9 research outputs found

    Författare och ölitteratur

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    Författare och ölitteratur – InnehĂ„llsförteckning: – Ett bobart sjĂ€lslandskap / Pia Prost – Tove Jansson och ön / Mia Österlund – Öar som litteraturens skĂ„deplats / Sophia Lundström – Litteraturföreningarna lĂ€ngs kusten – FortsĂ€ttningen pĂ„ Hemsöborna / Christian Pleijel – I en nylĂ€ndsk skĂ€rgĂ„rdshylla / Thure Malmberg – Sjömansgossens lilla, lilla vĂ€n snyter ungar och rensar stuprör / Karin Erlandsson – Antologin Kvarken i ord och bild / Peter Björkman – Litteraturstigen sĂ€tter den Ă„bolĂ€ndska fiktionen pĂ„ kartan / Tove Hagström – Remigare necesse est – Ro Ă€r nödvĂ€ndigt pĂ„ SkĂ€rgĂ„rdshavet / Nalle Valtiala – Mitt Pellinge / Erika Englund – Historien om julgĂ€ddan frĂ„n Korpo / Pia Prost – Sommarlivet pĂ„ Röysö i bokform / Thomas Rosenberg – Praktverk avslöjar havets hemligheter / Cecilia Lundberg – PĂ„ tur i det österbottniska havsbandet / Cecilia Lundberg – SkĂ€rinytt – Sista bilde

    Minskad personalomsÀttning med hjÀlp av intern employer branding : En fallstudie om hur ett kÀnt företag inom telekombranschen kan minska personalomsÀttningen av kundtjÀnstmedarbetare

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    A brand is one of the most important assets that an organization has. It is a complex collectionof experiences and images that belongs to the surrounding world and it can have a huge impacton the organization. Today, brands are used in various ways and in different areas. One of theseareas is employer brand. In order to strengthen the employer brand, organizations can workwith employer branding, which is a long-term strategy that can be applied both internally andexternally. By working with employer branding from the internal perspective, organization canreduce their employee turnover. This is especially important for organizations today, since theunemployment in Sweden is relatively low and the labour market belongs to the workers. Thisprovides a challenge for the future success of organizations, since it is the human capital inthese organizations that possess knowledge. In Sweden, one of the characteristics of thetelecom industry is that the customer consultants have a high percent of employee turnover.The purpose of this study is therefore to investigate how organizations within the telecomindustry can reduce employee turnover with the help of internal employer branding.To gain a deeper understanding of the purpose, this study was conducted as a qualitative, singleand imbedded case study where the empirical material was collected through semi structuredinterviews. The results of the study showed that the investigated organization did not have asustainable and distinct strategy regarding internal employer branding. This was demonstratedby the fact that the leadership did not have an homogenous direction and the employees andprevious employees did not share the organizations experience regarding their work to retainemployees, therefore the efforts did not get the desired effect. This can affect the employerbrand in a negative way and therefore it is crucial that organizations understand the importanceof internal employer branding and the components that affects the employer brand. There areno shortcuts in building an employer brand and retain employees, the organization has to beattentive to what the employees truly desire.Ett varumÀrke Àr en av de viktigaste tillgÄngarna ett företag har. Det Àr en komplex samling avupplevelser och bilder som omvÀrlden besitter och kan pÄverkar ett företag i hög grad.VarumÀrken Äterfinns inom breda omrÄden och ett omrÄde som blivit allt mer aktuellt Àr ettföretags employer brand, Àven kallat arbetsgivarvarumÀrke. Arbetet för att stÀrka ett företagsemployer brand Àr en lÄngsiktig strategi och kallas för employer branding. Denna strategi kanha tvÄ infallsvinklar, internt och externt. För att reducera personalomsÀttning anvÀnds internemployer branding vilket Àr viktigt i dagens samhÀlle dÄ arbetslösheten i Sverige Àr relativt lÄgoch arbetsmarknaden tillhör arbetstagarna. Det Àr Àven en utmaning för organisationersframgÄng att behÄlla kompetens inom organisationen. Telekombranschen i Sverige prÀglas avhög personalomsÀttning av kundtjÀnstmedarbetare och dÀrför syftar denna studie till attundersöka hur dessa företag kan reducera personalomsÀttning med hjÀlp av intern employerbranding.För att fÄ en djupare förstÄelse för studiens syfte genomfördes en kvalitativ, enkel fallstudiemed inbÀddade analysenheter dÀr semistrukturerade intervjuer anvÀndes för att samla in detempiriska materialet. Studiens resultat pÄvisade att den undersökta organisationen saknade entydlig strategi gÀllande intern employer branding vilket visade sig i att ledarskapet inte hade enenhetlig inriktning. De anstÀlldas och tidigare anstÀlldas upplevelser skiljer sig Àven frÄnorganisationens upplevelse gÀllande arbetet med att bibehÄlla personal och de ÄtgÀrder somorganisationen genomförde tappade dÄ effekt. Detta kan innebÀra att organisationens employerbrand pÄverkas negativt och det Àr dÀrför viktigt att organisationer idag förstÄr vikten av internemployer branding och dess bestÄndsdelar dÄ det pÄverkar organisationens employer brand.För att bygga ett starkt employer brand och behÄlla humankapitalet inom organisationen finnsinga genvÀgar, du mÄste vara lyhörd till personalen

    Experiences of community-dwelling older people with dementia participating in a person-centred multidimensional interdisciplinary rehabilitation program

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    Background: There is great need for development of feasible rehabilitation for older people with dementia. Increased understanding of this population’s experiences of rehabilitation participation is therefore important. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of community-dwelling older people with dementia participating in a person-centred multidimensional interdisciplinary rehabilitation program. Methods: Sixteen older people with dementia were interviewed about their experiences of participation in a person-centred multidimensional interdisciplinary rehabilitation program. The program comprised assessments by a comprehensive team of rehabilitation professionals followed by a rehabilitation period of 16 weeks, including interventions based on individualized rehabilitation goals conducted with the support of the rehabilitation team. The rehabilitation was performed in the participants’ homes, in the community and at an outpatient clinic, including exercise with social interaction in small groups offered twice a week to all participants. The interviews were conducted at the end of the rehabilitation period and analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in one overarching theme: Empowered through participation and togetherness and four sub-themes: Being strengthened through challenges; Gaining insights, motives, and raising concerns about the future; Being seen makes participation worthwhile; and Feelings of togetherness in prosperity and adversity. The participants increased their self-esteem by daring and coping in the rehabilitation. The insights about themselves and their condition motivated them to continue with their prioritized activities, but also raised concerns about how the future would play out. Collaboration in the group and being seen and acknowledged by staff strengthened their own motivation and self-efficacy. Conclusion: According to community-dwelling older people with dementia, a person-centred multidimensional interdisciplinary rehabilitation program was experienced as viable and beneficial. The participants seemed empowered through the rehabilitation and expressed mostly positive experiences and perceived improvements. Providers of interdisciplinary rehabilitation programs for this group should consider aspects raised by the participants e.g. the positive experience of being challenged in both exercise and daily activities; the importance of being seen and feeling secure; the benefits and challenges of collaboration with others in the same situation; and the generation of new perspectives of current and future situation

    Low-level maternal exposure to cadmium, lead, and mercury and birth outcomes in a Swedish prospective birth-cohort

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    Observational studies have indicated that low-to-moderate exposure to cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg) adversely affects birth anthropometry, but results are inconclusive. The aim of this study was to elucidate potential impact on birth anthropometry of exposure to Cd, Pb, and Hg in pregnant women, and to identify the main dietary sources. In the NICE (Nutritional impact on Immunological maturation during Childhood in relation to the Environment) birth-cohort in northern Sweden, blood and urine were collected from pregnant women in early third trimester. Cd, Pb and Hg were measured in erythrocytes (n = 584), and Cd also in urine (n = 581), by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Dietary data were collected through a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire administered in mid-third trimester. Birth anthropometry data were extracted from hospital records. In multivariable-adjusted spline regression models, a doubling of maternal erythrocyte Cd (median: 0.29 mu g/kg) above the spline knot of 0.50 mu g/kg was associated with reduced birth weight (B: -191 g; 95% CI: -315, -68) and length (-0.67 cm; -1.2, -0.14). The association with birth weight remained when the analysis was restricted to never-smokers. Likewise, a doubling of erythrocyte Hg (median 1.5 mu g/kg, mainly MeHg) above 1.0 mu g/kg, was associated with decreased birth weight (-59 g; -115, -3.0), and length (-0.29 cm; -0.54, -0.047). Maternal Pb (median 11 mu g/kg) was unrelated to birth weight and length. Erythrocyte Cd was primarily associated with intake of plant derived foods, Pb with game meat, tea and coffee, and Hg with fish. The results indicated that low-level maternal Cd and Hg exposure were associated with poorer birth anthropometry. Further prospective studies in low-level exposed populations are warranted

    Micro- and Nanoscale Surface Analysis of Late Iron Age Glass from Broborg, a Vitrified Swedish Hillfort

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    Archaeological glasses with prolonged exposure to biogeochemical processes in the environment can be used to understand glass alteration, which is important for the safe disposal of vitrified nuclear waste. Samples of mafic and felsic glasses with different chemistries, formed from melting amphibolitic and granitoid rocks, were obtained from Broborg, a Swedish Iron Age hillfort. Glasses were excavated from the top of the hillfort wall and from the wall interior. A detailed microscopic, spectroscopic, and diffraction study of surficial textures and chemistries were conducted on these glasses. Felsic glass chemistry was uniform, with a smooth surface showing limited chemical alteration (&lt;150 nm), irrespective of the position in the wall. Mafic glass was heterogeneous, with pyroxene, spinel, feldspar, and quartz crystals in the glassy matrix. Mafic glass surfaces in contact with topsoil were rougher than those within the wall and had carbon-rich material consistent with microbial colonization. Limited evidence for chemical or physical alteration of mafic glass was found; the thin melt film that coated all exposed surfaces remained intact, despite exposure to hydraulically unsaturated conditions, topsoil, and associated microbiome for over 1,500 years. This supports the assumption that aluminosilicate nuclear waste glasses will have a high chemical durability in near-surface disposal facilities.</p