39 research outputs found

    B-lymphocytes from Malignant Hyperthermia-susceptible Patients Have an Increased Sensitivity to Skeletal Muscle Ryanodine Receptor Activators

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    Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease triggered by volatile anesthetics and succinylcholine in genetically predisposed individuals. The underlying feature of MH is a hypersensitivity of the calcium release machinery of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and in many cases this is a result of point mutations in the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor calcium release channel (RYR1). RYR1 is mainly expressed in skeletal muscle, but a recent report demonstrated the existence of this isoform in human B-lymphocytes. As B-cells can produce a number of cytokines, including endogenous pyrogens, we investigated whether some of the symptoms seen during MH could be related to the involvement of the immune system. Our results show that (i) Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized B-cells from MH-susceptible individuals carrying the V2168M RYR1 gene mutation were more sensitive to the RYR activator 4-chloro-m-cresol and (ii) their peripheral blood leukocytes produce more interleukin (IL)-1beta after treatment with the RYR activators caffeine and 4-chloro-m-cresol, compared with cells from healthy controls. Our result demonstrate that RYR1-mediated calcium signaling is involved in release of IL-1beta from B-lymphocytes and suggest that some of the symptoms seen during an MH episode may be due to IL-1beta production

    Using distinct molecular signatures of human monocytes and dendritic cells to predict adjuvant activity and pyrogenicity of TLR agonists

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    We present a systematic study that defines molecular profiles of adjuvanticity and pyrogenicity induced by agonists of human Toll-like receptor molecules in vitro. Using P3CSK4, Lipid A and Poly I:C as model adjuvants we show that all three molecules enhance the expansion of IFNγ+/CD4+ T cells from their naïve precursors following priming with allogeneic DC in vitro. In contrast, co-culture of naive CD4+ T cells with allogeneic monocytes and TLR2/TLR4 agonists only resulted in enhanced T cell proliferation. Distinct APC molecular signatures in response to each TLR agonist underline the dual effect observed on T cell responses. Using protein and gene expression assays, we show that TNF-α and CXCL10 represent DC-restricted molecular signatures of TLR2/TLR4 and TLR3 activation, respectively, in sharp contrast to IL-6 produced by monocytes upon stimulation with P3CSK4 and Lipid A. Furthermore, although all TLR agonists are able to up-regulate proIL-1β specific gene in both cell types, only monocyte activation with Lipid A results in detectable IL-1β release. These molecular profiles, provide a simple screen to select new immune enhancers of human Th1 responses suitable for clinical application

    The beginning of the Neolithic in the Po Plain (northern Italy): Problems and perspectives

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    The Po Valley is one of the major physiographic units of northern Italy. It can be considered as a key area for the interpretation of long-term historical events and processes because of its location midway between the Mediterranean world and continental Europe. This paper is an updated summary of our knowledge of the Early Neolithic farming communities of the region. In particular it discusses data derived from radiocarbon dated sites. Its aim is to provide the international audience with an updated view of the topic, based on the discussion of a new series of AMS radiocarbon results, to frame the earliest producing communities of the Po Valley into the more general picture of the Neolithization of Italy. To achieve the goal, apart from radiocarbon assays, we have taken into consideration material culture remains, subsistence economy, environmental resources, and data gathered from archaeometric analyses and technology

    Innate Immune Cell Determinants of T Cell Immunity: From Basic Mechanisms to Clinical Implications

