82 research outputs found

    Scottish adolescents' sun-related behaviours, tanning attitudes and associations with skin cancer awareness:a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: To describe Scottish adolescents’ sun-related behaviours and tanning attitudes and assess associations with skin cancer awareness.Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: 20 state secondary schools in one Scottish local authority (Glasgow City).Participants: 2173 adolescents (females: 50.7%,n=1102) with a mean age of 12.4 (SD=0.55).Outcome measures: Sun-related behaviour (suntan, sunbathing, sunburn, sunscreen use, sunbed use),tanning attitudes, skin cancer-related symptom and risk factor awareness.Results: Adolescents reported poor sun-related practice: 51% of adolescents reported sunburn the previous summer of whom 38% indicated sunburn on more than one occasion. Skin cancer awareness was low: 45% recognised ‘change in the appearance of amole’ as a cancer symptom, and 39% agreed that‘ getting sunburnt more than once as a child’ increased cancer risk. 42% and 26% of adolescents, respectively, reported that friends and family held protanning attitudes. Compared with males, females were statistically significantly more likely to: report sunbathing ( p<0.001), use of lotions or oil to aid tanning ( p=0.009) and sunburn ( p<0.001); know that changes in the appearance of a mole was a skin cancer symptom ( p=0.036) and sunburn more than once as a child was a skin cancer risk factor( p=0.005); perceive their friends to hold protanning attitudes ( p<0.001) and indicate that a tan made them feel better about themselves ( p<0.001), more attractive to others ( p=0.011) and healthier( p<0.001).Conclusions: Scottish adolescents had poor sun protection practice and low skin cancer awareness. Girls adopted riskier sun-related behaviour despite greater awareness of skin cancer-related risk. Urgent action is required to promote positive sun-related behaviour and increase skin cancer awareness among Scottish adolescents. However, further research is needed to inform the development of effective sun safe interventions

    Cancer symptom awareness and barriers to medical help seeking in Scottish adolescents:a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Initiatives to promote early diagnosis include raising public awareness of signs and symptoms ofcancer and addressing barriers to seeking medical help about cancer. Awareness of signs and symptoms of cancerand emotional barriers, such as, fear, worry, and embarrassment strongly influence help seeking behaviour. Whetheranxiety influences seeking medical help about cancer is not known. The purpose of this study about adolescentswas to examine: 1) the relationship between contextual factors and awareness of signs and symptoms of cancerand barriers (including emotional barriers) to seeking medical help, and 2) associations between anxiety andendorsed barriers to seeking medical help. Interpretation of data is informed by the common sense model of theself-regulation of health and illness.Methods: A cross-sectional study of 2,173 Scottish adolescents (age 12/13 years) using the Cancer AwarenessMeasure. Socio-demographic questions were also included. Descriptive statistics were calculated and two Poissonregression models were built to determine independent predictors of: 1) the number of cancer warning signsrecognized, and; 2) number of barriers to help seeking endorsed.Results: Analysis identified that knowing someone with cancer was a significant independent predictor ofrecognising more cancer warning signs whereas Black and Minority Ethnic status was a significant independentpredictor of recognising fewer cancer warning signs. Emotional barriers were the most commonly endorsed,followed by family, service and practical barriers. Over two thirds of adolescents were ‘worried about what thedoctor would find’ and over half were ‘scared’. Higher anxiety scores, knowing more cancer warning signs andfemale gender were significant independent predictors of barriers to help seeking.Conclusion: Improving cancer awareness and help seeking behaviour during adolescence may contribute to earlypresentation. Contextual factors (for example, ethnicity, gender, knowing someone with cancer), and emotionaldimensions (for example, anxiety, fear, worry) are critical components in help seeking behaviours. The role ofemotional factors indicates that public health campaigns focused on awareness and help seeking may benefit fromhaving a more emotional focus, for example, including references to feelings, such as, fears and worries

    Scottish adolescents' sun-related behaviours, tanning attitudes and associations with skin cancer awareness: a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives To describe Scottish adolescents’ sun-related behaviours and tanning attitudes and assess associations with skin cancer awareness. Design Cross-sectional study. Setting 20 state secondary schools in one Scottish local authority (Glasgow City). Participants 2173 adolescents (females: 50.7%, n=1102) with a mean age of 12.4 (SD=0.55). Outcome measures Sun-related behaviour (suntan, sunbathing, sunburn, sunscreen use, sunbed use), tanning attitudes, skin cancer-related symptom and risk factor awareness. Results Adolescents reported poor sun-related practice: 51% of adolescents reported sunburn the previous summer of whom 38% indicated sunburn on more than one occasion. Skin cancer awareness was low: 45% recognised ‘change in the appearance of a mole’ as a cancer symptom, and 39% agreed that ‘getting sunburnt more than once as a child’ increased cancer risk. 42% and 26% of adolescents, respectively, reported that friends and family held protanning attitudes. Compared with males, females were statistically significantly more likely to: report sunbathing (p<0.001), use of lotions or oil to aid tanning (p=0.009) and sunburn (p<0.001); know that changes in the appearance of a mole was a skin cancer symptom (p=0.036) and sunburn more than once as a child was a skin cancer risk factor(p=0.005); perceive their friends to hold protanning attitudes (p<0.001) and indicate that a tan made them feel better about themselves (p<0.001), mor eattractive to others (p=0.011) and healthier (p<0.001).ConclusionsScottish adolescents had poor sun protection practice and low skin cancer awareness. Girls adopted riskier sun-related behaviour despite greater awareness of skin cancer-related risk. Urgent action is required to promote positive sun-related behaviour and increase skin cancer awareness among Scottish adolescents. However, further research is needed to inform the development of effective sun-safe interventions

    School-based brief psycho-educational intervention to raise adolescent cancer awareness and address barriers to medical help-seeking about cancer: a cluster randomised controlled trial: School-based psycho-educational intervention to raise cancer awareness

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    ObjectivesRaising cancer awareness and addressing barriers to help-seeking may improve early diagnosis. The aim was to assess whether a psycho-educational intervention increased adolescents' cancer awareness and addressed help-seeking barriers.MethodsThis was a cluster randomised controlled trial involving 2173 adolescents in 20 schools. The intervention was a 50-min presentation delivered by a member of Teenage Cancer Trust's (UK charity) education team. Schools were stratified by deprivation and roll size and randomly allocated to intervention/control conditions within these strata. Outcome measures were the number of cancer warning signs and cancer risk factors recognised, help-seeking barriers endorsed and cancer communication. Communication self-efficacy and intervention fidelity were also assessed.ResultsRegression models showed significant differences in the number of cancer warning signs and risk factors recognised between intervention and control groups. In intervention schools, the greatest increases in recognition of cancer warning signs at 6-month follow-up were for unexplained weight loss (from 44.2% to 62.0%) and change in the appearance of a mole (from 46.3% to 70.7%), up by 17.8% and 24.4%, respectively. Greatest increases in recognition of cancer risk factors were for getting sunburnt more than once as a child (from 41.0% to 57.6%) and being overweight (from 42.7% to 55.5%), up by 16.6% and 12.8%, respectively. Regression models showed that adolescents in intervention schools were 2.7 times more likely to discuss cancer at 2-week follow-up compared with the control group. No differences in endorsement of barriers to help-seeking were observed.ConclusionsSchool-based brief psycho-educational interventions are easy to deliver, require little resource and improve cancer awareness

    Effect of a reduction in glomerular filtration rate after nephrectomy on arterial stiffness and central hemodynamics: rationale and design of the EARNEST study

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    Background: There is strong evidence of an association between chronic kidney disease (CKD) and cardiovascular disease. To date, however, proof that a reduction in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a causative factor in cardiovascular disease is lacking. Kidney donors comprise a highly screened population without risk factors such as diabetes and inflammation, which invariably confound the association between CKD and cardiovascular disease. There is strong evidence that increased arterial stiffness and left ventricular hypertrophy and fibrosis, rather than atherosclerotic disease, mediate the adverse cardiovascular effects of CKD. The expanding practice of live kidney donation provides a unique opportunity to study the cardiovascular effects of an isolated reduction in GFR in a prospective fashion. At the same time, the proposed study will address ongoing safety concerns that persist because most longitudinal outcome studies have been undertaken at single centers and compared donor cohorts with an inappropriately selected control group.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Hypotheses: The reduction in GFR accompanying uninephrectomy causes (1) a pressure-independent increase in aortic stiffness (aortic pulse wave velocity) and (2) an increase in peripheral and central blood pressure.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Methods: This is a prospective, multicenter, longitudinal, parallel group study of 440 living kidney donors and 440 healthy controls. All controls will be eligible for living kidney donation using current UK transplant criteria. Investigations will be performed at baseline and repeated at 12 months in the first instance. These include measurement of arterial stiffness using applanation tonometry to determine pulse wave velocity and pulse wave analysis, office blood pressure, 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, and a series of biomarkers for cardiovascular and bone mineral disease.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; Conclusions: These data will prove valuable by characterizing the direction of causality between cardiovascular and renal disease. This should help inform whether targeting reduced GFR alongside more traditional cardiovascular risk factors is warranted. In addition, this study will contribute important safety data on living kidney donors by providing a longitudinal assessment of well-validated surrogate markers of cardiovascular disease, namely, blood pressure and arterial stiffness. If any adverse effects are detected, these may be potentially reversed with the early introduction of targeted therapy. This should ensure that kidney donors do not come to long-term harm and thereby preserve the ongoing expansion of the living donor transplant program.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt

    General Practitioners’ perceptions of the stigma of dementia and the role of reciprocity

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    YesA qualitative exploration of the stigma of dementia reported that GPs described lack of reciprocity as one way in which people with dementia are perceived within society. This was closely linked to their perception of dementia as a stigma. In this paper, we explore whether GPs perceive people with dementia as lacking reciprocity and, so, if this is linked with societal opinions about dementia as a stigma. The implications of both perceptions of people with dementia failing to reciprocate and of stigma for timely diagnosis are explored. GPs’ perceptions of societal views of people with dementia included a perception of a lack of reciprocity. Specifically, an absence of reciprocity was linked with; failing to respond to human contact, the absence of an appropriate return on social investment and failing to contribute to, or being a burden to, society. GPs reported a link between societal perceptions of lack of reciprocity and stereotypes about advanced dementia, difficulties communicating with people with dementia and lack of opportunities for people with dementia to reciprocate. GPs occupy a key position, they can challenge stereotypes and, with support and targeted training about communicating with people living with dementia, can emphasise the ways in which people with dementia can communicate, thereby enhancing their potential to reciprocate. Such changes have implications for improved care and quality of life through the continued maintenance of social inclusion and perceptions of personhood.non

    Low-risk persistent gestational trophoblastic disease treated with low-dose methotrexate: efficacy, acute and long-term effects

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of low-dose methotrexate with folinic acid rescue in a large series of consecutively treated patients with low-risk persistent gestational trophoblastic disease. Between January 1987 and December 2000, 250 patients were treated with intramuscular methotrexate (50 mg on alternate days 1, 3, 5, 7) with folinic acid (7.5 mg orally on alternate days 2, 4, 6, 8) rescue. The overall complete response rate without recurrence was 72% for first-line treatment and 95% for those who required second-line chemotherapy. Eight women (3.2%) had recurrence following remission and two (0.8%) had new moles. Two women (0.8%) died of their disease giving an overall cure of 99%. Only 10 women (4%) experienced grade III/IV toxicity during the first course of treatment and 13 women (5.2%) subsequently. Toxicity included mucositis and stomatitis, pleuritic chest pain, thrombocytopenia, uterine bleeding, abdominal pain, liver function changes, rash and pericardial effusion. A total of 59 women (23.6%) required second-line chemotherapy; 48 women had methotrexate resistance, eight had methotrexate toxicity and an empirical decision to change therapy was made in three. In all, 11 women (4.4%) had a hysterectomy before, during or after treatment; 141 women (56.4%) became pregnant following treatment: in 128 (90.7%), the outcome was successful. Methotrexate with folinic acid rescue is an effective treatment for low-risk persistent trophoblastic disease. It has minimal severe toxicity, excellent cure rates and does not appear to affect fertility

    Who wants to be involved in health care decisions? Comparing preferences for individual and collective involvement in England and Sweden

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    Background: Patient and public involvement (PPI) is framed as positive for individuals, the health system, public health, as well as for communities and society as a whole. We investigated whether preferences for PPI differed between two countries with Beveridge type health systems-Sweden and England. We measured willingness to be involved in individual treatment decisions and in decisions about the organization and provision of local health and social care services. Methods: This was a comparative cross-sectional study of the general population's preferences. Together, the two samples included 3125 respondents; 1625 in England and 1500 in Sweden. Country differences were analysed in a multinomial regression model controlling for gender, age and educational attainment. Results: Overall, 68% of respondents wanted a passive patient role and 44% wanted to be involved in local decisions about organization and provision of services. In comparison with in Sweden, they were in England less likely to want a health professional such as a GP or consultant to make decisions about their treatment and also more likely to want to make their own decisions. They were also less likely to want to be involved in local service development decisions. An increased likelihood of wanting to be involved in organizational decision-making was associated with individuals wanting to make their own treatment decisions. Women were less likely to want health professionals to make decisions and more likely to want to be involved in organizational decisions. Conclusions: An effective health system that ensures public health must integrate an effective approach to PPI both in individual treatment decisions and shaping local health and social care priorities. To be effective, involvement activities must take in to account the variation in the desire for involvement and the implications that this has for equity. More work is needed to understand the relationship between the desire to be involved and actually being involved, but both appear related to judgements of the impact of involvement on health care decisions

    Attitudes Toward and Experience With Assisted-Death Services and Psychological Implications for Health Practitioners: A Narrative Systematic Review

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    A narrative systematic review was conducted to review studies that examine mental health implications of involvement in assisted-death services among health practitioners. Qualitative and quantitative studies were included to understand health practitioners’ attitudes and experiences with assisted dying services, as well as to identify the mental health consequences. We identified 18 articles from 1591 articles drawn from seven major scientific databases (i.e., PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus). Two raters independently evaluated the exclusion and inclusion decisions of the articles and examined methodological flaws in the selected articles. We found that engagement in assisted death services were not reliably associated with mental health outcomes such as anxiety and moral distress. Both positive and negative outcomes were reported, and psychological outcomes for practitioners were shown to vary based on factors including social support for health practitioners’ views; their perceived capacity to care for the patients; and legislation.Output Status: Forthcoming/Available Onlin

    Attitudes Toward and Experience With Assisted-Death Services and Psychological Implications for Health Practitioners: A Narrative Systematic Review

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    A narrative systematic review was conducted to review studies that examine mental health implications of involvement in assisted-death services among health practitioners. Qualitative and quantitative studies were included to understand health practitioners’ attitudes and experiences with assisted dying services, as well as to identify the mental health consequences. We identified 18 articles from 1591 articles drawn from seven major scientific databases (i.e., PubMed, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase, Web of Science, and Scopus). Two raters independently evaluated the exclusion and inclusion decisions of the articles and examined methodological flaws in the selected articles. We found that engagement in assisted death services were not reliably associated with mental health outcomes such as anxiety and moral distress. Both positive and negative outcomes were reported, and psychological outcomes for practitioners were shown to vary based on factors including social support for health practitioners’ views; their perceived capacity to care for the patients; and legislation
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