29 research outputs found
Multivector Fields and Connections. Setting Lagrangian Equations in Field Theories
The integrability of multivector fields in a differentiable manifold is
studied. Then, given a jet bundle , it is shown that integrable
multivector fields in are equivalent to integrable connections in the
bundle (that is, integrable jet fields in ). This result is
applied to the particular case of multivector fields in the manifold and
connections in the bundle (that is, jet fields in the repeated jet
bundle ), in order to characterize integrable multivector fields and
connections whose integral manifolds are canonical lifting of sections. These
results allow us to set the Lagrangian evolution equations for first-order
classical field theories in three equivalent geometrical ways (in a form
similar to that in which the Lagrangian dynamical equations of non-autonomous
mechanical systems are usually given). Then, using multivector fields; we
discuss several aspects of these evolution equations (both for the regular and
singular cases); namely: the existence and non-uniqueness of solutions, the
integrability problem and Noether's theorem; giving insights into the
differences between mechanics and field theories.Comment: New sections on integrability of Multivector Fields and applications
to Field Theory (including some examples) are added. The title has been
slightly modified. To be published in J. Math. Phy
Lagrangian-Hamiltonian unified formalism for field theory
The Rusk-Skinner formalism was developed in order to give a geometrical
unified formalism for describing mechanical systems. It incorporates all the
characteristics of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian descriptions of these systems
(including dynamical equations and solutions, constraints, Legendre map,
evolution operators, equivalence, etc.).
In this work we extend this unified framework to first-order classical field
theories, and show how this description comprises the main features of the
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms, both for the regular and singular cases.
This formulation is a first step toward further applications in optimal control
theory for PDE's.Comment: LaTeX file, 23 pages. Minor changes have been made. References are
Geometric quantization of mechanical systems with time-dependent parameters
Quantum systems with adiabatic classical parameters are widely studied, e.g.,
in the modern holonomic quantum computation. We here provide complete geometric
quantization of a Hamiltonian system with time-dependent parameters, without
the adiabatic assumption. A Hamiltonian of such a system is affine in the
temporal derivative of parameter functions. This leads to the geometric Berry
factor phenomena.Comment: 20 page
Geometric quantization of completely integrable Hamiltonian systems in the action-angle variables
We provide geometric quantization of a completely integrable Hamiltonian
system in the action-angle variables around an invariant torus with respect to
polarization spanned by almost-Hamiltonian vector fields of angle variables.
The associated quantum algebra consists of functions affine in action
coordinates. We obtain a set of its nonequivalent representations in the
separable pre-Hilbert space of smooth complex functions on the torus where
action operators and a Hamiltonian are diagonal and have countable spectra.Comment: 8 page
Interpretation of heart rate variability via detrended fluctuation analysis and alpha-beta filter
Detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), suitable for the analysis of
nonstationary time series, has confirmed the existence of persistent long-range
correlations in healthy heart rate variability data. In this paper, we present
the incorporation of the alpha-beta filter to DFA to determine patterns in the
power-law behaviour that can be found in these correlations. Well-known
simulated scenarios and real data involving normal and pathological
circumstances were used to evaluate this process. The results presented here
suggest the existence of evolving patterns, not always following a uniform
power-law behaviour, that cannot be described by scaling exponents estimated
using a linear procedure over two predefined ranges. Instead, the power law is
observed to have a continuous variation with segment length. We also show that
the study of these patterns, avoiding initial assumptions about the nature of
the data, may confer advantages to DFA by revealing more clearly abnormal
physiological conditions detected in congestive heart failure patients related
to the existence of dominant characteristic scales.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figure
Prediction of crop coefficients from fraction of ground cover and height: Practical application to vegetable, field and fruit crops with focus on parameterization
Research PaperThe A&P approach, developed by Allen and Pereira (2009), estimates single and basal crop coefficients (Kc and
Kcb) from the observed fraction of ground cover (fc) and crop height (h). The practical application of
the A&P for several crops was reviewed and tested in a companion paper (Pereira et al., 2020). The current study
further addresses the derivation of optimal values for A&P parameter values representing canopy transparency
(ML) and stomatal adjustment (Fr), and tests the resulting model performance. Values reported in literature of ML
and Fr were analysed. Optimal ML and Fr values were derived by a numerical search that minimized the differences
between Kcb A&P with standard Kcb for vegetable, field, and fruit crops as tabulated by Pereira et al.
(2021a, 2021b) and Rallo et al. (2021). Sources for fc were literature reviews supplemented by a remote sensing
survey. Computed Kcb and Kc for mid- and end-season together with associated parameters values were tabulated.
To improve the usability of the ML and Fr parameters a cross validation was performed, which consisted of
the linear regression between Kcb computed by A&P and observed Kcb relative to independent data sets obtained
from field observations. Results show that both series of Kcb match well, with regression coefficients very close to
1.0, coefficients of determination near 1.0, and root mean square errors (RMSE) of 0.06 for the annual crops and
RMSE = 0.07 for the trees and vines. These errors represent less than 10% of most of the computed tabulated Kcb.
The tabulated Fr and ML of this paper can be regarded as defaults to support A&P field practice when observations
of fc and h are performed. Therefore, the A&P approach shows to be appropriate for use in irrigation
scheduling and planning when fc and h are observed using ground and/or remote sensing, hence supporting
irrigation water savingsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio