98 research outputs found

    Efecto de dos técnicas de ligado sobre las condiciones clínicas periodontales en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija

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    La presente investigación tuvo como propósito determinar el efecto de dos técnicas de ligado sobre las condiciones clínicas periodontales en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija. El estudio prospectivo, longitudinal, comparativo y experimental incluyó un total de 14 pacientes que requieren aparatología ortodóntica fija. Para la evaluación de las condiciones clínicas periodontales, se procedió a medir el sangrado al sondaje con el Índice de Ainamo y el Índice de Higiene con el índice O’Leary. Se midió las condiciones clínicas periodontales antes de la adhesión de los brackets y cuatro semanas después de la adhesión de los brackets. Se calcularon los promedios, desviaciones estándar, valores mínimos y valores máximos. La comparación de los efectos sobre la condición periodontal se realizó empleando la prueba estadística T de Student para grupos pareados, luego de corroborar que los datos siguieron distribución normal y presentaron homogeneidad de varianzas. La significancia estadística considerada fue del 5%. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el efecto de dos técnicas de ligado en el sangrado al sondaje e índice de higiene en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija.The present investigation was to determine the effect of two archwire ligation techniques to periodontal clinical conditions in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. The prospective, longitudinal, comparative and experimental study included a total of 14 patients requiring fixed orthodontic appliances. For the evaluation of periodontal clinical conditions, we were measured with bleeding probing with Ainamo Index and Health Index with O'Leary index. Periodontal clinical conditions was measured before the adhesion of brackets and four weeks after the adhesion of brackets. Mean, standard deviations, minimum and maximum values were calculated. Comparison of the effects on the periodontal condition was performed using the T Student test statistic for paired groups, then they followed corroborate the data presented normal distribution and homogeneity of variances. Statistical significance was 5% considered. Significant differences in the effect of two archwire ligation techniques on bleeding probing and hygiene index in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances were found.Tesi

    Efecto de dos técnicas de ligado sobre las condiciones clínicas periodontales en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija

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    La presente investigación tuvo como propósito determinar el efecto de dos técnicas de ligado sobre las condiciones clínicas periodontales en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija. El estudio prospectivo, longitudinal, comparativo y experimental incluyó un total de 14 pacientes que requieren aparatología ortodóntica fija. Para la evaluación de las condiciones clínicas periodontales, se procedió a medir el sangrado al sondaje con el Índice de Ainamo y el Índice de Higiene con el índice O’Leary. Se midió las condiciones clínicas periodontales antes de la adhesión de los brackets y cuatro semanas después de la adhesión de los brackets. Se calcularon los promedios, desviaciones estándar, valores mínimos y valores máximos. La comparación de los efectos sobre la condición periodontal se realizó empleando la prueba estadística T de Student para grupos pareados, luego de corroborar que los datos siguieron distribución normal y presentaron homogeneidad de varianzas. La significancia estadística considerada fue del 5%. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el efecto de dos técnicas de ligado en el sangrado al sondaje e índice de higiene en pacientes con aparatología ortodóntica fija.The present investigation was to determine the effect of two archwire ligation techniques to periodontal clinical conditions in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. The prospective, longitudinal, comparative and experimental study included a total of 14 patients requiring fixed orthodontic appliances. For the evaluation of periodontal clinical conditions, we were measured with bleeding probing with Ainamo Index and Health Index with O'Leary index. Periodontal clinical conditions was measured before the adhesion of brackets and four weeks after the adhesion of brackets. Mean, standard deviations, minimum and maximum values were calculated. Comparison of the effects on the periodontal condition was performed using the T Student test statistic for paired groups, then they followed corroborate the data presented normal distribution and homogeneity of variances. Statistical significance was 5% considered. Significant differences in the effect of two archwire ligation techniques on bleeding probing and hygiene index in patients with fixed orthodontic appliances were found.Tesi

    Autoconcepto y clima en el aula de los estudiantes del VI ciclo de educación secundaria de la I.E. N° 7099 Héctor Pretell, San Juan de Miraflores – 2014

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo general identificar la relación que existe entre el autoconcepto y el clima en el aula de los estudiantes del VI ciclo de Educación Secundaria de la I.E. N° 7099 Héctor Pretell, San Juan de Miraflores – 2014. La investigación fue de tipo básica con un nivel descriptivo, correlacional con un enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y transversal. La población fue de 52 estudiantes. Se aplicaron los instrumentos para medir el autoconcepto y el clima en el aula los cuales fueron validados por tres expertos conocedores del tema. Los resultados obtenidos después del procesamiento y análisis de los datos nos indican que: Existe un nivel de correlación alta (r = 0,751*) entre el autoconcepto y el clima en el aula de los estudiantes del VI ciclo de Educación Secundaria de la I.E. N° 7099 Héctor Pretell, San Juan de Miraflores – 2014, con un nivel de significancia de 0,05 y p=0,000 <0,01

