528 research outputs found

    Analisis pesan perdamaian pada film “Cahaya dari Timur (Beta Maluku)”: Pendekatan semiotika Roland Barthes

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    Di Indonesia konflik terjadi dalam skala yang besar dan kecil yang disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor seperti Suku, Agama dan Ras. Konflik terjadi karena salah satu pihak berusaha mempertahankan pendapatnya. Untuk menghentikan sebuah konflik tentu ada solusi yaitu toleransi dan perdamaian. Salah satu upaya untuk menyerukan perdamaian yaitu melalui film. Berangkat dari hal tersebut penulis mengambil subjek penelitian film “Cahaya Dari Timur : Beta Maluku” karya sutradara Angga Sasongko dengan pesan perdamaian sebagai object penelitiannya. Kemudian diangkat judul skripsi “Pesan Perdamaian Dalam Film Cahaya Dari Timur : Beta Maluku”. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah pesan perdamaian dalam film “Cahaya Dari Timur : Beta Maluku. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan semiotik Roland Barthes. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan dokumentasi, kemudian scene-scene dianalisis dengan analisis semiotik Roland Barthes. AbstractConflict is a common thing that occurs in society. Indonesia, the conflict happens in both large small scales caused by various factors such as tribe, religion and race. The conflict happens because one of the parties tries to defend is an argument. In order to stop the conflict, there is a solution which tolerance and peace. Since conflicts happen frequently, then there are a lot of efforts to proclaim for peace. On of the efforts to proclaim peace is through the movie. Therefore, the researcher the research subject from the movie entitled “Cahaya Dari Timur: Beta Maluku” created by Angga Sasongko as the director with the peace message as his research object. Then the thesis title is “Peace Message from The Movie Cahaya Dari Timur: Beta Maluku”. This study aims to discover the peace message from the movie “Cahaya Dari Timur: Beta Maluku”. The research method used in this study was qualitative using Roland Barthes semiotics approach. The data gathering technique used documentation, while the scenes were analyzed using Roland Barthes semiotics analysis

    Analisis Desain Kemasan Moko Moko Regal Lip Cream Kolaborasi “Moko Moko” dan “Regal”

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    Seiring dengan perkembangan zaman, kosmetik saat ini tumbuh dengan pesat, hal tersebut didukung oleh kemajuan teknologi juga stigma masyarakat tentang kecantikan. Persaingan industri kosmetik semakin sulit sehingga mendorong untuk terus berinovasi terutama dalam hal desain kemasan sebab daya tarik sebuah produk tentu tidak lepas dari kemasan. Desain sebuah kemasan harus bisa memberikan sebuah identitas agar bisa memberikan pembeda dengan produk sejenis lainnya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis sebuah desain kemasan produk hasil kolaborasi Moko Moko dan  Regal dengan varian produk Moko Moko Regal Lip Cream yang memiliki desain cukup unik. Metode analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif, yaitu melakukan analisis berdasarkan teori terkait dengan menggunakan sumber  literatur

    Exploring the meanings of community multimedia centers in Mozambique : a social representations perspective

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    This article presents extensive research conducted in Mozambique that aims to deeply understand how different social groups understand community multimedia centers (CMCs), which are structures combining a community radio and a telecenter. The social representations theory was adopted to interpret narratives of 231 interviewees from 10 Mozambican provinces. Interviewees included representatives of initiating agencies, local staff members, CMC users (both the radio and telecenter components), users of only the community radio, and community members not using the CMCs. Following the analysis of transcribed interviews, six main clusters were identified, each of them shedding light on a specific understanding of a CMC. These are discussed according to a set of sociodemographic variables. This study suggests that the social representations theory is a valuable framework to provide an integrated view of ICT4D interventions by giving a voice to local perspectives without overlooking the initiating agencies’ expectations

    Eksplorasi Teknik Gerak Terbalik Untuk Membangun Aspek Rasa Ingin Tahu Pada Film Tabayyun

