212 research outputs found

    Detection of abundant solid methanol toward young low mass stars

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    We present detections of the absorption band at 3.53 micron due to solid methanol toward three low-mass young stellar objects located in the Serpens and Chameleon molecular cloud complexes. The sources were observed as part of a large spectroscopic survey of ~40 protostars. This is the first detection of solid methanol in the vicinity of low mass (M <1 Msol) young stars and shows that the formation of methanol does not depend on the proximity of massive young stars. The abundances of solid methanol compared to water ice for the three sources are in the range 15-25% which is comparable to those for the most methanol-rich massive sources known. The presence of abundant methanol in the circumstellar environment of some low mass young stars has important consequences for the formation scenarios of methanol and more complex organic species near young solar-type stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A letter

    The Disk Population of the Chamaeleon I Star-Forming Region

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    We present a census of circumstellar disks in the Chamaeleon I star-forming region. Using the Infrared Array Camera and the Multiband Imaging Photometer onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope, we have obtained images of Chamaeleon I at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8.0, and 24 um. To search for new disk-bearing members of the cluster, we have performed spectroscopy on objects that have red colors in these data. Through this work, we have discovered four new members of Chamaeleon I with spectral types of M4, M6, M7.5, and L0. The first three objects are highly embedded (A_J~5) and reside near known protostars, indicating that they may be among the youngest low-mass sources in the cluster (<1 Myr). The L0 source is the coolest known member of Chamaeleon I. Its luminosity implies a mass of 0.004-0.01 M_sun, making it the least massive brown dwarf for which a circumstellar disk has been reliably detected. To characterize the disk population in Chamaeleon I, we have classified the infrared spectral energy distributions of the 203 known members that are encompassed by the Spitzer images. Through these classifications, we find that the disk fraction in Chamaeleon I is roughly constant at ~50% from 0.01 to 0.3 M_sun. These data are similar to the disk fraction of IC 348, which is a denser cluster at the same age as Chamaeleon I. However, the disk fraction at M>1 M_sun is significantly higher in Chamaeleon I than in IC 348 (65% vs. 20%), indicating longer disk lifetimes in Chamaeleon I for this mass range. Thus, low-density star-forming regions like Chamaeleon I may offer more time for planet formation around solar-type stars than denser clusters

    ISOCAM observations of the rho Ophiuchi cloud: Luminosity and mass functions of the pre-main sequence embedded cluster

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    We present the results of the first extensive mid-infrared (IR) imaging survey of the rho Ophiuchi embedded cluster, performed with the ISOCAM camera on board the ISO satellite. The main molecular cloud L1688, as well as L1689N and L1689S, have been completely surveyed for point sources at 6.7 and 14.3 micron. A total of 425 sources are detected including 16 Class I, 123 Class II, and 77 Class III young stellar objects (YSOs). Essentially all of the mid-IR sources coincide with near-IR sources, but a large proportion of them are recognized for the first time as YSOs. Our dual-wavelength survey allows us to identify essentially all the YSOs with IR excess in the embedded cluster down to Fnu ~ 10 - 15 mJy. It more than doubles the known population of Class II YSOs and represents the most complete census to date of newly formed stars in the rho Ophiuchi central region. The stellar luminosity function of the complete sample of Class II YSOs is derived with a good accuracy down to L= 0.03 Lsun. A modeling of this lumino- sity function, using available pre-main sequence tracks and plausible star for- mation histories, allows us to derive the mass distribution of the Class II YSOs which arguably reflects the IMF of the embedded cluster. We estimate that the IMF in rho Ophiuchi is well described by a two-component power law with a low- mass index of -0.35+/-0.25, a high-mass index of -1.7 (to be compared with the Salpeter value of -1.35), and a break occurring at M = 0.55+/-0.25 Msun. This IMF is flat with no evidence for a low-mass cutoff down to at least 0.06 Msun.Comment: A&A Document Class -- version 5.01, 27 pages, 10 figures v2: typos added including few changes in source numberin

