357 research outputs found

    Syncretism of modern "concheros" : some thoughts

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    Concheros are one of the most interesting examples of the cultural and religious syncretism of modern Mexico. The main aim of this article is to present the theoretical basis for the possibility of interpretation of this phenomenon and its interpretation in anthropological terms. In this context, the analysis has been subjected to the phenomenon of magic, ritual and cultural memory in relation to danza de la conquista. The authors present a brief history of the tradition of the ritual dance in the colonial and modern communities, trying to understand their meaning and significance as a cultural activity and religious syncretism

    Herschel observations of the circumstellar environment of the two Herbig Be stars R Mon and PDS27

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    We report and analyse FIR observations of two Herbig Be stars, R Mon and PDS 27, obtained with Herschel's instruments PACS and SPIRE. We construct SEDs and derive the infrared excess. We extract line fluxes from the PACS and SPIRE spectra and construct rotational diagrams in order to estimate the excitation temperature of the gas. We derive CO, [OI] and [CI] luminosities to determine physical conditions of the gas, as well as the dominant cooling mechanism. We confirm that the Herbig Be stars are surrounded by remnants from their parental clouds, with an IR excess that mainly originates in a disc. In R Mon we detect [OI], [CI], [CII], CO (26 transitions), water and OH, while in PDS 27 we only detect [CI] and CO (8 transitions). We attribute the absence of OH and water in PDS 27 to UV photo-dissociation and photo-evaporation. From the rotational diagrams, we find several components for CO: we derive TrotT_{rot} 949±\pm90 K, 358±\pm20 K & 77±\pm12 K for R Mon, 96±\pm12 K & 31±\pm4 K for PDS 27 and 25±\pm8 K & 27±\pm6 K for their respective compact neighbours. The forsterite feature at 69μ\mum was not detected in either of the sources, probably due to the lack of (warm) crystalline dust in a flat disc. We find that cooling by molecules is dominant in the Herbig Be stars, while this is not the case in Herbig Ae stars where cooling by [OI] dominates. Moreover, we show that in the Herbig Be star R Mon, outflow shocks are the dominant gas heating mechanism, while in Herbig Ae stars this is stellar. The outflow of R Mon contributes to the observed line emission by heating the gas, both in the central spaxel/beam covering the disc and the immediate surroundings, as well as in those spaxels/beams covering the parabolic shell around it. PDS 27, a B2 star, has dispersed a large part of its gas content and/or destroyed molecules; this is likely given its intense UV field.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    International Cooperation — International Organizations

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    This chapter is devoted to the international organization as the legal form of international coop- eration. It begins with an historical analysis, in which the author refers to the examples of ancient Greece and the local forms of cooperation between city-states, which are considered the precursors of today’s international organizations. The author subsequently discusses the historical changes over the last two centuries that gave rise to contemporary international organizations. Examples cited include universal and regional organizations such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe, the European Union, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The author uses these examples as the basis for examining the goals of international cooperation as well as the principles and axiology of international organizations. Particular attention is paid to the goals of the international community, such as ensuring international peace and security, building common collective security, developing the principles of a democratic state of law, and developing the protection of human rights. In the following part, the author considers the attributes of an international organization that determine effective international cooperation. These include the right to conclude international agreements, the right to send and receive diplomatic representatives, the right to bring international claims, and the obligation to bear international responsibility. Conclusions regarding the role of states in creating international organizations and equipping them with specific competences in the sphere of international relations are important in this respect. This is fundamentally a question about the scope of subjectivity and legal capacity to act in the sphere of international law. In the penultimate part, the author considers the role of the organs of an inter- national organization in making cooperation more effective and introduces categories of organs by dividing them according to various criteria. The paper ends with reflections on the changing needs of states and the international community that affect the goal of international cooperation and the legal form of its implementation, i.e., an international organization

    Far infrared CO and H2_2O emission in intermediate-mass protostars

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    Intermediate-mass young stellar objects (YSOs) provide a link to understand how feedback from shocks and UV radiation scales from low to high-mass star forming regions. Aims: Our aim is to analyze excitation of CO and H2_2O in deeply-embedded intermediate-mass YSOs and compare with low-mass and high-mass YSOs. Methods: Herschel/PACS spectral maps are analyzed for 6 YSOs with bolometric luminosities of Lbol102103L_\mathrm{bol}\sim10^2 - 10^3 LL_\odot. The maps cover spatial scales of 104\sim 10^4 AU in several CO and H2_2O lines located in the 55210\sim55-210 μ\mum range. Results: Rotational diagrams of CO show two temperature components at Trot320T_\mathrm{rot}\sim320 K and Trot700800T_\mathrm{rot}\sim700-800 K, comparable to low- and high-mass protostars probed at similar spatial scales. The diagrams for H2_2O show a single component at Trot130T_\mathrm{rot}\sim130 K, as seen in low-mass protostars, and about 100100 K lower than in high-mass protostars. Since the uncertainties in TrotT_\mathrm{rot} are of the same order as the difference between the intermediate and high-mass protostars, we cannot conclude whether the change in rotational temperature occurs at a specific luminosity, or whether the change is more gradual from low- to high-mass YSOs. Conclusions: Molecular excitation in intermediate-mass protostars is comparable to the central 10310^{3} AU of low-mass protostars and consistent within the uncertainties with the high-mass protostars probed at 31033\cdot10^{3} AU scales, suggesting similar shock conditions in all those sources.Comment: Accepted to Astronomy & Astrophysics. 4 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Feedback from deeply embedded low- and high-mass protostars. Surveying hot molecular gas with Herschel

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    Protostars interact violently with their natal cocoons within dense molecular clouds. Characterizing this feedback is key to understanding the efficiency of the star formation process and the chemical processing of material that will be available for planet formation. In this thesis, the imprints of physical processes on molecular gas are analyzed using state-of-the-art far-infrared spectroscopy from Herschel / PACS. Interpretation of the origin of far-infrared line emission allows us to quantify the physical conditions and the role of shocks and ultraviolet radiation during the 'kindergarten years' of low- and high-mass protostars.UBL - phd migration 201

    Współczesne metody badań stosowane w konserwacji historycznej broni czarnoprochowej. Przedstawienie dostępnych metod badawczych wraz z ich aplikacją na wybranych obiektach muzealnych

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    Modern research methods used in conservation of historical black powder weapon Presentation of available research methods along with their application to selected museum exhibitsThe article outlines preliminary methods of research used in conservation of black-powder weapon. The research which have been carried out are presented along with the discussion of their characteristics and the results obtained. The scope of research was very wide and concerned the technological structures of wooden and metal elements and the state of their preservation. Despite the very wide scope of issues discussed, the suggested methods of research is not exhaustive. Continuation of research work is envisaged. However, the results obtained can be successfully applied not only to black-powder weapon, but also to metal artistic craftwork in general

    Współczesne metody badań stosowane w konserwacji historycznej broni czarnoprochowej. Przedstawienie dostępnych metod badawczych wraz z ich aplikacją na wybranych obiektach muzealnych

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    Modern research methods used in conservation of historical black powder weapon Presentation of available research methods along with their application to selected museum exhibitsThe article outlines preliminary methods of research used in conservation of black-powder weapon. The research which have been carried out are presented along with the discussion of their characteristics and the results obtained. The scope of research was very wide and concerned the technological structures of wooden and metal elements and the state of their preservation. Despite the very wide scope of issues discussed, the suggested methods of research is not exhaustive. Continuation of research work is envisaged. However, the results obtained can be successfully applied not only to black-powder weapon, but also to metal artistic craftwork in general

    Autophagy : a new insight into pathogenesis and treatment possibilities in age-related macular degeneration

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    Zwyrodnienie plamki związane z wiekiem (AMD – age-related macular degeneration) to obecnie istotny problem zdrowotny, bowiem w krajach rozwiniętych jest jedną z najczęstszych przyczyn utraty widzenia centralnego u osób powyżej 50. roku życia. Patogeneza AMD jest wieloczynnikowa i niedokładnie poznana. Wśród czynników odpowiedzialnych za rozwój choroby wymienia się, poza naturalnym procesem starzenia się siatkówki, nasilony stres oksydacyjny, nadmierną aktywację dopełniacza, tlące się przewlekłe zapalenie w przestrzeni podsiatkówkowej, uwarunkowania genetyczne i środowiskowe. W ostatnim czasie zwrócono uwagę na zaburzenia procesów autofagii jako wiodącej przyczyny rozwoju AMD. Autofagia jest mechanizmem komórkowym, polegającym na eliminowaniu zużytych lub uszkodzonych fragmentów i składników komórki, pozwalającym osiągnąć komórce dynamiczną równowagę między syntezą a rozkładem jej komponentów, umożliwia zatem przeżycie komórki w warunkach stresowych. Zaburzenia tych mechanizmów w postaci ich nadmiernej aktywacji lub inhibicji prowadzą do rozwoju wielu patologii. Autofagia pełni zatem podwójną rolę, jest odpowiedzialna zarówno za ochronę, jak i za śmierć komórki. W pracy przybliżono mechanizmy autofagii oraz jej znaczenie w fizjologicznym procesie starzenia się komórek siatkówki oraz omówiono istotny wpływ jej zaburzeń na rozwój zmian zwyrodnieniowych w plamce jakim jest AMD. Przedstawiono także potencjalny wpływ leczenia doszklistkowymi iniekcjami czynników anty-VEGF na zjawiska autofagii w siatkówce oraz możliwe nowe terapie AMD oparte na modulowaniu zjawiska autofagii.Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a significant problem in healthcare, because it is a leading cause of central vision loss in individuals over 50 years old in well-developed countries. Pathogenesis of AMD is multifactorial and still not completely understood. Proven risk factors include the following: natural senescence of retina, oxidative stress, complement activation, chronic subretinal inflammatory reaction, genetic and environmental factors. Data on links between autophagy and AMD development are being raised. Autophagy is a cellular process involving the degradation of long-lived proteins and damaged fragments and components of cells; it is responsible for the maintenance of dynamic intracellular homeostasis and it enables cell survival under stress conditions. Disturbances of autophagy mechanisms, i.e. its activation or inhibition, may lead to the development of many various pathologies. Thus, autophagy plays a dual role, as a mechanism responsible for protecting or killing cells. The paper describes autophagy mechanisms and their role in the natural process of retinal cells senescence and presents the autophagy impairment as a crucial cause of AMD development. We also describe the impact of intravitreal anti-VEGF therapy on retinal autophagy mechanisms and potential new therapeutic modalities for AMD based on autophagy modulation