1,020 research outputs found

    Sisustustuotteen suunnittelu yritykselle Muoto2

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    TĂ€mĂ€n opinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli suunnitella sisustustuote lahtelaiselle muotoilu- ja puusepĂ€nalan yritykselle Muoto2. Suunniteltavan tuotteen tuli sopia yrityksen olemassa olevaan tuotevalikoimaan ja sen tuli olla valmistettavuudeltaan kannattava. Sisustustuote pÀÀtettiin rajata työn alkuvaiheessa seinĂ€naulakon tai yksittĂ€isen seinĂ€koukun suunnitteluun. Tuotteen suunnittelun lisĂ€ksi tavoitteena oli alustavasti suunnitella tuotteelle visuaalista ilmettĂ€ tuotekortin muodossa. TutkimusmenetelminĂ€ työssĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin esineanalyysia yrityksen nykyisistĂ€ piensisustustuotteista sekĂ€ vertailevaa tutkimusta markkinoilla olevista skandinaavista tyyliĂ€ ilmentĂ€vistĂ€ naulakoista ja ripustuskoukuista. TĂ€mĂ€n lisĂ€ksi työ eteni toimintatutkimuksen omaisesti vaiheissa, tekemisen ja sen analysoinnin kautta. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tuloksena syntyi yrityksen tuotevalikoimaan sopiva seinĂ€koukku, joka toimii lisĂ€ripustusmahdollisuutena ollen samalla koristeellinen sisustuselementti. SeinĂ€koukulle syntyi myös graafinen ilme, joka nĂ€kyy tuotteesta kertovassa esitekortissa.The objective of the thesis was to design a decorative product for Muoto2, a Lahti-based company specialized in design and woodworking. The product should fit in with the company’s existing product range and it should also be relatively easily produced. At an early stage of the project the product was narrowed down to a coat rack or a coat hook. In addition to designing the product itself, the objective was to also design some visual material for the product, such as the looks of the product brochure. Background research was conducted to help the designing of the product. This was done by analysing the company’s current products and conducting comparative research for Scandinavian styled coat racks and hooks available on the market. In addition to item analysis and comparative research, the project was carried out in stages typical to action research, through action and evaluation. As a result of the thesis, a coat hook was designed, which compliments the company’s product catalogue. The coat hook offers additional storage while also functioning as a decorative element. A product brochure was also designed for the product as a part of the thesis

    Microbial community functioning at hypoxic sediments revealed by targeted metagenomics and RNA stable isotope probing

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    Microorganisms are instrumental to the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems and to the chemistry of the ocean due to their essential part in the cycling of the elements and in the recycling of the organic matter. Two of the most critical ocean biogeochemical cycles are those of nitrogen and sulfur, since they can influence the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins, primary productivity and microbial community structure. Oxygen concentration in marine environments is one of the environmental variables that have been largely affected by anthropogenic activities; its decline induces hypoxic events which affect benthic organisms and fisheries. Hypoxia has been traditionally defined based on the level of oxygen below which most animal life cannot be sustained. Hypoxic conditions impact microbial composition and activity since anaerobic reactions and pathways are favoured, at the expense of the aerobic ones. Naturally occurring hypoxia can be found in areas where water circulation is restricted, such as coastal lagoons, and in areas where oxygen-depleted water is driven into the continental shelf, i.e. coastal upwelling regions. Coastal lagoons are highly dynamic aquatic systems, particularly vulnerable to human activities and susceptible to changes induced by natural events. For the purpose of this PhD project, the lagoonal complex of Amvrakikos Gulf, one of the largest semi-enclosed gulfs in the Mediterranean Sea, was chosen as a study site. Coastal upwelling regions are another type of environment limited in oxygen, where also formation of oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) has been reported. Sediment in upwelling regions is rich in organic matter and bottom water is often depleted of oxygen because of intense heterotrophic respiration. For the purpose of this PhD project, the chosen coastal upwelling system was the Benguela system off Namibia, situated along the coast of south western Africa. The aim of this PhD project was to study the microbial community assemblages of hypoxic ecosystems and to identify a potential link between their identity and function, with a particular emphasis on the microorganisms involved in the nitrogen and sulfur cycles. The methodology that was applied included targeted metagenomics and RNA stable isotope probing (SIP). It has been shown that the microbial community diversity pattern can be differentiated based on habitat type, i.e. between riverine, lagoonal and marine environments. Moreover, the studied habitats were functionally distinctive. Apart from salinity, which was the abiotic variable best correlated with the microbial community pattern, oxygen concentration was highly correlated with the predicted metabolic pattern of the microbial communities. In addition, when the total number of Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) was taken into consideration, a negative linear relationship with salinity was identified (see Chapter 2). Microbial community diversity patterns can also be differentiated based on the lagoon under study since each lagoon hosts a different sulfate-reducing microbial (SRM) community, again highly correlated with salinity. Moreover, the majority of environmental terms that characterized the SRM communities were classified to the marine biome, but terms belonging to the freshwater or brackish biomes were also found in stations were a freshwater effect was more evident (see Chapter 3). Taxonomic groups that were expected to be thriving in the sediments of the Benguela coastal upwelling system were absent or present but in very low abundances. Epsilonproteobacteria dominated the anaerobic assimilation of acetate as confirmed by their isotopic enrichment in the SIP experiments. Enhancement of known sulfate-reducers was not achieved under sulfate addition, possibly due to competition for electron donors among nitrate-reducers and sulfate-reducers, to the inability of certain sulfate-reducing bacteria to use acetate as electron donor or to the short duration of the incubations (see Chapter 4). Future research should focus more on the community functioning of such habitats; an increased understanding of the biogeochemical cycles that characterize these hypoxic ecosystems will perhaps allow for predictions regarding the intensity and direction of the cycling of elements, especially of nitrogen and sulfur given their biological importance. Regulation of hypoxic episodes will aid the end-users of these ecosystems to possibly achieve higher productivity, in terms of fish catches, which otherwise is largely compromised by the elevated hydrogen sulfide concentrations

    The relationship between dividend policy and decision making

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    Den globala trenden för aktie har pĂ„ de senaste Ă„ren drastiskt ökat. Forskare och medier pĂ„pekar att företag sĂ€tter aktieĂ€gare frĂ€mst och företag delar dĂ€rför ut rekordstora summor till sina aktieĂ€gare, sĂ„ pass att de sjĂ€lva inte har finansiell möjlighet att investera i den egna verksamheten. Forskare menar Ă€ven att under de senaste Ă„ren har utdelningar till aktieĂ€gare varit som högst, medan vinsterna varit som lĂ€gst. Detta Ă€r intressant, dĂ„ resultatet frĂ„n forskningsrapporten inte hĂ„ller med enligt forskare och medier. Utan nĂ€r företags lönsamhet ökar sĂ„ ökar Ă€ven aktieutdelningen, men nĂ€r investeringar eller katastrofer intrĂ€ffar Ă€r det företagen sjĂ€lva som avgör om de ska sĂ€nka utdelningen. Det Ă€r inget faktum att utdelning ska sĂ€nkas bara för att lönsamheten minskas under ett Ă„r. Oavsett sĂ„ Ă€r företag intresserade av att tillfredsstĂ€lla aktieĂ€gare och av den anledningen genomför utdelning. NĂ€r beslut ska tas för utdelningspolicy Ă€r aktieĂ€gares synpunkter intressanta, men hur mycket inflyttande aktieĂ€gare har varierar frĂ„n företag till företag. Det Ă€r mĂ„nga faktorer som pĂ„verkar beslutsfattandet, sĂ„ som lönsamhetsperspektiv, investeringar, utvecklingspotential och aktieĂ€garkrav. Vad som Ă€r mest centralt och gemensamt för dessa tre perspektiv, Ă€r att de till en viss del Ă€r beroende av aktieĂ€garvĂ€rdet. För att företag enklare ska kunna ta beslut finns det olika beslutsstödsystem att tillĂ€mpa, Corporate Social Responsibiliy och den SamhĂ€llsekonomiska kalkylen Ă€r tvĂ„ kĂ€nda modeller för beslut. Överlag menar utvalda företag att de inte tillĂ€mpar ett beslutsstödsystem, dock finns tydliga kopplingar mellan deras sĂ€tt att ta beslut och modellerna. Det Ă€r pĂ„ företagets Ă„rliga bolagstĂ€mman som beslut kring utdelning tas, hĂ€r har företagets aktieĂ€gare rĂ€tt att nĂ€rvara och fatta beslut om företagets utdelning. Det Ă€r beslutet som vinner absolut majoritet som faststĂ€lls, dock fĂ„r utdelningsbeloppet inte vara större Ă€n vad bolagsstyrelsen har föreslagit

    Indirekt blodtrycksmÀtning pÄ katt

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    The purpose of the present study was to study if the systemic blood pressure in cats significant increases due to stress associated with a visit to a veterinarian clinic. We also wanted to investigate the clinical utility of two different methods for indirect blood pressure measurements in cats by assessing how easy they were to use and how reliable measurements they provided. The methods that were used were oscillometric (Memo Diagnostic) and ultrasound-doppler technique (Minidop). The blood pressure was measured in both clinical environment and home environment. Fifty cats were used in the study, from which measurements were impossible to obtain in one cat. Twelve cats were uncooperative and it was not possible to obtain five measurements with each device in these cats. However, These cats were included in the statistic analyses, because only three readings were stipulated in the study protocol. The blood pressure in cats was systematically higher at the clinic compared to values obtained at home. The difference was most prominent for the systolic blood pressure obtained with the oscillometric device (P=0,02). This difference was, presumably, not great enough to be of clinical importance (MV osc clinic 137/75 mmHg, doppler clinic 119; MV osc home 131/71, doppler home 114). A significant difference between systolic blood-pressure measurements was found between the two different methods. The doppler-technique showed significantly lower values. A statistic significant association between age and raised systolic blood pressure was found (P<0,0001). The blood pressure increased with increasing age. Environment, equipment and age had significant effect on the blood pressure in cats. The doppler device were considered more difficult to use and more frequently provided unrealistic measurements. Presumably, this was caused by operator inexperience and lack of training. The oscillometric method was considered easier to use and was generally tolerated better by the cats.Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka huruvida det systemiska blodtrycket hos katter stiger signifikant med den stress som ett klinikbesök innebĂ€r. Vi ville Ă€ven utvĂ€rdera tvĂ„ olika metoder för indirekt blodtrycksmĂ€tning för att se vilken metod som praktiskt och tekniskt Ă€r enklast att utföra. Metoderna som anvĂ€ndes var oscillometri (osc) (Memo Diagnostic) och ultraljudsdopplerteknik (Minidop). Blodtrycket mĂ€ttes bĂ„de i klinikmiljö och i hemmiljö. Femtio katter ingick i studien, varav en katt inte gick att fĂ„ mĂ€tvĂ€rden frĂ„n. Tolv stycken var mindre samarbetsvilliga och en fullstĂ€ndig undersökning med fem blodtrycksmĂ€tningar kunde inte genomföras hos dessa katter. De inkluderas dock i den statistiska analysen dĂ„ endast tre mĂ€tningar krĂ€vdes för detta. Blodtrycket hos katter var generellt högre vid besök pĂ„ klinik jĂ€mfört med vĂ€rden uppmĂ€tta i hemmiljö. Tydligast sĂ„gs detta pĂ„ det systoliska trycket uppmĂ€tt med oscillometri (P=0,02). Ökningen bedömdes dock vara av sĂ„dan grad att den förmodligen inte var kliniskt relevant (MV osc klinik 137/75 mmHg, doppler klinik 119; MV osc hem 131/71, doppler hem 114). En tydlig skillnad mellan uppmĂ€tta systoliska blodtryck sĂ„gs vid jĂ€mförelse av de tvĂ„ metoderna. Dopplertekniken gav signifikant lĂ€gre vĂ€rden. Ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan ökat systemiskt blodtryck och Ă„lder kunde pĂ„visas (P <0,0001). Blodtrycket steg med ökad Ă„lder. Dopplertekniken bedömdes i jĂ€mförelse med oscillometri vara svĂ„rare att anvĂ€nda dĂ„ metoden krĂ€ver mer tĂ„lamod och teknik. Den oscillometriska apparaten bedömdes vara lĂ€ttare att hantera och tolererades generellt bĂ€ttre av katterna. Blodtrycket pĂ„verkades signifikant av miljö, utrustning och Ă„lder. Den oscillometriska metoden bedömdes i denna studie vara enklare att anvĂ€nda och gav för en otrĂ€nad operatör oftare realistiska blodtrycksvĂ€rden, vilket indikerar att metoden Ă€r kliniskt mer anvĂ€ndbar inom smĂ„djurssjukvĂ„rden

