1,238 research outputs found

    Creativity : the key to creating successful advertising messages in the digital sonosphere

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    The characteristics of the radio media have traditionally been put forward as arguments to justify the lack of creativity in radio advertising in Spain. Factors such as fragmentation of the media, the need to resort to high frequencies in the broadcast message, the format almost absolute control wedge or direct translation of texts designed to television to radio, have led to and perpetuated the idea that radio advertising is not creative. However, the sono-digital realm has become the paradigm upside down transmission and reception of audio advertising messages. Multiplication, integration and interaction of different receiving devices paint a landscape in which arise not only new consumption habits that are beginning to overtake traditional formats, but also creativity stands as an essential tool to attract attention of the "new audiences". This is one conclusion that emerges from the first phase of the study being carried out Publiradio Research Group (Faculty of Communication Sciences -Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona), with the title: The Digital Sonosphere as a New Space to Communicate with Young People: A Study of Listener Habits for the Development of new PSA Formats CSO2009-12236. The project emphasizes the importance given to creativity when developing advertising products, so much so that young people who have been part of the field investigation, one of the conditions to be given to advertising is acceptable to be creative. In this new stage of digital sound-field, in which the radio loses its characteristic half-king as a transmitter of sound advertising and must coexist with other media that carry the increased potential for contact with the target. These new media have features that allow them free of the topics traditionally associated with radio advertising, but have we taken this opportunity to renew? The emergence of these new media has not been accompanied by the emergence of new advertising formulas sound. In this communication, is intended to highlight the opportunity provided by the digital sound-field enhancement factor of creativity and highlight the central role it can and should play in buildin

    El español en contacto con otras lenguas peninsulares : los corpus diacrónicos de Galicia, Navarra y Mallorca

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    Este artículo se centra en los problemas que plantea el estudio histórico de las variedades del español en las zonas bilingües de la península ibérica, un aspecto que tiende a obviarse en la bibliografía especializada. Para ello se presenta un estado de la cuestión de la diacronía del español de tres zonas -Galicia, Navarra y Mallorca- en donde se ha venido dando el contacto con gallego, vasco y catalán, respectivamente. Para cada una de estas zonas se refiere el contexto sociohistórico del contacto, los principales estudios disponibles y los proyectos de corpus documentales, incipientes o ya en proceso. El amplio número de fenómenos de interés teórico que se da en estas variedades justifica la necesidad de continuar desarrollando materiales para su estudio; en este sentido se apuntan algunas propuestas de futuro que permitirán avanzar en estas líneas de trabajo.This article focuses on a number of issues related to the historical study of the Spanish varieties spoken in the bilingual areas of the Iberian Peninsula. This is an aspect that tends to be overlooked in the relevant literature. The article offers a state of the art for the diachronic study of Spanish in three areas -Galicia, Navarra and Mallorca- where contact with Galician, Basque and Catalan, respectively, takes place. For each one of these areas, the socio-historical context of the contact, the main available studies and the available corpora, whether already developed or in progress, are presented. The large number of phenomena of theoretical interest that occur in these varieties justifies the need to continue developing materials for their study; in this vein, some proposals for future directions are pointed out

    The sound of responsibility : evolution of the use of radio advertising as a corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication channel before and after Covid-19. A significant increase

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    Radio is an audio communication medium that has always stood out for its credibility and close relationship to its audience, which makes it an appealing option for organizations that want to make their responsible behavior known. The Covid-19 pandemic has created a new landscape in which the strategic role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the company has been strengthened and in which advertising messages are proving to be an interesting way of disseminating organizations' responsible actions. Based on the quantitative content analysis of 562 radio advertisements taken from the three principal mainstream Spanish radio broadcasters and collected 2 years apart (2019 and 2021), this study seeks to find out whether the Covid-19 health crisis has led to changes in the use of radio advertising as a vehicle for communicating organizations' CSR. To this end, the variables analyzed were the presence of CSR elements, advertiser, economic sector, CSR dimensions, beneficiary stakeholders, and communication area. The results show, among other data, that the communication of CSR through radio advertising has experienced significant growth after overcoming the worst moments of the pandemic. This growth indicates that companies are increasingly sensitive to issues related to CSR and that radio advertising has provided them with a way to publicize their socially responsible actions. It seems that corporations understand that credibility, trust, and a not inconsiderable penetration rate encourage the circulation of their CSR campaigns through the medium of radio.La radio es un medio de comunicación sonoro que siempre ha destacado por su credibilidad y cercanía con la audiencia, lo que la convierte en una interesante opción para las organizaciones que quieren dar a conocer sus actuaciones responsables. La pandemia de la Covid-19 ha generado un nuevo escenario en el que la responsabilidad social corporativa (RSC) ha visto reforzado su papel estratégico en la empresa y en el que los mensajes publicitarios se muestran como interesantes vías de divulgación de las acciones responsables de las organizaciones. A partir del análisis de contenido cuantitativo de 562 anuncios radiofónicos extraídos de las 3 principales emisoras de radio generalistas españolas y recogidos con 2 años de diferencia (2019 y 2021), el estudio trata de averiguar si la crisis sanitaria de la Covid-19 ha comportado cambios en el uso de la publicidad radiofónica como vehículo para comunicar la RSC de las organizaciones. Para ello, las variables analizadas han sido: presencia de elementos de RSC, anunciante, sector económico, dimensiones de la RSC, stakeholders beneficiarios y área de comunicación. Los resultados muestran, entre otros datos, que la comunicación de la RSC a través de la publicidad radiofónica ha experimentado un crecimiento significativo tras superar los peores momentos de la pandemia. Este incremento indica que las empresas son cada vez más sensibles con las cuestiones relacionadas con la RSC y que encuentran en la publicidad radiofónica una vía para difundir sus acciones socialmente responsables. Parece que las corporaciones han comprendido que credibilidad, confianza y un índice de penetración nada despreciable favorecen la transmisión de sus campañas de RSC en el medio radio