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    Film Tabayyun merupakan film fiksi yang menerapkan teknik gerak terbalik pada seluruh gambarnya nya. Eksplorasi teknik gerak terbalik digunakan dalam film sebagai upaya mendapatkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan estetik visual dan naratif yang didapatkan dengan teknik ini. Aspek rasa ingin tahu merupakan salah satu unsur yang dapat dibangun dengan menggunakan teknik gerak terbalik yang mana rasa ingin tahu didapatkan penonton pada sebuah adegan dalam film. Rasa ingin tahu yang disajikan ke penonton meliputi rasa penasaran gerakan tidak wajar yang ditunjukan oleh sang aktor dan objek sekitarnya. Kemudian rasa ingin tahu selanjutnya terdapat pada setiap adegan yang menghasilkan rasa ingin tahu peristiwa apa yang akan terjadi pada adegan berikutnya. Penceritaan film Tabayyun diambil dari kutipan Al-qur’an surat Al-hujurat ayat 6 tentang tabayyun. Film ini sebagai upaya edukasi melalui karya visual tentang bahaya menyebarkan informasi salah yang sedang masif di masyarakat terutama melalui media sosial. Dengan terciptanya karya film ini, diharapkan menjadi tontonan yang memiliki estetik visual berbeda bagi khalayak. Selain itu, film ini diharapkan menjadi edukasi bagi masyarakat luas untuk lebih berhati-hati dan terlebih dahulu mengecek informasi yang mereka terima

    Reinforcing the pulmonary artery autograft in the aortic position with a textile mesh: a histological evaluation

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    OBJECTIVES The Ross procedure involves replacing a patient’s diseased aortic valve with their own pulmonary valve. The most common failure mode is dilatation of the autograft. Various strategies to reinforce the autograft have been proposed. Personalized external aortic root support has been shown to be effective in stabilizing the aortic root in Marfan patients. In this study, the use of a similar external mesh to support a pulmonary artery autograft was evaluated. METHODS The pulmonary artery was translocated as an interposition autograft in the descending thoracic aortas of 10 sheep. The autograft was reinforced with a polyethylene terephthalate mesh (n = 7) or left unreinforced (n = 3). After 6 months, a computed tomography scan was taken, and the descending aorta was excised and histologically examined using the haematoxylin–eosin and Elastica van Gieson stains. RESULTS The autograft/aortic diameter ratio was 1.59 in the unreinforced group but much less in the reinforced group (1.11) (P < 0.05). A fibrotic sheet, variable in thickness and containing fibroblasts, neovessels and foreign body giant cells, was incorporated in the mesh. Histological examination of the reinforced autograft and the adjacent aorta revealed thinning of the vessel wall due to atrophy of the smooth muscle cells. Potential spaces between the vessel wall and the mesh were filled with oedema. CONCLUSIONS Reinforcing an interposition pulmonary autograft in the descending aorta with a macroporous mesh showed promising results in limiting autograft dilatation in this sheep model. Histological evaluation revealed atrophy of the smooth muscle cell and consequently thinning of the vessel wall within the mesh support

    Correction for potentially inappropriate prescribing can increase specificity when using drug prescriptions as an adjunct to diagnostic codes to assess comorbidities in older patients

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    Background: Comorbidities are a growing problem in older patients in many clinical settings, but electronic records may give an unsatisfactory picture of this complexity. Analysis of drug prescriptions can add further diagnostic information to that gathered from billing diagnostic codes, but the risk exhists that potentially inappropriate prescriptions may lead to over-estimating comorbidities. Methods: We analysed the administrative records and drug prescriptions of the 304 patients discharged during 2016 from a neurological rehabilitation unit. International Classification of Diseases – 9th revision diagnostic codes were matched with prescriptions at discharge, coded according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification. The codes of the prescriptions not explained by the diagnostic codes were recorded, grouped, corrected for potential inappropriate prescribing, and analysed. Results: Of the 304 patients, 295 had at least one prescribed drug not inferable from their diagnostic codes. The mean number of these prescriptions was 3.5 ± 1.9 per patient, and that of prescriptions remaining after correction for potentially inappropriate prescribing was 2.0 ± 1.5. The more frequent groups of potentially inappropriate medications were anti-acids, psychotropic drugs, laxatives, potassium supplements, cardiovascular drugs and lipid modifying agents. Administrative databases underestimate the complexity of older patients in neurological rehabilitation wards. More reliable data can be obtained by adding the analysis of drug prescriptions, but correction for potentially inappropriate prescription seems necessary to avoid an over-estimation of comorbidities