    Impact of litter size on sow health and welfare

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    Genetic improvement of litter size has been the main breeding goal in piglet production during the last decades, resulting in a steady increase in total number of born piglets in each litter both in Sweden and in other European countries. It has been suggested that large litters pose a major welfare problem for sows and piglets. However, there is a lack of recent studies investigating the impact of litter size on the health and welfare of sows. Therefore the objective of this thesis was to investigate the association between litter sizes and sow health and welfare. The two studies included in this thesis were performed as observational studies and investigated by retrospective analysis of available pig production data. The first study investigated the association between litter sizes and sow stayability, and the second study the association between litter size and medical treatment of sows during farrowing and lactation. The final dataset used in the first study included a study population of 38 878 sows in 24 herds and the final dataset in the second study included observations from 1 947 litters from 655 sows. Associations between litter size and sow health and welfare was found. There was an association between litter size and stayability of the sow, as well as association between litter size and medical treatment of the sow. The results from both studies imply that sows with medium sized litters have a better lifetime production than sows with very small or large litters. Piglet producers should therefore pay even more attention to prophylactic management of sows during gestation and lactation. In planning of breeding strategies and annual removal of sows, piglet producers should also aim for keeping sows giving birth to a medium-sized litter, with approximately 12 to 14 piglets born in total in their breeding program, as this seems to improve sows’ stayability and decreasing the risk of unplanned removal which would favour health and welfare of both sow and piglets

    World parliament – fact or fiction? : On the feasibility of world parliamentary models

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    Cosmopolitan ideals have been on the philosophical agenda for several millennia but the end of the Cold War started a new discussion on state sovereignty, global democracy, the role of international law and global institutions. The Westphalian state system in practice since the 17th century is transforming and the democracy deficit needs new solutions. An impetus has been the fact that in the present world, an international body representing global citizens does not exist. In this Master’s thesis, the possibility of establishing a world parliament is examined. In a case analysis, 17 models on world parliament from two journals, a volume of essays and two other publications are discussed. Based on general observations, the models are divided into four thematic groups. The models are analyzed with an emphasis on feasible and probable elements. Further, a new scenario with a time frame of thirty years is proposed based on the methodology of normative futures studies, taking special interest in causal relationships and actions leading to change. The scenario presents three gradual steps that each need to be realized before a sustainable world parliament is established. The theoretical framework is based on social constructivism, and changes in international and multi-level governance are examined with the concepts of globalization, democracy and sovereignty. A feasible, desirable and credible world parliament is constituted gradually by implying electoral, democratic and legal measures for members initially from exclusively democratic states, parliamentarians, non-governmental organizations and other groups. The parliament should be located outside the United Nations context, since a new body avoids the problem of inefficiency currently prevailing in the UN. The main objectives of the world parliament are to safeguard peace and international law and to offer legal advice in cases when international law has been violated. A feasible world parliament is advisory in the beginning but it is granted legislative powers in the future. The number of members in the world parliament could also be extended following the example of the EU enlargement process.Keskustelua kosmopoliittisista ihanteista on kĂ€yty vuosituhansien ajan, mutta vasta kylmĂ€n sodan pÀÀttyminen sysĂ€si liikkeelle uuden diskurssin valtiosuvereenisuuden ja globaalin demokratian haasteista, kansainvĂ€lisen oikeuden roolista sekĂ€ globaaleista instituutioista. Perinteinen valtiojĂ€rjestelmĂ€, joka on vallinnut 1600-luvulta, on muuttumassa ja samalla demokratiavaje kaipaa ratkaisuja. Maailmassa ei tĂ€llĂ€ hetkellĂ€ ole maailman kansalaisia edustavaa jĂ€rjestöÀ, mikĂ€ lisÀÀ muutoksen tarvetta. TĂ€ssĂ€ pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, missĂ€ mÀÀrin maailmanparlamentin toteuttaminen on mahdollista sekĂ€ minkĂ€laisia ongelmia ja haasteita perustamiseen liittyy. 17 mallin aineisto pohjautuu kahteen tieteelliseen aikakausjulkaisuun, esseekokoelmaan sekĂ€ kahteen muuhun julkaisuun. Tutkielmassa tehdÀÀn yleisiĂ€ havaintoja malleista ja ne on jaettu neljÀÀn temaattiseen ryhmÀÀn. Mallien ja skenaarioiden tarkastelussa kiinnitetÀÀn huomiota toteuttamiskelpoisiin ja mahdollisiin elementteihin. LisĂ€ksi luodaan uusi kolmenkymmenen vuoden skenaario normatiivisen tulevaisuudentutkimuksen metodien perusteella. TĂ€ssĂ€ metodissa korostetaan kiinnostusta kausaalisiin riippuvuussuhteisiin ja toimiin, jotka johtavat muutokseen. Skenaariossa esitetÀÀn kolme vaihetta, joiden tulee kunkin toteutua, jotta pysyvĂ€ ja kestĂ€vĂ€ maailmanparlamentti voidaan perustaa. Teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu sosiaalikonstruktivismiin, sekĂ€ muutoksia kansainvĂ€lisessĂ€ ja monitasoisessa hallinnassa pohditaan globalisaation, demokratian ja suvereenisuuden kĂ€sitteiden kautta. Toteuttamiskelpoinen, houkutteleva ja uskottava maailmanparlamentti voidaan perustaa vaiheittain hyödyntĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ demokraattisia ja oikeudellisia periaatteita, jĂ€rjestĂ€mĂ€llĂ€ vaalit sekĂ€ hyvĂ€ksymĂ€llĂ€ parlamentin jĂ€seniksi aluksi ainoastaan demokraattisia valtioita, parlamentaarikkoja, kansalaisjĂ€rjestöjĂ€ ja muita ryhmiĂ€. Maailmanparlamentti tulisi perustaa Yhdistyneiden Kansakuntien ulkopuolelle, sillĂ€ uusi elin vĂ€lttĂ€isi nykyisen YK:n tehottomuuden. Maailmanparlamentin tĂ€rkein tavoite on edustaa kansalaisia globaalilla tasolla, taata rauhan ja kansainvĂ€lisen oikeuden sĂ€ilyminen sekĂ€ tarjota oikeudellista neuvoa tapauksissa, joissa kansainvĂ€listĂ€ oikeutta on rikottu. Toteuttamiskelpoinen maailmanparlamentti on aluksi neuvoa-antava, mutta myöhemmin sille myönnettĂ€neen lakiasÀÀtĂ€viĂ€ valtuuksia. MyöhemmĂ€ssĂ€ vaiheessa parlamentin jĂ€senistöÀ voitaisiin myös laajentaa Euroopan unionin esimerkin valossa. Tutkielman lopussa havainnollistetaan aiheen jatkokehittelyĂ€

    Med nit och ett kÀrleksfullt sinne - Den svenska kvinnans rÀtt till arbete i allmÀnhet och rÀtten att tilltrÀda lÀrarinneyrket i synnerhet, ca Är 1800-1860

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    Kvinnans rĂ€tt till arbete har inte varit sjĂ€lvklar. Historiskt sett var idealet lĂ€nge att kvinnan skulle vara en god hustru och mor som bidrog till hushĂ„l-lets funktion och barnens uppfostran. Med tiden började denna kvinnobild och situation dock förĂ€ndras och vid 1800-talets mitt skedde ett flertal stora förĂ€ndringar. TvĂ„ av dessa var lagreformerna om kvinnlig nĂ€ringsfrihet samt kvinnans rĂ€tt att arbeta som lĂ€rarinna. Trots ökade arbetsmöjligheter genom nĂ€ringsfrihetsreformen bestod kvin-nans försörjningsproblem och livet i stĂ€derna var tufft för den ogifta kvin-nan som behövde försörja sig sjĂ€lv. En ny möjlighet och ett steg pĂ„ vĂ€gen till det bĂ€ttre kom med 1858 Ă„rs lagstiftning om kvinnans rĂ€tt att tilltrĂ€da lĂ€rarinneyrket i rikets allmĂ€nna skolor. Genom denna öppnades ett nytt och betydelsefullt omrĂ„de pĂ„ arbetsmarknaden för kvinnan vilket delvis gav uttryck för en Ă€ndrad syn hos lagstiftaren pĂ„ kvinnans status.Women’s right to work hasn’t always been self-evident. Historically, for a long period of time, the ideal was that a woman should be a good wife and mother, who contributed to the functioning of the household and the child-ren’s upbringing. Over time, this view of the woman began to transform and in the middle of the 19th century, a number of major changes occured. Two of these were the amendments regarding female business freedom together with women’s statutory right to work as teachers in public schools. Despite the increased job opportunities that the reform regarding female business freedom contributed to, the Swedish woman met difficulties in being able to provide for herself and the spinster living in the city had a par-ticularily hard time. A new opportunity, and a step in the right direction, was the legislation from year 1858 which recognized women’s right to enter the professions as teachers in Sweden’s public schools. Through this legislation, a new and significant area in the labor market opened up to the woman, which in part expressed a changed view of the legislature on the status of women

    Antifungal Activities of Peptides Derived from Domain 5 of High-Molecular-Weight Kininogen

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    In both immunocompromised and immunocompetent patients, Candida and Malassezia are causing or triggering clinical manifestations such as cutaneous infections and atopic eczema. The innate immune system provides rapid responses to microbial invaders, without requiring prior stimulation, through a sophisticated system of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). High molecular weight kininogen (HMWK) and components of the contact system have previously been reported to bind to Candida and other pathogens, leading to activation of the contact system. A cutaneous Candida infection is characterized by an accumulation of neutrophils, leading to an inflammatory response and release of enzymatically active substances. In the present study we demonstrate that antifungal peptide fragments are generated through proteolytic degradation of HMWK. The recombinant domain 5 (rD5) of HMWK, D5-derived peptides, as well as hydrophobically modified D5-derived peptides efficiently killed Candida and Malassezia. Furthermore, the antifungal activity of modified peptides was studied at physiological conditions. Binding of a D5-derived peptide, HKH20 (His479-His498), to the fungal cell membrane was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. Our data disclose a novel antifungal activity of D5-derived peptides and also show that proteolytic cleavage of HMWK results in fragments exerting antifungal activity. Of therapeutic interest is that structurally modified peptides show an enhanced antifungal activity

    Drivers\u27 Ability to Engage in a Non-Driving Related Task While in Automated Driving Mode in Real Traffic

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    Engaging in non-driving related tasks (NDRTs) while driving can be considered distracting and safety detrimental. However, with the introduction of highly automated driving systems that relieve drivers from driving, more NDRTs will be feasible. In fact, many car manufacturers emphasize that one of the main advantages with automated cars is that it "frees up time" for other activities while on the move. This paper investigates how well drivers are able to engage in an NDRT while in automated driving mode (i.e., SAE Level 4) in real traffic, via a Wizard of Oz platform. The NDRT was designed to be visually and cognitively demanding and require manual interaction. The results show that the drivers\u27 attention to a great extent shifted from the road ahead towards the NDRT. Participants could perform the NDRT equally well as when in an office (e.g. correct answers, time to completion), showing that the performance did not deteriorate when in the automated vehicle. Yet, many participants indicated that they noted and reacted to environmental changes and sudden changes in vehicle motion. Participants were also surprised by their own ability to, with ease, disconnect from driving. The presented study extends previous research by identifying that drivers to a high extent are able to engage in a NDRT while in automated mode in real traffic. This is promising for future of automated cars ability to "free up time" and enable drivers to engage in non-driving related activities
