634 research outputs found

    Modeling the connection between ultraviolet and infrared galaxy populations across cosmic times

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    Using a phenomenological approach, we self-consistently model the redshift evolution of the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) luminosity functions across cosmic time, as well as a range of observed IR properties of UV-selected galaxy population. This model is an extension of the 2SFM (2 star-formation modes) formalism, which is based on the observed "main-sequence" of star-forming galaxies, i.e. a strong correlation between their stellar mass and their star formation rate (SFR), and a secondary population of starbursts with an excess of star formation. The balance between the UV light from young, massive stars and the dust-reprocessed IR emission is modeled following the empirical relation between the attenuation (IRX for IR excess hereafter) and the stellar mass, assuming a scatter of 0.4\,dex around this relation. We obtain a good overall agreement with the measurements of the IR luminosity function up to z~3 and the UV luminosity functions up to z~6, and show that a scatter on the IRX-M relation is mandatory to reproduce these observables. We also naturally reproduce the observed, flat relation between the mean IRX and the UV luminosity at LUV>109.5 L⊙. Finally, we perform predictions of the UV properties and detectability of IR-selected samples and the vice versa, and discuss the results in the context of the UV-rest-frame and sub-millimeter surveys of the next decade

    An enhanced fraction of starbursting galaxies among high Eddington ratio AGNs

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    We investigate the star-forming properties of 1620 X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) host galaxies as a function of their specific X-ray luminosity (i.e. X-ray luminosity per unit host stellar mass) – a proxy of the Eddington ratio. Our motivation is to determine whether there is any evidence of a suppression of star formation at high Eddington ratios, which may hint towards ‘AGN feedback’ effects. Star formation rates (SFRs) are derived from fits to Herschel-measured far-infrared spectral energy distributions, taking into account any contamination from the AGN. Herschel-undetected AGNs are included via stacking analyses to provide average SFRs in bins of redshift and specific X-ray luminosity (spanning 0.01â‰ČLX/M∗â‰Č100L⊙M−1. After normalizing for the effects of mass and redshift arising from the evolving galaxy main sequence, we find that the SFRs of high specific luminosity AGNs are slightly enhanced compared to their lower specific luminosity counterparts. This suggests that the SFR distribution of AGN hosts changes with specific X-ray luminosity, a result reinforced by our finding of a significantly higher fraction of starbursting hosts among high specific luminosity AGNs compared to that of the general star-forming galaxy population (i.e. 8–10 per cent versus 3 per cent). Contrary to our original motivation, our findings suggest that high specific luminosity AGNs are more likely to reside in galaxies with enhanced levels of star formation

    Developmental regulation of the Aspergillus nidulans trpC gene.

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    The evolving AGN duty cycle in galaxies since z ∌ 3 as encoded in the X-ray luminosity function

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    We present a new modeling of the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) out to z ~ 3, dissecting the contributions of main-sequence (MS) and starburst (SB) galaxies. For each galaxy population, we convolved the observed galaxy stellar mass (M sstarf) function with a grid of M sstarf-independent Eddington ratio (λ EDD) distributions, normalized via empirical black hole accretion rate (BHAR) to star formation rate (SFR) relations. Our simple approach yields an excellent agreement with the observed XLF since z ~ 3. We find that the redshift evolution of the observed XLF can only be reproduced through an intrinsic flattening of the λ EDD distribution and with a positive shift of the break λ*, consistent with an antihierarchical behavior. The AGN accretion history is predominantly made by massive (1010 44.36 + 1.28 × (1 + z). We infer that the probability of finding highly accreting (λ EDD > 10%) AGNs significantly increases with redshift, from 0.4% (3.0%) at z = 0.5%–6.5% (15.3%) at z = 3 for MS (SB) galaxies, implying a longer AGN duty cycle in the early universe. Our results strongly favor a M sstarf-dependent ratio between BHAR and SFR, as BHAR/SFR ∝ M⋆0.73[+0.22,−0.29]{M}_{\star }^{0.73[+0.22,-0.29]}, supporting a nonlinear BH buildup relative to the host. Finally, this framework opens potential questions on super-Eddington BH accretion and different λ EDD prescriptions for understanding the cosmic BH mass assembly

    A wide search for obscured active galactic nuclei using XMM-Newton and WISE

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    Heavily obscured and Compton-thick active galactic nuclei (AGNs) are missing even in the deepest X-ray surveys, and indirect methods are required to detect them. Here we use a combination of the XMM–Newton serendipitous X-ray survey with the optical Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), and the infrared WISE all-sky survey in order to check the efficiency of the low X-ray-to-infrared luminosity selection method in finding heavily obscured AGNs. We select the sources which are detected in the hard X-ray band (2–8 keV), and also have a redshift determination (photometric or spectroscopic) in the SDSS catalogue. We match this sample with the WISE catalogue, and fit the spectral energy distributions of the 2844 sources which have three, or more, photometric data points in the infrared. We then select the heavily obscured AGN candidates by comparing their 12 Όm luminosity to the observed 2–10 keV X-ray luminosity and the intrinsic relation between the X-ray and the mid-infrared luminosities. With this approach, we find 20 candidate heavily obscured AGNs and we then examine their X-ray and optical spectra. Of the 20 initial candidates, we find nine (64 per cent; out of the 14, for which X-ray spectra could be fitted) based on the X-ray spectra, and seven (78 per cent; out of the nine detected spectroscopically in the SDSS) based on the [O III] line fluxes. Combining all criteria, we determine the final number of heavily obscured AGNs to be 12–19, and the number of Compton-thick AGNs to be 2–5, showing that the method is reliable in finding obscured AGNs, but not Compton thick. However, those numbers are smaller than what would be expected from X-ray background population synthesis models, which demonstrates how the optical–infrared selection and the scatter of the Lx-LMIR relation limit the efficiency of the method. Finally, we test popular obscured AGN selection methods based on mid-infrared colours, and find that the probability of an AGN to be selected by its mid-infrared colours increases with the X-ray luminosity. The (observed) X-ray luminosities of heavily obscured AGNs are relatively low (L2−10keV<1044ergs−1), even though most of them are located in the ‘quasi stellar object (QSO) locus’. However, a selection scheme based on a relatively low X-ray luminosity and mid-infrared colours characteristic of QSOs would not select ∌25 per cent of the heavily obscured AGNs of our sample

    The NuSTAR Extragalactic Survey: First Direct Measurements of the Greater Than Or Similar To 10 Kev X-Ray Luminosity Function For Active Galactic Nuclei At z \u3e 0.1

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    We present the first direct measurements of the rest-frame 10–40 keV X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) based on a sample of 94 sources at 0.1 \u3c z \u3c 3, selected at 8–24 keV energies from sources in the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) extragalactic survey program. Our results are consistent with the strong evolution of the AGN population seen in prior, lower-energy studies of the XLF. However, different models of the intrinsic distribution of absorption, which are used to correct for selection biases, give significantly different predictions for the total number of sources in our sample, leading to small, systematic differences in our binned estimates of the XLF. Adopting a model with a lower intrinsic fraction of Compton-thick sources and a larger population of sources with column densities cm−2 or a model with stronger Compton reflection component (with a relative normalization of R ~ 2 at all luminosities) can bring extrapolations of the XLF from 2–10 keV into agreement with our NuSTAR sample. Ultimately, X-ray spectral analysis of the NuSTAR sources is required to break this degeneracy between the distribution of absorbing column densities and the strength of the Compton reflection component and thus refine our measurements of the XLF. Furthermore, the models that successfully describe the high-redshift population seen by NuSTAR tend to over-predict previous, high-energy measurements of the local XLF, indicating that there is evolution of the AGN population that is not fully captured by the current models

    Evidence for a mass-dependent AGN Eddington ratio distribution via the flat relationship between SFR and AGN luminosity

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    The lack of a strong correlation between AGN X-ray luminosity (L X ; a proxy for AGN power) and the star formation rate (SFR) of their host galaxies has recently been attributed to stochastic AGNvariability. Studies using population synthesis models have incorporated this by assuming a broad, universal (i.e. does not depend on the host galaxy properties) probability distribution for AGN specific X-ray luminosities (i.e. the ratio of L X to host stellar mass; a common proxy for Eddington ratio). However, recent studies have demonstrated that this universal Eddington ratio distribution fails to reproduce the observed X-ray luminosity functions beyond z ~ 1.2. Furthermore, empirical studies have recently shown that the Eddington ratio distribution may instead depend upon host galaxy properties, such as SFR and/or stellarmass. To investigate this further, we develop a population synthesis model in which the Eddington ratio distribution is different for star-forming and quiescent host galaxies. We showthat, although this model is able to reproduce the observed X-ray luminosity functions out to z ~ 2, it fails to simultaneously reproduce the observed flat relationship between SFR and X-ray luminosity. We can solve this, however, by incorporating a mass dependency in the AGN Eddington ratio distribution for starforming host galaxies. Overall, our models indicate that a relative suppression of low Eddington ratios (λ Edd < ~0.1) in lower mass galaxies (M * < ~10 10-11 M⊙) is required to reproduce both the observed X-ray luminosity functions and the observed flat SFR/X-ray relationship
