542 research outputs found

    Impacto del método de estudio de grupo de estudio en el nivel de logro de aprendizaje y cambio de actitud en la asignatura de estadística en un grupo de estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Jorge Basadre Grohman – año 2017

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    La investigación tuvo como propósito principal, determinar el impacto del método de grupo de estudio en el nivel de logro de aprendizaje y cambio de actitud en la asignatura de estadística, con la finalidad de contribuir con los avances de los métodos activos en la enseñanza universitaria, la hipótesis plantada es el método de grupo de estudio impacta positivamente en el nivel de logro de aprendizaje y cambio de actitud en la asignatura de estadística en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios, la investigación es un estudio con un enfoque cuantitativo puesto que la investigación siguió un conjunto de pasos consecutivos y ordenados, el tipo de investigación es aplicada, con un diseño de investigación cuasi - experimental de grupos naturales que se tomó como se encontraron constituidos sin modificación alguna: grupo control y grupo experimental, para la prueba de hipótesis se aplicado el SPSS 22 para la parte cuantitativa la prueba t de diferencia de medias asumiendo varianzas iguales para grupos independientes y para la parte cualitativa la chi cuadrado cuyos resultados fueron comprobados al 95% de confiabilidad teniendo un p- valor muy significativo demostrando que el método de grupo de estudio mejora el aprendizaje en la asignatura de estadística y el cambio de actitud positivo hacia la estadística.The main purpose of the research was to determine the impact of the study group method on the level of learning achievement and attitude change in the subject of statistics, in order to contribute to the progress of the active methods in the university teaching, the hypothesis planted is the study group method positively impacts the level of learning achievement and attitude change in the subject of statistics in a group of university students, research is a study with a quantitative approach since the research followed a set of consecutive and orderly steps, the type of research is applied, with a quasi-experimental research design of natural groups that was taken as they were constituted without any modification: control group and experimental group, for the hypothesis test the SPSS 22 was applied for the quantitative part, the t test of difference of means assuming equal variances for independent groups and for the qualitative part the chi square whose results were verified at 95% reliability, having a very significant p-value showing that the study group method improves the learning in the subject of statistics and the change of positive attitude towards statistic

    Characterization of glucose-crosslinked gelatin films reinforced with chitin nanowhiskers for active packaging development

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    To find renewable and sustainable alternatives to reduce the severe environmental impact of single-use synthetic plastic packaging, glucose-crosslinked gelatin films containing different amounts of chitin nanowhiskers (CNWs) were prepared. CNWs were first prepared by acid hydrolysis of chitin from shrimps, and characterized (morphological and thermal properties), before their addition into film-forming formulations. The films were heat-treated to promote the chemical crosslinking Maillard reaction (MR), between glucose and gelatin. The films then became less soluble (from 100% to ∼10%), thermally more stable, had a notably improved UV–vis light absorption capacity, and presented significantly enhanced tensile strength (from 42 to 77 MPa) and Young's modulus (from 1476 to 2921 MPa), however, they also became less flexible (from 17% to 7%) and transparent. These property alterations were mainly related to changes in crystallinity, the MR and to a lesser extent, to the formation of noncovalent (electrostatic and hydrogen bonding) interactions between CNWs and gelatin. Furthermore, due to the formation of MR products, the films turned yellow/dark brown and released antioxidant compounds (inhibition ∼33%) while immersed in water, which gave the films their active properties (stabilization of free radicals). These films have considerable potential as reinforced active packaging films for renewable food packaging applications.The authors would like to thank the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment of New Zealand (MBIE, Biocide Toolbox programme) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects PID2019-108361RB-I00 and AGL2017-84161-C2-1-R) for funding. A.E. thanks the State Research Agency of Spain within the Juan de la Cierva - Incorporation action (IJC2019-039697I)

    Capacitação docente em contexto de prática de ensino supervisionada : relatório

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    O presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, do Mestrado em Ensino de Informática, da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais, da Universidade Católica Portuguesa – Braga. Neste descrevem-se todas as atividades letivas e não letivas realizadas ao longo da prática de ensino supervisionada na Escola EB 2/3 de Real e as atividades científicas de complemento da formação necessária à realização do estágio e à elaboração de um artigo científico. Assim, constam deste relatório uma descrição mais teórica de questões pedagógicas que permite perceber os conceitos fundamentais mobilizados ao longo da prática de ensino supervisionada; todo o trabalho desenvolvido ao nível da componente de investigação científica que culminou com a realização do artigo, o qual também se encontra do presente relatório; por último, todo o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito das Jornadas de Ensino de Informática, realizadas pelos alunos do Mestrado em referência.The following report was developed for the Supervised Teaching Practice, for the Masters in Informatics Teaching, in the Social Science Faculty, of the Portuguese Catholic University – Braga. It includes the description of all the curricular and non-curricular activities developed during the supervised teaching practice in the Escola EB 2/3 de Real, and also the scientific activities that complemented the formation necessary for the internship, as well as the elaboration of a scientific article. Consequently, this report contains a theoretical description of pedagogical subjects that leads to an understanding of central concepts mobilized during the supervised teaching practice; it also comprises all the work developed in the scientific investigation component that culminated in the creation of the article, which is included in this report; and finally, all the work developed for the “Jornadas de Ensino de Informática”, organized by the students of this Masters

    Effects of gelatin origin, bovine-hide and tuna-skin, on the properties of compound gelatin-chitosan films

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    With the purpose to improve the physico-chemical performance of plain gelatin and chitosan films, compound gelatin-chitosan films were prepared. The effect of the gelatin origin (commercial bovine-hide gelatin and laboratory-made tuna-skin gelatin) on the physico-chemical properties of films was studied. The dynamic viscoelastic properties (elastic modulus G', viscous modulus, G″ and phase angle) of the film-forming solutions upon cooling and subsequent heating revealed that the interactions between gelatin and chitosan were stronger in the blends made with tuna-skin gelatin than in the blends made with bovine-hide gelatin. As a result, the fish gelatin-chitosan films were more water resistant (∼18% water solubility for tuna vs 30% for bovine) and more deformable (∼68% breaking deformation for tuna vs 11% for bovine) than the bovine gelatin-chitosan films. The breaking strength of gelatin-chitosan films, whatever the gelatin origin, was higher than that of plain gelatin films. Bovine gelatin-chitosan films showed a significant lower water vapour permeability (WVP) than the corresponding plain films, whereas tuna gelatin-chitosan ones were only significantly less permeable than plain chitosan film. Complex gelatin-chitosan films behaved at room temperature as rubbery semicrystalline materials. In spite of gelatin-chitosan interactions, all the chitosan-containing films exhibited antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, a relevant food poisoning. Mixing gelatin and chitosan may be a means to improve the physico-chemical performance of gelatin and chitosan plain films, especially when using fish gelatin, without altering the antimicrobial properties. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.Peer Reviewe

    La Rentabilidad de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima y su Influencia en la Capitalización Bursátil de Renta Variable del Sector Minero del Perú, Periodo 2014-2018

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    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo de investigación se centra en determinar cómo influye el precio del cobre en la capitalización bursátil del sector minero de la Bolsa de valores de Lima, periodo 2014 - 2018, la investigación es importante dado que da a conocer la relevancia del sector minero en el desarrollo de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima, en consecuencia los agentes económicos tanto nacionales como internacionales deben evaluar el efecto de las variables en estudio en la capitalización del sector minero. La investigación presenta una introducción dedicada a contextuar el tema de investigación a desarrollar, a través de la presentación un marco teórico, en el cual se expone una serie de teorías y conceptos, cuyo delineamiento han orientado la investigación. El presente estudio, se ha realizado con el levantamiento de información secundaria, de una serie de datos desde el año 2014 – 2018, considerando las variables independientes, tales como, precio del cobre, rentabilidad de la Bolsa de Valores de Lima, el riesgo país, expectativas de la economía y crecimiento de la economía, de otro lado, para la comprobación de las hipótesis se han utilizado modelos de regresión simple.Tesi

    Updated approaches for management of uterine fibroids.

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    Uterine anatomy and uterine fibroids (UFs) characteristics have been classically considered as almost a unique issue in gynecology and reproductive medicine. Nowadays, the management of UF pathology is undergoing an important evolution, with the patient’s quality of life being the most important aspect to consider. Accordingly, surgical techniques and aggressive treatments are reserved for only those cases with heavy symptomatology, while the clinical diagnostic based on size and number of UFs remains in a second plane in these situations. Moreover, the development of several noninvasive surgical techniques, especially the appearance of ulipristal acetate as a medical etiological treatment, has substantially changed the clinical indications. As a consequence, after almost 2 decades without relevant updates, it has been necessary to update the protocols for the management of UFs in the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics twice. Accordingly, we believe that it is necessary to translate our experience to protocolize the medical care for patients with UFs, incorporating these new therapeutic options, and selecting the best treatment for them. We highlight the importance of achieving the patient’s goals and decisions by improving the clinical diagnosis for these type of pathologies, allowing enhanced personalized treatments, as well as the reduction of potential risks and unnecessary surgeries.post-print366 K

    Lesão Grau 2 da Junção Miotendinosa do Iliopsoas num Jogador Profissional de Futebol

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    Groin pain is a common injury in professional footbal and widely acknowledged as a complex medical issue. Iliopsoas pathology stands as the second‐most common cause of athletic groin injury, yet iliopsoas traumatic muscle injuries are infrequent and inadequately documented in the literature. This case report outlines a grade 2 myotendinous junction injury of the iliopsoas in a football player competing in the Portuguese First League, combining an early rehabilitation protocol with ultrasound‐guided hematoma evacuation and LP‐PRP injection, enabling return to play 23 days after injury with no reported re‐injury over a period exceeding 12 months.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio