1,929 research outputs found

    Desarrollo sustentable y la investigación científica en las relaciones universidades-empresa: retos y contradicciones en el contexto angolano

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    This study shows the importance of the link between the university and the company, with the aim of analyzing the capacity to generate knowledge, through research, technological development and innovation in the process of knowledge transfer in the construction of a sustainable development model. An exhaustive review of the literature is carried out following the qualitative documentary method. Several national and international authors were consulted and even national educational plans and programs, an exploratory-descriptive investigation was carried out. Based on the results, we focus on the importance of linkage to achieve sustainable economic, political and social development for a country that is fighting against poverty and development, such as Angola. Proposing policies and strategies to link University-Business-Government are proposed. In the Angolan context, the challenges associated with the asymmetries of economic and political power that characterize our era are faced. The effort here implies a concentration on those issues of sustainable development in which it can play an important role in linking scientific research focused on renewed efforts. , interdisciplinary relevant to university policies and strategies in research issues, identifying strengths and weaknesses, stimulating the research process, generating scientific criteria and thought, managing to form the research habit and culture, as well as giving personal value to the work done and serving also as a means of feedback to the scientific community. applicable to Research, Development and Innovation (R + D + I).Este estudio muestra la importancia que tiene la vinculación entre la universidad y la empresa, con el objetivo de analizar la capacidad de generar conocimiento, a través de la investigación, el desarrollo tecnológico e innovación en el proceso de transferencia del conocimiento en la construcción de un modelo de desarrollo sostenible. Se realiza una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura siguiendo el método documental cualitativo. Se consultaron varios autores nacionales e internacionales e incluso planes y programas educativos nacionales, se realizó una investigación de carácter exploratoria-descriptiva. Con base en los resultados nos centramos en la importancia de la vinculación para el logro de un desarrollo económico, político y social sostenible para un país que lucha contra la pobreza y por el desarrollo, como es Angola. Se Proponen políticas y estrategias facilitadoras de vinculación Universidad-Empresa-Gobierno. En el contexto Angolano se enfrentan los desafíos asociados a las asimetrías de poder económico, político que caracterizan nuestra era, el esfuerzo aquí implica una concentración en aquellos temas del desarrollo sostenible en los cuales puede jugar un papel importante vincular la investigación científica enfocada a esfuerzos renovados, interdisciplinarios relevantes a las políticas y estrategias universitarias en cuestiones de investigación, identificando fortalezas y debilidades, estimulando el proceso de investigación, generando criterio y pensamiento científico, logrando formar el hábito y cultura de investigación, así como otorgar valoración personal al trabajo realizado y sirviendo además como medio de retroalimentación a la comunidad científica. aplicables a la Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación (I+D+I).Cette étude montre l'importance du lien entre l'université et l'entreprise, dans le but d'analyser la capacité à générer des connaissances, à travers la recherche, le développement technologique et l'innovation dans le processus de transfert de connaissances dans la construction d'un modèle de développement durable. Une revue exhaustive de la littérature est réalisée selon la méthode documentaire qualitative. Plusieurs auteurs nationaux et internationaux ont été consultés et même des plans et programmes éducatifs nationaux, une enquête descriptive exploratoire a été menée. Sur la base des résultats, nous nous concentrons sur l'importance des liens pour réaliser un développement économique, politique et social durable pour un pays qui lutte contre la pauvreté et le développement, comme l'Angola. Il propose des politiques et des stratégies pour relier Université-Entreprise-Gouvernement. Dans le contexte angolais, les défis liés aux asymétries de pouvoir économique et politique qui caractérisent notre époque sont confrontés. L'effort implique ici une concentration sur les questions de développement durable dans lesquelles il peut jouer un rôle important en reliant la recherche scientifique axée sur des efforts renouvelés. , interdisciplinaire pertinent aux politiques et stratégies universitaires en matière de recherche, identifier les forces et les faiblesses, stimuler le processus de recherche, générer des critères et des réflexions scientifiques, réussir à former l'habitude et la culture de la recherche, ainsi que donner une valeur personnelle au travail effectué et au service également comme moyen de rétroaction à la communauté scientifique. applicable à la recherche, au développement et à l'innovation (R + D + I).Este estudo mostra a importância do vínculo entre a universidade e a empresa, com o objetivo de analisar a capacidade de gerar conhecimento, por meio de pesquisa, desenvolvimento tecnológico e inovação no processo de transferência de conhecimento na construção de um modelo de desenvolvimento sustentável. Uma revisão exaustiva da literatura é realizada seguindo o método documental qualitativo. Vários autores nacionais e internacionais foram consultados e, até mesmo planos e programas educacionais nacionais, foi realizada uma investigação exploratória-descritiva. Com base nos resultados, focamos na importância do vínculo para alcançar um desenvolvimento econômico, político e social sustentável para um país que está lutando contra a pobreza e o desenvolvimento, como Angola. Propõem políticas e estratégias para vincular Universidade-Empresa-Governo. No contexto angolano, enfrentam-se os desafios associados às assimetrias de poder econômico e político que caracterizam nossa época.O esforço aqui implica uma concentração naquelas questões do desenvolvimento sustentável nas quais ele pode desempenhar um papel importante na ligação de pesquisas científicas voltadas para esforços renovados. , interdisciplinar relevante para as políticas e estratégias da universidade em questões de pesquisa, identificando pontos fortes e fracos, estimulando o processo de pesquisa, gerando critérios e pensamentos científicos, conseguindo formar o hábito e a cultura da pesquisa, além de valorizar o trabalho realizado e servir também como um meio de feedback para a comunidade científica. aplicável à Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Inovação (P + D + I)

    Discussion of Energy Metrics for Water Distribution System Assessment: Case Study of the Toronto Network by Rebecca Dziedzic and Bryan W. Karney

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    [EN] The paper under discussion presents a metric that allows auditing the energy performance of pressurized water networks. This same metric (except for the period used to perform the audit) was already presented by the discussers in this journal (Cabrera et al. 2010). In the discussers opinion, this poses a minor difference from a conceptual point of view. While in the discussers proposal integration was extended to longer periods (days or years) to gain a general understanding of the issue, the paper under discussion uses shorter periods of time similar to those used to analyze network behavior with extended period simulation. The increased time resolution allows delving into greater depth in the assessment as well as developing and comparing different scenarios (e.g., winter versus summer).Cabrera Marcet, E.; Gomez Selles, E.; Cabrera Rochera, E.; Arregui De La Cruz, F. (2016). Discussion of Energy Metrics for Water Distribution System Assessment: Case Study of the Toronto Network by Rebecca Dziedzic and Bryan W. Karney. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 142(11):07016003-1-07016003-3. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000721S07016003-107016003-31421

    Analysis of Four Polymorphisms Located at the Promoter of the Estrogen Receptor Alpha ESR1 Gene in a Population With Gender Incongruence

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    [Abstract] Introduction: Gender incongruence defines a state in which individuals feel discrepancy between the sex assigned at birth and their gender. Some of these people make a social transition from male to female (transwomen) or from female to male (trans men). By contrast, the word cisgender describes a person whose gender identity is consistent with their sex assigned at birth. Aim: To analyze the implication of the estrogen receptor a gene (ESR1) in the genetic basis of gender incongruence. Main Outcome Measures: Polymorphisms rs9478245, rs3138774, rs2234693, rs9340799. Method: We carried out the analysis of 4 polymorphisms located at the promoter of the ESR1 gene (C1 ¼ rs9478245, C2 ¼ rs3138774, C3 ¼ rs2234693, and C4 ¼ rs9340799) in a population of 273 trans women, 226 trans men, and 537 cis gender controls. For SNP polymorphisms, the allele and genotype frequencies were analyzed by c2 test. The strength of the SNP associations with gender incongruence was measured by binary logistic regression. For the STR polymorphism, the mean number of repeats were analyzed by the ManneWhitney U test. Measurement of linkage disequilibrium and haplotype frequencies were also performed. Results: The C2 median repeats were shorter in the trans men population. Genotypes S/S and S/L for the C2 polymorphism were overrepresented in the trans men group (P ¼ .012 and P ¼ .003 respectively). We also found overtransmission of the A/A genotype (C4) in the trans men population (P ¼ .017), while the A/G genotype (C4) was subrepresented (P ¼ .009]. The analyzed polymorphisms were in linkage disequilibrium. In the trans men population, the T(C1)-L(C2)-C(C3)-A(C4) haplotype was overrepresented (P ¼ .019) while the T(C1)-L(C2)-C(C3)-G(C4) was subrepresented (P ¼ .005). Conclusion: The ESR1 is associated with gender incongruence in the trans men populationThis work was supported by grants: ED431B 019/02 (EP), PGC2018-094919-B-C21 (AG), PGC2018-094919-B-C22 (RF), and FPU 15/02558 (JCC)Xunta de Galicia; ED431B 019/0

    Limiting spread of COVID-19 in an orthopaedic department-a perspective from Spain

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    Besides national and international recommendations, orthopaedic departments face significant changes in daily activity and serious issues to maintain their standards in musculoskeletal care during the pandemic Covid-19 crisis that we are facing. This report retrospectively addresses measures that were progressively put in place to modify in a week time the activity of a busy orthopaedic department in a large tertiary university hospital in face of the pandemic. Surgical priorities and surgical outcomes are key aspects to consider. The experience may offer some insight to areas where the spread of the disease may be slower or delayed. Abrupt stop of scheduled surgery and clinics is useful to adapt an orthopaedic department to the overall hospital resource reorganization. Orthopaedic surgeons need to be aware of the risks to patients and personnel in view of underdiagnosed cases, which make pre-operative Covid-19 evaluation mandatory for all surgical case

    W- Implementación de un mando a distancia usando internet por medio de un controlador ethernet y tarjeta de desarrollo arduino uno

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    En el presente proyecto se diseñó un mando o control a distancia a partir de una página web que funciona como interfaz grafica del usuario, un módulo controlador Ethernet y una tarjeta de desarrollo Arduino Uno, con el fin de controlar dispositivos y procesos en forma remota. La página web fue creada usando html, jQuery y un framework de javascript y en ella se programaron enlaces gráficos que representan las acciones remotas a realizar. Al dar clic en uno de ellos, se envía un mensaje url al servidor que se encuentra programado en el microcontrolador y quien a su vez pasa esta información a su programa, el cual le indica al hardware la acción a realizar a través de sus sensores o actuadores, de acuerdo al evento enviado por el usuario a través de la pagina web. Se hicieron las pruebas de interconexión del proyecto con una red de datos y se comprobó que del lado remoto del proyecto, los dispositivos controlados se activaban o desactivaban de acuerdo al comando sin presentar ningún problema. Este proyecto se realizó con el fin de que el estudiante demuestre las habilidades y destrezas que han aprendido a lo largo de su estancia en la facultad de ingeniería

    Letra impresa

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    Textos sobre los libros “Cambio regional, mercado de trabajo y vida obrera en Jalisco” de Guillermo de la Peña y Agustín Escobar; “Con el sudor de tu frente. Mercado de trabajo y clase obrera en Guadalajara” de Agustín Escobar Latapí; “Industrialización de las principales ciudades de México”, y “El proceso de industrialización de la ciudad de México” de Gustavo Garza; “La dinámica de crecimiento de ciudades intermedias de México. Los casos de León, San Luis Potosí y Torreón” de Héctor Salazar Sánchez; “Hacia una política urbana antimonopólica y popular” de Rafael López Rangel; “La sociedad de la basura: caciquismo en la ciudad de México” de Héctor Castillo Berthier, y “La cooperativa de Viviendas” de Josep Magriña.ITESO, A.C

    Relaciones de la universidad ISPMB con las empresas de Benguela, Angola. Compromiso, satisfacción y expectativas

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    Universities have the strategic task of transforming their local and regional environment to be in tune with the demands of the modern world and solve the problems facing society. This article aims to analyze the commitment of the Instituto Superior Politécnico Maravilla Benguela (ISPMB) to improve the quality of services to meet the demand of companies in Benguela, Angola. To do this, surveys were applied to the people involved to collect the required information, with a mixed approach and exploratory-descriptive scope. Thus, it is concluded that in the ISPMB, despite knowing the importance of the university-company link, the actions it carries out to respond to its commitment to companies are still deficient, for which it needs to draw up policies and strategies for its continuous improvement.Las universidades tienen el encargo estratégico de transformar su entorno local y regional para estar a tono con las exigencias del mundo moderno y solventar los problemas que enfrenta la sociedad. Este artículo se propone analizar el compromiso del Instituto Superior Politécnico Maravilla Benguela (ISPMB) para mejorar la calidad de los servicios con el fin de satisfacer la demanda de las empresas en Benguela, Angola. Para ello, se aplicó encuestas a las personas involucradas para recabar la información requerida, con un enfoque mixto y alcance exploratorio-descriptivo. Así, se concluye que, en el ISPMB, a pesar de conocer la importancia del vínculo universidad-empresa, aún son deficientes las acciones que realiza para responder a su compromiso con las empresas, por lo que precisa trazar políticas y estrategias para su mejora continua

    The ribosome assembly gene network is controlled by the feedback regulation of transcription elongation

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    Ribosome assembly requires the concerted expression of hundreds of genes, which are transcribed by all three nuclear RNA polymerases. Transcription elongation involves dynamic interactions between RNA polymerases and chromatin. We performed a synthetic lethal screening in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a conditional allele of SPT6, which encodes one of the factors that facilitates this process. Some of these synthetic mutants corresponded to factors that facilitate pre-rRNA processing and ribosome biogenesis. We found that the in vivo depletion of one of these factors, Arb1, activated transcription elongation in the set of genes involved directly in ribosome assembly. Under these depletion conditions, Spt6 was physically targeted to the upregulated genes, where it helped maintain their chromatin integrity and the synthesis of properly stable mRNAs. The mRNA profiles of a large set of ribosome biogenesismutants confirmed the existence of a feedback regulatory network among ribosome assembly genes. The transcriptional response in this network depended on both the specific malfunction and the role of the regulated gene. In accordance with our screening, Spt6 positively contributed to the optimal operation of this global network. On the whole, this work uncovers a feedback control of ribosome biogenesis by fine-tuning transcription elongation in ribosome assembly factor-coding genes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2013-48643-C3-1-P, BFU2016-77728-C3-1-P, BFU2013-48643-C3- 3-P, BFU2013-42958-PJunta de Andalucía P12-BIO1938MO, P08-CVI-03508Comunidad Valenciana 2015/00

    Characterization of adult stem/progenitor cell populations from bone marrow in a three-dimensional collagen gel culture system.

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    Stem cell transplantation therapy using mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is considered a useful strategy. Although MSCs are commonly isolated by exploiting their plastic adherence, several studies have suggested that there are other populations of stem and/or osteoprogenitor cells that are removed from primary culture during media replacement. Therefore, we developed a three-dimensional (3D) culture system in which adherent and nonadherent stem cells are selected and expanded. Here, we described the characterization of 3D culture-derived cell populations in vitro and the capacity of these cells to differentiate into bone and/or cartilage tissue when placed inside of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) cylinders, implanted subcutaneously into the backs of rat for 2, 4, and 8 weeks. Our results demonstrates that 3D culture cells were a heterogeneous population of uncommitted cells that express pluripotent-, hematopoietic-, mesenchymal-, and endothelial-specific markers in vitro and can undergo osteogenic differentiation in vivo

    Accurate Prediction of Children's ADHD Severity Using Family Burden Information: A Neural Lasso Approach

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    The deep lasso algorithm (dlasso) is introduced as a neural version of the statistical linear lasso algorithm that holds benefits from both methodologies: feature selection and automatic optimization of the parameters (including the regularization parameter). This last property makes dlasso particularly attractive for feature selection on small samples. In the two first conducted experiments, it was observed that dlasso is capable of obtaining better performance than its non-neuronal version (traditional lasso), in terms of predictive error and correct variable selection. Once that dlasso performance has been assessed, it is used to determine whether it is possible to predict the severity of symptoms in children with ADHD from four scales that measure family burden, family functioning, parental satisfaction, and parental mental health. Results show that dlasso is able to predict parents’ assessment of the severity of their children’s inattention from only seven items from the previous scales. These items are related to parents’ satisfaction and degree of parental burden.This research has been partially supported by the Spanish National Project No. RTI2018-101857-B-I00. This research was also partly financed by the Community of Madrid in the framework of the multi-annual agreement with the University Carlos III Madrid in its line of action Excellence for University Teaching Staff. They are established within the framework of the V Regional Plan for Scientific Research and Technological Innovation 2016–2020