used descriptively and uses the GT Metrix tool to see the efficiency of the system that has been created. Our findings are in the form of a web-based online queue information system that can facilitate the administrative process at this health center. In addition, this system is also categorized as very feasible and has a very high response. This system also includes grade A, where the performance result is 90%, and the structure are 90%. So that the system can help make it easier for patients, staff, and doctors in the administrative process at this health center

    The Selection of the Best Water Attractions Using the SMART Method in Pematang Siantar

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    Di Pematangsiantar objek wisata air tempat rekreasi bermain air yang menjadi perhatian dan daya tarik pengunjung, Tempat rekreasi ini terletak di beberapa daerah kecamatan kota Pematangsiantar. Keunggulan dari setiap tempat objek wisata air tersebut memiliki perbedaan, mulai dari fasilitas, keamanan, jarak, kebersihan dan biaya harga tiket. Berdasarkan perbedaan ini, maka ini dijadikan sebagai bahan dasar dibuat menjadi alternatif untuk mencari informasi tentang kawasan objek wisata air. Dengan tujuan agar penelitian ini dapat memberikan keputusan terbaik bagi pengunjung nantinya untuk dapat mengetahui informasi tentang tempat objek wisata air yang layak dikunjungi. Ada 11 tempat objek wisata air yang diambil untuk bahan yang dijadikan sebagai alternatif salah satunya adalah Water Park Bahsorma, Water Park siantar, Water Park Martoba, Water Park Marihat, dan Water Park Indah Karangsari. Dimana pengambilan pendukung keputusan terbaik dihitung menggunakan metode SMART (Simple Multi Attribute Rating Technique), Hasil perhitungan pengambilan keputusan yang terbaik adalah sebagai rekomendasi wahana tempat  objek wisata air yang akan dikunjungi dengan menerapkan metode SMART,  maka hasil yang diperoleh adalah alternatif Water Park Siantar Matoba dengan nilai 0,25 sebagai Alternatif terbaik pada urutan pertama, sedangkan objek wisata air Water Park Bahsorma dengan nilai 0,23 merupakan alternatif yang berada pada urutan kedua sebagai rekomendasi objek wisata air yang paling banyak dikunjungi oleh wisatawan local maupun luar daerah kota Pematangsiantar

    Red Onion Customer Relationship Management System Business Process Design Using BPR LC Method

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    Customer Relationship Management merupakan sistem yang membantu proses bisnis dalam mengelola hubungan antara perusahaan atau organisasi dengan pelanggan. Akan tetapi Customer Relationship (CRM) jarang ditemui dalam sektor pertanian, terutama pada pertanian bawang merah di Jawa Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merekayasa ulang dan memperbarui proses bisnis yang sedang berjalan guna memperbaiki permasalahan tersebut dengan menggunakan teknologi Machine Learning dan memodelkan proses bisnis dengan Business Procces Modeling Notation (BPMN). Untuk memperlancar tujuan penelitan, penelitian ini menggunakan metode Business Process Reengineering Life Cycle untuk menghasilkan CRM bawang merah. Pada penelitian ini menghasilkan sebuah temuan yaitu proses bisnis yang baru dengan menyertakan teknologi Machine Learning yang ditampung pada aplikasi cluster petani yang telah digambarkan pada BPMN, hal tersebut dilakukan agar menunjang kekurangan dalam kegiatan petani agar lebih menjadi efisien dan optimal serta mendapatkan hasil panen yang diinginkan

    Design and Development an e-Lapor Application to Support Public Complaint Services in Tunjungtirto Village

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    The process of public complaints is carried out in a structured manner starting from the central government level to the village government level. In practice, the problem in the public complaint process is when the community as the service user is dissatisfied with the services provided because the complaints submitted are not properly managed or responded to by the complaint officer. The business process for public complaint services in Tunjungtirto village is still carried out conventionally, where people who wish to submit complaints must go to the Village Consultative Body (BPD) office and fill in complaints or aspirations in the community aspirations data book. This is prone to conditions where public complaints are not followed up because they are not properly recorded. This study aims to build a website-based information system with features for complaints, aspirations, and requests for information. The system development method used in this study is the waterfall method where the method is sequential-based software development. The results of application development will be tested at the Tunjungtirto Village BPD office. Based on black box testing, the test results are obtained with a maximum score of 2 for each feature. This shows that in terms of functionality, the application is running according to its purpose. The existence of main features such as displaying complaint data and automatic notifications on the application can assist village officials in managing community complaints and responding to and following up on complaints to the service or escalating complaints to the local government so that community complaints can be managed properly

    Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis On FLIP Application Reviews (Play Store) Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) Algorithm

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    The development of fintech has driven the rapid growth of e-wallets like Flip, offering a convenient solution for interbank transfers without administrative fees. User reviews on the Play Store serve as crucial feedback for understanding the user experience. This research utilizes aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) in combination with the SVM method to detect opinions, perceptions, and reviews pertaining to Flip's speed, security, and cost aspects. The objective is to provide valuable insights to both users and companies regarding their experiences with Flip in conducting financial transactions. The study employs a dataset comprising 13,500 preprocessed and cleansed data points, followed by TF-IDF vectorization. The data is divided into training and testing sets, utilizing techniques such as the train-test split and K-Fold Cross Validation to assess model performance. GridSearch analysis reveals that specific parameter combinations, notably C=1.0 and test_size=0.1, yield high accuracy across all aspects, with the linear kernel displaying the highest overall accuracy. Model evaluation is conducted using the confusion matrix and classification report, presenting accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-scores for each aspect. Notably, the Support Vector Machine model performs well, particularly in the speed, security, and cost aspects, where the cost aspect demonstrates exceptionally strong results. In summary, this study employs ABSA to analyze Flip application reviews, with the Support Vector Machine model showcasing impressive performance across various aspects, providing valuable insights for users and companies engaging with Flip's financial transaction services.Keywords: aspect-based sentiment analysis, support vector machine, reviews, Fli

    E-Culture Design in Batubara District by Implementing Web-Based Crowdsourcing Methods

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    The development of technology today is very rapid and makes it easier for humans to access various information that they want to know by using technology in the form of the internet. E-Cultural is a cultural digitization system that utilizes internet technology to increase efficiency in the field of culture, especially in terms of documentation, dissemination of information as well as knowledge of elements of culture. At this time, web-based information regarding tourism and culture of Batubara Regency is not yet available, the public can only introduce it through social media such as Facebook, Instagram and other media. Lack of legal media at the Batu Bara District Youth, Sports and Culture Service and Tourism to promote tourism and culture in the Batubara District. This prompted the author to create a legal system so that the Batubara Regency Cultural Sports Youth Service can promote tourism and culture by involving the global community. Therefore, this research uses the crowdsourcing method, namely that there is unlimited involvement and regardless of background for everyone who wants to make a contribution, whether paid or free. In the system that I will create, the global community can play a role in updating data or information on the website as well as using the waterfall development method, namely analysis, design, implementation and testing. The results of the development of E-Culture in Batubara Regency using the crowdsourcing method have had a good impact, by making it easier for the local community to promote culture and tourism in their are

    Machine Learning Model for Language Classification: Bag-of-words and Multilayer Perceptron

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    The availability of data today has become a great asset for research that is used for various purposes such as for machine learning. One of the basic machine learning methods for natural language processing is bag-of-words. The problem in this study is the difficulty in classifying texts because texts still have unstructured characteristics, so this study will apply a model to classify the language of texts. Texts will be placed in four categories, English, Indonesian, German and French. Research was conducted using Bag-of-words and Multilayer Perceptron to solve this supervised machine learning problem. The use of Bag-of-words to perform text representation for simple patterns, easy processing and good performance. On the other hand, a multilayer perceptron has the ability to study complex data patterns in the form of images, text or videos. This study will collect data using text mining techniques, namely crawling Twitter social media as many as 4000 data records. This study produces a model with an accuracy of 98 percent with a loss of 0.14 percent which shows good model performance in classifying languages based on text data

    The Effectiveness Of OpenCV Based Face Detection In Low-Light Environments

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    A face detection experiment based on OpenCV is a technology used to identify and find human faces in digital images or videos. This technology uses algorithms and image processing techniques to analyze the pixels in an image or video frame and determine if they contain a human face. The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of OpenCV-based face detection using the Viola-Jones algorithm with low-intensity brightness environmental conditions. The research was conducted with light intensity levels of 10 Lux, 30 Lux, and 50 Lux and was carried out using the camera on the ASUS TUF DASH 15 FX517ZC laptop. Data in evaluation using evaluation metrics containing the formula recall, precision, F-Score, and accuracy. The results of the study showed that experiments with higher light intensities up to 50 Lux showed the best level of efficiency according to the accuracy values (99.2%), f-score(0.996), and recall (0.993), so the system is best done with a brightness of 50 Lux. Face detection is affected by the camera that used, in addition, rotation of face is important for the system to detect faces, despite video recording in high light intensity environment

    Simulation of Active Sallen Key Notch Filter Circuit Using Circuit Wizard and Its Real Testing

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    An electronic circuit that functions to block or hold signals with intermediate frequencies (median) and will forward signals between low frequencies and high frequencies is the definition of a Notch Filter. The Band Stop Filter, also often referred to as the Notch Filter, is a combination of a Low Pass Filter and a High Pass Filter connected in parallel. This connection differs from the Band Pass Filter, which connects the Low Pass Filter and High Pass Filter in series. This study aims to discuss the simulation of the Sallen-key notch filter Circuit. The author also conducts real simulations to prove the Circuit by changing or adjusting the value of the components installed in the Circuit so that the frequency response is according to the target. The purpose and role of the Sallen-key notch filter and the working principle of the theory of each filter used. The research method used in the research work is to carry out virtual simulations using virtual simulators and live simulation

    Propagation Model for Mobile Communication 2100 Mhz in Tampan Pekanbaru City

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    Dalam  merancang sebuah jaringan komunikasi hal yang harus diperhatikan adalah model propagasi yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan daerah yang akan dilakukan perancangan jaringan komunikasi. Sinyal mempunyai mekanisme tersendiri dari pemancar dan diterima oleh user, maka dibutuhkan model propagasi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik daerah. Seperti daerah Kota Pekanbaru tepatnya di Kecamatan Tampan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model propagasi komunikasi bergerak 2100 MHz yang sesuai dengan karakteristik Kecamatan Tampan. Metode yang digunakan adalah drive test dibantu dengan aplikasi G-Net Track Pro. Berdasarkan perhitungan dan simulasi yang dilakukan di dapatkan persamaan model loss propagasi yaitu linear : Y = 1.1*x + 67, persamaan kuadratik : Y = -0.28*x2  + 1.9*x + 67, persamaan kubik : Y = -0.8*x3 + 3.3*x2 – 2*x+67


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