
Le competenze infermieristiche avanzate nel trattamento dello stroke in fase acuta in Italia. Strategia per l’identificazione (I parte)


Introduction: the goal of this study was to describe advanced nursing competences indicators for identification strategy in the stroke care in Italy and develop a survey tool. Problem: the new structure of the NHS and the needs expressed by patients increasingly require an advancement of the skills of health professionals. To this end the authors have identified and described a method for the detection of advanced nursing skills. Starting from the theoretical structure of AB Hamric have been identified analyzed and compared documents of a professionalizing and clinical from which have identified some categories. For each indicator have been identified one or more items and has been developed ad hoc questionnaire. At the end this was validated. Discussion: the methodology for the identification of the indicators has been efficacy in achieving the objectives. The strategy used in the study is reproducible, since traced to a theoretical model, and contextualized to any clinical setting, where there are secondary sources of evidencebased. It can also be adapted to post basic training course of a single reality. Conclusions: advanced clinical knowledge and skills, frequently without a formal recognition because of the complexity and instability of the patient, are used in the stroke care. Itís hoped to use the tool to verify the effectiveness and then play back the path in other clinical setting

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