91 research outputs found


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    This study aims to solve problems in applying the method Quick on The Draw in learning Aqidah Morals third grade A MI Wahid Hasyim 02 Dau Malang. The problem faced is the application of varios methods of moral learning as an effort to create learning motivation and complete student enthusiasm for learning. This study uses qualitativ methods, where the data obtained are collested through observation, interviews, and data collection. Which is then analyzed by reduction, presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the use of learning method can improve  students understanding of the material delevered by the teacher and make the learning atmosphere fun and not boring, students became more active working toghether in groups and easy to remember learning material. In the Implementation of learning methods there are three research results discussed, the first stage is the planning of  the implemetasion of aqidah moral learning in class A, the second is the implemetasion of the Quick on The Draw method in accordance with the learning plans that have been prepared. The third stage is the evaluations of learning in the appplication of the Quick on The Draw

    Trends in cyclones in the high-latitude North Atlantic during 1979-2016

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    We report an increase in winter (DJF) cyclone densities in the areas around Svalbard and in northwestern Barents Sea and a decrease in cyclone densities in southeastern Barents Sea during 1979-2016. Despite high interannual variability, the trends are significant at the 90% confidence level. The changes appear as a result of a shift into a more meridional winter storm track in the high-latitude North Atlantic, associated with a positive trend in the Scandinavian Pattern. A significant decrease in the Brunt-Vaisala frequency east of Svalbard and a significant increase in the Eady Growth Rate north of Svalbard indicate increased baroclinicity, favouring enhanced cyclone activity in these regions. For the first time, we apply composite analysis to explicitly address regional consequences of these wintertime changes in the high-latitude North Atlantic. We find a tendency toward a warmer and more moist atmospheric state in the Barents Sea and over Svalbard with increased cyclone activity around Svalbard.Peer reviewe

    Common-sense knowledge and authorship within supported decision making

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    This study discusses supported decision making in support centers for persons with disabilities and divides it into narrow and broad meanings. An analysis of the narrow meanings considers common-sense knowledge that enables supported decision making. An analysis of the broad meanings considers authorship in decision making. The data that are analyzed are from cases in which supported decision making was a problem that was reported by staff working at a facility that supported people intellectually disabled. The data are categorized for a logico-grammatical analysis, which is a method used in ethnomethodology, and the findings obtained from the analysis are discussed. In regards to narrow meanings of supported decision making, common-sense knowledge is suggested as the knowledge that there is a possibility one may make the decision making of an intellectually disabled person less visible. In regards to broad meanings of supported decision making, if it is not necessary to restrict decision-making authorship to a single person, the authors indicate that mainly clients and supporting persons make decisions.本研究では、障害者支援施設における意思決定支援職を狭義の意思決定支援と広義の意思決定支援に区別し、前者はとりわけ意思決定支援を可能にする常識的知識について、後者は意思決定におけるオーサーシップの問題について、それぞれ検討した。分析対象となったデータは、障害者支援施設で働く職員によって報告された「意思決定支援が問題となるケース」である。これらのデータをエスノメソドロジーの分析手法の1つである論理文法分析によって分析し、分析によって得られた知見について考察した。狭義の意思決定支援においてはある種の常識的知識が知的障害者の意思決定を見えにくくする可能性について示唆した。広義の意思決定支援においては、意思決定のオーサーを単一の人物に絞る必要がないならば、オーサーは主にクライエントと支援者の2人であることを示した

    Arctic System Reanalysis improvements in topographically forced winds near Greenland

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    Southern Greenland is home to a number of weather systems characterized by high speed low-level winds that are the result of topographic flow distortion. These systems include tip jets, barrier winds and katabatic flows. Global atmospheric reanalyses have proven to be important tools in furthering our understanding of these systems and their role in the climate system. However, there is evidence that their mesoscale structure may be poorly resolved in these global products. Here output from the regional Arctic System Reanalysis (ASRv1–30 km and ASRv2–15 km grid resolutions) are compared to the global ERA-Interim Reanalysis (ERA-I–80 km grid resolution), focusing on their ability to represent winds in the vicinity of southern Greenland. Comparisons are made to observations from surface and upper-air stations, as well as from research aircraft flights during the Greenland Flow Distortion Experiment (GFDex). The ERA-I reanalysis has a tendency to underestimate high wind speeds and overestimate low wind speeds, which is reduced in ASRv1 and nearly eliminated in ASRv2. In addition, there is generally a systematic reduction in the root mean square error between the observed and the reanalysis wind speeds from ERA-I to ASRv1 to ASRv2, the exception being low-level marine winds where the correspondence is similar in all reanalyses. Case studies reveal that mesoscale spatial features of the wind field are better captured in ASRv2 as compared to the ERA-I or ASRv1. These results confirm that a horizontal grid size on the order of 15 km is needed to characterize the impact that Greenland’s topography has on the regional wind field and climate. However even at this resolution, there are still features of the wind field that are under-resolved

