528 research outputs found

    Diversity across Seasons of Culturable Pseudomonas from a Desiccation Lagoon in Cuatro Cienegas, Mexico.

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    Cuatro Cienegas basin (CCB) is a biodiversity reservoir within the Chihuahuan desert that includes several water systems subject to marked seasonality. While several studies have focused on biodiversity inventories, this is the first study that describes seasonal changes in diversity within the basin. We sampled Pseudomonas populations from a seasonally variable water system at four different sampling dates (August 2003, January 2004, January 2005, and August 2005). A total of 70 Pseudomonas isolates across seasons were obtained, genotyped by fingerprinting (BOX-PCR), and taxonomically characterized by 16S rDNA sequencing. We found 35 unique genotypes, and two numerically dominant lineages (16S rDNA sequences) that made up 64% of the sample: P. cuatrocienegasensis and P. otitidis. We did not recover genotypes across seasons, but lineages reoccurred across seasons; P. cuatrocienegasensis was isolated exclusively in winter, while P. otitidis was only recovered in summer. We statistically show that taxonomic identity of isolates is not independent of the sampling season, and that winter and summer populations are different. In addition to the genetic description of populations, we show exploratory measures of growth rates at different temperatures, suggesting physiological differences between populations. Altogether, the results indicate seasonal changes in diversity of free-living aquatic Pseudomonas populations from CCB

    El "Pentateuco" tirsiano. En torno a las obras del Ciclo bíblico de Tirso de Molina.

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    The Museum and its architecture from architectural space to the space of meaning

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    The following essay makes a reflection on two core topics regarding museums. The first one is the relevance of the architecture of museums, and it highlights the relationship between the tridimensional space dimension and the visitor within the signification process. The second one is an approach to the narrative construction for the study of the museographic experience of a visitor, conceived as a source of meaning. The abovementioned subjects are illustrated by means of fragments of narrative constructions taken from the field work at several short exhibits that took place between 2007 and 2008 in the Museo Laboratorio Arte Alameda: “Intersicios”, from April to June, 2007; “Infinito al cubo”, from August 14 to September 30, 2007, and “Sinergia” from September-October, 2008.El objetivo del presente artículo es ofrecer una reflexión en torno a dos ejes centrales referentes a los museos. En el primero se trata la relevancia de la arquitectura de los museos, destacando el vínculo existente entre la dimensión del espacio tridimensional y el visitante en el proceso de significación. El segundo trata sobre la aproximación a la construcción narrativa para el estudio de la experiencia museográfica del visitante como productor de significados. Para ilustrar lo anterior se presentan fragmentos de las construcciones narrativas obtenidas diacrónicamente a partir del trabajo de campo en distintas exposiciones temporales realizadas durante los años 2007 y 2008, en el Museo Laboratorio Arte Alameda, de las cuales aquí se exponen “Intersticios”, llevada a acabo de abril a julio de 2007; “Infinito al cubo”, del 14 de agosto al 30 de septiembre de 2007, y “Sinergia”, expuesta durante los meses de septiembre y octubre de 200

    Understanding the Evolutionary Relationships and Major Traits of \u3cem\u3eBacillus\u3c/em\u3e through Comparative Genomics

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    Background: The presence of Bacillus in very diverse environments reflects the versatile metabolic capabilities of a widely distributed genus. Traditional phylogenetic analysis based on limited gene sampling is not adequate for resolving the genus evolutionary relationships. By distinguishing between core and pan-genome, we determined the evolutionary and functional relationships of known Bacillus. Results: Our analysis is based upon twenty complete and draft Bacillus genomes, including a newly sequenced Bacillus isolate from an aquatic environment that we report for the first time here. Using a core genome, we were able to determine the phylogeny of known Bacilli, including aquatic strains whose position in the phylogenetic tree could not be unambiguously determined in the past. Using the pan-genome from the sequenced Bacillus, we identified functional differences, such as carbohydrate utilization and genes involved in signal transduction, which distinguished the taxonomic groups. We also assessed the genetic architecture of the defining traits of Bacillus, such as sporulation and competence, and showed that less than one third of the B. subtilis genes are conserved across other Bacilli. Most variation was shown to occur in genes that are needed to respond to environmental cues, suggesting that Bacilli have genetically specialized to allow for the occupation of diverse habitats and niches. Conclusions: The aquatic Bacilli are defined here for the first time as a group through the phylogenetic analysis of 814 genes that comprise the core genome. Our data distinguished between genomic components, especially core vs. pan-genome to provide insight into phylogeny and function that would otherwise be difficult to achieve. A phylogeny may mask the diversity of functions, which we tried to uncover in our approach. The diversity of sporulation and competence genes across the Bacilli was unexpected based on previous studies of the B. subtilis model alone. The challenge of uncovering the novelties and variations among genes of the non-subtilis groups still remains. This task will be best accomplished by directing efforts toward understanding phylogenetic groups with similar ecological niches

    Patrones de interacción familiar de madres y padres generadores de violencia y maltrato infantil

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    This study assessed thirteen mothers and eight fathers who were accused of child mistreatment; the assessment having taken place at two semi-structured interviews. A pilot study was conducted with a mother accused of mistreatment, with the aim of dismissing or including coding categories that were deemed significant. The feelings and beliefs categories were included in the interaction cycles, and these categories were applied throughout the research. The study was intended to confirm the feasibility of the theoretical proposal which states that child mistreatment can be understood as related to life cycle and situational crises and to dysfunctional interaction patterns, like the conceptualization of pathological triangles presented by many authors. It was found that both the mistreating mothers and fathers’ background and their present interaction patterns are consistent with the aforementioned theoretical construct. The results suggest that child mistreatment is related to upbringing patterns that use physical violence as a punishment and to alcoholism. Furthermore, the study revealed a tendency among families to maintain violence-generating interaction chains, which are related to life cycle and situational crises. In the legal area, a systemic, cognitive and behavioral intervention is possible, with the end in view of breaking up such redundant cycles, thereby encouraging favorable changes in the family, namely as concerns the control of rage.El presente estudio evalúa a trece madres y ocho padres que fueron denunciados por maltrato infantil; siendo valorados mediante dos entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se realizó un estudio piloto con una madre denunciada por maltrato, a fin de descartar ó incluir categorías de codificación que se consideraran importantes. Se incluyeron las categorías sentimientos y creencias en los ciclos de interacción; mismas que se aplicaron a lo largo de la investigación. Se verificó la viabilidad de la propuesta teórica que afirma que la violencia infantil puede ser entendida en términos de crisis del ciclo vital y situacional, y por patrones de interacción disfuncionales; así como la conceptualización de triángulos patológicos que hacen varios autores. Se encontró que los antecedentes de las madres y padres maltratadores, y sus patrones de interacción en el presente, son congruentes con la fundamentación teórica. Los resultados sugieren que el maltrato infantil esta relacionado a patrones de crianza que emplean el castigo físico como correctivo, y alcoholismo en los padres; también se encontró una tendencia familiar a sostener cadenas de interacción generadores de violencia,asociadas a crisis en el ciclo vital y situacionales. En el campo legal es posible una intervención familiar sistémica, cognitivo y conductual con la finalidad de romper dichos ciclos redundantes y posibilitar el cambio familiar favorable, principalmente en el control de la ira

    Poverty and Mental Health Outcomes in Mexican Adolescents

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    The purpose of this chapter is to analyze the adaptive and resilience processes in adolescents from different marginalizing communities. The theoretical and empirical foundations of the ecological‐transactional perspective of adolescent development as a framework for understanding the adaptive processes and resilience in contextual adversity is reviewed, with the recognition of risk and protective factors at multiple levels and ecological settings. Under this perspective, the authors provide data supporting the predictive role of stressful life events, coping, and family functioning in adaptive and nonadaptive outcomes in adolescents living in diverse contexts of high‐risk communities in Mexico City. These findings may contribute to early intervention programs based on empirical evidence with adolescents and families living in disadvantages communities in schools and in clinical settings


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    Techniques are described herein for a two-fold process where a first Machine Learning (ML) model is engaged in building a Dependency Mapping Table (DMT) based on the data from the network (network observations). An Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP) database, service graph information, and in-band Operations, Administration and Management (iOAM) data is leveraged to feed into the ML model to build the DMT. The DMT is built with a per physical element precision (fiber optical cable in each direction). In other words, the database is built in a way to enable identification of the list of (connected/non-connected) services and protocols that potentially relies on the fiber cable. In the second fold, the ML model uses the dependency mapping built in the previous phase to identify the potential cause for an issue and prioritize the relevant alarms. In addition, it may be tied together with existing failure prediction mechanisms for any layer that in turn will be used with the above database to prioritize the alarm/notification to an operator Operations Support System (OSS) and take any necessary pre-emptive action on the above layers

    Augustine of Hippo as Doctor Pacis: Studies on Peace in the Contemporary World Vol. 2

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    Debate is ongoing about Augustine’s political philosophy, and more particularly about his views on the relations between Church and State. This volume brings together a number of contributions that examine Augustine’s theoretical views on the subject. Augustine assumed his responsibilities as a theologian and Church leader: the truth of the faith and the unity of the Church could not be compromised. He did not hesitate to appeal to the civil authorities in the pursuit of this goal. In fact, he even ventured to deploy the civil authority, the emperor, against an ecclesiastical authority such as Pope Zosimus. This appeal to the secular arm of power was inspired on the one hand by Augustine’s concern for the preservation of order and peace, and on the other by his faith in the rights of truth. Yet this aspiration of Augustine’s was not absolute either. He rejected the idea that humans should be converted forcibly, against their will. He also condemned anything that compromised the physical integrity of human beings. In short, Augustine also recognised the value of the political system. This served to safeguard the good ends of earthly life, i.e. peace and justice. But Augustine believed this earthly peace and justice were reflections of the heavenly peace and justice, which are the foundation of earthly order and stability

    New mechanisms involved in the DNA replication stress response of non-transformed human cells

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    [eng] The cell cycle, the group of processes involved in the duplication and division of a cell in two daughter cells is essential for all organism existence. The correct regulation of these processes is crucial to guarantee genome integrity and cell survival. From the different cell cycle phases, the S phase is the most vulnerable to the acquisition of DNA damage since it is the phase in which the DNA is replicated. Alterations in DNA replication dynamics result in the accumulation of replication stress, one of the major sources of genomic instability, a hallmark of cancer. In this sense, cells have developed complex surveillance mechanisms to ensure stabilization and repair of forks, to coordinate these functions with cell cycle, and thus, to prevent cell division in the presence of unreplicated or damaged DNA. By doing so, these mechanisms will try to overcome the damage, and if so, the DNA replication stress response will promote replication resumption. By contrast, in the cases of persistent damage, cells are withdrawal from the cell cycle either by apoptosis or senescence. The correct activation and regulation of all these mechanisms is essential to prevent the acquisition of genomic instability and the oncogenic transformation. The pathways involved in DNA damage detection and signaling have been extensively studied in tumor cells. However, the response to replication stress, especially in non-transformed human cells, is still poorly understood. Therefore, in order to gain a better understanding of the pathways involved in this response, the main objective of this thesis has been to study and characterize new mechanisms involved in the DNA replication stress response of non-transformed human cells, as well as to analyze their contribution towards safeguarding genome integrity. Combining cellular and molecular approaches, together with several replication stress inducing agents, we have characterized new DNA replication stress response mechanisms that prevent replication resumption upon severe replication stress. For instance, we have described that APC/CCdh1 ubiquitin ligase is prematurely activated in S phase, to prevent new origin firing, in response to a prolonged DNA replication inhibition that results in the processing of replication forks into double strand breaks. Additionally, using an approach that has allowed us to define the changes at replication fork level between an acute and prolonged replication stress, we have seen that replication forks suffer several remodeling and processing events that abrogate their ability to restart after severe replication stress. Notably, our results suggest that this loss in the ability to resume replication under these conditions may act as a mechanism to safeguard genome integrity in non-transformed human cells. Collectively, the results of this thesis contribute to have a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the DNA replication stress response of non-transformed human cells, opening new doors for the development of future therapies.[spa] El ciclo celular, el conjunto de procesos implicados en la duplicación y división celular, es esencial para toda forma de vida. La correcta regulación de estos procesos es vital para el mantenimiento de la integridad del genoma así como para garantizar la supervivencia celular. De las distintas fases del ciclo, la fase de replicación del ADN es una de las etapas más vulnerables a la adquisición de daño. Por ello, las células han desarrollado diversos mecanismos de control encargados de detectar los errores generados durante esta fase del ciclo para prevenir la entrada en mitosis sin haber replicado el ADN, para activar los mecanismos de reparación, para promover la recuperación de la replicación una vez el estrés sea eliminado o bien para inducir apoptosis/senescencia cuando el daño no pueda ser reparado. La correcta activación y regulación de este entramado molecular es esencial para evitar la inestabilidad genómica que podría conllevar a la transformación celular, favoreciendo la aparición y/o el avance de procesos patológicos como el cáncer. En este sentido, las vías implicadas en detectar las roturas en el ADN han sido ampliamente estudiadas en las células tumorales. Sin embargo, los mecanismos encargados de detectar otras anomalías en el ADN generadas como consecuencia de un estrés de replicación son aún poco conocidos, especialmente en las líneas no tumorales. Por ello, con el fin de entender mejor los mecanismos implicados en estos procesos, el principal objetivo de esta tesis ha sido estudiar y caracterizar nuevos mecanismos implicados en la respuesta al estrés de replicación de las líneas no tumorales. Mediante estudios realizados en distintas líneas celulares, utilizando para ello diversas técnicas de biología celular y molecular, en combinación con varios agentes causantes de estrés de replicación, se han podido caracterizar nuevos mecanismos implicados en la respuesta a un estrés de replicación severo. Además, los resultados recogidos en esta tesis sugieren que estos mecanismos contribuyen al mantenimiento de la integridad del genoma de las líneas no tumorales. En definitiva, los resultados de esta tesis contribuyen a entender y describir mejor los mecanismos implicados en la respuesta al estrés de replicación de las líneas no tumorales, la caracterización de los cuales es esencial para el desarrollo de futuros fármacos