    Le competenze infermieristiche avanzate nel trattamento dello stroke in fase acuta in Italia. Strategia per l’identificazione (I parte)

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    Introduction: the goal of this study was to describe advanced nursing competences indicators for identification strategy in the stroke care in Italy and develop a survey tool. Problem: the new structure of the NHS and the needs expressed by patients increasingly require an advancement of the skills of health professionals. To this end the authors have identified and described a method for the detection of advanced nursing skills. Starting from the theoretical structure of AB Hamric have been identified analyzed and compared documents of a professionalizing and clinical from which have identified some categories. For each indicator have been identified one or more items and has been developed ad hoc questionnaire. At the end this was validated. Discussion: the methodology for the identification of the indicators has been efficacy in achieving the objectives. The strategy used in the study is reproducible, since traced to a theoretical model, and contextualized to any clinical setting, where there are secondary sources of evidencebased. It can also be adapted to post basic training course of a single reality. Conclusions: advanced clinical knowledge and skills, frequently without a formal recognition because of the complexity and instability of the patient, are used in the stroke care. ItĂ­s hoped to use the tool to verify the effectiveness and then play back the path in other clinical setting

    Children on the Autism Spectrum and the Use of Virtual Reality for Supporting Social Skills

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are characterized by differences in socio-pragmatic communication. These conditions are allocated within a “spectrum” of phenotypic variability. Virtual reality (VR) is a useful tool for healthcare intervention and particularly safely advancing social abilities in children with ASD. Methods: In our study two types of intervention for improving social skills were compared: (i) emotional training obtained by the use of virtual reality (Gr1), (ii) traditional emotional training performed individually with a therapist (Gr2). We aimed to identify the intervention with the shortest acquisition time for the proposed social tasks. Results: Our findings show that both types of intervention had the same acquisition time for the recognition of primary emotions. However, for the use of primary and secondary emotions, the group using VR showed shorter acquisition times. Conclusions: These findings together with previous preliminary datasuggest that VR can be a promising, dynamic and effective practice for the support of basic and complex social skills of these individuals

    Biomechanical evaluation of a personalized external aortic root support applied in the Ross procedure

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    A commonly heard concern in the Ross procedure, where a diseased aortic valve is replaced by the patient's own pulmonary valve, is the possibility of pulmonary autograft dilatation. We performed a biomechanical investigation of the use of a personalized external aortic root support or exostent as a possibility for supporting the autograft. In ten sheep a short length of pulmonary artery was interposed in the descending aorta, serving as a simplified version of the Ross procedure. In seven of these cases, the autograft was supported by an external mesh or so-called exostent. Three sheep served as control, of which one was excluded from the mechanical testing. The sheep were sacrificed six months after the procedure. Samples of the relevant tissues were obtained for subsequent mechanical testing: normal aorta, normal pulmonary artery, aorta with exostent, pulmonary artery with exostent, and pulmonary artery in aortic position for six months. After mechanical testing, the material parameters of the Gasser-Ogden-Holzapfel model were determined for the different tissue types. Stress-strain curves of the different tissue types show significantly different mechanical behavior. At baseline, stress-strain curves of the pulmonary artery are lower than aortic stress-strain curves, but at the strain levels at which the collagen fibers are recruited, the pulmonary artery behaves stiffer than the aorta. After being in aortic position for six months, the pulmonary artery tends towards aorta-like behavior, indicating that growth and remodeling processes have taken place. When adding an exostent around the pulmonary autograft, the mechanical behavior of the composite artery (exostent + artery) differs from the artery alone, the non-linearity being more evident in the former
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