7,698 research outputs found

    Utilización de arenas procedentes de residuos de construcción y demolición, rcd, en la fabricación de morteros de albañilería.

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    En esta investigación se estudió el comportamiento y las propiedades más relevantes de los morteros de albañilería, al sustituir parte de la arena convencional por arena reciclada en diferentes porcentajes. Para ello se caracterizaron las arenas recicladas procedentes de las centrales de reciclaje y se realizaron ensayos con el fin de comparar las propiedades de los morteros tradicionales con los morteros elaborados con arena reciclada. La dosificación del mortero utilizada ha sido 1:3:0,5, y los porcentajes de sustitución de arena normalizada por arena reciclada fueron de: 10%, 15%, 25%, 35% y 45% , para los tres tipos de arenas recicladas empleadas en este estudio, dos arenas procedentes de la línea de reciclaje de hormigón y una de la línea de reciclaje cerámica. Los resultados indican un aumento en la demanda de agua para obtener morteros trabajables, siendo necesario el empleo de aditivos a partir del 10% de sustitución. Las resistencias mecánicas obtenidas en los morteros reciclados son superiores en el caso de la flexión y ligeramente inferiores en compresión. Tanto en el ensayo de adherencia como en el de retracción, los morteros reciclados presentan un peor comportamiento que los morteros tradicionales, pero sin evidenciar pérdidas significativas en dichos valores, por lo que los morteros de cemento para albañilería con dosificación 1:3:0,5 pueden incorporar hasta un 45% de árido reciclado sin que sus principales características se vean afectada

    Caracterización e influencia del arido reciclado fino en las propiedades de los morteros de albañilería

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    This research aims to study mechanical behaviour and relevant properties of masonry mortars fabricated using fine recycled aggregate in different mixture proportions. Fine recycled aggregates samples originated from the ceramic and concrete recycling process and coming from two recycling plants of Madrid region have been used. Tests were performed using 1:3:0.5 volumetric cement-to-aggregate-to-water ratio. Standardized sand with fine recycled aggregate replacement percentages were: 10%, 15%, 25%, 35% and 45%. A continuous size distribution curve can be observed and the main crystalline phases determined have been quartz, calcite and gypsum. Compressive strength, shrinkage and bond strength tests revealed poorer performance of recycled mortars compared to the conventional mortars; however, specific values are within the limits established by the manufacturers and standards. This study shows that cement-based mortars prepared with volumetric ratio 1:3:0.5 may contain up to 45% of fine recycled aggregates, without their properties being affected and without presenting significant losses.Esta investigación estudia el comportamiento mecánico y las propiedades más relevantes de los morteros de albañilería fabricados usando arenas recicladas en diferentes proporciones. Muestras pertenecientes a la línea de reciclaje cerámica y de hormigón proceden de dos centrales de reciclaje de la Comunidad de Madrid. Los ensayos se realizaron con una dosificación 1:3:0,5. Los porcentajes de arena reciclada fueron: 10%, 15%, 25%, 35% y 45%. Se observa una línea granulométrica continua y las principales fases cristalinas encontradas son cuarzo, calcita y yeso. Los ensayos de resistencia a compresión, retracción y adherencia muestran un peor comportamiento en los morteros reciclados frente a los morteros elaborados con arena normalizada, aunque dentro de los límites establecidos por normativas y fabricantes. Se deduce que, los morteros de albañilería base cemento, pueden incorporar un 45% de arena reciclada con una dosificación 1:3:0,5 sin que las propiedades ensayadas se vean afectadas con pérdidas significativas de prestaciones

    Early forest fire detection by vision-enabled wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks constitute a powerful technology particularly suitable for environmental monitoring. With regard to wildfires, they enable low-cost fine-grained surveillance of hazardous locations like wildland-urban interfaces. This paper presents work developed during the last 4 years targeting a vision-enabled wireless sensor network node for the reliable, early on-site detection of forest fires. The tasks carried out ranged from devising a robust vision algorithm for smoke detection to the design and physical implementation of a power-efficient smart imager tailored to the characteristics of such an algorithm. By integrating this smart imager with a commercial wireless platform, we endowed the resulting system with vision capabilities and radio communication. Numerous tests were arranged in different natural scenarios in order to progressively tune all the parameters involved in the autonomous operation of this prototype node. The last test carried out, involving the prescribed burning of a 95 x 20-m shrub plot, confirmed the high degree of reliability of our approach in terms of both successful early detection and a very low false-alarm rate. Journal compilationMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-11812, IPT-2011-1625-430000Office of Naval Research (USA) N000141110312Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico e Industrial IPC-2011100

    Procedencia de los alimentos utilizados en las explotaciones de vacuno lechero del Principado de Asturias

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    publishedTomo I . Sección: Sistemas Ganaderos-Economía y Gestión. Sesión: Producción de leche. Ponencia nº 2

    Shared Resources in Industrial Districts: Information, know-how and institutions in the Spanish tile industry

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    The aim of this paper is to measure the effect of shared resources on individual firm performance. Using the Industrial District as a definition of the interorganizational context, we propose a model that includes a set of factors that are associated with the endowment of external resources, that is, collective information and know-how, and involvement in local institutions. In order to illustrate the theoretical argumentation, we develop an empirical study using a one hundred-firm sample from the Spanish Ceramic Tile industry in order to search for a statistical association between resource variables and performance of the firms. Finally, findings of the paper suggest that in order to increase performance firms must develop a distinct capacity so as to be able to shape and exploit shared or collective resource

    Earliest Pragian (Early Devonian) corals and stromatoporoids from reefal settings in the Cantabrian Zone (N Spain)

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    The oldest reefal episode in the Cantabrian Zone (earliest Pragian) consists of small biostromal patch reefs, mainly built by corals and stromatoporoids, and developed on a storm-dominated ramp. Four outcrops provide the stratigraphic framework in which these reef facies developed, and these permitted an interpretation of their depositional setting in terms of a relatively distal or protected shelf. We systematically describe three species of rugose corals, five species of tabulate corals, and six species of stromatoporoids. This fauna is allocated to three Pragian fossil associations. Association 1 is mainly composed of massive tabulate corals and stromatoporoids. Association 2 contains dominant branching rugose and tabulate corals. Finally, association 3 is represented by tiny massive tabulate corals. Each association occurs at a specific location within a framework of high-frequency deepening upward cycles, being related to a specific depositional setting. This mode of occurrence suggests that their development was tuned by relative base-level oscillations, forming during rises that took the sea-bottom to relatively deep or sheltered conditions, with rare reworking by storm-related currents. Finally, a comparison of this reefal fauna with examples of similar age from elsewhere is presented in order to explore their affinities

    Educational opportunities offered by the mills power to promote environmental awareness on rural heritage

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    A través del presente trabajo pretendemos poner de manifiesto la importancia de los molinos hidráulicos como bienes culturales y como parte del patrimonio en el medio rural. Los molinos hidráulicos jugaron en el pasado un papel importante en las actividades económicas del campesinado, representando una parte del patrimonio rural generado en torno al agua que hoy ha sido parcialmente recuperado con fines museísticos y divulgativos, tras décadas de deterioro y olvido. Con el presente trabajo, pretendemos recuperar para la comunidad en general, y para la comunidad educativa en particular, a través de las visitas didácticas, tanto presenciales como virtuales, los diferentes tipos de molinos que se han generado a lo largo del tiempo y los diferentes usos que se les ha dado en distintos puntos de la geografía española.The objective of this work is to highlight the importance of water mills as cultural heritage and as part of patrimony in rural areas. The water mills in the past played an important role in the economic activities of the peasantry, representing a part of the rural heritage formed around the use of water. After decades of decline and negligence, some of these mills have been partially restored as a museum and also for informative purposes. In this work we demonstrate different types of mills that have been built over time and the diverse functions given to them in distant parts of the Spanish geography

    Financial Soundness Prediction Using a Multi-classification Model: Evidence from Current Financial Crisis in OECD Banks

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    The paper aims to develop an early warning model that separates previously rated banks (337 Fitch-rated banks from OECD) into three classes, based on their financial health and using a one-year window. The early warning system is based on a classification model which estimates the Fitch ratings using Bankscope bankspecific data, regulatory and macroeconomic data as input variables. The authors propose a “hybridization technique” that combines the Extreme learning machine and the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique. Due to the imbalanced nature of the problem, the authors apply an oversampling technique on the data aiming to improve the classification results on the minority groups. The methodology proposed outperforms other existing classification techniques used to predict bank solvency. It proved essential in improving average accuracy and especially the performance of the minority groups