611 research outputs found

    Application of a novel prioritisation strategy using non-target screening for evaluation of temporal trends (1969-2017) of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) in archived lynx muscle tissue samples

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    Most environmental monitoring studies of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) focus on aquatic species and target specific classes of CECs. Even with wide-scope target screening methods, relevant CECs may be missed. In this study, non-target screening (NTS) was used for tentative identification of potential CECs in muscle tissue of the terrestrial top predator Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx). Temporal trend analysis was applied as a prioritisation tool for archived samples, using univariate statistical tests (Mann-Kendall and Spearman rank). Pooled lynx muscle tissue collected from 1969 to 2017 was analysed with an eight-point time series using a previously validated screening workflow. Following peak detection, peak alignment, and blank subtraction, 12,941 features were considered for statistical analysis. Prioritisation by time-trend analysis detected 104 and 61 features with statistically significant increasing and decreasing trends, respectively. Following probable molecular formula assignment and elucidation with MetFrag, two compounds with increasing trends, and one with a decreasing trend, were tentatively identified. These results show that, despite low expected concentration levels and high matrix effects in terrestrial species, it is possible to prioritise CECs in archived lynx samples using NTS and univariate statistical approaches

    Microwave, infrared and Raman spectra, r0 structural parameters, ab initio calculations and vibrational assignment of 1-fluoro-1-silacyclopentanea)

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    The microwave spectrum (6500–18 500 MHz) of 1-fluoro-1-silacyclopentane, c-C4H8SiHF has been recorded and 87 transitions for the 28Si, 29Si, 30Si, and 13C isotopomers have been assigned for a single conformer. Infrared spectra (3050-350 cm−1) of the gas and solid and Raman spectrum (3100-40 cm−1) of the liquid have also been recorded. The vibrational data indicate the presence of a single conformer with no symmetry which is consistent with the twist form. Ab initio calculations with a variety of basis sets up to MP2(full)/aug-cc-pVTZ predict the envelope-axial and envelope-equatorial conformers to be saddle points with nearly the same energies but much lower energy than the planar conformer. By utilizing the microwaverotational constants for seven isotopomers (28Si, 29Si, 30Si, and four 13C) combined with the structural parameters predicted from the MP2(full)/6–311+G(d,p) calculations, adjusted r0 structural parameters have been obtained for the twist conformer. The heavy atom distances in Å are: r0(SiC2) = 1.875(3); r0(SiC3) = 1.872(3); r0(C2C4) = 1.549(3); r0(C3C5) = 1.547(3); r0(C4C5) = 1.542(3); r0(SiF) = 1.598(3) and the angles in degrees are: ∠CSiC = 96.7(5); ∠SiC2C4 = 103.6(5); ∠SiC3C5 = 102.9(5); ∠C2C4C5 = 108.4(5); ∠C3C5C4 = 108.1(5); ∠F6Si1C2 = 110.7(5); ∠F6Si1C3 = 111.6(5). The heavy atom ring parameters are compared to the corresponding rs parameters. Normal coordinate calculations with scaled force constants from MP2(full)/6–31G(d) calculations were carried out to predict the fundamental vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities, Raman activities, depolarization values, and infrared band contours. These experimental and theoretical results are compared to the corresponding quantities of some other five-membered rings

    Combined BIMA and OVRO observations of comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR)

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    We present results from an observing campaign of the molecular content of the coma of comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) carried out jointly with the millimeter-arrays of the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association (BIMA) and the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO). Using the BIMA array in autocorrelation (`single-dish') mode, we detected weak HCN J=1-0 emission from comet C/1999 S4 (LINEAR) at 14 +- 4 mK km/s averaged over the 143" beam. The three days over which emission was detected, 2000 July 21.9-24.2, immediately precede the reported full breakup of the nucleus of this comet. During this same period, we find an upper limit for HCN 1-0 of 144 mJy/beam km/s (203 mK km/s) in the 9"x12" synthesized beam of combined observations of BIMA and OVRO in cross-correlation (`imaging') mode. Together with reported values of HCN 1-0 emission in the 28" IRAM 30-meter beam, our data probe the spatial distribution of the HCN emission from radii of 1300 to 19,000 km. Using literature results of HCN excitation in cometary comae, we find that the relative line fluxes in the 12"x9", 28" and 143" beams are consistent with expectations for a nuclear source of HCN and expansion of the volatile gases and evaporating icy grains following a Haser model.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures. Uses aastex. AJ in pres

    Atomic Tunneling from a STM/AFM tip: Dissipative Quantum Effects from Phonons

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    We study the effects of phonons on the tunneling of an atom between two surfaces. In contrast to an atom tunneling in the bulk, the phonons couple very strongly, and qualitatively change the tunneling behavior. This is the first example of {\it ohmic} coupling from phonons for a two-state system. We propose an experiment in which an atom tunnels from the tip of an STM, and show how its behavior would be similar to the Macroscopic Quantum Coherence behavior predicted for SQUIDS. The ability to tune and calculate many parameters would lead to detailed tests of the standard theories. (For a general intro to this work on the on the World-Wide-Web: http://www.lassp.cornell.edu. Click on ``Entertaining Science Done Here'' and ``Quantum Tunneling of Atoms'')Comment: 12 pages, ReVTex3.0, two figures (postscript). This is a (substantially) revised version of cond-mat/9406043. More info (+ postscript text) at : http://www.lassp.cornell.edu/ardlouis/publications.htm

    Polarimetry and the Long Awaited Superoutburst of BZ UMa

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    BZ UMa is a cataclysmic variable star whose specific classification has eluded researchers since its discovery in 1968. It has outburst and spectral properties consistent with both U Gem class dwarf novae and intermediate polars. We present new photometric and polarimetric measurements of recent outbursts, including the first detected superoutburst of the system. Statistical analysis of these and archival data from outbursts over the past 40 years present a case for BZ UMa as a non-magnetic, U Gem class, SU-UMa subclass dwarf novae.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the November, 2009 issu

    Taxonomy of GRB optical light-curves: identification of a salient class of early afterglows

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    The temporal behaviour of the early optical emission from Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows can be divided in four classes: fast-rising with an early peak, slow-rising with a late peak, flat plateaus, and rapid decays since first measurement. The fast-rising optical afterglows display correlations among peak flux, peak epoch, and post-peak power-law decay index that can be explained with a structured outflow seen off-axis, but the shock origin (reverse or forward) of the optical emission cannot be determined. The afterglows with plateaus and slow-rises may be accommodated by the same model, if observer location offsets are larger than for the fast-rising afterglows, or could be due to a long-lived injection of energy and/or ejecta in the blast-wave. If better calibrated with more afterglows, the peak flux-peak epoch relation exhibited by the fast and slow-rising optical light-curves could provide a way to use this type of afterglows as standard candles.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to MNRA

    Dust and Metal Column Densities in Gamma-Ray Burst Host Galaxies

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    In this paper we present the results from the analysis of a sample of 28 gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglow spectral energy distributions, spanning the X-ray through to near-infrared wavelengths. This is the largest sample of GRB afterglow spectral energy distributions thus far studied, providing a strong handle on the optical depth distribution of soft X-ray absorption and dust-extinction systems in GRB host galaxies. We detect an absorption system within the GRB host galaxy in 79% of the sample, and an extinction system in 71% of the sample, and find the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) extinction law to provide an acceptable fit to the host galaxy extinction profile for the majority of cases, consistent with previous findings. The range in the soft X-ray absorption to dust-extinction ratio, N_{H,X}/Av, in GRB host galaxies spans almost two orders of magnitude, and the typical ratios are significantly larger than those of the Magellanic Clouds or Milky Way. Although dust destruction could be a cause, at least in part, for the large N_{H,X}/Av ratios, the good fit provided by the SMC extinction law for the majority of our sample suggests that there is an abundance of small dust grains in the GRB environment, which we would expect to have been destroyed if dust destruction were responsible for the large N_{H,X}/Av ratios. Instead, our analysis suggests that the distribution of N_{H,X}/Av in GRB host galaxies may be mostly intrinsic to these galaxies, and this is further substantiated by evidence for a strong negative correlation between N_{H,X}/Av and metallicity for a subsample of GRB hosts with known metallicity. Furthermore, we find the N_{H,X}/Av ratio and metallicity for this subsample of GRBs to be comparable to the relation found in other more metal-rich galaxies.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Second Revision of the International Staging System (R2-ISS) for Overall Survival in Multiple Myeloma: A European Myeloma Network (EMN) Report Within the HARMONY Project

