1,994 research outputs found

    Warp or lag? The ionized and neutral hydrogen gas in the edge-on dwarf galaxy UGC 1281

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    The properties of gas in the halos of galaxies constrain global models of the interstellar medium. Kinematical information is of particular interest since it is a clue to the origin of the gas. Until now mostly massive galaxies have been investigated for their halo properties. Here we report on deep HI and H{\alpha} observations of the edge-on dwarf galaxy UGC 1281 in order to determine the existence of extra-planar gas and the kinematics of this galaxy. This is the first time a dwarf galaxy is investigated for its gaseous halo characteristics. We have obtained H{\alpha} integral field spectroscopy using PPAK at Calar Alto and deep HI observations with the WSRT of this edge-on dwarf galaxy. These observations are compared to 3D models in order to determine the distribution of HI in the galaxy. We find that UGC 1281 has H{\alpha} emission up to 25"(655 pc) in projection above the plane and in general a low H{\alpha} flux. Compared to other dwarf galaxies UGC 1281 is a normal dwarf galaxy with a slowly rising rotation curve that flattens off at 60 km/s and a central depression in its HI distribution. Its HI extends 70" (1.8 kpc) in projection from the plane. This gas can be explained by either a warp partially in the line-of-sight warp or a purely edge-on warp with rotational velocities that decline with a vertical gradient of 10.6 \pm 3.7 km/s/kpc. The line-of-sight warp model is the preferred model as it is conceptually simpler. In either model the warp starts well within the optical radius.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 16 pages, 14 figure

    Kinematics of diffuse ionized gas in the disk halo interface of NGC 891 from Fabry-P\'erot observations

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    The properties of the gas in halos of galaxies constrain global models of the interstellar medium. Kinematical information is of particular interest since it is a clue to the origin of the gas. Here we report observations of the kinematics of the thick layer of the diffuse ionized gas in NGC 891 in order to determine the rotation curve of the halo gas. We have obtained a Fabry-P\'erot data cube in Halpha to measure the kinematics of the halo gas with angular resolution much higher than obtained from HI 21 cm observations. The data cube was obtained with the TAURUS II spectrograph at the WHT on La Palma. The velocity information of the diffuse ionized gas extracted from the data cube is compared to model distributions to constrain the distribution of the gas and in particular the halo rotation curve. The best fit model has a central attenuation tau_H-alpha=6, a dust scale length of 8.1 kpc, an ionized gas scale length of 5.0 kpc. Above the plane the rotation curve lags with a vertical gradient of -18.8 km/s/kpc. We find that the scale length of the H-alpha must be between 2.5 and 6.5 kpc. Furthermore we find evidence that the rotation curve above the plane rises less steeply than in the plane. This is all in agreement with the velocities measured in the HI.Comment: A&A, in press. 13 pages, 19 figure

    Smooth HI Low Column Density Outskirts In Nearby Galaxies

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    This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article published in The Astronomical Journal. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-3881/aabbaa.The low column density gas at the outskirts of galaxies as traced by the 21 cm hydrogen line emission (H i) represents the interface between galaxies and the intergalactic medium, i.e., where galaxies are believed to get their supply of gas to fuel future episodes of star formation. Photoionization models predict a break in the radial profiles of H i at a column density of ∼5 × 10 19 cm -2 due to the lack of self-shielding against extragalactic ionizing photons. To investigate the prevalence of such breaks in galactic disks and to characterize what determines the potential edge of the H i disks, we study the azimuthally averaged H i column density profiles of 17 nearby galaxies from the H i Nearby Galaxy Survey and supplemented in two cases with published Hydrogen Accretion in LOcal GAlaxieS data. To detect potential faint H i emission that would otherwise be undetected using conventional moment map analysis, we line up individual profiles to the same reference velocity and average them azimuthally to derive stacked radial profiles. To do so, we use model velocity fields created from a simple extrapolation of the rotation curves to align the profiles in velocity at radii beyond the extent probed with the sensitivity of traditional integrated H i maps. With this method, we improve our sensitivity to outer-disk H i emission by up to an order of magnitude. Except for a few disturbed galaxies, none show evidence of a sudden change in the slope of the H i radial profiles: the alleged signature of ionization by the extragalactic background.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Predicted change in global secondary organic aerosol concentrations in response to future climate, emissions, and land use change

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    Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union. 0148-0227/08/2007JD009092The sensitivity of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) concentration to changes in climate and emissions is investigated using a coupled global atmosphere-land model driven by the year 2100 IPCC A1B scenario predictions. The Community Atmosphere Model (CAM3) is updated with recent laboratory determined yields for SOA formation from monoterpene oxidation, isoprene photooxidation and aromatic photooxidation. Biogenic emissions of isoprene and monoterpenes are simulated interactively using the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols (MEGAN2) within the Community Land Model (CLM3). The global mean SOA burden is predicted to increase by 36% in 2100, primarily the result of rising biogenic and anthropogenic emissions which independently increase the burden by 26% and 7%. The later includes enhanced biogenic SOA formation due to increased emissions of primary organic aerosol (5–25% increases in surface SOA concentrations in 2100). Climate change alone (via temperature, removal rates, and oxidative capacity) does not change the global mean SOA production, but the global burden increases by 6%. The global burden of anthropogenic SOA experiences proportionally more growth than biogenic SOA in 2100 from the net effect of climate and emissions (67% increase predicted). Projected anthropogenic land use change for 2100 (A2) is predicted to reduce the global SOA burden by 14%, largely the result of cropland expansion. South America is the largest global source region for SOA in the present day and 2100, but Asia experiences the largest relative growth in SOA production by 2100 because of the large predicted increases in Asian anthropogenic aromatic emissions. The projected decrease in global sulfur emissions implies that SOA will contribute a progressively larger fraction of the global aerosol burden

    The nature of the low-frequency emission of M51: First observations of a nearby galaxy with LOFAR

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    The grand-design spiral galaxy M51 was observed with the LOFAR High Frequency Antennas (HBA) and imaged in total intensity and polarisation. This observation covered the frequencies between 115 MHz and 175 MHz. We produced an image of total emission of M51 at the mean frequency of 151 MHz with 20 arcsec resolution and 0.3 mJy rms noise, which is the most sensitive image of a galaxy at frequencies below 300 MHz so far. The integrated spectrum of total radio emission is described well by a power law, while flat spectral indices in the central region indicate thermal absorption. We observe that the disk extends out to 16 kpc and see a break in the radial profile near the optical radius of the disk. Our main results, the scale lengths of the inner and outer disks at 151 MHz and 1.4 GHz, arm--interarm contrast, and the break scales of the radio--far-infrared correlations, can be explained consistently by CRE diffusion, leading to a longer propagation length of CRE of lower energy. The distribution of CRE sources drops sharply at about 10 kpc radius, where the star formation rate also decreases sharply. We find evidence that thermal absorption is primarily caused by HII regions. The non-detection of polarisation from M51 at 151 MHz is consistent with the estimates of Faraday depolarisation. Future searches for polarised emission in this frequency range should concentrate on regions with low star formation rates.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Prevention is better than cure, but...: Preventive medication as a risk to ordinariness?

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    Preventive health remains at the forefront of public health concerns; recent initiatives, such as the NHS health check, may lead to recommendations for medication in response to the identification of 'at risk' individuals. Little is known about lay views of preventive medication. This paper uses the case of aspirin as a prophylactic against heart disease to explore views among people invited to screening for a trial investigating the efficacy of such an approach. Qualitative interviews (N=46) and focus groups (N=5, participants 31) revealed dilemmas about preventive medication in the form of clashes between norms: first, in general terms, assumptions about the benefit of prevention were complicated by dislike of medication; second, the individual duty to engage in prevention was complicated by the need not to be over involved with one's own health; third, the potential appeal of this alternative approach to health promotion was complicated by unease about the implications of encouraging irresponsible behaviour among others. Though respondents made different decisions about using the drug, they reported very similar ways of trying to resolve these conflicts, drawing upon concepts of necessity and legitimisation and the special ordinariness of the particular dru

    Antimony-Doped Tin(II) Sulfide Thin Films

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    Thin-film solar cells made from earth-abundant, inexpensive, and nontoxic materials are needed to replace the current technologies whose widespread use is limited by their use of scarce, costly, and toxic elements. Tin monosulfide (SnS) is a promising candidate for making absorber layers in scalable, inexpensive, and nontoxic solar cells. SnS has always been observed to be a p-type semiconductor. Doping SnS to form an n-type semiconductor would permit the construction of solar cells with p-n homojunctions. This paper reports doping SnS films with antimony, a potential n-type dopant. Small amounts of antimony (1%) were found to greatly increase the electrical resistance of the SnS. The resulting intrinsic SnS(Sb) films could be used for the insulating layer in a p-i-n design for solar cells. Higher concentrations (5%) of antimony did not convert the SnS(Sb) to low-resistivity n-type conductivity, but instead the films retain such a high resistance that the conductivity type could not be determined. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis reveals that the highly doped films contain precipitates of a secondary phase that has chemical bonds characteristic of metallic antimony, rather than the antimony–sulfur bonds found in films with lower concentrations of antimony.United States. Dept. of Energy. Sunshot Initiative (Contract DE-EE0005329)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant CBET-1032955

    Total Observed Organic Carbon (TOOC): A synthesis of North American observations

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    Measurements of organic carbon compounds in both the gas and particle phases measured upwind, over and downwind of North America are synthesized to examine the total observed organic carbon (TOOC) over this region. These include measurements made aboard the NOAA WP-3 and BAe-146 aircraft, the NOAA research vessel Ronald H. Brown, and at the Thompson Farm and Chebogue Point surface sites during the summer 2004 ICARTT campaign. Both winter and summer 2002 measurements during the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study are also included. Lastly, the spring 2002 observations at Trinidad Head, CA, surface measurements made in March 2006 in Mexico City and coincidentally aboard the C-130 aircraft during the MILAGRO campaign and later during the IMPEX campaign off the northwestern United States are incorporated. Concentrations of TOOC in these datasets span more than two orders of magnitude. The daytime mean TOOC ranges from 4.0 to 456 μgC m^−3 from the cleanest site (Trinidad Head) to the most polluted (Mexico City). Organic aerosol makes up 3–17% of this mean TOOC, with highest fractions reported over the northeastern United States, where organic aerosol can comprise up to 50% of TOOC. Carbon monoxide concentrations explain 46 to 86% of the variability in TOOC, with highest TOOC/CO slopes in regions with fresh anthropogenic influence, where we also expect the highest degree of mass closure for TOOC. Correlation with isoprene, formaldehyde, methyl vinyl ketene and methacrolein also indicates that biogenic activity contributes substantially to the variability of TOOC, yet these tracers of biogenic oxidation sources do not explain the variability in organic aerosol observed over North America. We highlight the critical need to develop measurement techniques to routinely detect total gas phase VOCs, and to deploy comprehensive suites of TOOC instruments in diverse environments to quantify the ambient evolution of organic carbon from source to sink

    First LOFAR results on galaxy clusters

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    Deep radio observations of galaxy clusters have revealed the existence of diffuse radio sources related to the presence of relativistic electrons and weak magnetic fields in the intracluster volume. The role played by this non-thermal intracluster component on the thermodynamical evolution of galaxy clusters is debated, with important implications for cosmological and astrophysical studies of the largest gravitationally bound structures of the Universe. The low surface brightness and steep spectra of diffuse cluster radio sources make them more easily detectable at low-frequencies. LOFAR is the first instrument able to detect diffuse radio emission in hundreds of massive galaxy clusters up to their formation epoch. We present the first observations of clusters imaged by LOFAR and the huge perspectives opened by this instrument for non-thermal cluster studies.Comment: Proceedings of the 2012 week of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics (SF2A) held in Nice, June 5th-8t