156 research outputs found

    Effects of Liming and Nutrient Management on Yield and Other Parameters of Potato Productivity on Acid Soils in Montenegro

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of liming (CaCO3 1000 kg ha−1 ) and application of organic fertilizers (rotted farmyard manure 40 t ha−1 ) and six different combination of mineral fertilizers: NPK 15:15:15 800 kg ha−1 + KAN (calcium ammonium nitrate) 240 kg ha−1; NPK 15:15:15 400 kg ha−1 + MCB (water-soluble mineral fertilizer NPK 13:11:20 + 2MgO + microelements + humic acid) 300 kg ha−1 + KAN 125 kg ha−1; MCB 400 kg ha−1; MCB 400 kg ha−1 + KMg (water-soluble mineral fertilizer Multi KMg 13:0:43 + 2MgO) 100 kg ha−1; MCB 600 kg ha−1 + KMg 100 kg ha−1 and MCB 800 kg ha−1 + KMg 100 kg ha−1 on yield and other productivity parameters of potato (Kennebec variety). The aim of the research was to optimize the system of potato plant nutrition for maximum profitability in the future potato production on acid soils of mountainous region of Montenegro. The experiments were carried out during 2015 and 2016, on Dystric Cambisols. The results obtained suggested that in both years, the highest values for all studied parameters were measured on plots with combined application of liming, organic and mineral fertilizers. In addition, a significant influence on the increase in the number of tubers per plant, the average tuber weight and the total yield was also demonstrated in all individual trials of potato nutrition, and the interaction of organic manure and mineral fertilizer. Fertilizing with rotted farmyard manure had significantly increased potato productivity, with the effect more pronounced in treatments with liming. The highest number of tubers (6.2 and 7.2), average tuber weight (93.5 g and 101.0 g) and yield (27.6 t ha−1 in 2015 and 34.8 t ha−1 in 2016, respectively) were obtained using combinations of MCB 800 kg ha−1 + KMg 100 kg ha−1 on variants fertilized with rotted farmyard manure and liming. This research is a valuable source of information for potato growers and scientists from this region as the results have shown how fertilization is raising productivity in this environment and its importance in the future potato growing on acid soils in mountainous regions of Montenegro and Western Balkans

    Influence of Quercus ilex trees on herbaceous production and nutrient concentrations in southern Portugal

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    In an open woodland in Portugal, the nature of interactions between Quercus ilex trees and herbaceous plants was assessed during 2 years by studying how manipulation of incident solar radiation, water and nutrient supply affect the herbaceous biomass and N, K, P, Ca, Mg, and Mn concentrations. Measurements were carried out in three environments consisting of (1) open grassland, (2) beneath the tree canopy, and (3) under artificial shade. Each of these environments was subjected to two regimes of fertilization and two water levels in a factorial design. The fertilizer treatment consisted of application of no fertilizer or a combination of 200 kg calcium ammonium nitrate ha–1 (26% N) and 350 kg superphosphate ha–1 (8% P), while the water-supply treatment consisted of either no irrigation or irrigation fortnightly from February 1 to April 30. Grasses showed significantly lower nutrient concentrations than forbs. However, nutrient concentrations of the whole herbaceous community were within the recommended ranges for cattle nutrition. A negative effect of shade on herbaceous biomass production was observed. The effect of watering on herbaceous biomass was less prominent than the effect of fertilization, irrespective of the environment, suggesting that Q. ilex does not compete for soil-water resources with herbaceous biomass in this ecosystem. Fertilization increased total biomass by 106%, 49%, and 97% in the open grassland, beneath the tree canopy, and under artificial shade, respectively. During the first and second year, fertilization increased herbaceous P concentrations by 24% and 83%, respectively, if compared with concentrations obtained at the unfertilized plots. Higher K and Mg concentrations were observed in herbaceous plants beneath the tree canopy than in the open areas, indicating a positive effect of trees on pasture quality. The positive and negative effects of trees on understory forage are discusse

    The Effects of the Swedish TGC System on the Development of Wind Power Production - An empirical analysis of the impact of the certificate price

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    This thesis aims to examine how the implementation of the Tradable Green Certificate (TGC) system in Sweden has affected the development of wind power production. The main purpose is to investigate whether there exists an impact of the certificate price on the amount of wind power produced. Literature suggests that the potential for wind power production in Sweden is substantial, but also that investors are restricted due to uncertain and varying certificate prices in the TGC system. Despite the great potentials and increased production, the share of wind power production in Sweden is still comparatively small. Furthermore, the interest for investing in wind power production has started to decrease lately. The results from the empirical analysis indicate that there is no evidence of an impact of the certificate price on wind power production, neither in its present nor lagged form. Thus, the price of certificates does not seem to affect the amount of wind power produced. This is consistent with the results of previous research, indicating that the empirical analysis is credible. Potential explanations for the insignificant certificate price are lengthy instalment processes for wind power plants and uncertain certificate prices. The TGC system could therefore be argued to be somewhat inefficient in its current form. Consequently, in order for Sweden to reach the high potential of wind power production, future research could examine whether a more stable system would be suitable

    Utveckling av Solbergsudde FrÄn fritidshusomrÄde till permanentbebyggelse : med bevarad karaktÀr

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    VÀsterviks kommun har under tiotals Är haft en vikande befolkningsutveckling men under de senaste Ären har en förÀndring skett och trenden har brutits. En stor satsning pÄ att uppföra sjönÀra bostadsomrÄden nÀra staden har lockat till inflyttning, och kommunen vill fortsÀtta den utvecklingen. Solbergsudde ligger strax utanför VÀstervik och det finns lÄngt framskridna planer pÄ att dÀr uppföra ett nytt attraktivt bostadsomrÄde med blandad bebyggelse. Solbergsudde prÀglas av en lantlig skÀrgÄrdskaraktÀr och idag finns dÀr 17 bostadshus/fritidshus som ej Àr planlagda. Problem finns med bÄde enskilda lÀckande avloppsanlÀggningar och brist pÄ fÀrskvatten. Olika delar av omrÄdet har bÄde regionalt och internationellt vÀrde och omfattas av restriktioner sÄsom riksintresse enligt 3 och 4 kap miljöbalken och strandskydd. Mitt arbete har varit att analysera och ge förslag pÄ hur man kan utveckla Solbergsudde till ett trivsamt och attraktivt bostadsomrÄde, och samtidigt bevara landskapets karaktÀr och de biologiska, kulturella och rekreativa vÀrden som finns. Redan har mÄnga strandnÀra omrÄden i VÀstervik bebyggts med friliggande villor. Flera av dessa omrÄden har uppförts utan anpassning till landskapsbilden och de karaktÀriseras av stora exklusiva villor som placerats och utformats utan hÀnsyn till omgivning, topografi eller vattenfront. Arbetet visar dÀrför hur man genom olika riktlinjer för gestaltning kan styra bebyggelsen sÄ att den harmonierar mer med landskapet. Den sydvÀstra delen av omrÄdet utgörs av en inkapslad deponi, innehÄllande rester frÄn ett pappersbruk. Deponin upptar ett stort omrÄde som idag Àr outnyttjat och arbetet innefattar Àven ett förslag pÄ anvÀndningsomrÄde för denna yta. Planförslaget möjliggör ca 60-80 nya bostÀder samt en förskola. Viktigt har varit att planera för olika boendeformer och bostadsstorlekar, sÄ att omrÄdet kan passa bÄde smÄ och stora hushÄll. I förslaget ingÄr ocksÄ flera ÄtgÀrder som gynnar rekreation och friluftsliv

    En analys av "Identitet- om varumÀrken, tecken och symboler" : Ett tredelat projekt av Nationalmuseum och Stockholms Handelshögskola vÄren 2002

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    The purpose of this paper was to analyse “Identity- about trademarks, signs and symbols”. The project was a co-operation between the National museum of Art and Stockholm School of Economics in the spring of 2002, which consisted of an exhibition, a book and a series of seminars. The goal was to illustrate how the trademark had developed through history, which role it has in the modern society and how the trademark serves as a creator of identities. The project, mostly the exhibition, was exposed to criticism, which was directed towards the sponsorship deals between The National Museum of Art and five companies
