78 research outputs found

    Social-Economic Impacts of the Marine Shrimp Culture in Selected Brazilian Cities

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    The impact of farmed shrimp on the economy of ten municipalities are analyzed. A model of the municipal economy is developed and input-output tables are used to estimate indirect and induced impacts on job, income and municipal finances. It is concluded that farmed shrimp has a sizable contribution to job increases, in particular formal employment. Indirect and induced impacts are reduced because of spillovers to larger municipalities and other states. Income impacts can be sizable in particular in small counties. In general, the generated income represents a large share of total municipal product. In relation to municipal finance, direct contribution is rather small but indirect, through product increases and mainly transferences from State and Country taxes may be substantial. In conclusion, shrimp farms in the selected municipalities, contributes to expand and stabilize employment, to expand income and product, to increase municipal finances and to improve life conditions.Farmed Shrimp, Job, Income, Municipal Level Impacts, Direct Indirect and Induced Impacts, Tax Impacts, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q10, Q22, R0,

    Impactos socioeconômicos do cultivo de camarão marinho em municípios selecionados do Nordeste brasileiro

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    This paper analyses the impact of farmed shrimp on the economy of ten municipalities in the Northeast of Brazil. A model of the municipal economy is developed and input-output tables are used to estimate indirect and induced impacts on job, income and municipal finances. It is concluded that farmed shrimp has a sizable contribution to job increases, in particular formal employment. Indirect and induced impacts are reduced because of spillovers to larger municipalities and other states. Income impacts can be sizable in particular in small counties. In general, the generated income represents a large share of total municipal product. In relation to municipal finance, direct contribution is rather small but indirect, through product increases and mainly transferences from State and Country taxes may be substantial. In conclusion, shrimp farms in the selected municipalities, contributes to expand and stabilize employment, to expand income and product, to increase municipal finances and to improve life conditions.farmed shrimp, municipal level impacts, direct, indirect and induced impacts, job, income, tax impacts., Agribusiness, Q10, Q22, R11.,

    Validação do teste Older Adult Self-Report (OASR) Older Adult Behavior Ckecklist (OABCL)

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    A velhice constitui uma temática recente no âmbito da Psicologia. No entanto, ao longo das últimas décadas têm crescido significativamente as pesquisas junto a esta população, demonstrando a importância da sua compreensão (Araújo, Coutinho & Santos, 2006). Neste contexto, a avaliação diagnóstica surge como um grande contributo na avaliação da população idosa. Deste modo considerou-se pertinente a validação e adaptação do Older Adult Self-Report (OASR) e Older Adult Behavior Checklist (OABCL) para a população portuguesa. O Inventário de Auto-Avaliação do Comportamento Para Idosos (IAACI) é uma escala de auto-preenchimento com 123 itens, e o Inventário de Comportamento Para Idosos (ICI) é um questionário de heteroavaliação (Achenbach, Newhouse & Rescorla, 2004). O IAACI e ICI são formas paralelas que facilitam a comparação entre a perceção que o sujeito tem acerca dele próprio e a perceção dos outros em relação a ele. Estes questionários foram traduzidos de acordo com o processo de tradução consensualmente aceites (Beaton, Bombardier, Guillemin & Ferraz, 2000) sendo administrada a 301 idosos (M= 72.86; DP= 9.05) e 301 informantes (M= 72.86; DP= 9.05). Os resultados abordam (a) características gerais da escala IAACI; (b) fidelidade, Alpha Cronbach’s = 0.93 (c) validade (sete fatores explicando 38.58% da variância total) e para a escala ICI; (d) fidelidade, Alpha Cronbach’s = 0.93 (e) validade (sete fatores explicando 41.14% da variância total). Os resultados de ambas as abordagens psicométricas revelam uma boa adequabilidade do IAACI e ICI, apresentando-se como um instrumento pertinente para a avaliação de diversos aspetos da psicopatologia e funcionamento adaptativo

    Leitura literária na escola: uma verificação da interpretação do gênero conto

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    Objetivando constatar o nível de leitura de alunos recém ingressos no ensino médio, este trabalho foi desenvolvido por meio da aplicação de dois questionários. O primeiro procurou verificar o nível de leitura e a interpretação literária desses alunos. Buscamos averiguar se eles vão ingressar na nova etapa de ensino preparados como leitores críticos. Para essa constatação, utilizamos como instrumentos a leitura interpretativa do conto Uma Vela Para Dario, de Dalton Trevisan. O segundo questionário serviu para a coleta de dados socioculturais, estes importantes para conhecermos a realidade dos sujeitos de nossa investigação. Para embasar nossas análises utilizamos teóricos que discutem a temática, entre eles Colomer, Silva, Maia e Gotlib. Estes autores nos auxiliaram a interpretar os dados que nos levaram a conhecer com mais propriedade nosso objeto de pesquisa. Isso possibilitou verificarmos o uso da literatura no processo de ensino, sabendo que esta tem grande funcionalidade na construção do leitor.

    Ubiquitination and sumoylation of the HTLV-2 Tax-2B protein regulate its NF-κB activity: a comparative study with the HTLV-1 Tax-1 protein.

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    BACKGROUND:Retroviruses HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 have homologous genomic structures but differ significantly in pathogenicity. HTLV-1 is associated with Adult T cell Leukemia (ATL), whereas infection by HTLV-2 has no association with neoplasia. Transformation of T lymphocytes by HTLV-1 is linked to the capacity of its oncoprotein Tax-1 to alter cell survival and cell cycle control mechanisms. Among these functions, Tax-1-mediated activation of cellular gene expression via the NF-κB pathway depends on Tax-1 post-translational modifications by ubiquitination and sumoylation. The Tax-2 protein of HTLV-2B (Tax-2B) is also modified by ubiquitination and sumoylation and activates the NF-κB pathway to a level similar to that of Tax-1. The present study aims to understand whether ubiquitination and sumoylation modifications are involved in Tax-2B-mediated activation of the NF-κB pathway.RESULTS:The comparison of Tax-1 and Tax-2B lysine to arginine substitution mutants revealed conserved patterns and levels of ubiquitination with notable difference in the lysine usage for sumoylation. Neither Tax-1 nor Tax-2B ubiquitination and sumoylation deficient mutants could activate the NF-κB pathway and fusion of ubiquitin or SUMO-1 to the C-terminus of the ubiquitination and sumoylation deficient Tax-2B mutant strikingly restored transcriptional activity. In addition, ubiquitinated forms of Tax-2B colocalized with RelA and IKKγ in prominent cytoplasmic structures associated with the Golgi apparatus, whereas colocalization of Tax-2B with the RelA subunit of NF-κB and the transcriptional coactivator p300 in punctate nuclear structures was dependent on Tax-2B sumoylation, as previously observed for Tax-1.CONCLUSIONS:Both Tax-1 and Tax-2 activate the NF-κB pathway via similar mechanisms involving ubiquitination and sumoylation. Therefore, the different transforming potential of HTLV-1 and HTLV-2 is unlikely to be related to different modes of activation of the canonical NF-κB pathway

    Innovation management and port governance: An approach to models and practices in the world

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    The main objective of the research was to prospect the state of the art in the management of innovation and port governance in order to identify models and practices in the different ports around the world, through the international scientific bases Web of Science and Scopus, which allowed the exploratory study. More specifically, we sought to raise the level of development in the field of scientific production in the areas of innovation management and port governance. Scientometric methods were applied to prepare graphs that reflect the treatment of data and information generated from selected publications, as well as the search in the patent database of the National Institute of Industrial Property – INPI. In general, a gap in scientific production related to the researched field of knowledge was evidenced, which may be associated with the low level of port innovations which, therefore, may also reverberate in the search for patent protection. Thus, it is recommended that scientific productions be encouraged to support innovations in the port sector, in addition to incremental innovations, playing a prominent role in the collaborative action of agents in the port cluster and scientific, technological and innovation institutions (ICTs)

    Secondary forest regeneration benefits old-growth specialist bats in a fragmented tropical landscape

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    Tropical forest loss and fragmentation are due to increase in coming decades. Understanding how matrix dynamics, especially secondary forest regrowth, can lessen fragmentation impacts is key to understanding species persistence in modified landscapes. Here, we use a whole-ecosystem fragmentation experiment to investigate how bat assemblages are influenced by the regeneration of the secondary forest matrix. We surveyed bats in continuous forest, forest fragments and secondary forest matrix habitats, similar to 15 and similar to 30 years after forest clearance, to investigate temporal changes in the occupancy and abundance of old-growth specialist and habitat generalist species. The regeneration of the second growth matrix had overall positive effects on the occupancy and abundance of specialists across all sampled habitats. Conversely, effects on generalist species were negligible for forest fragments and negative for secondary forest. Our results show that the conservation potential of secondary forests for reverting faunal declines in fragmented tropical landscapes increases with secondary forest age and that old-growth specialists, which are often of most conservation concern, are the greatest beneficiaries of secondary forest maturation. Our findings emphasize that the transposition of patterns of biodiversity persistence in island ecosystems to fragmented terrestrial settings can be hampered by the dynamic nature of human-dominated landscapes.Peer reviewe

    Application of four molecular typing methods for analysis of Mycobacterium fortuitum group strains causing post-mammaplasty infections

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    A cluster of cases of post-augmentation mammaplasty surgical site infections occurred between 2002 and 2004 in Campinas, in the southern region of Brazil. Rapidly growing mycobacteria were isolated from samples from 12 patients. Eleven isolates were identified as Mycobacterium fortuitum and one as Mycobacterium porcinum by PCR-restriction digestion of the hsp65 gene. These 12 isolates, plus six additional M. fortuitum isolates from non-related patients, were typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and three PCR-based techniques: 16S-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) genotyping; randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR; and enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC) PCR. Four novel M. fortuitum allelic variants were identified by restriction analysis of the ITS fragment. One major cluster, comprising six M. fortuitum isolates, and a second cluster of two isolates, were identified by the four methods. RAPD-PCR and ITS genotyping were less discriminative than ERIC-PCR. ERIC-PCR was comparable to PFGE as a valuable complementary tool for investigation of this type of outbreak.Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, BR-04023062 São Paulo, SP, BrazilFleury Ctr Med Diagnost, São Paulo, BrazilInst Adolfo Lutz Registro, São Paulo, BrazilInst Vozza Med & Diagnose LTDA, Campinas, BrazilCtr Vigilancia Epidemiol Prof Alexandre Vranjac, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Imunol & Parasitol, BR-04023062 São Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Oral health and the presence of infectious microorganisms in hospitalized patients : a preliminary observational study

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    Objective: Characterise oral health, and the presence in the oral cavity of pathogenic non-oral microorganisms potentially associated with nosocomial infections and antimicrobial resistance in non-intubated patients admitted to a Brazilian university hospital. Materials and methods: An intraoral examination and oral swab were performed on hospitalized individuals at three different times, T1 (within 48 h of hospitalization), T2 (48 h after T1) and T3 (7 days after hospitalization). The oral health status was defined by the Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) and Tongue Coating Status (TCS). The swabs were processed and microorganisms potentially related to nosocomial infections were phenotypically identified through colony morphology, staining and microscopy. Results: The most prevalent microorganisms were Escherichia coli, Enterococcus spp., Enterobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp., Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus. The oral health status was considered median, and the tongue coating index was considered high throughout the study period. The prevalence of potentially pathogenic non-oral microorganisms was high and constant from the first 48 h to the seventh day of hospitalization. Conclusions: The results point out that the mouth can act as a reservoir of epidemiologically important pathogens within hospital settings, even in patients without mechanical ventilation, thus increasing the risk of nosocomial infections in susceptible individuals

    Relationship between shoulder pain and weight of shoulder bags in young women

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    The present study aimed to assess the relationship between shoulder pain and weight of shoulder bags in young women. Cross-sectional study conducted with 316 women aged 18-35 years from February 2013 to July 2014. A questionnaire was used to collect demographic data and information on physical activity, sleeping habits, presence of pain and its characteristics, use of bags, and percentage of bag weight–body weight ratio (%bagweight). Pearson’s chi-squared test and Mann-Whitney test were used to check for associations between the dependent variable (presence of pain) and the independent variables, with a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). In all, 195 (61.7%) women complained of shoulder pain. These women carried heavier shoulder bags (p=0.01), weighing circa 4.02% of their body weight (p=0.050), and the pain was proportional to a higher bag weight (p=0.023) compared to the painless group. Lack of physical activity and inadequate sleep position influenced the occurrence of shoulder pain (p=0.008 and p=0.017, respectively). The weight of the shoulder bag represented a risk factor for the onset of shoulder pain and women should not carry bags weighing more than 4% of their body weight
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