Universitas Putera Batam (UPB): Open Journal Systems
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      Adolescents are among the most widely associated with technological development. Adolescence becomes a time when a person who is on a violent rampage searches for their identity and their experiences. It also leads to where many teenagers easily follow things done by others such as forming a good self-image, they want to be admired, they want to gain recognition by the public, and they want to show their existence through the experiences they feel. It's the same with the 17 Batam Negeri High School students who have an Instagram account. For some students, not only using Instagram as a medium to share information and communications, but also making Instagram a place to share experiences and a place to complain. There is even one student who has 2 Instagram accounts. The purpose of this study is to analyze and know the experiences, shapes, patterns, activities, and how Frontstage and Backstage users second account on 17 Batam State High School students. This study uses qualitative methods with phenomenological approaches, which are based on a person's subjective or phenomenological experience and use Dramatic analysis (as a theory). The results of this study are how communication experiences, forms and patterns of communication, communication activities, as well as Front stage and Back stage on users of 17 Batam State High School students' seccond accounts.Remaja adalah salah satu yang paling banyak dikaitkan dengan perkembangan teknologi. Masa remaja menjadi masa manakala seseorang yang mengamuk dengan kekerasan mencari identitas dan pengalaman mereka. Hal ini juga mengarah ke di mana banyak remaja dengan mudah mengikuti hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh orang lain seperti membentuk citra diri yang baik, mereka ingin dikagumi, mereka ingin mendapatkan pengakuan oleh masyarakat, dan mereka ingin menunjukkan keberadaan mereka melalui pengalaman yang mereka rasakan. Sama halnya dengan siswa SMA Negeri 17 Batam yang memiliki akun Instagram. Bagi sebagian mahasiswa, tidak hanya menggunakan Instagram sebagai media berbagi informasi dan komunikasi, tetapi juga menjadikan Instagram sebagai tempat berbagi pengalaman dan tempat mengadu. Bahkan ada satu mahasiswa yang memiliki 2 akun Instagram. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui pengalaman, bentuk, pola, kegiatan, dan bagaimana pengguna Frontstage dan Backstage akun kedua pada siswa SMA Negeri 17 Batam. Studi ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologis, yang didasarkan pada pengalaman subjektif atau fenomenologis seseorang dan menggunakan analisis dramatis (sebagai teori). Hasil penelitian ini adalah bagaimana pengalaman komunikasi, bentuk dan pola komunikasi, kegiatan komunikasi, serta Front stage dan Back stage pada pengguna second account pada siswa SMA Negeri 17 Bata

    Pengaruh Iklim Komunikasi Organisasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Di PT. Flextronics Batam

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    The role of human resources (HR) is one of the most important resources in an organization. Many workactivities in the work environment experience problems which can result in a lack of coordination in organizinginformation or messages and tasks which are the needs of every employee, from superiors to subordinates,which sometimes do not work effectively. Situations like this affect employee performance at PT FlextronicsBatam. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of the organizational communication climateon employee performance at PT Flextronics Batam and how much influence the organizational communicationclimate has on employee performance at PT Flextronics Batam. This research method uses a quantitativeapproach with data collection techniques through questionnaires. The results of this research show that 58,7%of the employee performance variable will be influenced by the independent variable, namely CommunicationOrganizational Climate. Meanwhile, the remaining 41,3% of employee performance variables will be influencedby other variables not discussed in this research.The role of human resources (HR) is one of the most important resources in an organization. Many work activities in the work environment experience problems which can result in a lack of coordination in organizing information or messages and tasks which are the needs of every employee, from superiors to subordinates, which sometimes do not work effectively. Situations like this affect employee performance at PT Flextronics Batam. The purpose of this research is to determine the influence of the organizational communication climate on employee performance at PT Flextronics Batam and how much influence the organizational communication climate has on employee performance at PT Flextronics Batam. This research method uses a quantitative approach with data collection techniques through questionnaires. The results of this research show that 58,7% of the employee performance variable will be influenced by the independent variable, namely Communication Organizational Climate. Meanwhile, the remaining 41,3% of employee performance variables will be influenced by other variables not discussed in this research. This means that the organizational communication climate has a significant influence on employee performance.Keywords: Organizational Communication Climate, Communication, Performance, Organizational, Employe


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    The aim of this research is to and determine the influence of tax penalties, tax authority services, and risk preference as a moderator in the influence of tax penalties on taxpayer compliance at the South Batam Tax Office. This research utilized primary data collected through the distribution of questionnaires to individual taxpayers registered at the South Batam Tax Office. Variables were measured responses using the Likert scale and a risk-assessment game. Additionally, oral interviews were conducted as part of the process. The total respondents numbered 117 taxpayers. Findings reveal that tax penalties do not significantly influence taxpayer compliance at the South Batam Tax Office, while tax authority services do have a significant impact on taxpayer compliance at the South Batam Tax Office. Furthermore, there is no significant moderation effect of risk preference on the influence of tax penalties regarding taxpayer compliance at the South Batam Tax Office

    Analisis Strategi Pemanfaatan Akun Instagram @telkomakses_batam Dalam Menciptakan Citra Perusahaan

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    This research analyzes the strategic role of Instagram account @TelkomAkses_Batam in shaping the positiveimage of PT Telkom Akses in Batam. With a qualitative descriptive method, the focus is on the communicationand strategy aspects of the company in the operational office of PT Telkom Akses Batam. Data collectioninvolves interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. The company implemented acommunication policy with emphasis on verbal communication and Telegram group chat media. A planned CSRstrategy shows the company's positive commitment to the community. The management of the@telkomakses_batam Instagram account involves several divisions, demonstrating a collaborative approach.Diversification of Instagram content is necessary to maintain audience interest. Continuous CSR programs andincreased positive communication can increase viewer understanding. Employee engagement can be improvedthrough inter-divisional collaboration and creating a proactive work environment. This research provides an indepth insight into the effectiveness of corporate communication strategies through Instagram in shaping apositive image in the digital eraThis research analyzes the strategic role of Instagram account @TelkomAkses_Batam in shaping the positive image of PT Telkom Akses in Batam. With a qualitative descriptive method, the focus is on the communication and strategy aspects of the company in the operational office of PT Telkom Akses Batam. Data collection involves interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. The company implemented a communication policy with emphasis on verbal communication and Telegram group chat media. A planned CSR strategy shows the company's positive commitment to the community. The management of the @telkomakses_batam Instagram account involves several divisions, demonstrating a collaborative approach. Diversification of Instagram content is necessary to maintain audience interest. Continuous CSR programs and increased positive communication can increase viewer understanding. Employee engagement can be improved through inter-divisional collaboration and creating a proactive work environment. This research provides an in-depth insight into the effectiveness of corporate communication strategies through Instagram in shaping a positive image in the digital era


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    This study analyzes the application of accurate software at PT. Rainbow Tubulars Manufacute especially in the flow of the purchasing cycle, preparation of human resources for the application of accurate software, and fanning reports of receipts of goods into accurate software. This study aims to determine the application of accurate software in the purchase cycle is effective and efficient, and the information generated can help users of accurate information. This research uses qualitative methods and descriptive approaches by describing, describing, collecting data, managing and presenting observational data. The result of this study is that the application of accurate software has been compiled and planned with the existence of standard operating procedures in the purchasing cycle that have been made by the company's management and already have competent human resources in their fields with training for each accurate user to add basic and user proficiencyThis study analyzes the application of accurate software at PT. Rainbow Tubulars Manufacute especially in theflow of the purchasing cycle, preparation of human resources for the application of accurate software, and fanningreports of receipts of goods into accurate software. This study aims to determine the application of accuratesoftware in the purchase cycle is effective and efficient, and the information generated can help users of accurateinformation. This research uses qualitative methods and descriptive approaches by describing, describing,collecting data, managing and presenting observational data. The result of this study is that the application ofaccurate software has been compiled and planned with the existence of standard operating procedures in thepurchasing cycle that have been made by the company's management and already have competent humanresources in their fields with training for each accurate user to add basic and user proficiency


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    The purpose of this study is to identify the different types of figurative language and the dominant types in the Macbeth play script. Figurative language is used to get the reader's interest and convey concepts and imaginative works in a more enjoyable manner. Perrine's (1997) theory is used in this study to categorize various forms of data. The players' dialogue in the Macbeth drama screenplay was used to gather the data. The data for this study were collected using non-participant observation method and note-taking techniques. The data in this study were analyzed by using categorized technique. In the Macbeth drama script, there were 19 similes, 5 metaphors, 10 paradoxes, 6 symbols, 6 personifications, 7 hyperboles, and 7 apostrophes, according to the amount of data. The Macbeth drama script uses metaphorical language 60 times in total. Based on the collecting data, simile is the dominant figurative language in Macbeth drama script.&nbsp


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    The development of social media today, makes changes in behavior patterns in individuals. One of these social media is the Tiktok application. This now favored by various groups ranging from adults, teenagers to children. With this application, content creators can express themselves through educational, funny and unique videos. The research method used is a quantitative method. The theory used is the theory of media dependency. This study aims to determine the impact of the Tiktok application on the behavior of TikTok followers @robbyyuliedera. The data collection uses a questionnaire. while for data analysis using three flow of activities namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions One of the new forms of communication offered in the world of the internet is social media. Where by using social media on the internet, users can multiply words or things that they experience. The sample was obtained based on the population of followers of the Tik Tok account @robbyyuliendra as of August 10, 2022. This research is to explain the variables identified through technical analysis. Correlation analysis is used to measure the relationship between two variables, the basic idea of correlation analysis is to report the relationship between two variablesKeywords: Education About Missing Information on Followers


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    The purpose of this research is to obtain evidence that can influence for application in e-samsat, Tax Employee Service, And Tax Sunctions on Tax Payer Compliance paying vehicle tax in Batam City. 100 responders served as the study’s sample. Data was gathered via a questionnaire. Several research techniques are applied to fulfill the goal of the research including and descriptive statistical analysis, validity test, reability test,test classical assumption (normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test), multiple regression analysis, hipotesys test (t test, f test, coefficient determination test). The result of this study showed that the influence  application of e-samsat, Tax Employee Service and tax sanctions have effect dan signifikan on tax compliance paying vehicle tax in Batam City.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh bukti yang dapat mempengaruhi penerapan e-samsat, Pelayanan Pegawai Pajak, Dan Sanksi Pajak Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak membayar pajak kendaraan di Kota Batam. 100 responden dijadikan sebagai sampel penelitian. Data dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner. Beberapa teknik penelitian digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian antara lain analisis statistik deskriptif, uji validitas, uji reabilitas, uji asumsi klasik (uji normalitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji heteroskedastisitas), analisis regresi berganda, uji hipotesis (uji t, uji f). , uji koefisien determinasi). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh penerapan e-samsat, Pelayanan Pegawai Pajak dan sanksi perpajakan berpengaruh dan signifikan terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak membayar pajak kendaraan di Kota Batam. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Literasi Keuangan, Penggunaan E-Money Dan Pengendalian Diri Terhadap Perilaku Konsumtif Mahasiswa Akuntansi Di Kota Batam

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    Consumptive behavior is the act of consuming an item or service excessively with high intensity that tends toprioritize wants over needs. The study aims to determine the effect of financial literacy, e-money usage, and selfcontrol on the consumptive behavior of accounting students in Batam city. The total population was 1,354accounting students with a sample of 93 accounting students. This study uses a quantitative approach with simplerandom sampling technique using primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires online using googleform. The data in this study were processed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) software version26. The data analysis technique in this study used validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test andhypothesis testing. The results of the t test research explain that financial literacy and the use of e-money partiallyhave no effect on the consumptive behavior of accounting students. Self-control partially affects the consumptivebehavior of accounting students. The results of the F test research explain that financial literacy, e-money usage,self-control simultaneously have a significant effect on the consumptive behavior of accounting students with apercentage of 17.9% and the remaining 82.1% is influenced by other variables.Perilaku konsumtif merupakan tindakan mengkonsumsi suatu barang atau jasa secara berlebihan dengan intensitas yang tinggi cenderung lebih mengutamakan keinginan daripada kebutuhan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh literasi keuangan, penggunaan e-money, dan pengendalian diri terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa akuntansi di kota Batam. Total populasi sebanyak 1.354 mahasiswa akuntansi dengan sampel sebanyak 93 mahasiswa akuntansi. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik simple random sampling dengan menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh dari menyebarkan kusioner secara online menggunakan google form. Data dalam penelitian ini diolah dengan menggunakan software SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) versi 26. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis. Hasil penelitian uji t menjelaskan bahwa literasi keuangan dan penggunaan e-money secara parsial tidak berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa akuntansi. Pengendalian diri secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa akuntansi. Hasil penelitian uji F menjelaskan bahwa literasi keuangan, penggunaan e-money, pengendalian diri secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumtif mahasiswa akuntansi dengan presentase sebesar 17,9% dan sisa 82,1% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan Dan Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Pada JNT Expres Cabang Batam

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    This research aims to investigate the influence of service quality and customer satisfaction on customerloyalty at JNT Express Batam branch. The population to be studied are customers who have used the JNTExpress goods delivery service at the Tanjung Piayu branch in August 2023, totaling 60,203 customers. Thesampling technique can be used using the Slovin formula which has produced 397 respondents. The dataanalysis process uses a multiple linear regression approach, which includes testing data quality tests,classical assumption tests, influence tests and hypothesis tests. The results of multiple linear regressionanalysis show that service quality has an influence of 28.4% on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction hasan influence of 35.0% on customer loyalty. Findings from the coefficient of determination (R2) show thatoverall, service quality and customer satisfaction can explain 65.1% of the variation in customer loyalty. Inaddition, the t test and F test show that both service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive andsignificant influence partially or simultaneously on customer loyalty at JNT Express Batam branchPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi pengaruh kualitas layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada JNT Expres cabang Batam. Populasi yang akan dikaji adalah pelanggan yang telah menggunakan jasa layanan pengiriman barang JNT Expres cabang Tanjung Piayu pada tahun Agustus 2023 dengan berjumlah 60.203 pelanggan. Teknik penentuan sampel dapat dilalui dengan rumus Slovin yang telah menghasilkan 397 responden. Proses analisis data menggunakan pendekatan regresi linier berganda, yang meliputi pengujian terhadap uji kualitas data, uji asumsi klasik,  uji pengaruh dan uji hipotesis. Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda menunjukkan bahwa kualitas layanan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 28,4% terhadap loyalitas pelanggan. Kepuasan pelanggan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 35,0% loyalitas pelanggan.. Temuan dari koefisien determinasi (R2) menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan, kualitas layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan dapat menjelaskan 65,1% variasi dalam loyalitas pelanggan. Selain itu, uji t dan uji F menunjukkan bahwa baik kualitas layanan dan kepuasan pelanggan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan secara parsial maupun secara simultan terhadap loyalitas pelanggan pada JNT Expres cabang Bata


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