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    Long-lasting T cell immunity is delivered by an array of individual T lymphocytes expressing clonally distributed and highly specific antigen receptors recognizing an almost infinite number of antigens that might enter in contact with the host. Following antigen-specific priming in lymphnodes, naïve CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes proliferate generating clones of effector cells that migrate to peripheral tissues and deliver unique antigen-specific effector functions. Moreover, a proportion of these effector lymphocytes survive as memory T cells that can be rapidly mobilized upon new exposure to the same antigen, even years after their primary induction. Innate immune cells play crucial roles in the induction and maintenance of this efficient protection system. Following the seminal discovery of Steinman and Cohen in 1974 describing a rare cell type capable of initiating antigen-specific responses in lymphnodes, Dendritic Cells (DC) have taken up the stage for several decades as professional Antigen Presenting Cells (APC). Although DC possess all attributes to prime naïve T lymphocytes, other immune cell subsets become crucial accessory cells during secondary and even primary activation. For instance, Monocytes (Mo) are rapidly recruited to inflammatory sites and have recently been recognized as capable of shaping T cell immunity, either directly through Ag presentation, or indirectly through the secretion of soluble factors. In addition, upon sensing of T cell-derived cytokines, Mo differentiate into functionally different APC types that further impact on the quality and persistence of memory T cell responses in peripheral tissues. Other innate immune cells, including Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells, Granulocytes and iNKT lymphocytes, are known to modulate T cell activation by interacting with and modifying the function of professional APC. Notably, innate immune cell determinants also account for the tissue-specific regulation of T cell immunity. Hence, the newly discovered family of Innate Lymphoid Cells, has been recognized to shape CD4+ T cell responses at mucosal surfaces. Although the actions of innate immune cells fulfills the need of initiating and maintaining protective T cell responses, the excessive presence or activity of individual determinants may be detrimental to the host, because it could promote tissue destruction as in autoimmunity and allergy, or conversely, prevent the induction of immune responses against malignant tissues, and even modulate the response to therapeutic agents. Thus, understanding how defined innate immune cell subsets control T cell immunity is of fundamental relevance to understand human health, and of practical relevance for preventing and curing human diseases. In this research topic, we intend to provide an excellent platform for the collection of manuscripts addressing in depth how diverse innate immune cell subsets impact on T cell responses through molecularly defined pathways and evaluating the rational translation of basic research into clinical applications

    Study of the 3D repartition of vesicles normalized by the distance to the cell periphery

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    International audienceWe propose a tool to study the repartition of endocytic compartment organization in 3D fluorescence microscopy image. Although cell variation in size and shape usually prevents comparison and statistic generation about spatial organization, standardization can be obtained by normalizing the cells by micropatterning [1]. Another approach chooses to find a common frame to all cells, for example by fitting an ellipsoid to cellular compartment of reference (eg. Nuclei membrane in [2]). However, both approaches are not suitable for unconstrained cells with a wide range in shape and size such as lymphocytes. In order to study the endocytic compartments in activated T cells, we have created a 3D relative polar coordinate system oriented by the cell MTOC position and where the radius is normalized by the distance to the cell membrane (Figure 1). We have validated this approach to study cytokine containing vesicles repartition in T cells, where the common coordinate system origin is defined by the MTOC, automatically segmented by mathematical morphology. Cells were first semi-automatically segmented using AMIRA. Vesicles were then automatically segmented by 3D Gaussian fitting of regional maxima. The distance from the vesicles to the cell periphery was finally automatically computed as the distance between the center of gravity of the vesicles and the intersection point between the Vesicle-MTOC line and the cell surface. The accuracy of the distance computation had a maximal error equal to the size of a voxel in z (200 nanometers in our experiments), which is still within the deconvoluted 3D-widefield resolution (200 nm in xy). This framework can have a broad band of applications. For example we are also working on its application to loci detection and distance to the nuclear membrane in budding yeast

    Blocking of LFA-1 enhances expansion of Th17 cells induced by human CD14(+) CD16(++) nonclassical monocytes.

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    Among human peripheral blood (PB) monocyte (Mo) subsets, the classical CD14(++) CD16(-) (cMo) and intermediate CD14(++) CD16(+) (iMo) Mos are known to activate pathogenic Th17 responses, whereas the impact of nonclassical CD14(+) CD16(++) Mo (nMo) on T-cell activation has been largely neglected. The aim of this study was to obtain new mechanistic insights on the capacity of Mo subsets from healthy donors (HDs) to activate IL-17(+) T-cell responses in vitro, and assess whether this function was maintained or lost in states of chronic inflammation. When cocultured with autologous CD4(+) T cells in the absence of TLR-2/NOD2 agonists, PB nMos from HDs were more efficient stimulators of IL-17-producing T cells, as compared to cMo. These results could not be explained by differences in Mo lifespan and cytokine profiles. Notably, however, the blocking of LFA-1/ICAM-1 interaction resulted in a significant increase in the percentage of IL-17(+) T cells expanded in nMo/T-cell cocultures. As compared to HD, PB Mo subsets of patients with rheumatoid arthritis were hampered in their T-cell stimulatory capacity. Our new insights highlight the role of Mo subsets in modulating inflammatory T-cell responses and suggest that nMo could become a critical therapeutic target against IL-17-mediated inflammatory diseases

    Anti-inflammatory/tissue repair macrophages enhance the cartilage-forming capacity of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells

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    Macrophages are key players in healing processes. However, little is known on their capacity to modulate the differentiation potential of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSC). Here we investigated whether macrophages (Mf) with, respectively, pro-inflammatory and tissue-remodeling traits differentially modulate chondrogenesis of bone marrow derived-MSC (BM-MSC). We demonstrated that coculture in collagen scaffolds of BM-MSC with Mf derived from monocytes polarized with M-CSF (M-Mf), but not with GM-CSF (GM-Mf) resulted in significantly higher glycosaminoglycan (GAG) content than what would be expected from an equal number of BM-MSC alone (defined as chondro-induction). Moreover, type II collagen was expressed at significantly higher levels in BM-MSC/M-Mf as compared to BM-MSC/GM-Mf constructs, while type X collagen expression was unaffected. In order to understand the possible cellular mechanism accounting for chondro-induction, developing monoculture and coculture tissues were digested and the properties of the isolated BM-MSC analysed. We observed that as compared to monocultures, in coculture with M-Mf, BM-MSC decreased less markedly in number and exhibited higher clonogenic and chondrogenic capacity. Despite their chondro-inductive effect in vitro, M-Mf did not modulate the cartilage tissue maturation in subcutaneous pockets of nude mice, as evidenced by similar accumulation of type X collagen and calcified tissue. Our results demonstrate that coculture of BM-MSC with M-Mf results in synergistic cartilage tissue formation in vitro. Such effect seems to result from the survival of BM-MSC with high chondrogenic capacity. Studies in an orthotopic in vivo model are necessary to assess the clinical relevance of our findings in the context of cartilage repair

    Prevalence and incidence density of unavoidable pressure ulcers in elderly patients admitted to medical units

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    To describe the prevalence and incidence density of hospital-acquired unavoidable pressure sores among patients aged 6565 years admitted to acute medical units. A secondary analysis of longitudinal study data collected in 2012 and 2013 from 12 acute medical units located in 12 Italian hospitals was performed. Unavoidable pressure ulcers were defined as those that occurred in haemodynamically unstable patients, suffering from cachexia and/or terminally ill and were acquired after hospital admission. Data at patient and at pressure ulcer levels were collected on a daily basis at the bedside by trained researchers. A total of 1464 patients out of 2080 eligible (70.4%) were included. Among these, 96 patients (6.5%) hospital-acquired a pressure ulcer and, among 19 (19.7%) were judged as unavoidable. The incidence of unavoidable pressure ulcer was 8.5/100in hospital-patient days. No statistically significant differences at patient and pressure ulcers levels have emerged between those patients that acquired unavoidable and avoidable pressure sores. Although limited, evidence on unavoidable pressure ulcer is increasing. More research in the field is recommended to support clinicians, managers and policymakers in the several implications of unavoidable pressure ulcers both at the patient and at the system levels