415 research outputs found

    Properties of the galaxy population in hydrodynamical simulations of clusters

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    We present a study of the galaxy population predicted by hydrodynamical simulations for a set of 19 galaxy clusters based on the GADGET-2 Tree+SPH code. These simulations include gas cooling, star formation, a detailed treatment of stellar evolution and chemical enrichment, as well as SN energy feedback in the form of galactic winds. We compute the spectro-photometric properties of the simulated galaxies. All simulations have been performed for two choices of the stellar initial mass function: a standard Salpeter IMF, and a top-heavier IMF. Several of the observational properties of the galaxy population in nearby clusters are reproduced fairly well by simulations. A Salpeter IMF is successful in accounting for the slope and the normalization of the color-magnitude relation for the bulk of the galaxy population. Simulated clusters have a relation between mass and optical luminosity which generally agrees with observations, both in normalization and slope. We find that galaxies are generally bluer, younger and more star forming in the cluster outskirts, thus reproducing the observational trends. However, simulated clusters have a total number of galaxies which is significantly smaller than the observed one, falling short by about a factor 2-3. Finally, the brightest cluster galaxies are always predicted to be too massive and too blue, when compared to observations, due to gas overcooling in the core cluster regions, even in the presence of a rather efficient SN feedback.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figures, to appear in MNRA

    A novel integrated model for assessing landslide susceptibility mapping using CHAID and AHP pair-wise comparison

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    This article uses an integrated methodology based on a chi-squared automatic interaction detection (CHAID) model combined with analytic hierarchy process (AHP) for pair-wise comparison to assess medium-scale landslide susceptibility in a catchment in the Inje region of South Korea. An inventory of 3596 landslide locations was collected using remote sensing, and a random sample comprising 30% of these was used to validate the model. The remaining portion (70%) was processed by the nearest-neighbour index (NNI) technique and used for extracting the cluster patterns at each location. These data were used for model training purposes. Ten landslide-conditioning factors (independent variables) representing four main domains, namely (1) topology, (2) geology, (3) hydrology, and (4) land cover, were used to produce two landslide-susceptibility maps. The first landslide-susceptibility map (LSM1) was produced by overlaying the terminal nodes of the CHAID result tree. The second landslide-susceptibility map (LSM2) was produced using the overlay result of AHP pair-wise comparisons of CHAID terminal nodes. The prediction rate curve results were better with LSM2 (area under the prediction curve (AUC) = 0.80) than with LSM1 (AUC = 0.76). The results confirmed that the integrated hybrid model has superior prediction performance and reliability, and it is recommended for future use in medium-scale landslide-susceptibility mapping

    Application of an evidential belief function model in landslide susceptibility mapping

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    The objective of this paper is to exploit the potential application of an evidential belief function model to landslide susceptibility mapping at Kuala Lumpur city and surrounding areas using geographic information system (GIS). At first, a landslide inventory map was prepared using aerial photographs, high resolution satellite images and field survey. A total 220 landslides were mapped and an inventory map was prepared. Then the landslide inventory was randomly split into a testing dataset 70% (153 landslides) and remaining 30% (67 landslides) data was used for validation purpose. Fourteen landslide conditioning factors such as slope, aspect, curvature, altitude, surface roughness, lithology, distance from faults, ndvi (normalized difference vegetation index), land cover, distance from drainage, distance from road, spi (stream power index), soil type, precipitation, were used as thematic layers in the analysis. The Dempster–Shafer theory of evidence model was applied to prepare the landslide susceptibility maps. The validation of the resultant susceptibility maps were performed using receiver operating characteristics (ROC) and area under the curve (AUC). The validation results show that the area under the curve for the evidential belief function (the belief map) model is 0.82 (82%) with prediction accuracy 0.75 (75%). The results of this study indicated that the EBF model can be effectively used in preparation of landslide susceptibility maps

    Grey zones in the supportive treatments of cardiac amyloidosis

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    Recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac amyloidosis (CA) have translated into a longer life expectancy of patients and more challenging clinical scenarios. Compared to the past, patients with CA and heart failure (HF) currently encountered in clinical practice are a more heterogeneous population and require tailored strategies. The perception of CA as a treatable disease has opened new possibilities for the management of these patients, but many grey areas remain to be explored. The aim of this review is to provide practical suggestions for daily clinical activity in the management of challenging scenarios in CA, including the effectiveness and tolerability of evidence-based HF medication; rate vs. rhythm control in atrial fibrillation, thromboembolic risk, and anticoagulation therapies; replacement of severe aortic valve stenosis; the impact of implantable cardioverter defibrillator on survival; and the usefulness of cardiac resynchronization therapy

    Dynamic Behavior of Threshold Voltage and ID-VDS Kink in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs Due to Poole-Frenkel Effect

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    The kink effect in field-effect transistors (FETs) consists in a sudden increase in drain current, during a drain voltage sweep and leading to a higher drain current saturation value. We report new experimental data concerning the dynamic behavior of the "kink" in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs and correlate them with deep levels. The results demonstrate the role of the Poole-Frenkel effect in determining the occurrence of the kink and identify the experimental conditions that make it observable

    Constraints on stellar rotation from the evolution of Sr and Ba in the Galactic halo

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    Recent studies show that the chemical evolution of Sr and Ba in the Galaxy can be explained if different production sites, hosting r- and s-processes, are taken into account. However, the question of unambiguously identifying these sites is still unsolved. Massive stars are shown to play an important role in the production of s-material if rotation is considered. In this work, we study in detail the contribution of rotating massive stars to the production of Sr and Ba, in order to explain their chemical evolution, but also to constrain the rotational behaviour of massive stars. A stochastic chemical evolution model was employed to reproduce the enrichment of the Galactic halo. We developed new methods for model-data comparison which help to objectively compare the stochastic results to the observations. We employed these methods to estimate the value of free parameters which describe the rotation of massive stars, assumed to be dependent on the stellar metallicity. We constrain the parameters using the observations for Sr and Ba. Employing these parameters for rotating massive stars in our stochastic model, we are able to correctly reproduce the chemical evolution of Sr and Ba, but also Y, Zr and La. The data supports a decrease of both the mean rotational velocities and their dispersion with increasing metallicity. Our results show that a metallicity-dependent rotation is a necessary assumption to explain the s-process in massive stars. Our novel methods of model-data comparison represent a promising tool for future galactic chemical evolution studies

    Optical followup of galaxy clusters detected by the South Pole Telescope

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    The South Pole Telescope (SPT) is a 10 meter telescope operating at mm wavelengths. It has recently completed a three-band survey covering 2500 sq. degrees. One of the survey's main goals is to detect galaxy clusters using Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect and use these clusters for a variety of cosmological and astrophysical studies such as the dark energy equation of state, the primordial non-gaussianity and the evolution of galaxy populations. Since 2005, we have been engaged in a comprehensive optical and near-infrared followup program (at wavelengths between 0.4 and 5 {\mu}m) to image high-significance SPT clusters, to measure their photometric redshifts, and to estimate the contamination rate of the candidate lists. These clusters are then used for various cosmological and astrophysical studies.Comment: For TAUP 2011 proceeding

    The evolution of the photometric properties of Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies

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    We investigate the present-day photometric properties of the dwarf spheroidal galaxies in the Local Group. From the analysis of their integrated colours, we consider a possible link between dwarf spheroidals and giant ellipticals. From the analysis of the V vs (B-V) plot, we search for a possible evolutionary link between dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) and dwarf irregular galaxies (dIrrs). By means of chemical evolution models combined with a spectro-photometric model, we study the evolution of six Local Group dwarf spheroidal galaxies (Carina, Draco, Sagittarius, Sculptor, Sextans and Ursa Minor). The chemical evolution models, which adopt up-to-date nucleosynthesis from low and intermediate mass stars as well as nucleosynthesis and energetic feedback from supernovae type Ia and II, reproduce several observational constraints of these galaxies, such as abundance ratios versus metallicity and the metallicity distributions. The proposed scenario for the evolution of these galaxies is characterised by low star formation rates and high galactic wind efficiencies. Such a scenario allows us to predict integrated colours and magnitudes which agree with observations. Our results strongly suggest that the first few Gyrs of evolution, when the star formation is most active, are crucial to define the luminosities, colours, and other photometric properties as observed today. After the star formation epoch, the galactic wind sweeps away a large fraction of the gas of each galaxy, which then evolves passively. Our results indicate that it is likely that at a certain stage of their evolution, dSphs and dIrrs presented similar photometric properties. However, after that phase, they evolved along different paths, leading them to their currently disparate properties.Comment: 13 pages, Astronomy & Astrophysics, accepte

    The chemical enrichment of the ICM from hydrodynamical simulations

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    The study of the metal enrichment of the intra-cluster and inter-galactic media (ICM and IGM) represents a direct means to reconstruct the past history of star formation, the role of feedback processes and the gas-dynamical processes which determine the evolution of the cosmic baryons. In this paper we review the approaches that have been followed so far to model the enrichment of the ICM in a cosmological context. While our presentation will be focused on the role played by hydrodynamical simulations, we will also discuss other approaches based on semi-analytical models of galaxy formation, also critically discussing pros and cons of the different methods. We will first review the concept of the model of chemical evolution to be implemented in any chemo-dynamical description. We will emphasise how the predictions of this model critically depend on the choice of the stellar initial mass function, on the stellar life-times and on the stellar yields. We will then overview the comparisons presented so far between X-ray observations of the ICM enrichment and model predictions. We will show how the most recent chemo-dynamical models are able to capture the basic features of the observed metal content of the ICM and its evolution. We will conclude by highlighting the open questions in this study and the direction of improvements for cosmological chemo-dynamical models of the next generation.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews, special issue "Clusters of galaxies: beyond the thermal view", Editor J.S. Kaastra, Chapter 18; work done by an international team at the International Space Science Institute (ISSI), Bern, organised by J.S. Kaastra, A.M. Bykov, S. Schindler & J.A.M. Bleeke

    Chemical enrichment of galaxy clusters from hydrodynamical simulations

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    We present cosmological hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy clusters aimed at studying the process of metal enrichment of the intra--cluster medium (ICM). These simulations have been performed by implementing a detailed model of chemical evolution in the Tree-SPH \gd code. This model allows us to follow the metal release from SNII, SNIa and AGB stars, by properly accounting for the lifetimes of stars of different mass, as well as to change the stellar initial mass function (IMF), the lifetime function and the stellar yields. As such, our implementation of chemical evolution represents a powerful instrument to follow the cosmic history of metal production. The simulations presented here have been performed with the twofold aim of checking numerical effects, as well as the impact of changing the model of chemical evolution and the efficiency of stellar feedback.Comment: to appear on MNRA