41 research outputs found
Strategi promosi dalam meningkatan layanan di UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno Blitar pada masa pandemi
Background. Promotion is the most important part of an organization to inform a product that is produced. The challenge is that special libraries need to promote services and collections so that users can also take advantage of during the Pandemic. The purpose of this research is to find out the promotion, strategy, and innovation used by UPT Bung Karno Library during the pandemic in improving its services.Methodology. This study uses qualitative methods. This study obtained data through interviews, observation, and documentation from informants who were taken by purposive sampling, then analysed them using descriptive analysis techniques.Results and discussion. The study can be seen that the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library conducts promotions using social media, brochures, exhibitions, and socialization. In addition, the strategy used by Bung Karno's proclaimer UPT Library in promoting the library to the public focused more on Bung Karno's ideas and thoughts. How to improve services at the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library by creating the "SILAKAN" program and creating the "ISU Karno" application which is used to access collections at the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library.Conclusions. The Bung Karno Proclamator Library UPT has been working on promotions, strategies and innovations to improve its services during the pandemic, and carried out agitation so that it is hoped that more people will visit the library
Strategi promosi dalam meningkatan layanan di UPT Perpustakaan Proklamator Bung Karno Blitar pada masa pandemi
Background. Promotion is the most important part of an organization to inform a product that is produced. The challenge is that special libraries need to promote services and collections so that users can also take advantage of during the Pandemic. The purpose of this research is to find out the promotion, strategy, and innovation used by UPT Bung Karno Library during the pandemic in improving its services.Methodology. This study uses qualitative methods. This study obtained data through interviews, observation, and documentation from informants who were taken by purposive sampling, then analysed them using descriptive analysis techniques.Results and discussion. The study can be seen that the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library conducts promotions using social media, brochures, exhibitions, and socialization. In addition, the strategy used by Bung Karno's proclaimer UPT Library in promoting the library to the public focused more on Bung Karno's ideas and thoughts. How to improve services at the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library by creating the "SILAKAN" program and creating the "ISU Karno" application which is used to access collections at the UPT Bung Karno Proclaimer Library.Conclusions. The Bung Karno Proclamator Library UPT has been working on promotions, strategies and innovations to improve its services during the pandemic, and carried out agitation so that it is hoped that more people will visit the library
Pendahuluan. Pendidikan pemustaka merupakan pengetahuan yang perlu dipelajari untuk mengetahui perpustakaan dan dapat mengetahui layanan informasi yang dibutuhkan di perpustakaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan pemustaka terhadap perilaku penelusuran informasi pemustaka karena terdapat beberapa pemustaka tidak mengetahui layanan yang tersedia dan tidak dapat mengakses informasi yang dibutuhkan.Metode Penelitian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dan teknik pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner dengan 85 responden.Analisis Data. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan program bantuan IMB SPSS v26 untuk melakukan uji normalitas, uji linieritas, serta uji regresi linier sederhana.Hasil dan Pembahasan. Penulis melakukan uji normalitas mendapatkan hasil data berdistribusi normal, hasil uji linearitas terdapat hubungan linier, serta hasil uji regresi linier sederhana memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan nilai sebesar 59,9% dan 40,1% oleh variabel lain dan berpengaruh positif. Serta melakukan uji hipotesis dengan hasil nilai sig sebesar 0,00 < 0,05, maka H 0 ditolak serta H a diterima.Kesimpulan dan Saran. Jadi pendidikan pemustaka memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap perilaku pemustaka dalam penelusuran. informasi dan hubungan positif, apabila pendidikan pemustaka dikuasai dengan baik maka perilaku penelusuran informasi yang dilakukan juga semakin tepat dan cepat. Untuk penelitian selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian dengan tema yang sama dengan menambah alat uji atau menambah teori yang relevan
Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Waktu Perendaman dengan Larutan Kalsium Hidroksida Terhadap Mutu Sensori Produk Vacuum Frying Buah Nanas
AbstrakVacuum frying merupakan suatu alat yang telah terbukti banyak digunakan untuk mengolah buah-buahan menjadi kripik dengan kualitas sensori dan nutrisi yang baik. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman dengan larutan kalsium hidroksida atau Ca(OH)2 terhadap kualitas kripik nanas yang diproduksi dengan menggunakan vacuum frying. Rancangan percobaan dilakukan dengan rancangan acak lengkap yang variabel pertamanya adalah konsentrasi larutan perendaman (0,5, 1, dan 1,5%) serta variabel kedua adalah waktu perendaman (30, 60, dan 90 menit). Selanjutnya produk dianalisis sensori dengan metode uji mutu hedonik. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perendaman dengan larutan kalsium hidroksida memberikan pengaruh terhadap intensitas sensori warna, rasa dan tingkat kerenyahan. Semakin besar konsentrasi dan lama perendaman dengan larutan kalsium hidroksida dapat meningkatkan kadar air produk dan mengurangi susut masa produk. Tingkat kecerahan produk bisa dipertahankan dengan peningkatan konsentrasi larutan kalsium hidroksida. Rasa kecut pada buah nanas juga bisa dikurangi dengan peningkatan konsentrasi larutan kalsium hidroksida. Kesimpulannya, produk dengan intensitas kerenyahan paling tinggi didapat dengan konsentrasi kalsium hidroksida sebesar 0,5% selama 30 menit.Effect of Concentration and Soaking Time of Calcium hydroxide Solution on Sensory Quality of Pineapple Vacuum Frying ProductAbstractVacuum frying is a tool that has proven widely to be used in the process of making fruits into chips that results in good sensory and nutrition quality of product. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of soaking with a Ca(OH)2 solution on the quality of pineapple chips that were manufactured using vacuum frying. The design of experiments were performed with a completely randomized design in which the first variable was the concentration of the solution (0.5, 1, and 1.5%) and the second variable was the soaking time (30, 60, and 90 minutes). Furthermore, the products were analyzed for sensory with hedonic quality test method. The results showed that soaking with Ca(OH)2 solution provided effect to the intensity of color, flavor, and crispness. The greater concentration and soaking time were able to increase the moisture content of the product and reduce shrinkage lifetime of the product. The brightness level could be maintained by increasing Ca(OH)2 solution. Sour taste in pineapple could also be reduced by increasing Ca(OH)2 solution. As conclusion, products with the highest intensity crispness were obtained with Ca(OH)2 concentration of 0.5% for 30 minutes of soaking time.â˘|â˘|â˘||
The village fund utilization and its implication for public health improvement in the pandemic era
Introduction: The allocation of village funds to the health sector focused on reducing nutritional problems and involving the village in controlling non-natural disasters caused by COVID-19. The study aimed to analyze the implication of the village fund toward public health performance in the pandemic era.
Methods: Ecological analysis was conducted using secondary data from the East Java Health Profile 2020. The sample was 29 districts of East Java, where all the villages receive village funds. Apart from village fund utilization as the dependent variable, the independent variable consists of nutritional status, active Posyandu, case of COVID-19 and recovery rate of COVID-19. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate. The bivariate analysis was performed using the chi-squared test.
Results: Undernourished and wasting were silent health burdens in the pandemic. The pandemic also made the active Posyandu is lower. High attention to Kediri dan Jombang was grouped to vulnerable health areas. Statistically, no correlation between the village fund utilization with public health improvement in the pandemic era
Conclusion: Although there is no statistical correlation, nutrition issues and the impact of using village funds on health must be a concern. An in-depth evaluation needs to be carried out on the use of village funds to get clear implications for public healt
Pekarangan Pinggir Kota untuk Menyangga Ekosistem Perkotaan: Pemanfaatan dan Keanekaragaman Tanaman
Home garden âpekaranganâ plays an important role in conserving plant diversity in urban and suburban area. The suburban area including of pekarangan is a buffer area to preserve the quality of the urban environment. This study aimed to determine the utilization and plant diversity in suburban pekarangan of Yogyakarta. This research was carried out in Maguwoharjo using a survey method for 105 samples of home garden. Data were collected by observation using purposive sampling based on size of yard area. The results showed that the utilization of pekarangan in Maguwoharjo was dominated by ornamental plants, consist of sri rejeki (Aglaonema sp., Araceae), orchids (Dendrobium, Orchidaceae) and frangipani trees (Plumeria sp., Apocynaceae). Other functions of home garden were fruit plant and ground cover/grass. There was found 90 species of plants from 49 families, 27 species of trees, 60 species of shrubs, and three species of ground cover. The Shannon Wienner plant diversity index (H') was above 3 indicating the high category and the Evenness species evenness index (E) was close to 1 indicating a stable ecosystem condition. The Hâ and E index based on size of yard area showed 3.74 and 0.88 (very small, <20 m2), 3.90 and 0,.89 (small, 20â50 m2), 3.44 and 0.88 (medium, 50â100 m2), 3.52 and 0.93 (big, 100â200 m2), 3.06 and 0.94 (very big, >200 m2). The results showed that suburban home garden âpekaranganâ can support quality of urban ecosystem and its preservation.
Keywords: evenness index, Maguwoharjo Sleman, shannon wienner index, suburban pekarangan, Yogyakart
Pemanfaatan Campuran Kapur Dan Abu Sabut Kelapa Sebagai Bahan Stabilisasi Terhadap Kuat Geser Tanah Lempung Kecamatan Sukodono Kabupaten Sragen
Based on the preliminary test, there was an LL value of 64.85%, PL = 30.84%, SL = 22.34% and PI = 36.00%. Based on the PI value of 36.00% (more than 17%), the soil includes clay with high plasticity, so that soil improvement needs to be done by mechanically stabilizing the soil using 5% lime and coconut coir ash by 2.5%, 5%, 7, 5% and 10% by weight of air dry soil. The tests include physical and mechanical properties of native and mixed soils. Based on the results of physical properties test, the value of water content, liquid limit, plasticity index and percentage pass filter No. 200 experienced a decrease in the increase in the percentage of lime and coconut coir ash, while beret type, plasticity limit, and shrinkage boundary increased. Based on the AASHTO method, native soil and a mixture of lime and coconut coir ash belong to group A-7-5 which is a clay soil material. Based on USCS, native soils are included in the CH group while mixed soils of lime and coconut husk ash are included in the MH group of organic silt soils with high plasticity. Based on the mechanical compaction test with soil shear strength test, the dry volume weight value has increased and the optimum moisture content has decreased, while the soil shear strength test has obtained cohesion and friction angle values in the increase. The highest cohesion value in mixed soil 5% lime and 10% coconut coir ash is 0.569 kg / cm2, while the lowest cohesion value occurs in native soil is 0.482 kg/cm2 and the highest deep friction angle value in mixed soil is 5% lime and 10% ash coconut coir is 16.82°, while the lowest deep friction angle value occurs in native soil which is 10.50°, while the value of soil shear strength increases with each addition of lime and coconut coir ash. The highest shear strength value occurs in a mixture of 5% lime and 10% coconut coir ash that is equal to 0.999 kg/cm2 and the lowest value of shear strength occurs in adli soil is 0.743 kg/cm2
Analisis Kekritisan dan Rasio Konversi Reaktor Cepat Berpendingin Gas dengan Variasi Fraksi Bahan Bakar UN-PuN Menggunakan Skema Burn-up Modified CANDLE Arah Radial
Analysis of the criticality and conversion ratio of a gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) with various UN-PuN fuel fractions using modified CANDLE scheme burn-up in radial direction has been conducted. The fuel fraction varies from 40% - 60% with 5% intervals, the cladding fraction is 10% and the coolant fraction varies from 30% -50%. Data calculations were performed using SRAC 2006 programming with JENDL 4.0 library data. The reactor is divided into 10 regions with equal volume in the radial direction. Each region is filled with natural uranium fuel without enrichment with different burn-up levels. Regions are arranged in such a way that the reactor can reach critical conditions throughout the burn-up period. The results showed that variations in the 40% fuel fraction had not been able to reach critical conditions at the beginning of life, while 45%-60% fuel fraction variations had reached reactor criticality. The conversion ratio for all fuel fractions is greater than 1, which indicates that a breeding process appears in the GFR reactor core.  The conversion ratio for all variations in fuel fractions has almost the same pattern for all regions. The first region has the largest conversion ratio value because it has natural uranium as fuel input which has the highest density compared to other regions.
Etil Format sebagai Perlakuan Alternatif terhadap Colletotrichum gloeosporioides pada Stroberi
Ethyl formate (EtF) is alternative fumigant to substitute methyl bromide. The objective of the current study was to obtain an effective dose and exposure time of Etf treatment against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides in strawberry. In vitro test was conducted on colonies of C. gloeosporioides grew on PDA in petri dishes. The fungus was fumigated with Etf at various dose (0, 140, 190, 240, and 290 g m-3) and at various exposure time (1, 2, 3, and 4 hours), in 5 L plastic bags. On in vivo test, agar plugs of C. gloeosporioides (diameter 0,3 mm) were inoculated on to wounded strawberries, and the inoculated strawberries were then fumigated with Etf at similar dose and exposure time treatments. Each test was conducted in four replicates. Fumigation with Etf at 190 g m-3 significantly reduced the growth of C. gloeosporioides on agar, but did not reduce the colonization of the pathogen on strawberries. Ethyl formate did not affect visual quality of strawberries, but damaged the calyx at 190 g m-3. Other fungi, namely Colletotrichum sp. and Botrytis sp., were found on fumigated and nonfumigated strawberries.  Key words: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, ethyl formate, strawberries
Abstrak: Pemanfaatan fitur otomatis dalam Microsoft Office diperlukan dalam membantu pembuatan laporan seperti membuat daftar isi, daftar tabel, daftar gambar, pembuatan indeks, pembuatan sitasi secara otomatis dll. Faktanya masih ditemukan akademisi yang belum optimal menggunakan otomatisasi fitur Microsoft Word dan lebih memilih cara manual. Sebagai contoh dalam penyusunan laporan ilmiah, masih ditemukan penggunaan gaya referensi yang tidak konsisten dan masih mengurutkan secara manual, pembuatan diagram dan grafik untuk menggambarkan hasil desain tidak menggunakan Microsoft Visio sebagai media menggambar rancangan proses bisnis. Tujuan pengabdian memberikan pengetahuan dan pelatihan tentang pemanfaatan fitur otomatisasi Microsoft Office dalam menulis laporan dan menyusun modul pembelajaran kepada civitas akademika. Metode PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) ini berupa pemberian materi dan pelatihan pada 31 peserta. Evaluasi PKM dilakukan dengan memberikan post test terhadap materi yang telah diberikan. Hasil evaluasi PKM menunjukkan bahwa peserta telah mengetahui dan mampu mempraktikkan penggunaan fitur Microsoft Word dan Microsoft Visio secara optimal, dari 31 peserta diperoleh 87,10% memiliki kemampuan penggunaan fitur Microsoft Word dan Microsoft Visio dengan baik.Abstract: Utilization of automated features in Microsoft Office Required in helping to generate reports such as the creation of a table of contents, table list, figure list, index creation, automatic citation generation, etc. There are still found that are not optimal using the automation features of Microsoft Word and prefer the manual method. For example, in the preparation of scientific reports, it was found that the use of reference styles was inconsistent, and still manual sorting, making diagrams and graphs to describe the design results did not use Microsoft Visio as a medium for drawing business process designs. The purpose of this service is to provide knowledge and training on the use of Microsoft Office automation features in writing reports and compiling learning modules to the academic community. This PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) method is in the form of providing materials and training to 31 participants. PKM evaluation is done by giving post test to the material that has been given. As a result, participants know and can practice using Microsoft Word and Microsoft Visio features well with the results of the service evaluation, from 31 participants obtained 87.10% have the ability to use Microsoft Word and Microsoft Visio features well