176 research outputs found

    Kepler Archive Manual

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    A description of Kepler, its design, performance and operational constraints may be found in the Kepler Instrument Handbook (KIH, Van Cleve Caldwell 2016). A description of Kepler calibration and data processing is described in the Kepler Data Processing Handbook (KDPH, Jenkins et al. 2016; Fanelli et al. 2011). Science users should also consult the special ApJ Letters devoted to early Kepler results and mission design (April 2010, ApJL, Vol. 713 L79-L207). Additional technical details regarding the data processing and data qualities can be found in the Kepler Data Characteristics Handbook (KDCH, Christiansen et al. 2013) and the Data Release Notes (DRN). This archive manual specifically documents the file formats, as they exist for the last data release of Kepler, Data Release 25(KSCI-19065-002). The earlier versions of the archive manual and data release notes act as documentation for the earlier versions of the data files

    Gastrointestinal nematodes of goats: host–parasite relationship differences in breeds at summer mountain pasture in northern Italy

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    Introduction: The Orobic goat is a hardy breed native to the Orobic Alps (Lombardy, northern Italy). The aim of the study was the assessment of gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) egg excretion in Alpine and Saanen (cosmopolite breeds) and Orobic grazing goats, after a strategic treatment with eprinomectin in late June. Material and methods: Individual faecal samples from a mixed flock of cosmopolite and Orobic goats were collected and analysed by the FLOTAC double technique every three weeks from June to September. Results: Strongylida was the primary GIN infection observed in goats that grazed on Alpine pastures; a strategic treatment with eprinomectin led to a prolonged reduction of egg excretion during the whole study period. Egg excretion was also influenced by breed. Pluriparous Orobic does were able to control reinfection better than the pluriparous cosmopolite does. Regarding Nematodirus sp. eggs per gram of faeces (EPG), the autochthonous Orobic breed presented higher values than the cosmopolite breeds. However, cosmopolite goats presented higher EPG values of Strongyloides papillosus than their Orobic counterparts in August. Conclusions: Further studies on genetic features of local autochthonous goats, such as the Orobic breed, are needed, since they could reveal peculiar characteristics of susceptibility, resistance or resilience to GIN infection, providing genetic resources for selection

    The frequency of nuclear star-formation in Seyfert 2 galaxies

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    We investigate the detectability of starburst signatures in the nuclear spectrum of Seyfert 2 galaxies by constructing spectral models in the wavelength range 3500-4100A, combining the spectrum of a bulge population (of age ~10Gyr) with that of younger stellar populations, spanning ages from ~3 Myr to 1 Gyr. We also construct models combining the bulge template with a power-law (PL) continuum, which is observed in some Seyfert 2's in polarized light, contributing with typically 10-40% of the flux at 4020A. We conclude that such continuum cannot be distinguished from that of a very young stellar population (age < 10 Myr), contributing with less than ~0.02% of the mass of the bulge. The models are compared with nuclear spectra - corresponding to a radius of 200-300 pc at the galaxy - of 20 Seyfert 2 galaxies, in which we specifically look for the signatures above of young to intermediate age stellar populations. We find them in ten galaxies, thus 50% of the sample. But only in six cases (30% of the sample) they can be attributed to young stars (age < 500 Myr): Mrk 1210, ESO 362-G8, NGC 5135, NGC 5643, NGC 7130 and NGC 7582. In the remaining four cases, the signatures are due to intermediate age stars (~1 Gyr). We find a tendency for the young stars to be found more frequently among the late type Seyfert's. This tendency is supported by a comparison between the equivalent widths (W) of absorption lines of the nuclear spectra of the Seyfert 2's with those of normal galaxies of the same Hubble type.Comment: 18 figures, revised version published in ApJ, December 2000, vol. 544, p. 74

    Planet Hunters: Assessing the Kepler Inventory of Short Period Planets

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    We present the results from a search of data from the first 33.5 days of the Kepler science mission (Quarter 1) for exoplanet transits by the Planet Hunters citizen science project. Planet Hunters enlists members of the general public to visually identify transits in the publicly released Kepler light curves via the World Wide Web. Over 24,000 volunteers reviewed the Kepler Quarter 1 data set. We examine the abundance of \geq 2 R\oplus planets on short period (< 15 days) orbits based on Planet Hunters detections. We present these results along with an analysis of the detection efficiency of human classifiers to identify planetary transits including a comparison to the Kepler inventory of planet candidates. Although performance drops rapidly for smaller radii, \geq 4 R\oplus Planet Hunters \geq 85% efficient at identifying transit signals for planets with periods less than 15 days for the Kepler sample of target stars. Our high efficiency rate for simulated transits along with recovery of the majority of Kepler \geq 4 R\oplus planets suggest suggests the Kepler inventory of \geq 4 R\oplus short period planets is nearly complete.Comment: 41 pages,13 figures, 8 tables, accepted to Ap

    Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler VI: Planet Sample from Q1-Q16 (47 Months)

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    \We present the sixth catalog of Kepler candidate planets based on nearly 4 years of high precision photometry. This catalog builds on the legacy of previous catalogs released by the Kepler project and includes 1493 new Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) of which 554 are planet candidates, and 131 of these candidates have best fit radii <1.5 R_earth. This brings the total number of KOIs and planet candidates to 7305 and 4173 respectively. We suspect that many of these new candidates at the low signal-to-noise limit may be false alarms created by instrumental noise, and discuss our efforts to identify such objects. We re-evaluate all previously published KOIs with orbital periods of >50 days to provide a consistently vetted sample that can be used to improve planet occurrence rate calculations. We discuss the performance of our planet detection algorithms, and the consistency of our vetting products. The full catalog is publicly available at the NASA Exoplanet Archive.Comment: 18 pages, to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplement Serie

    Saints and lovers: myths of the avant-garde in Michel Georges-Michel's Les Montparnos

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    This article examines Michel Georges-Michel’s 1924 novel Les Montparnos as a study of the myths circulating around the Montparnasse avant-garde of the 1920s, and their function in relation to art. Key amongst these myths is the idea of art as a religion, according to which avant-garde artists are conceived as secular saints and martyrs. While this notion of artist as saint is strongly present in early-twentieth-century biographies of Van Gogh, Georges-Michel explicitly relates his fictionalized version of Modigliani’s life not to such recent models but rather to the Renaissance masters, and especially to Raphael, a link which is explained in terms of the post-war ‘retour à l’ordre’ in French artistic culture. The novel’s references to Raphael as archetypal painter-lover are also related to its construction of a myth of the artist as virile and sexually prolific, and to its identification of creative and sexual impulses

    OASIS integral-field spectroscopy of the central kpc in 11 Seyfert 2 galaxies

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    We map narrow-line regions (NLRs) of 11 nearby Seyfert 2 galaxies with the optical integral-field spectrograph OASIS mounted at CFHT. We model emission-line profiles of 5 forbidden-line doublets and 2 Balmer lines, correcting for the underlying stellar absorption by reconstructing stellar spectra with synthetic evolutionary stellar population models. For each of the 11 targets, we present 2D maps of surface brightness in the observed emission lines, diagnostic line intensity ratios, gas kinematics (mean line-of-sight velocity and velocity dispersion), electron density, and interstellar reddening, and we plot spatially resolved spectral-diagnostic diagrams. The stellar data are represented by maps of mean line-of-sight (LOS) velocities and of the relative mass fractions of the young stellar populations. The gas velocity fields in 80% of the sample exhibit twisted S-shaped isovelocity contours, which are signatures of non-circular orbits and indicate non-axisymmetric gravitational potentials, gas motions out of the galactic plane, or possible outflows and inflows. Based on the kinematic measurements, we identified a possible nuclear ring or radial gas flow in NGC 262 (Mrk 348), not reported before. Eight of the eleven observed objects exhibit strongly asymmetric or multi-component emission-line profiles, in most cases confined to an elongated region passing through the galactic centre, perpendicular to the major axis of emission.Comment: 40 pages, 25 figure