    Las aspiraciones sociales de la adolescencia en México

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    The aim of this research article is to analyze the opinions of adolescents that are at risk of falling prey to violence and delinquency in the local municipalities of Xalapa, Poza Rica, Puerto de Veracruz and Coatzacoalcos in the state of Veracruz (Mexico). The field work was carried out in poverty-stricken neighbourhoods as categorized by the Department of Social Development. For the purposes of our research, we took a sampling from primary and secondary schools located within the areas under study, with the participation of 434 adolescents from 10 to 14 years of age. A descriptive approach was adopted to analyze the data, with correlations being discussed and the data analysis carried out using SPSS version 25. It was found that adolescents clearly identify the problems in their family, school, neighbourhood and country. However, they are willing to work for social change. 72% of those surveyed see themselves as a professional in ten years, while 69% see themselves working or studying in ten years’ time. It should be noted that social inequality, social practices, context and culture place limits on their social wellbeing. Therefore, we propose a model of social intervention, implemented by social management, where they are the ones that take decisions concerning their future based on cumulative economic, social, cultural and symbolic capital.El artículo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las opiniones de adolescentes en situación de riesgo por la violencia y delincuencia en Xalapa, Poza Rica, Puerto de Veracruz y Coatzacoalcos, municipios ubicados en el estado de Veracruz, México. El trabajo de campo fue realizado en polígonos en situación de pobreza determinados por la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social. Para realizar la investigación se hizo un muestreo en escuelas de primarias y secundarias ubicadas en las zonas de estudio. En el estudio participaron 434 adolescentes de edades entre 10 y 14 años. La estrategia de análisis de los datos fue descriptiva y correlacional. La información fue analizada con el software SPSS versión 25. Encontramos que las y los adolescentes identifican de manera clara los problemas en la familia, escuela, colonia y país, sin embargo, están dispuestos a trabajar por un cambio social. El 72% de las y los encuestados se mira en diez años como profesionista, el 69 % en diez años se mira trabajando o estudiando. Cabe señalar que, la desigualdad social, las prácticas sociales, el contexto y la cultura limitan su bienestar social. Por lo anterior, planteamos un modelo de intervención social desde la gerencia social, donde ellos sean quienes tomen decisiones para su futuro a partir del capital económico, social, cultural y simbólico acumulado

    Gestión de Cuentas Por Cobrar Comerciales y Su Incidencia En La Liquidez de LA EMPRESA ARJEN EXPORT S.A.C. AÑO 2015

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    En el Perú existen empresas con diversos problemas, en su mayoría enfocados a mala gestión y políticas no determinadas para realizar procedimientos operativos los cuales consideramos son importantes para mantener una empresa en marcha, es por ello presentaremos “Gestión de cuentas por cobrar comerciales y su incidencia en la liquidez de la empresa ARJEN EXPORT S.A.C. año 2015”para mostrar la realidad de las empresas hoy en día. El objetivo principal del trabajo es determinar de qué manera la gestión de cuentas por cobrar comerciales incide en la liquidez de la empresa Arjen Export S.A.C., concluyendo que la empresa viene arrastrando una mala gestión de cobranzas, por lo que no cuenta con políticas de cobros y créditos, así como el otorgamiento de crédito libre a clientes sin una previa evaluación de su línea crediticia. La empresa en estudio por su situación debe implementar lineamientos, parámetros de cobros y créditos que puedan ayudar a un buen desempeño de la entidad, asimismo la delegación de funciones a cada a área; y para la captación de nuevos clientes se debe tomar en cuenta la materia crediticia, una evaluación minuciosa antes de otorgar créditos.In Peru there are companies with various problems, mostly focused on mismanagement and policies not determined to perform operating procedures which we believe are important to keep a company running, that is why we will present "Management of commercial accounts receivable and their incidence in the liquidity of the company ARJEN EXPORT SAC year 2015 "to show the reality of companies today. The main objective of the work is to determine how the management of commercial accounts receivable affects the liquidity of the company Arjen Export SAC, concluding that the company is dragging a bad collection management, so it does not have collection policies and credits, as well as the granting of free credit to clients without a prior evaluation of their credit line. The company under study due to its situation must implement guidelines, parameters of collections and credits that can help a good performance of the entity, as well as the delegation of functions to each area; and for the acquisition of new clients, the credit matter must be taken into account, a thorough evaluation before granting credits.Trabajo de investigació

    On-road emissions of ammonia: An underappreciated source of atmospheric nitrogen deposition

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    We provide updated spatial distribution and inventory data for on-road NH3 emissions for the continental United States (U.S.) On-road NH3 emissions were determined from on-road CO2 emissions data and empirical NH3:CO2 vehicle emissions ratios. Emissions of NH3 from on-road sources in urbanized regions are typically 0.1– 1.3 t km−2 yr−1 while NH3 emissions in agricultural regions generally range from 0.4–5.5 t km−2 yr−1, with a few hot spots as high as 5.5–11.2 t km−2 yr−1. Counties with higher vehicle NH3 emissions than from agriculture include 40% of the U.S. population. The amount of wet inorganic N deposition as NH4+ from the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP) network ranged from 37 to 83% with a mean of 58.7%. Only 4% of the NADP sites across the U.S. had \u3c45% of the N deposition as NH4+ based on data from 2014 to 2016, illustrating the near-universal elevated proportions of NH4+ in deposition across the U.S. Case studies of on-road NH3 emissions in relation to N deposition include four urban sites in Oregon and Washington where the average NH4- N:NO3-N ratio in bulk deposition was 2.3. At urban sites in the greater Los Angeles Basin, bulk deposition of NH4-N and NO3-N were equivalent, while NH4-N:NO3-N in throughfall under shrubs ranged from 0.6 to 1.7. The NH4-N:NO3-N ratio at 7–10 sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin averaged 1.4 and 1.6 in bulk deposition and throughfall, and deposition of NH4-N was strongly correlated with summertime NH3 concentrations. On-road emissions of NH3 should not be ignored as an important source of atmospheric NH3, as a major contributor to particulate air pollution, and as a driver of N deposition in urban and urban-affected regions

    Sonrío Contigo

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    En el presente trabajo se desarrolló un proyecto de negocio, el cual lleva por título “Sonrío Contigo”, donde se busca que los estudiantes de primeros ciclos de carreras como psicología, geriatría y enfermería puedan tomar cuidado y pasar tiempo con adultos mayores. La mayoría de ellos son padres de personas que no tienen suficiente tiempo en el día o que por alguna razón no los pueden dejar solos. Es importante mencionar que, se plantearon y desarrollaron diferentes hipótesis, las cuales desencadenaron en los experimentos con el propósito de validar el modelo de negocio. Así, también se desarrolló un plan concierge de varias semanas para conocer la respuesta del público objetivo hacia nuestro servicio. Finalmente, el presente trabajo cuenta con planes financieros para las diferentes áreas de la empresa y para los próximos tres años. De esta manera, se busca que el proyecto pueda ser sostenible y de desarrollo en el mediano y largo plazo. Cabe precisar que, también se tomó en cuenta los diferentes factores que aqueja la realidad hoy en día con el fin de poder determinar si el proyecto genera valor.In the present work, a business project was developed, which is entitled "Sonrío Contigo", where it is sought that students in the first cycles of careers such as psychology, geriatrics and nursing can take care and spend time with older adults. Most of them are parents of people who don't have enough time in the day or who for some reason can't leave them alone. It is important to mention that different hypotheses were raised and developed, which were triggered in the experiments with the purpose of validating the business model. Thus, a concierge plan for several weeks was also developed to know the response of the target audience to our service. Finally, this work has financial plans for the different areas of the company and for the next three years. In this way, it is sought that the project can be sustainable and developmental in the medium and long term. It should be noted that the different factors that affect reality today were also taken into account to determine if the project generates value.Trabajo de investigació

    Guiding concepts for park and wilderness stewardship in an era of global environmental change

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    The major challenge to stewardship of protected areas is to decide where, when, and how to intervene in physical and biological processes, to conserve what we value in these places. To make such decisions, planners and managers must articulate more clearly the purposes of parks, what is valued, and what needs to be sustained. A key aim for conservation today is the maintenance and restoration of biodiversity, but a broader range of values are also likely to be considered important, including ecological integrity, resilience, historical fidelity (ie the ecosystem appears and functions much as it did in the past), and autonomy of nature. Until recently, the concept of "naturalness" was the guiding principle when making conservation-related decisions in park and wilderness ecosystems. However, this concept is multifaceted and often means different things to different people, including notions of historical fidelity and autonomy from human influence. Achieving the goal of nature conservation intended for such areas requires a clear articulation of management objectives, which must be geared to the realities of the rapid environmental changes currently underway. We advocate a pluralistic approach that incorporates a suite of guiding principles, including historical fidelity, autonomy of nature, ecological integrity, and resilience, as well as managing with humility. The relative importance of these guiding principles will vary, depending on management goals and ecological conditions

    Local Ecosystem Service Use and Assessment Vary with Socio-ecological Conditions: A Case of Native Coffee-Forests in Southwestern Ethiopia

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    Ecosystem-based management requires the promotion and integration of locally relevant ecosystem services. This needs an understanding of which ecosystem services local people value and how local valuation varies with socio-cultural and market factors. We convened ten focus group discussions and performed 105 household surveys from major indigenous groups and recent settlers about local values of various forest-based ecosystem services in changing landscapes of southwest Ethiopia. We found that the extent of ecosystem service use and assessment depends on socio-cultural background and gender of the informants, as well as income and cultural contributions of these services. Ecosystem service values vary in space and time where local people reported that they increasingly value services as they become scarce or in response to increased demands due to emerging markets or changes in production systems. Local people mostly appreciated a few services of high market value while most ecosystem services are not traded in local markets and hence not highly valued. Some low-rated ecosystem services such as fodder and medicinal plants were nonetheless widely used demonstrating the need to also conserve low rated ecosystem services that are used universally. We suggest promoting socio-cultural and other non-marketable ecosystem services to reduce the over-exploitation or exclusion of specific biodiversity components in conservation activities