590 research outputs found

    Stability of Terrestrial Planets in the Habitable Zone of Gl 777 A, HD 72659, Gl 614, 47 Uma and HD 4208

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    We have undertaken a thorough dynamical investigation of five extrasolar planetary systems using extensive numerical experiments. The systems Gl 777 A, HD 72659, Gl 614, 47 Uma and HD 4208 were examined concerning the question of whether they could host terrestrial like planets in their habitable zones (=HZ). First we investigated the mean motion resonances between fictitious terrestrial planets and the existing gas giants in these five extrasolar systems. Then a fine grid of initial conditions for a potential terrestrial planet within the HZ was chosen for each system, from which the stability of orbits was then assessed by direct integrations over a time interval of 1 million years. The computations were carried out using a Lie-series integration method with an adaptive step size control. This integration method achieves machine precision accuracy in a highly efficient and robust way, requiring no special adjustments when the orbits have large eccentricities. The stability of orbits was examined with a determination of the Renyi entropy, estimated from recurrence plots, and with a more straight forward method based on the maximum eccentricity achieved by the planet over the 1 million year integration. Additionally, the eccentricity is an indication of the habitability of a terrestrial planet in the HZ; any value of e>0.2 produces a significant temperature difference on a planet's surface between apoapse and periapse. The results for possible stable orbits for terrestrial planets in habitable zones for the five systems are summarized as follows: for Gl 777 A nearly the entire HZ is stable, for 47 Uma, HD 72659 and HD 4208 terrestrial planets can survive for a sufficiently long time, while for Gl 614 our results exclude terrestrial planets moving in stable orbits within the HZ.Comment: 14 pages, 18 figures submitted to A&

    Differential expression of immunity-related genes in larval Manduca sexta tissues in response to gut and systemic infection

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    IntroductionThe midgut epithelium functions as tissue for nutrient uptake as well as physical barrier against pathogens. Additionally, it responds to pathogen contact by production and release of various factors including antimicrobial peptides, similar to the systemic innate immune response. However, if such a response is restricted to a local stimulus or if it appears in response to a systemic infection, too is a rather underexplored topic in insect immunity. We addressed the role of the midgut and the role of systemic immune tissues in the defense against gut-borne and systemic infections, respectively.MethodsManduca sexta larvae were challenged with DAP-type peptidoglycan bacteria – Bacillus thuringiensis for local gut infection and Escherichia coli for systemic stimulation. We compared the immune response to both infection models by measuring mRNA levels of four selected immunity-related genes in midgut, fat body, hematopoietic organs (HOs), and hemocytes, and determined hemolymph antimicrobial activity. Hemocytes and HOs were tested for presence and distribution of lysozyme mRNA and protein.ResultsThe midgut and circulating hemocytes exhibited a significantly increased level of lysozyme mRNA in response to gut infection but did not significantly alter expression in response to a systemic infection. Conversely, fat body and HOs responded to both infection models by altered mRNA levels of at least one gene monitored. Most, but not all hemocytes and HO cells contain lysozyme mRNA and protein.DiscussionThese data suggest that the gut recruits immune-related tissues in response to gut infection whereas systemic infections do not induce a response in the midgut. The experimental approach implies a skewed cross-talk: An intestinal infection triggers immune activity in systemic immune organs, while a systemic infection does not elicit any or only a restricted immune response in the midgut. The HOs, which form and release hemocytes in larval M. sexta, i) synthesize lysozyme, and ii) respond to immune challenges by increased immune gene expression. These findings strongly suggest that they not only provide phagocytes for the cellular immune response but also synthesize humoral immune components

    International Olympic Committee consensus statement: Methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport 2020 (including STROBE Extension for Sport Injury and Illness Surveillance (STROBE-SIIS))

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    Injury and illness surveillance, and epidemiological studies, are fundamental elements of concerted efforts to protect the health of the athlete. To encourage consistency in the definitions and methodology used, and to enable data across studies to be compared, research groups have published 11 sport-specific or setting-specific consensus statements on sports injury (and, eventually, illness) epidemiology to date. Our objective was to further strengthen consistency in data collection, injury definitions and research reporting through an updated set of recommendations for sports injury and illness studies, including a new Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) checklist extension. The IOC invited a working group of international experts to review relevant literature and provide recommendations. The procedure included an open online survey, several stages of text drafting and consultation by working groups and a 3-day consensus meeting in October 2019. This statement includes recommendations for data collection and research reporting covering key components: defining and classifying health problems; severity of health problems; capturing and reporting athlete exposure; expressing risk; burden of health problems; study population characteristics and data collection methods. Based on these, we also developed a new reporting guideline as a STROBE Extension -the STROBE Sports Injury and Illness Surveillance (STROBE-SIIS). The IOC encourages ongoing in-and out-of-competition surveillance programmes and studies to describe injury and illness trends and patterns, understand their causes and develop measures to protect the health of the athlete. Implementation of the methods outlined in this statement will advance consistency in data collection and research reporting. © Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2020

    AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System: A Description and Reliability Study.

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    BACKGROUND CONTEXT Prior upper cervical spine injury classification systems have focused on injuries to the craniocervical junction (CCJ), atlas, and dens independently. However, no previous system has classified upper cervical spine injuries using a comprehensive system incorporating all injuries from the occiput to the C2-3 joint. PURPOSE To (1) determine the accuracy of experts at correctly classifying upper cervical spine injuries based on the recently proposed AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System (2) to determine their interobserver reliability and (3) identify the intraobserver reproducibility of the experts. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING International Multi-Center Survey PATIENT SAMPLE: A survey of international spine surgeons on 29 unique upper cervical spine injuries OUTCOME MEASURES: Classification accuracy, interobserver reliability, intraobserver reproducibility METHODS: Thirteen international AO Spine Knowledge Forum Trauma members participated in two live webinar-based classifications of 29 upper cervical spine injuries presented in random order, four weeks apart. Percent agreement with the gold-standard and kappa coefficients (ƙ) were calculated to determine the interobserver reliability and intraobserver reproducibility. RESULTS Raters demonstrated 80.8% and 82.7% accuracy with identification of the injury classification (combined location and type) on the first and second assessment, respectively. Injury classification intraobserver reproducibility was excellent (mean, [range] ƙ = 0.82 [0.58-1.00]). Excellent interobserver reliability was found for injury location (ƙ = 0.922 and ƙ= 0.912) on both assessments, while injury type was substantial (ƙ=0.689 and 0.699) on both assessments. This correlated to a substantial overall interobserver reliability (ƙ = 0.729 and 0.732). CONCLUSION Early phase validation demonstrated classification of upper cervical spine injuries using the AO Spine Upper Cervical Injury Classification System to be accurate, reliable, and reproducible. Greater than 80% accuracy was detected for injury classification. The intraobserver reproducibility was excellent, while the interobserver reliability was substantial

    Forensic age diagnostics by magnetic resonance imaging of the proximal humeral epiphysis

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    The most commonly used radiological method for age estimation of living individuals is X-ray. Computed tomography is not commonly used due to high radiation exposure, which raises ethical concerns. This problem can be solved with the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which avoids the use of ionizing radiation. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the utility of MRI analysis of the proximal humeral epiphyses for forensic age estimations of living individuals. In this study, 395 left proximal humeral epiphyses (patient age 12-30years) were evaluated with fast-spin-echo proton density-weighted image (FSE PD) sequences in a coronal oblique orientation on shoulder MRI images. A five-stage scoring system was used following the method of Dedouit et al. The intra- and interobserver reliabilities assessed using Cohen's kappa statistic were =0.818 and =0.798, respectively. According to this study, stage five first appeared at 20 and 21years of age in males and females, respectively. These results are not directly comparable to any other published study due to the lack of MRI data on proximal humeral head development. These findings may provide valuable information for legally important age thresholds using shoulder MRI. The current study demonstrates that MRI of the proximal humerus can support forensic age estimation. Further research is needed to establish a standardized protocol that can be applied worldwide

    Chronic inhibition, self-control and eating behavior: test of a 'resource depletion' model

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    The current research tested the hypothesis that individuals engaged in long-term efforts to limit food intake (e.g., individuals with high eating restraint) would have reduced capacity to regulate eating when self-control resources are limited. In the current research, body mass index (BMI) was used as a proxy for eating restraint based on the assumption that individuals with high BMI would have elevated levels of chronic eating restraint. A preliminary study (Study 1) aimed to provide evidence for the assumed relationship between eating restraint and BMI. Participants (N = 72) categorized into high or normal-range BMI groups completed the eating restraint scale. Consistent with the hypothesis, results revealed significantly higher scores on the weight fluctuation and concern for dieting subscales of the restraint scale among participants in the high BMI group compared to the normal-range BMI group. The main study (Study 2) aimed to test the hypothesized interactive effect of BMI and diminished self-control resources on eating behavior. Participants (N = 83) classified as having high or normal-range BMI were randomly allocated to receive a challenging counting task that depleted self-control resources (ego-depletion condition) or a non-depleting control task (no depletion condition). Participants then engaged in a second task in which required tasting and rating tempting cookies and candies. Amount of food consumed during the taste-and-rate task constituted the behavioral dependent measure. Regression analyses revealed a significant interaction effect of these variables on amount of food eaten in the taste-and-rate task. Individuals with high BMI had reduced capacity to regulate eating under conditions of self-control resource depletion as predicted. The interactive effects of BMI and self-control resource depletion on eating behavior were independent of trait self-control. Results extend knowledge of the role of self-control in regulating eating behavior and provide support for a limited-resource model of self-control. © 2013 Hagger et al

    Differential limit on the extremely-high-energy cosmic neutrino flux in the presence of astrophysical background from nine years of IceCube data

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    We report a quasi-differential upper limit on the extremely-high-energy (EHE) neutrino flux above 5×1065\times 10^{6} GeV based on an analysis of nine years of IceCube data. The astrophysical neutrino flux measured by IceCube extends to PeV energies, and it is a background flux when searching for an independent signal flux at higher energies, such as the cosmogenic neutrino signal. We have developed a new method to place robust limits on the EHE neutrino flux in the presence of an astrophysical background, whose spectrum has yet to be understood with high precision at PeV energies. A distinct event with a deposited energy above 10610^{6} GeV was found in the new two-year sample, in addition to the one event previously found in the seven-year EHE neutrino search. These two events represent a neutrino flux that is incompatible with predictions for a cosmogenic neutrino flux and are considered to be an astrophysical background in the current study. The obtained limit is the most stringent to date in the energy range between 5×1065 \times 10^{6} and 5×10105 \times 10^{10} GeV. This result constrains neutrino models predicting a three-flavor neutrino flux of $E_\nu^2\phi_{\nu_e+\nu_\mu+\nu_\tau}\simeq2\times 10^{-8}\ {\rm GeV}/{\rm cm}^2\ \sec\ {\rm sr}at at 10^9\ {\rm GeV}$. A significant part of the parameter-space for EHE neutrino production scenarios assuming a proton-dominated composition of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays is excluded.Comment: The version accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Self-control exertion and glucose supplementation prior to endurance performance

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    Objectives: Completion of a task requiring self-control may negatively impact on subsequent self-regulatory efforts. This study explored a) whether this effect occurs during a well-practiced endurance task, b) the potential for glucose supplementation to moderate this effect, and c) whether this effect differed over time. Method: Fourteen trained cyclists completed four simulated 16 km time trials on an electromagnetically braked cycle ergometer. Prior to each time trial, participants completed a congruent Stroop task or an incongruent Stroop task that required self-control. They also received either a glucose-based drink or placebo. Participants’ performance time and heart rate were recorded throughout the time trials. Results: Multilevel growth curve analysis revealed a significant three-way interaction between self-control, glucose, and time (b = -0.91; p = 0.02). When participants did not exert self-control (congruent Stroop) or consume glucose (placebo drink) they were slowest during the early stages of the time trial but quickest over the full distance. No differences were found in heart rate across the four conditions. Conclusions: Findings suggest that pacing may explain why self-control exertion interferes with endurance performance. Moreover, the debate revolving around depletion of self-control must consider that any observed effects may be dependent on the timing of performance inspection

    Co-expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors (flk-1 and flt-1) in hormone-induced mammary cancer in the Noble rat

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    Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is recognized to play a predominant role in breast cancer prognosis. The action of VEGF is mediated by two high-affinity receptors with ligand-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity: VEGFR-1/flt-1 and VEGFR-2/flk-1, which are expressed mainly in vascular endothelial cells. To the best of our knowledge, no previous studies on the expression of these receptors in breast cancer cells has been made. We have established a new animal model for breast cancer, using a combination of 17β-oestradiol and testosterone as ‘carcinogens’. Taking advantage of the animal model, we have demonstrated that mammary cancer cells expressed not only high levels of VEGF but also, surprisingly, its receptors (flt-1 and flk-1) in mammary cancer cells. Intense reactivities to VEGF, flt-1 and flk-1 were observed in mammary cancer cells, especially in invasive mammary carcinoma. Western blot analysis confirmed the increase in flk-1 and flt-1 proteins in induced mammary cancers. Based on these observations, we hypothesize that in mammary cancer, VEGF regulates, in addition to endothelial proliferation and angiogenesis, also growth of cancer cells by an autocrine mechanism mediated through its receptors. To further verify this hypothesis, we investigated the correlation between cellular proliferation and the expression of VEGF, flt-1 and flk-1. Using double-labelling immunocytochemistry, we have shown a correlation between high VEGF activity and Ki-67 expression. The Ki-67 indices in the areas of strong and weak VEGF reactivities were 58.3% and 3.7% respectively. Similarly, there was also a correlation of strong flk-1 and Ki-67 reactivity. The Ki-67 indices for areas of strong and weak flk-1 reactivities were 53.9% and 3.1% respectively. On the other hand, there was a reverse correlation between flt-1 and Ki-67 activities. These results indicate that overexpression of VEGF and flk-1 is correlated with high Ki-67 index. The data, therefore, suggest that VEGF may act as an autocrine growth factor for mammary cancer cells in vivo and this autocrine regulatory role may be mediated through flk-1. The present study is the first report showing that VEGF may act as a growth stimulator for mammary cancer cells. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig