1,526 research outputs found

    Environmental practices in firms located in underpopulated rural areas in Spain: The case of the province of Teruel

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    This study aims to develop a better understanding of what drives small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to engage in environmental practices in isolated rural areas. Despite a growing literature on environmental behavior in different contexts, the green activities of SMEs in rural areas remains underexposed. This neglect is remarkable, and deserves attention given the serious depopulation problems they have to face, and the economic and social challenges that lie ahead. Using unique data from 141 SMEs in one of the most sparsely populated regions in the European Union, we study the influence of territorial relations on firms’ environmental conduct. Our results suggest that different territorial factors have some impact on the adoption of environmental practices. We report evidence indicative of the role of these factors in shaping environmental decisions. Finally, we offer suggestions for future research that could further develop our understanding of environmental management decisions in rural and underpopulated areas

    Scores of hesitant fuzzy elements revisited: “Was sind und was sollen”

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    [EN] This paper revolves around the notion of score for hesitant fuzzy elements, the constituent parts of hesitant fuzzy sets. Scores allow us to reduce the level of uncertainty of hesitant fuzzy sets to classical fuzzy sets, or to rank alternatives characterized by hesitant fuzzy information. We propose a rigorous and normative definition capable of encapsulating the characteristics of the most important scores introduced in the literature. We systematically analyse different types of scores, with a focus on coherence properties based on cardinality and monotonicity. The hesitant fuzzy elements considered in this analysis are unrestricted. The inspection of the infinite case is especially novel. In particular, special attention will be paid to the analysis of hesitant fuzzy elements that are intervals

    Surf and turf: animal resources in the human diet in Cantabrian Spain during the Mesolithic (11.5 – 7.5 Ky cal. BP)

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    The beginning of the Holocene involved a series of climatic and environmental changes that affected the ways of life of the last hunter-gatherers. In the case of the Spanish Cantabrian region, these changes transformed the material culture and the way human groups interacted with the environment and, therefore, the subsistence strategies of the end of the Upper Pleistocene. In terms of the use of faunal resources, this period was characterised by an increase in the exploitation of coastal resources, mainly molluscs, but also crustaceans and echinoderms, which make up the so-called “shell middens”, while at the same time the percentage of macromammals was reduced and animals considered to have a “low energy range” were introduced into the diet. In this paper we assess the role played by each of these animal resources in the subsistence of Mesolithic human groups, determining their nutritional contribution and establishing a prey ranking based on the caloric intake of each resource. For this purpose, we collected archaeofaunal data from 14 sites from recent archaeological excavations with levels dated between ca. 11.5 and 7.5 ky cal BP in which the consumption of vertebrates and invertebrates is documented. At each of these sites we analysed diversity, homogeneity and species richness using Simpson's and Shannon's indexes, as well as the effective numbers of species for terrestrial and coastal resources, assessing the relationship between the two. With the palaeoecological and palaeoeconomic data from these archaeological sites (most of them located in caves), we estimate the weight that the different animal resources consumed by the last hunter-gatherer communities of the Cantabrian region had in their diet.Programa Estatal de Fomento de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovatio

    Activation of human lymphomononuclear cells by peptides derived from extracellular matrix proteins

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    AbstractA series of peptides of 15 amino acids with sequences contained in human extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins (fibronectin, laminin A, laminin B1, tenascin, undulin, α1-chain of type IV and VIII collagen and α2-chain of type VIII collagen) have been synthesized. The selected structures conformed to the following pattern: (i) Pro at position 6, (ii) Leu, Lys, Ile, Val, Ala or Gly at position 2, (iii) Glu or Asp at position 11. Fibronectin and the indicated peptides, when present in cultures of lymphomononuclear cells from healthy donors, promoted stimulation of monocytes manifested by a release of IL-1α, IL-1β, IL-6 and TNFα; an increase in the percentage of cells expressing CD14, CD16, CD11b and CD14/CD16; an increase in cytotoxicity against HT-29. Cytotoxicity against K562 and Daudi cells (targets of NK and LAK cells) was also observed together with an increase in the percentage of cells expressing CD56, CD56/CD16 (corresponding to NK cells), and CD56/CD8 (corresponding to NK-like lymphocytes), indicating a stimulation of lymphocytes. Activated monocytes and lymphocytes contained a large number of granules with DNAse activity. These results suggest that at least some of the immunological properties of ECM proteins could be accounted for by motifs fulfilling a characteristic sequence pattern shared by all of them

    RSME 2011. Transfer and Industrial Mathematics. Proceedings of the RSME Conference on Transfer and Industrial Mathematics. Santiago de Compostela, July 12-14, 2011

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    [EN] The RSME Conference on Transfer and Industrial Mathematics is supported by the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society, a scientific society for the promotion of mathematics and its applications as well as the encouragement of research and teaching at all educational levels. The three-day conference presents successful experiences in the field of mathematical knowledge transfer to industry and focuses on the following issues: — Showing how collaboration with industry has opened up new lines of research in the field of mathematics providing high quality contributions to international journals and encouraging the development of doctoral theses. — How the promotion of existing infrastructures has contributed to enhance the transfer of mathematical knowledge to industry. — The presentation of postgraduate programs offering training in mathematics with industrial applications. The conference includes talks from researchers and industry representatives who present their different points of view and experiences with regards to the transfer of mathematical knowledge to industry

    Design of a sun tracker for the automatic measurement of spectral irradiance and construction of an irradiance database in the 330-1100 nm range

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    An automatic global and direct solar spectral irradiance system has been designed based on two LICOR spectroradiometers equipped with fibre optics and remote cosine sensors. To measure direct irradiance a sun tracker based on step motors has been developed. The whole system is autonomous and works continuously. From the measurements provided by this system a spectral irradiance database in the 330-1100 nm range has been created. This database contains normal direct and global horizontal irradiances as well as diffuse irradiance on a horizontal plane, together with total atmospheric optical thickness and aerosol optical depth

    Barcos para la construcción de paraques eólicos Offshore: Ventanas temporales y clssificación COVEMA

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    En las últimas décadas, la Ingeniería eólica ha dado el gran salto desde tierra firme al medio marino. El desarrollo de parques cada vez más grandes, unido a la instalación de aerogeneradores de mayor tamaño y potencia, así como a la creciente demanda energética social, medioambiental y política, han hecho que dichos parques cada vez se diseñen a mayores profundidades: es la era de la Ingeniería Eólica Offshore. Para ello se emplea gran cantidad y tipologías de barcos de construcción. Dichos barcos serán reutilizados posteriormente en las fases de O&M de los parques. Del diseño y uso de dichos buques depende en gran medida el éxito de la instalación offshore. Es por esto que en este artículo se busca la optimización de los buques de construcción de parques eólicos, dando como resultado de la investigación una innovadora clasificación de los mismos: la matriz COVEMA

    Thrombospondin-1/CD47 interaction regulates Th17 and treg differentiation in psoriasis

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    Accumulating evidence on the role of Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in the immune response has emerged during the last years. In spite of the importance of TSP-1 not only as anti-angiogenic factor but also as an immunomodulatory molecule, studies on the role of TSP-1 in psoriasis have been neglected. TSP-1 and CD47 expression were analyzed in skin samples from psoriasis patients and control subjects using RT-PCR and immunofluorescence. Expression of these molecules was also evaluated in peripheral blood CD4+ T cells, moDCs, and circulating primary DCs. The functional role of TSP-1/CD47 signaling axis in psoriasis was assessed in Th17 and Treg differentiation assays. Additionally, small interfering RNA assays specific to TSP-1 were performed in CD4+ T cells and monocyte derived DC to specifically evaluate the function of this protein. Lesional skin of psoriasis patients expressed lower TSP-1 and CD47 mRNA levels compared to non-lesional skin or skin from controls. Immunofluorescence staining revealed decreased expression of CD47 in CD45+ dermal cells from psoriasis samples compared to control subjects. Peripheral CD4+ T cells and circulating primary DCs from psoriasis also expressed lower levels of CD47 compared to controls. Although no significant differences were detected in TSP-1 expression in CD4+ T cells and moDCs between patients and controls, TSP-1 expression in psoriasis patients inversely correlated with disease activity evaluated by the Psoriasis Area and Index Activity. Furthermore, exogenous TSP-1 inhibited Th17 differentiation and stimulated the differentiation of CD4+ T cells toward Treg cells. Furthermore, RNA interference specific for TSP-1 confirmed the role of this molecule as a negative regulator of T cell activation. Because of the impact of TSP-1/CD47 signaling axis in Th17 and Treg differentiation, a dysregulated expression of these molecules in the immune cells from psoriasis patients may favor the exacerbated inflammatory response in this diseaseInstituto de Salud Carlos III (AES 2017): PI17/01972 to ED. Janssen; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO): Plan Nacional de Salud SAF2017-82886-R, Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV); Proyecto Integrado de Excelencia PIE13/00041, Instituto de Salud Carlos III to FS-M, Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI16/02166, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-Banco Santander (grant 2017/EEUU/03), and Red Temática de Excelencia en Investigación en Hipoxia (SAF 2017-90794-REDT) to MJC. This research has been co-financed by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER

    Aerosol optical characteristics from a summer campaign in an urban coastal Mediterranean area

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    The authors present a preliminary study of some optical properties of atmospheric aerosols over the area of Valencia, Spain, a coastal Mediterranean city. Measurements of spectral direct irradiance in the 300-1100 nm range were taken simultaneously at three sites: rural-continental, rural-coastal, and urban-coastal, all located within a 50 km radius of the city of Valencia. The irradiance measurements were obtained using three Li-cor 1800 spectroradiometers provided with radiance limiting tubes with field of views (FOVs) of 4.7/spl deg/. The measurements were made under clear sky conditions during a field campaign carried out in the summer of 1998. In order to avoid the uncertainties associated with the determination of the water vapor content and the other atmospheric constituents, the analysis of the spectral aerosol optical thickness (AOT) values was limited to the 400-670 mm spectral band. From the values of the spectral AOT, both the Angstrom coefficients and the aerosol size distributions were obtained. The results show the great dependence of the optical aerosol characteristic on the direction of the prevailing winds (maritime or continental) in this area

    Definitive host influences the proteomic profile of excretory/secretory products of the trematode Echinostoma caproni

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    Detailed gel images of the differential spots identified by mass spectrometry and database search. Magnification of the 2D gel-areas corresponding to the 19 differentially expressed spots identified by mass spectrometry and database search. Detailed images for each of the 6 replicates analyzed (3 corresponding to the ESPs of E. caproni adults obtained from rats, and 3 from those isolated from mice) are shown. Spot numbers refer to gel image in Fig. 2. (PPTX 4834 kb