    Photoevaporation of protoplanetary discs I: hydrodynamic models

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    In this paper we consider the effect of the direct ionizing stellar radiation field on the evolution of protoplanetary discs subject to photoevaporative winds. We suggest that models which combine viscous evolution with photoevaporation of the disc (e.g. Clarke, Gendrin & Sotomayor 2001) incorrectly neglect the direct field after the inner disc has drained, at late times in the evolution. We construct models of the photoevaporative wind produced by the direct field, first using simple analytic arguments and later using detailed numerical hydrodynamics. We find that the wind produced by the direct field at late times is much larger than has previously been assumed, and we show that the mass-loss rate scales as Rin1/2R_{in}^{1/2} (where RinR_{in} is the radius of the instantaneous inner disc edge). We suggest that this result has important consequences for theories of disc evolution, and go on to consider the effects of this result on disc evolution in detail in a companion paper (Alexander, Clarke & Pringle 2006b).Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    A multifrequency study of the active star forming complex NGC6357. I. Interstellar structures linked to the open cluster Pis24

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    We investigate the distribution of the gas (ionized, neutral atomic and molecular), and interstellar dust in the complex star forming region NGC6357 with the goal of studying the interplay between the massive stars in the open cluster Pis24 and the surrounding interstellar matter. Our study of the distribution of the ionized gas is based on narrow-band Hhalfa, [SII], and [OIII] images obtained with the Curtis-Schmidt Camera at CTIO, Chile, and on radio continuum observations at 1465 MHz taken with the VLA with a synthesized beam of 40 arcsec. The distribution of the molecular gas is analyzed using 12CO(1-0) data obtained with the Nanten radiotelescope, Chile (angular resolution = 2.7 arcmin). The interstellar dust distribution was studied using mid-infrared data from the GLIMPSE survey and far-infrared observations from IRAS. NGC6357 consists of a large ionized shell and a number of smaller optical nebulosities. The optical, radio continuum, and near- and mid-IR images delineate the distributions of the ionized gas and interstellar dust in the HII regions and in previously unknown wind blown bubbles linked to the massive stars in Pis24 revealing surrounding photodissociation regions. The CO line observations allowed us to identify the molecular counterparts of the ionized structures in the complex and to confirm the presence of photodissociation regions. The action of the WR star HD157504 on the surrounding gas was also investigated. The molecular mass in the complex is estimated to be (4+/-2)X10^5 Mo. Mean electron densities derived from the radio data suggest electron densities > 200 cm^-3, indicating that NGC6357 is a complex formed in a region of high ambient density. The known massive stars in Pis24 and a number of newly inferred massive stars are mainly responsible for the excitation and photodissociation of the parental molecular cloud.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The Stellar Content of Obscured Galactic Giant H II Regions IV.: NGC3576

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    We present deep, high angular resolution near-infrared images of the obscured Galactic Giant H II region NGC3576. Our images reach objects to ~3M_sun. We collected high signal-to-noise K-band spectra of eight of the brightest objects, some of which are affected by excess emission and some which follow a normal interstellar reddening law. None of them displayed photospheric features typical of massive OB type stars. This indicates that they are still enshrouded in their natal cocoons. The K-band brightest source (NGC3576 #48) shows CO 2.3 micron bandhead emission, and three others have the same CO feature in absorption. Three sources display spatially unresolved H_2 emission, suggesting dense shocked regions close to the stars. We conclude that the remarkable object NGC3576 #48 is an early-B/late-O star surrounded by a thick circumstellar disk. A number of other relatively bright cluster members also display excess emission in the K-band, indicative of reprocessing disks around massive stars (YSOs). Such emission appears common in other Galactic Giant H II regions we have surveyed. The IMF slope of the cluster, Gamma = -1.51, is consistent with Salpeter's distribution and similar to what has been observed in the Magellanic Cloud clusters and in the periphery of our Galaxy.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A

    ISOCAM observations of the L1551 star formation region

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    The results of a deep mid-IR ISOCAM survey of the L1551 dark molecular cloud are presented. The aim of this survey is a search for new YSO (Young Stellar Object) candidates, using two broad-band filters centred at 6.7 and 14.3 micron. Although two regions close to the centre of L1551 had to be avoided due to saturation problems, 96 sources were detected in total (76 sources at 6.7 micron and 44 sources at 14.3 micron). Using the 24 sources detected in both filters, 14 were found to have intrinsic mid-IR excess at 14.3 micron and were therefore classified as YSO candidates. Using additional observations in B, V, I, J, H and K obtained from the ground, most candidates detected at these wavelengths were confirmed to have mid-IR excess at 6.7 micron as well, and three additional YSO candidates were found. Prior to this survey only three YSOs were known in the observed region (avoiding L1551 IRS5/NE and HL/XZ Tau). This survey reveals 15 new YSO candidates, although several of these are uncertain due to their extended nature either in the mid-IR or in the optical/near-IR observations. Two of the sources with mid-IR excess are previously known YSOs, one is a brown dwarf MHO 5 and the other is the well known T Tauri star HH30, consisting of an outflow and an optically thick disk seen edge on.Comment: 14 Pages, 8 Figure

    The IC2118 association: new T Tauri stars in high-latitude molecular clouds

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    We identified new pre-main sequence stars in the region of high-latitude molecular clouds associated with the reflection nebula IC2118, around l = 208 degr and b = -27 degr. The stars were selected as T Tauri candidates in objective prism plates obtained with the Schmidt telescope of Konkoly Observatory. Results of spectroscopic follow-up observations, carried out with the FLAIR spectrograph installed on the UK Schmidt and with ALFOSC on Nordic Optical Telescope, are presented in this paper. Based on spectral types, presence of emission lines and lithium absorption line, we identified five classical T Tauri stars and a candidate weak-line T Tauri star projected on the molecular clouds, as well as two candidate pre-main sequence stars outside the nebulous region. Using the near infrared magnitudes obtained from the 2MASS All Sky Catalog. we determined the masses and ages of these stars. We found that the five classical T Tauri stars projected on the clouds are physically related to them, whereas the other stars are probably background objects. Adopting a distance of 210 pc for IC2118 (Kun et al. 2001) and using Palla & Stahler's (1999) evolutionary tracks we derived an average age of 2.5 million yrs and a mass interval of 0.4--1.0 M_sun for the members of the IC2118 association.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Observations of Massive Star Forming Regions with Water Masers: Mid-Infrared Imaging

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    We present here a mid-infrared imaging survey of 26 sites of water maser emission. Observations were obtained at the InfraRed Telescope Facility 3-m telescope with the University of Florida mid-infrared imager/spectrometer OSCIR, and the JPL mid-infrared camera MIRLIN. The main purpose of the survey was to explore the relationship between water masers and the massive star formation process. It is generally believed that water masers predominantly trace outflows and embedded massive stellar objects, but may also exist in circumstellar disks around young stars. We investigate each of these possibilities in light of our mid-infrared imaging. We find that mid-infrared emission seems to be more closely associated with water and OH maser emission than cm radio continuum emission from UC HII regions. We also find from the sample of sources in our survey that, like groups of methanol masers, both water and OH masers have a proclivity for grouping into linear or elongated distributions. We conclude that the vast majority of linearly distributed masers are not tracing circumstellar disks, but outflows and shocks instead.Comment: 49 pages; 23 figures; To appear in February 2005 ApJS; To download a version with better quality figures, go to http://www.ctio.noao.edu/~debuizer

    Spectroscopic Confirmation of the Least Massive Known Brown Dwarf in Chamaeleon

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    We present spectroscopy of two candidate substellar members of the Chamaeleon I star-forming region. The candidates, which were identified photometrically by Oasa, Tamura, & Sugitani, have been observed at 1-2.5 micron during commissioning of the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph. The late-type nature of one of the candidates, OTS 44, is confirmed through the detection of strong steam absorption bands. The other object, OTS 7, exhibits no late-type features and is likely a background star or galaxy. The gravity-sensitive shape of the H- and K-band continua demonstrate that OTS 44 is a young, pre-main-sequence object rather than a field dwarf. We measure a spectral type of M9.5 for OTS 44 based on a comparison of its spectrum to data for optically-classified young late-type objects. Because OTS 44 is the coolest and faintest object with confirmed membership in Chamaeleon I, it is very likely the least massive known member of the cluster. By comparing the position of OTS 44 on the H-R diagram to the evolutionary models of Chabrier & Baraffe, we infer a mass of ~0.015 M_sun. Although this estimate is uncertain by at least a factor of two, OTS 44 is nevertheless one of the least massive free-floating brown dwarfs confirmed spectroscopically to date.Comment: 10 pages, The Astrophysical Journal, 2004, v617 (December 10
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