    On the use of reanalysis data for downscaling

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    In this study, a worldwide overview on the expected sensitivity of downscaling studies to reanalysis choice is provided. To this end, the similarity of middle-tropospheric variables—which are important for the development of both dynamical and statistical downscaling schemes—from 40-yr European Centre for Medium- Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Re-Analysis (ERA-40) and NCEP–NCAR reanalysis data on a daily time scale is assessed. For estimating the distributional similarity, two comparable scores are used: the twosample Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic and the probability density function (PDF) score. In addition, the similarity of the day-to-day sequences is evaluated with the Pearson correlation coefficient. As the most important results demonstrated, the PDF score is found to be inappropriate if the underlying data follow a mixed distribution. By providing global similarity maps for each variable under study, regions where reanalysis data should not assumed to be ‘‘perfect’’ are detected. In contrast to the geopotential and temperature, significant distributional dissimilarities for specific humidity are found in almost every region of the world. Moreover, for the latter these differences not only occur in the mean, but also in higher-order moments. However, when considering standardized anomalies, distributional and serial dissimilarities are negligible overmost extratropical land areas. Since transformed reanalysis data are not appropriate for regional climate models—in opposition to statistical approaches—their results are expected to be more sensitive to reanalysis choice

    ダイ45ジ ナンキョク チイキ カンソクタイ キショウ ブモン ホウコク 2004

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    この報告は第45次南極地域観測隊気象部門が,2004年2月1日から2005年1月31日まで昭和基地において行った気象観測結果をまとめたものである.観測方法,測器,統計方法等は第44次隊とほぼ同様である. 越冬期間中,特記される気象現象として,次のものが挙げられる.1) 月平均気温は7月と11月に平年を下回ったが,その他の月は平年並みか平年より高く経過した.特に2月7日の月最低気温-7.8℃は2月の高い値の極値を,12月の月平均気温0.2℃,最高気温月平均3.3℃は12月の高い値の極値を更新した.2) ブリザードは歴代8位の少なさであったが,発達した低気圧の相次ぐ接近により,6月は5.5回のブリザードとなり,月平均海面気圧980.5hPaは6月の低い値の極値を更新した.また,10月に来襲したA級ブリザードにより,10月としては過去最高の最大風速39.5m/s,最大瞬間風速49.3m/sを記録した.3) 2004年のオゾンホールの特徴は,面積,オゾン欠損量(破壊量)ともに,過去10年の中では2番目に小さく比較的小規模に推移した.This report describes the results of meteorological observations at Syowa Station from February 1st, 2004 to January 31st, 2005, carried out by the Meteorological Observation Team of the 45th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-45). The observation methods, instruments and statistical methods used by JARE-45 were almost the same as those used by the JARE-44 observation team.?Remarkable weather phenomena observed during the period of JARE-45 are as follows.1) The monthly mean temperatures were within the normals or above normal, except July and November in which monthly mean temperatures were below normal. Especially, the monthly minimum temperature of-7.8 degrees Celsius on February 7 sets a new maximum temperature for February; and both the monthly mean temperature of 0.2 degrees Celsius and the monthly mean daily maximum temperature of 3.3 degrees in Celsius were the highest recorded in December.2) The frequency of blizzards was the eighth lowest in history. However, in July, blizzards occurred 5.5 times beacause grown low pressure systems approached one after another, and the monthly mean sea level pressure of 980.5 hPa was the lowest recoreded in June. An A-class blizzard in October set both a new monthly maximum wind speed record of 39.5 m/s and a new monthly maximum instantaneous wind speed record of 49.3 m/s.3) The ozone hole in 2004 tended to be small in scale. Both the ozone hole area and ozone mass deficiency (depletion ozone mass) were the second lowest in the past decade

    Perspectives on synoptic climate classification and its role in interdisciplinary research

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    Synoptic climatology has a long history of research where weather data are aggregated and composited to gain a better understanding of atmospheric effects on non-atmospheric variables. This has resulted in an applied scientific discipline that yields methods and tools designed for applications across disciplinary boundaries. The spatial synoptic classification (SSC) is an example of such a tool that helps researcher bridge methodological gaps between disciplines, especially those studying weather effects on human health. The SSC has been applied in several multi-discipline projects, and it appears that there is ample opportunity for growth into new topical areas. Likewise, there is opportunity for the SSC network to be expanded across the globe, especially into mid-latitude locations in the southern hemisphere. There is some question of the utility of the SSC in tropical locations, but such decisions must be based on the actual weather data from individual locations. Despite all of the strengths and potential uses of the SSC, there are some research problems, some locations, and some datasets for which it is not suitable. Nevertheless, the success of the SSC as a cross-disciplinary method is noteworthy because it has become a catalyst for collaboration


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