    Feminist stereotypes and women's roles in Spanish radio ads

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    This article takes a quantitative approach to Spanish radio advertising and the stereotypes and female roles that it broadcasts in a medium that has traditionally had high female audience rates in our country. From content analysis of 679 radio ads extracted from the 3 main general Spanish radio stations and collected 10 years apart, the study attempts to show the evolution (or regression) of how radio advertising portrays women. The radio in Spain has always been a medium anchored in the real world that has also provided some degree of space to broadcast social movement. #MeToo, as a phenomenon promoting female empowerment, was no exception. Therefore, this longitudinal study aims to demonstrate whether the social movements that led to increased female activism have been reflected in a change of roles and stereotypes projected by radio advertising messages. The work presented here looks at the concept of role from a dual perspective: firstly, it focuses on the role played by female voices in radio advertising items. Secondly, it works on the concept of role by assimilating it into the female image projected in radio advertising items. The results obtained between the two samples are remarkably similar, demonstrating a clear tendency to polarise the female image and confirming that women are still being portrayed in significantly traditional roles

    Adenocarcinoma intestinal a colocistoplàsia d'augment

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    Descrivim el cas d'un pacient que desenvolupà un adenocarcinoma intestinal sobre una colocistoplàstia d'augment portada a terme 29 anys abans per tuberculosi vesical. Es practica una revisió d'aquests tipus de tumors a la literatur

    Uso del podcast corporativo como herramienta de comunicación de los ODS en las principales entidades financieras españolas

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    Introducción: La RSC se erige como el mecanismo a través del cual las organizaciones integran los ODS en sus estrategias corporativas. Por otra parte, la comunicación de las iniciativas de responsabilidad y compromiso con la ciudadanía representan un factor importante en la consecución de la legitimidad social de la empresa. Además, las herramientas de comunicación digital, entre las que se encuentra el podcast corporativo, se presentan como potentes aliadas para difundir un mensaje de marca corporativa alineada con la sostenibilidad, el compromiso y la responsabilidad social. Por todo ello, el objetivo principal de este artículo es analizar el uso que hace el sector bancario del podcast corporativo como herramienta para comunicar contenido relacionado con los ODS. Metodología: Se ha realizado un análisis de contenido de los titulares y textos explicativos de las entregas de podcast emitidas por las entidades financieras de mayor envergadura en España durante el año 2022. Resultados: El 36,1% de los podcasts analizados aborda los ODS, concretamente se ha obtenido una representación de 12 de los 17 ODS marcados por las Naciones Unidas. Discusión: Los resultados muestran un uso significativo del podcast corporativo como herramienta de comunicación de los ODS, lo cual va en línea con la creciente apuesta de las empresas por una comunicación más comprometida vinculada a la RSC. Conclusiones: Esta investigación supone un paso más en el conocimiento del uso que hacen las organizaciones de las posibilidades comunicativas que proporcionan las plataformas digitales, en concreto el podcast, para comunicar temas relacionados con la RSC.Introduction: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the mechanism through which organizations integrate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into their corporate strategies. On the other hand, the communication of responsibility and commitment initiatives with citizens is an important factor in achieving social legitimacy for the company. Moreover, digital communication tools, including corporate podcast, are powerful allies for disseminating a corporate brand message aligned with sustainability, commitment and social responsibility. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to analyze how the banking sector uses corporate podcast as a tool for communicating content related to the SDGs. Methodology: A content analysis of the headlines and explanatory texts of the podcast deliveries issued by the largest financial institutions in Spain during the year 2022 was carried out. Results: 36.1% of the podcasts analyzed address the SDGs, with 12 of the 17 SDGs set by the United Nations being represented. Discussion: The results show a significant use of corporate podcasts as a SDGs communication tool, which is consistent with companies' growing commitment to a more engaged communication linked to CSR. Conclusions: This research represents a further step in understanding how organizations use the communicative possibilities provided by digital platforms, specifically podcasts, to communicate CSR-related issues

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Obesity Indexes and Total Mortality among Elderly Subjects at High Cardiovascular Risk: The PREDIMED Study

