90 research outputs found

    Montaje y ensayo de bombas manuales de pistón

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    El presente trabajo “Montaje y Ensayo de Bombas Manuales de Pistón” está enfocado a obtener una caracterización de los sistemas de bombeo de agua mediante el uso del trabajo manual como fuente de energía, y en concreto a implantar en el laboratorio un banco de ensayo dónde poder realizar el estudio de la bomba Afridev. El proyecto parte con la disponibilidad de las bombas a estudiar, los modelos Afridev y Malda del fabricante Meera & Ceiko Pumps Pvt. Ltd., que fueron adquiridas previamente, luego todas las fases del trabajo se pudieron realizar físicamente sobre los equipos. El trabajo se puede dividir en líneas generales en cuatro fases, las cuales se irán describiendo a lo largo del presente texto: - En la primera fase, desarrollada en el capítulo segundo, se ha realizado un análisis previo de la calidad de los equipos comerciales adquiridos por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid durante el desarrollo de proyectos anteriores, en concreto se trata de la bomba Afridev y la bomba Malda. El análisis se ha realizado teniendo en cuenta los criterios establecidos por la SKAT (Swiss Resource Center and Consultancies for Development) que es la institución encargada de la normalización de las bombas de dominio público junto a fabricantes y gobiernos y también se han desarrollados criterios propios que no constaban explícitamente y se consideran necesarios. - En la fase siguiente se ha diseñado la distribución del laboratorio de ensayo de bombas manuales, enfocándolo a garantizar la máxima flexibilidad del mismo, además de que pueda admitir, en el caso de ser necesario, el desarrollo de diversas actividades demostrativas y formativas de los equipos. Esta fase se encuentra desarrollada en el capítulo tercero del presente proyecto. - Una vez cerrado el diseño del laboratorio, se procedió a diseñar la instalación de pruebas de la bomba Afridev, la adquisición de los equipos necesarios y la implementación y montaje del banco de ensayo en el laboratorio. En el capítulo tercero encontraremos toda la información técnica relativa al montaje de la instalación. - En la fase final del proyecto, descrita en el cuarto capítulo, se procedió a comprobar la fiabilidad de la instalación, realizar análisis previos, una primera caracterización de carácter orientativa sobre el rendimiento y la capacidad de la bomba Afridev y la realización de test sobre la adecuación de los equipos de medida.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Climate, soil or both? Which variables are better predictors of the distributions of Australian shrub species?

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    © 2017 Hageer et al. Background. Shrubs play a key role in biogeochemical cycles, prevent soil and water erosion, provide forage for livestock, and are a source of food, wood and non-wood products. However, despite their ecological and societal importance, the influence of different environmental variables on shrub distributions remains unclear.Weevaluated the influence of climate and soil characteristics, and whether including soil variables improved the performance of a species distribution model (SDM), Maxent. Methods. This study assessed variation in predictions of environmental suitability for 29 Australian shrub species (representing dominant members of six shrubland classes) due to the use of alternative sets of predictor variables. Models were calibrated with (1) climate variables only, (2) climate and soil variables, and (3) soil variables only. Results. The predictive power of SDMs differed substantially across species, but generally models calibrated with both climate and soil data performed better than those calibrated only with climate variables. Models calibrated solely with soil variables were the least accurate. We found regional differences in potential shrub species richness across Australia due to the use of different sets of variables. Conclusions. Our study provides evidence that predicted patterns of species richness may be sensitive to the choice of predictor set when multiple, plausible alternatives exist, and demonstrates the importance of considering soil properties when modeling availability of habitat for plants

    Estudio molecular de una nueva cepa de morbillivirus de cetáceo aislada de un calderon tropical

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    El morbillivirus de cetáceo (CeMV) es el virus más patógeno de cetáceos. Comprende tres cepas cuyos nombres provienen de la especie de donde se aisló por primera vez: el morbillivirus de delfín (DMV), el morbillivirus de la marsopa (PMV) y el morbillivirus del calderón (PWMV). En este estudio se pretende completar la caracterización molecular de una nueva cepa de CeMV obtenida del encéfalo de un calderón tropical que varó muerto en las Islas Canarias, con lesiones compatibles con enfermedad por morbillivirus. La construcción de árboles filogenéticos con todas las especies de morbillivirus indicó una mayor homología con PWMV por lo que se propone llamar esta nueva cepa “PWMV II”. Además, en base a los árboles filogenéticos y una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica, se hace la propuesta de renombrar las tres cepas de CeMV en “CeMV-1” para el DMV, “CeMV-2” para el PMV y “CeMV-3” para el PWMV.Cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) is the most pathogenic virus in cetaceans. It includes three strains whose names refer to the species of odontocete from which it was initially isolated: Dolphin morbillivirus (DMV), Porpoise morbillivirus (PMV) and Pilot Whale morbillivirus (PWMV). The aim of this work was to complete a molecular characterization of a new strain of CeMV obtained from the brain of a short finned pilot whale stranded dead around Canary Islands with lesions compatible with morbilliviral disease. Phylogenetic trees including sequences of all the morbillivirus species have shown a higher homology with PWMV, so this strain is tentatively named “PWMV II”. Moreover, from the phylogenetic trees analysis and an exhaustive bibliographical review we propose new names for the CeMV strains:“CeMV-1” for DMV, “CeMV-2” for PMV and “CeMV-3” for PWMV

    High diversity, novel genotypes, and vertical transmission of hemotropic Mycoplasma in micromammals

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    Hemotropic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas) are emerging zoonotic pathogens. Micromammals have received little attention as hosts for hemoplasmas despite their ubiquitous presence, high population abundances, and close association with humans. A PCR protocol targeting a fragment of the 16 S rRNA gene and direct sequencing in blood samples of 189 adult specimens and 35 fetuses belonging to three species of Eulipotyphla (shrews) and seven species of Rodentia, captured in three ecologically diverse habitats in North-Eastern Spain (Steppe, High Mountain, Mediterranean) yielded and occurrence of 26%, including 36% of 39 shrews and 23% of 150 rodents. Sequencing revealed the presence of 14 nucleotide sequence types (ntST) among the 56 readable sequences. In general, each ntST was associated with a given host species, although in some cases, the same ntST was sequenced in different species (chiefly rodents). Most ntST were closely related to rodent and/or bat hemoplasmas, but one was identical with Mycoplasma haemocanis/haemofelis, and others can be considered novel genotypes. High sequence diversity was detected in rodents, whereas in the white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula), 9/11 sequences from two distant areas were identical. Phylogenetic and network analyses classified our sequences in different clades including hemoplasmas of rodents, carnivores, bats, and humans. Twelve of the fetuses (34.2%) of 9/12 litters (75.0%) of shrews and rodents were hemoplasma-positive, indicating frequent vertical transmission. Our study contributes to expanding our knowledge about the distribution, diversity, and transmission of hemoplasmas

    Liderazgo & clima organizacional de un hospital pediátrico cubano. Visión de enfermeras jefas y asistenciales

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    Objective: Describe experiences of nurses heads and clinical nurses on the causes that may affect the organizational climate of pediatric services in a Cuban hospital. Method: Qualitative and exploratory study done in the months of April - December, 2018 with 14 heads nurses and 11 healthcare nurses, belonging to the Pediatric University Hospital "Paquito Gonzales Cueto", Province of Cienfuegos, Cuba. The data were collected with the focus group technique; the narratives were processed through content analysis based on the theoretical framework of organizational climate with the central category of leadership. The research was evaluated by the Ethical-Scientific Committee of the reference hospital. Results: Four subcategories of content analysis emerged based on the theoretical framework. The most important was “ideology of a manager “followed by "continuous improvement" "listening for relational harmony" and "sense of belonging". Conclusions: the main causes as affecting organizational climate are related to the characteristics of the leader and the possibilities of overcoming them and the rest of the staff.describir experiencias vividas de enfermeras jefas y enfermeras asistenciales sobre las causas que pueden afectar el clima organizacional de los servicios pediátricos en un hospital cubano. Método: estudio cualitativo de tipo exploratorio realizado en los meses de abril-diciembre, año 2018 con 14 enfermeras jefas y 11 enfermeras asistenciales, pertenecientes al Hospital Pediátrico Universitario “Paquito González Cueto”, Provincia de Cienfuegos, Cuba. Los datos se recogieron con la técnica de grupo focal, las narrativas fueron procesadas mediante análisis de contenido en base al referencial teórico de clima organizacional con la categoría central de liderazgo. La investigación fue evaluada por Comité Ético-Científico de hospital de referencia. Resultados: emergieron cuatro subcategorías del análisis de contenido con base en el referencial teórico. La de mayor peso fue “ideario de un directivo” seguida de “mejoramiento continuo” “escucha para la armonía relacional” y “sentido de pertenecía”. Conclusiones: las principales causas que afectan el clima organizacional se relacionan con las características del líder y las posibilidades de superación de ellos y del resto del personal

    Novel and Recurrent PNPLA1 Mutations in Spanish Patients with Autosomal Recessive Congenital Ichthyosis; Evidence of a Founder Effect

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    Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) is a group of rare non-syndrome diseases that affect cornification. PNPLA1 is one of the 12 related genes identified so far. Mutation screening of this gene has resulted in the identification of 13 individuals, from 10 families, who carried 7 different PNPLA1 mutations. These mutations included 2 missense, 2 frame­shift and 3 nonsense, 3 of them being novel. One of the identified variants, c.417_418delinsTC, was highly prevalent, as it was found in 6 out of 10 (60%) of our ARCI families with PNPLA1 mutations. Clinical manifestations varied significantly among patients, but altered sweating; erythema, palmar hyperlinearity and small whitish scales in flexor-extensor and facial areas were common symptoms. Haplotype analyses of c.417_418delinsTC carriers confirmed the existence of a common ancestor. This study expands the spectrum of the PNPLA1 disease, which causes variants and demonstrates that the c.417_418delinsTC mutation has founder effects in the Spanish population.This work was partially supported by Ramón Areces Foundation project (Rare Diseases 2013-056); by Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (INT15/00070, INT16/00154, INT17/00133) and by Xunta de Galicia (IN607B). UE was supported by a predoctoral fellowship from Xunta de GaliciaS

    Nodulation in the absence of nod genes induction: alternative mechanisms involved in the symbiotic interaction between Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A and Mimosa pudica

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    Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A is a beta-rhizobia strain of the Cupriavidus genus, isolated from nodules of Mimosa magentea in Uruguay. This strain can form effective nodules with several Mimosa species, including its original host. Genome analyses indicate that Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A has a highly conserved 35 kb symbiotic island containing nod, nif, and fix operons, suggesting conserved mechanisms for the symbiotic interaction with plant hosts. However, while Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A produces functional nodules and promotes Mimosa pudica growth under nitrogen-limiting conditions, nod genes are not induced by luteolin or exposure to Mimosa spp. root exudate. To explore alternative mechanisms implicated in the Cupriavidus-Mimosa interaction, we assessed the proteomic profiles of Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A grown in the presence of pure flavonoids and co-culture with M. pudica plants. This approach allowed us to identify 24 differentially expressed proteins potentially involved in bacterial-plant interaction. In light of the obtained results, a possible model for nod-alternative symbiotic interaction is proposed.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónInstituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente EstablePrograma de Desarrollo de las Ciencias BásicasFONTAGR

    Genetic characterization of Carnivore Parvoviruses in Spanish wildlife reveals domestic dog and cat-related sequences

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    The impact of carnivore parvovirus infection on wild populations is not yet understood; disease signs are mainly developed in pups and assessing the health of litters in wild carnivores has big limitations. This study aims to shed light on the virus dynamics among wild carnivores thanks to the analysis of 213 samples collected between 1994 and 2013 in wild ecosystems from Spain. We determined the presence of carnivore parvovirus DNA by real‐time PCR and sequenced the vp2 gen from 22 positive samples to characterize the strains and to perform phylogenetic analysis. The presence of carnivore parvovirus DNA was confirmed in 18% of the samples, with a higher prevalence detected in wolves (Canis lupus signatus, 70%). Fourteen sequences belonging to nine wolves, three Eurasian badgers (Meles meles), a common genet (Genetta genetta) and a European wildcat (Felis silvestris) were classified as canine parvovirus 2c (CPV‐2c); five sequences from three wolves, a red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and a stone marten (Martes foina) as CPV‐2b; and three sequences from a badger, a genet and a stone marten as feline parvovirus (FPV). This was the first report of a wildcat infected with a canine strain. Sequences described in this study were identical or very close related to others previously found in domestic carnivores from distant countries, suggesting that cross‐species transmission takes place and that the parvovirus epidemiology in Spain, as elsewhere, could be influenced by global factors

    Nodulation in the absence of nod genes induction: alternative mechanisms involved in the symbiotic interaction between Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A and Mimosa pudica

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    Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A is a beta-rhizobia strain of the Cupriavidus genus, isolated from nodules of Mimosa magentea in Uruguay. This strain can form effective nodules with several Mimosa species, including its original host. Genome analyses indicate that Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A has a highly conserved 35 kb symbiotic island containing nod, nif, and fix operons, suggesting conserved mechanisms for the symbiotic interaction with plant hosts. However, while Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A produces functional nodules and promotes Mimosa pudica growth under nitrogen-limiting conditions, nod genes are not induced by luteolin or exposure to Mimosa spp. root exudate. To explore alternative mechanisms implicated in the Cupriavidus-Mimosa interaction, we assessed the proteomic profiles of Cupriavidus sp. UYMMa02A grown in the presence of pure flavonoids and co-culture with M. pudica plants. This approach allowed us to identify 24 differentially expressed proteins potentially involved in bacterial-plant interaction. In light of the obtained results, a possible model for nod-alternative symbiotic interaction is proposed.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónInstituto de Investigaciones Biológicas Clemente EstableProgama del Desarrollo de Ciencias Básica

    A novel ABCA12 pathologic variant identified in an Ecuadorian harlequin ichthyosis patient: A step forward in genotype‐phenotype correlations

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    Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyoses (ARCI) have been associated with different phenotypes including: harlequin ichthyosis (HI), congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (CIE), and lamellar ichthyosis (LI). While pathogenic variants in all ARCI genes are associated with LI and CIE phenotypes, the unique gene associated with HI is ABCA12. In HI, the most severe ARCI form, pathogenic variants in both ABCA12 gene alleles usually have a severe impact on protein function. The presence of at least one non-truncating variant frequently causes a less severe congenital ichthyosis phenotype (LI and CIE). METHODS: We report the case of a 4-year-old Ecuadorian boy with a severe skin disease. Genetic diagnosis was performed by NGS. In silico predictions were performed using Alamut software v2.11. A review of the literature was carried out to identify all patients carrying ABCA12 splice-site and missense variants, and to explore their genotype-phenotype correlations. RESULTS: Genetic testing revealed a nonsense substitution, p.(Arg2204*), and a new missense variant, p.(Val1927Leu), in the ABCA12 gene. After performing in silico analysis and a comprehensive review of the literature, we conclude that p.(Val1927Leu) affects a well conserved residue which could either disturb the protein function or alter the splicing process, both alternatives could explain the severe phenotype of our patient. CONCLUSION: This case expands the spectrum of ABCA12 reported disease-causing variants which is important to unravel genotype-phenotype correlations and highlights the importance of missense variants in the development of HI. © 2019 The Authors. Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Fundación Ramón ArecesInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIXunta de GaliciaUniversidad Espíritu Santo-Ecuado