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    PURPOSEPatients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) show heterogeneous outcomes, and approximately 60% of them are at intermediate-risk according to the Revised International Staging system (R-ISS), the standard-of-care risk stratification model. Moreover, chromosome 1q gain/amplification (1q+) recently proved to be a poor prognostic factor. In this study, we revised the R-ISS by analyzing the additive value of each single risk feature, including 1q+.PATIENTS AND METHODSThe European Myeloma Network, within the HARMONY project, collected individual data from 10,843 patients with NDMM enrolled in 16 clinical trials. An additive scoring system on the basis of top features predicting progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was developed and validated.RESULTSIn the training set (N = 7,072), at a median follow-up of 75 months, ISS, del(17p), lactate dehydrogenase, t(4;14), and 1q+ had the highest impact on PFS and OS. These variables were all simultaneously present in 2,226 patients. A value was assigned to each risk feature according to their OS impact (ISS-III 1.5, ISS-II 1, del(17p) 1, high lactate dehydrogenase 1, and 1q+ 0.5 points). Patients were stratified into four risk groups according to the total additive score: low (Second Revision of the International Staging System [R2-ISS]-I, 19.2%, 0 points), low-intermediate (II, 30.8%, 0.5-1 points), intermediate-high (III, 41.2%, 1.5-2.5 points), high (IV, 8.8%, 3-5 points). Median OS was not reached versus 109.2 versus 68.5 versus 37.9 months, and median PFS was 68 versus 45.5 versus 30.2 versus 19.9 months, respectively. The score was validated in an independent validation set (N = 3,771, of whom 1,214 were with complete data to calculate R2-ISS) maintaining its prognostic value.CONCLUSIONThe R2-ISS is a simple prognostic staging system allowing a better stratification of patients with intermediate-risk NDMM. The additive nature of this score fosters its future implementation with new prognostic variables

    Connexin-43 in the osteogenic BM niche regulates its cellular composition and the bidirectional traffic of hematopoietic stem cells and progenitors

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    Connexin-43 (Cx43), a gap junction protein involved in control of cell proliferation, differentiation and migration, has been suggested to have a role in hematopoiesis. Cx43 is highly expressed in osteoblasts and osteogenic progenitors (OB/P). To elucidate the biologic function of Cx43 in the hematopoietic microenvironment (HM) and its influence in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) activity, we studied the hematopoietic function in an in vivo model of constitutive deficiency of Cx43 in OB/P. The deficiency of Cx43 in OB/P cells does not impair the steady state hematopoiesis, but disrupts the directional trafficking of HSC/progenitors (Ps) between the bone marrow (BM) and peripheral blood (PB). OB/P Cx43 is a crucial positive regulator of transstromal migration and homing of both HSCs and progenitors in an irradiated microenvironment. However, OB/P Cx43 deficiency in nonmyeloablated animals does not result in a homing defect but induces increased endosteal lodging and decreased mobilization of HSC/Ps associated with proliferation and expansion of Cxcl12-secreting mesenchymal/osteolineage cells in the BM HM in vivo. Cx43 controls the cellular content of the BM osteogenic microenvironment and is required for homing of HSC/Ps in myeloablated animal

    Ispitivanje kompatibilnosti nateglinida s pomoćnim tvarima u razvoju tableta nateglinida za trenutno oslobađanje

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    Experiments were done to assess the compatibility of nateglinide with selected excipients in the development of immediate release tablets of nateglinide by thermal and isothermal stress testing (IST) techniques. To evaluate the drug-excipient compatibility, different techniques such as differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) study, infra-red (IR) spectrophotometric study and isothermal stress testing were adopted. The results of DSC study showed that magnesium stearate exhibited some interaction with nateglinide. However, the results of IR, and IST studies showed that all the excipients used in the formula were compatible with nateglinide. Optimized formulations developed using the compatible excipients were found to be stable over 3 months of accelerated stability studies (40 ± 2 C and 75 ± 5 % RH). Overall, compatibility of excipients with nateglinide was successfully evaluated using a combination of thermal and IST methods and the formulations developed using the compatible excipients were found to be stable.Koristeći termičke metode kao što su diferencijalna pretražna kalorimetrija (DSC) i infra-crvena spektrofotometrija (IR), te izotermička stres-testiranja (IST) ispitana je kompatibilnost nateglinida s izabranim ekscipiensima u razvoju tableta nateglinida za trenutno oslobađanje. Rezultati DSC ispitivanja pokazala su da magnezijev stearat stupa u određenu interakciju s nateglinidom. Međutim, IR i IST ispitivanja pokazuju da su svi upotrijebljeni ekscipiensi kompatibilni s nateglinidom. Optimirana formulacija bila je stabilna preko 3 mjeseca u testovima ubrzanog starenja (40 ± 2 C i 75 ± 5 % RH). Kompatibilnost ekscipiensa s nateglinidom uspješno je evaluirana koristeći kombinaciju termičke i IST metode, a formulacije razvijene koristeći kompatibilne ekscipiense bile su stabilne