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    Different indexes of regional adiposity have been proposed for identifying persons at higher risk of death. Studies specifically assessing these indexes in large cohorts are scarce. It would also be interesting to know whether a dietary intervention may counterbalance the adverse effects of adiposity on mortality. Methods: We assessed the association of four different anthropometric indexes (waist-to-height ratio (WHtR), waist circumference (WC), body mass index (BMI) and height) with all-cause mortality in 7447 participants at high cardiovascular risk from the PREDIMED trial. Forty three percent of them were men (55 to 80 years) and 57% were women (60 to 80 years). All of them were initially free of cardiovascular disease. The recruitment took place in 11 recruiting centers between 2003 and 2009. Results: After adjusting for age, sex, smoking, diabetes, hypertension, intervention group, family history of coronary heart disease, and leisure-time physical activity, WC and WHtR were found to be directly associated with a higher mortality after 4.8 years median follow-up. The multivariable-adjusted HRs for mortality of WHtR (cut-off points: 0.60, 0.65, 0.70) were 1.02 (0.78-1.34), 1.30 (0.97-1.75) and 1.55 (1.06-2.26). When we used WC (cut-off points: 100, 105 and 110 cm), the multivariable adjusted Hazard Ratios (HRs) for mortality were 1.18 (0.88-1.59), 1.02 (0.74-1.41) and 1.57 (1.19-2.08). In all analyses, BMI exhibited weaker associations with mortality than WC or WHtR. The direct association between WHtR and overall mortality was consistent within each of the three intervention arms of the trial. Conclusions: Our study adds further support to a stronger association of abdominal obesity than BMI with total mortality among elderly subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease. We did not find evidence to support that the PREDIMED intervention was able to counterbalance the harmful effects of increased adiposity on total mortality

    Empirically-derived food patterns and the risk of total mortality and cardiovascular events in the PREDIMED study

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    BACKGROUND & AIMS: There is little evidence on post hoc-derived dietary patterns (DP) and all-cause mortality in Southern-European populations. Furthermore, the potential effect modification of a DP by a nutritional intervention has not been sufficiently assessed. We assessed the association between a posteriori defined baseline major DP and total mortality or cardiovascular events within each of the three arms of a large primary prevention trial (PREDIMED) where participants were randomized to two active interventions with Mediterranean-type diets or to a control group (allocated to a low-fat diet). DESIGN: We followed-up 7216 participants for a median of 4.3 years. A validated 137-item food-frequency questionnaire was administered. Baseline DP were ascertained through factor analysis based on 34 predefined groups. Cox regression models were used to estimate multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios (HR) for cardiovascular disease (CVD) or mortality across quartiles of DP within each of the three arms of the trial. RESULTS: We identified two major baseline DP: the first DP was rich in red and processed meats, alcohol, refined grains and whole dairy products and was labeled Western dietary pattern (WDP). The second DP corresponded to a 'Mediterranean-type' dietary pattern (MDP). During follow-up, 328 participants died. After controlling for potential confounders, higher baseline adherence to the MDP was associated with lower risk of CVD (adjusted HR for fourth vs. first quartile: 0.52; 95% CI (Confidence Interval): 0.36, 0.74; p-trend <0.001) and all-cause mortality (adjusted HR: 0.53; 95% CI: 0.38, 0.75; p-trend <0.001), regardless of the allocated arm of the trial. An increasing mortality rate was found across increasing quartiles of the WDP in the control group (allocated to a low-fat diet), though the linear trend was not statistically significant (p = 0.098). CONCLUSIONS: Higher adherence to an empirically-derived MDP at baseline was associated with a reduced risk of CVD and mortality in the PREDIMED trial regardless of the allocated arm. The WDP was not associated with higher risk of mortality or cardiovascular events

    The Int7G24A variant of transforming growth factor-beta receptor type I is a risk factor for colorectal cancer in the male Spanish population: a case-control study

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    Background: The Int7G24A variant of transforming growth factor-beta receptor type I (TGFBR1) has been shown to increase the risk for kidney, ovarian, bladder, lung and breast cancers. Its role in colorectal cancer (CRC) has not been established. The aims of this study were to assess the association of TGFBR1*Int7G24A variant with CRC occurrence, patient age, gender, tumour location and stage. Methods: We performed a case-control study with 504 cases of sporadic CRC; and 504 non-cancerous age, gender and ethnically matched controls. Genotyping analysis was performed using allelic discrimination assay by real time PCR. Results: The Int7G24A variant was associated with increased CRC incidence in an additive model of inheritance (P for trend = 0.005). No significant differences were found between Int7G24A genotypes and tumour location or stage. Interestingly, the association of the Int7G24A variant with CRC risk was significant in men (odds ratio 4.10 with 95% confidence intervals 1.41-11.85 for homozygous individuals; P for trend = 0.00023), but not in women. We also observed an increase in susceptibility to CRC for individuals aged less than 70 years. Conclusion: Our data suggest that the Int7G24A variant represents a risk factor for CRC in the male Spanish population.Research supported in part by grants from the Generalitat Valenciana in Spain (AP106/06) and the Biomedical Research Foundation from the Hospital of Elche, Spain (FIBElx-02/2007). T.M-B is recipient of a fellowship from the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM)