195 research outputs found

    Communications: Chain and double-ring polymeric structures: Observation of AlnH3n+1 − (n=4–8) and Al4H14 −

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    A pulsed arc discharge source was used to prepare gas-phase, aluminum hydride cluster anions, AlnHm−, exhibiting enhanced hydrogen content. The maximum number of hydrogen atoms in AlnHm− species was m=3n+1 for n=5–8, i.e., AlnH3n+1−, and m=3n+2 for n=4, i.e., Al4H14−, as observed in their mass spectra. These are the most hydrogen-rich aluminum hydrides to be observed thus far, transcending the 3:1 hydrogen-to-aluminum ratio in alane. Even more striking, ion intensities for AlnHm− species with m=3n+1 and m=3n+2 hydrogen atoms were significantly higher than those of nearby AlnHm− mass peaks for which m\u3c3n+1, i.e., the ion intensities for AlnH3n+1− and for Al4H14− deviated from the roughly bell-shaped ion intensity patterns seen for most AlnHm−species, in which m ranges from 1 to 3n. Calculations based on density functional theory showed that AlnH3n+1− clusters have chain and/or double-ring polymericstructures

    Кінетика сумісного виділення цинку і нікелю з розбавлених електролітів

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    Досліджені закономірності виділення цінку, нікелю і цинк-нікелевого сплаву з розведених електролітів, що містять в якості лігандів амінокислоту та аміак. Найкращі технологічні параметри та якість покрить отримані при спільному вмісті у розчині обох лігандів. Запропонований електроліт характеризується високою стабільністю, є технологічним та екологічно безпечним.The mechanisms of zinc, nickel and zinc-nickel alloy deposition from diluted electrolytes, containing amino acid or ammonia as a ligand, were investigated. The very technological characteristics and coatings quality were obtained if the electrolyte contained both of the ligands. The suggested electrolyte is characterized by high stability, processibility and it is ecologically safe

    Al13H−: Hydrogen atom site selectivity and the shell model

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    Using a combination of anion photoelectron spectroscopy and density functional theory calculations, we explored the influence of the shell model on H atom site selectivity in Al13H−. Photoelectron spectra revealed that Al13H− has two anionic isomers and for both of them provided vertical detachment energies (VDEs). Theoretical calculations found that the structures of these anionic isomers differ by the position of the hydrogen atom. In one, the hydrogen atom is radially bonded, while in the other, hydrogen caps a triangular face. VDEs for both anionic isomers as well as other energetic relationships were also calculated. Comparison of the measured versus calculated VDE values permitted the structure of each isomer to be confirmed and correlated with its observed photoelectron spectrum. Shell model, electron-counting considerations correctly predicted the relative stabilities of the anionic isomers and identified the stable structure of neutral Al13H

    Cochrane rehabilitation: 2020 Annual report

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    during its fourth year of existence, cochrane rehabilitation went on to promote evidence-informed health decision-making in rehabilitation. in 2020, the outbreak of the coVid-19 pandemic has made it necessary to alter priorities. in these challenging times, cochrane rehabilitation has firstly changed its internal organisation and established a new relevant project in line with pandemic needs: the REH-COVER (Rehabilitation – coVid-19 evidence-based response) action. the aim was to focus on the timely collection, review and dissemination of summarised and synthesised evidence relating to COVID-19 and rehabilitation. Cochrane Rehabilitation REH-COVER action has included in 2020 five main initiatives: 1) rapid living systematic reviews on rehabilitation and coVid-19; 2) interactive living evidence map on rehabilitation and coVid-19; 3) definition of the research topics on “rehabilitation and COVID-19” in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) rehabilitation programme; 4) Cochrane Library special collection on Coronavirus (COVID-19) rehabilitation; and 5) collaboration with COVID-END for the topics “rehabilitation” and “disability.” Furthermore, we are still carrying on five different special projects: Be4rehab; RCTRACK; definition of rehabilitation for research purposes; ebook project; and a prioritization exercise for Cochrane Reviews production. The Review Working Area continued to identify and “tag” the rehabilitation-relevant reviews published in the cochrane library; the publication Working area went on to publish Cochrane Corners, working more closely with the Cochrane Review Groups (CRGs) and Cochrane Networks, particularly with Cochrane Musculoskeletal, oral, skin and sensory Network; the Education Working area, the most damaged in 2020, tried to continue performing educational activities such as workshops in different online meetings; the Methodology Working area organized the third and fourth cochrane Rehabilitation Methodological (CRM) meetings respectively in Milan and Orlando; the Communication Working Area spread rehabilitation evidences through different channels and translated the contents in different languages

    Development of a Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (LITMS) Investigation for Future Planetary Surface Missions

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    Future surface missions to Mars and other planetary bodies will benefit from continued advances in miniature sensor and sample handling technologies that enable high-performance chemical analyses of natural samples. Fine-scale (approx.1 mm and below) analyses of rock surfaces and interiors, such as exposed on a drill core, will permit (1) the detection of habitability markers including complex organics in association with their original depositional environment, and (2) the characterization of successive layers and gradients that can reveal the time-evolution of those environments. In particular, if broad-based and highly-sensitive mass spectrometry techniques could be brought to such scales, the resulting planetary science capability would be truly powerful. The Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (LITMS) investigation is designed to conduct fine-scale organic and inorganic analyses of short (approx.5-10 cm) rock cores such as could be acquired by a planetary lander or rover arm-based drill. LITMS combines both pyrolysis/gas chromatograph mass spectrometry (GCMS) of sub-sampled core fines, and laser desorption mass spectrometry (LDMS) of the intact core surface, using a common mass analyzer, enhanced from the design used in the Mars Organic Molecule Analyzer (MOMA) instrument on the 2018 ExoMars rover. LITMS additionally features developments based on the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) investigation on MSL and recent NASA-funded prototype efforts in laser mass spectrometry, pyrolysis, and precision subsampling. LITMS brings these combined capabilities to achieve its four measurement objectives: (1) Organics: Broad Survey Detect organic molecules over a wide range of molecular weight, volatility, electronegativity, concentration, and host mineralogy. (2) Organic: Molecular Structure Characterize internal molecular structure to identify individual compounds, and reveal functionalization and processing. (3) Inorganic Host Environment Assess the local chemical/mineralogical makeup of organic host phases to help determine deposition and preservation factors. (4) Chemical Stratigraphy Analyze the fine spatial distribution and variation of key species with depth

    Future Planetary Instrument Capabilities Made Possible by Micro- and Nanotechnology

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    A number of new instrument capabilities are currently in maturation for future in situ use on planetary science missions. Moving beyond the impressive in situ instrumentation already operating in planetary environments beyond Earth will enable the next step in scientific discovery. The approach for developing beyond current instrumentation requires a careful assessment of science-driven capability advancement. To this end, two examples of instrument technology development efforts that are leading to new and important analytical capabilities for in situ planetary science will be discussed: (1) an instrument prototype enabling the interface between liquid separation techniques and laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and (2) an addressable excitation source enabling miniaturized electron probe microanalysis for elemental mapping of light and heavy elements

    Moth biomass increases and decreases over 50 years in Britain

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    Steep insect biomass declines ('insectageddon') have been widely reported, despite a lack of continuously collected biomass data from replicated long-term monitoring sites. Such severe declines are not supported by the world’s longest running insect population database: annual moth biomass estimates from British fixed monitoring sites revealed increasing biomass between 1967 and 1982, followed by gradual decline from 1982 to 2017, with a 2.2-fold net gain in mean biomass between the first (1967–1976) and last decades (2008–2017) of monitoring. High between-year variability and multi-year periodicity in biomass emphasize the need for long-term data to detect trends and identify their causes robustly

    The Atacama Rover Astrobiology Drilling Studies (ARADS) Project

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    With advances in commercial space launch capabilities and reduced costs to orbit, humans may arrive on Mars within a decade. Both to preserve any signs of past (and extant) martian life and to protect the health of human crews (and Earth's biosphere), it will be necessary to assess the risk of cross-contamination on the surface, in blown dust, and into the near-subsurface (where exploration and resource-harvesting can be reasonably anticipated). Thus, evaluating for the presence of life and biosignatures may become a critical-path Mars exploration precursor in the not-so-far future, circa 2030. This Special Collection of papers from the Atacama Rover Astrobiology Drilling Studies (ARADS) project describes many of the scientific, technological, and operational issues associated with searching for and identifying biosignatures in an extreme hyperarid region in Chile's Atacama Desert, a well-studied terrestrial Mars analog environment. This paper provides an overview of the ARADS project and discusses in context the five other papers in the ARADS Special Collection, as well as prior ARADS project results.ARADS was a project under the auspices of the NASA Planetary Science and Technology Through Analog Research (NNH14ZDA001N-PSTAR) Program led by Dr. Mary Voytek. Support of the SOLID/LDChip instruments came from Grant No. RTI2018-094368-B-I00 (SOLID) and MDM-2017-0737 under the Unidad de Excelencia “Maria de Maeztu” Centro de Astrobiología (CSIC-INTA) program by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation/State Agency of Research (MCIN/AEI/5 10.13039/501100011033) and also with support from “ERDF: A way of making Europe”. We are grateful for the support of Prof. Luis Caceres and students, and the kind use of the former research station facility at Estacion Yungay, supported with institutional resources of the University of Antofagasta.Peer reviewe