119 research outputs found

    Development of areas of World Exhibitions: search of urbanity: case study of Milan

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    Great events, which the World Exhibitions, held periodically since the end of the 18th century, certainly are, occupy a position somewhere between science and entertainment, culture and consumption. Facilities erected especially for this occasion and development of the allocated areas are by definition temporal structures, which are to be disassembled or transformed after they have fulfilled their function. These areas, even after dozens of years, or even more, still remain areas that stand out in the structure of the city. Milan, the capital of the Italian region of Lombardy, so far has been the host of the World Exhibitions twice, with the time interval of over 100 years. The areas and facilities that remained after the first of them were subjected to a secondary development. In one of the locations of the exhibition from 1906 a large-scale mixed-use development is being implemented, which is intended to create a great part of the future urban fabric of the city. In this paper, the Author shall analyse the current spatial structure, in particular the quality of the emerging tissue, the relations that occur within it, and the possible links with the neighbouring areas. On the basis of the literature available, the Author shall distinguish several criteria which should be satisfied by systems described as urban and shall specify how they are implemented and whether it is possible to find the concept of urbanity in the described area

    Using SAT solvers to finding short cycles in cryptographic algorithms

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    A desirable property of iterated cryptographic algorithms, such as stream ciphers or pseudo-random generators, is the lack of short cycles. Many of the previously mentioned algorithms are based on the use of linear feedback shift registers (LFSR) and nonlinear feedback shift registers (NLFSR) and their combination. It is currently known how to construct LFSR to generate a bit sequence with a maximum period, but there is no such knowledge in the case of NLFSR. The latter would be useful in cryptography application (to have a few taps and relatively low algebraic degree). In this article, we propose a simple method based on the generation of algebraic equations to describe iterated cryptographic algorithms and find their solutions using an SAT solver to exclude short cycles in algorithms such as stream ciphers or nonlinear feedback shift register (NLFSR). Thanks to the use of AIG graphs, it is also possible to fully automate our algorithm, and the results of its operation are comparable to the results obtained by manual generation of equations. We present also the results of experiments in which we successfully found short cycles in the NLFSRs used in KSG, Grain-80, Grain-128 and Grain-128a stream ciphers and also in stream ciphers Bivium and Trivium (without constants used in the initialization step)

    The melanization reaction in Drosophila: More than black or white

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    The melanization reaction is a rapid and important immune mechanism in arthropods. It results in the production of melanin at the site of injury and around invading microbes. The enzymes responsible for melanogenesis are phenoloxidases (PO), which catalyze the oxidation of phenols to quinones, which then polymerize into melanin. A by-product of melanogenesis are cytotoxic compounds that can pose a threat to the host organism itself due to their unspecific effects. Melanogenesis is therefore tightly regulated: POs are produced in an inactive form as prophenoloxidases (PPOs), which get activated by the sequential cleavage of an extracellular serine protease (SP) cascade. The aims of this PhD thesis were to better understand the melanization reaction in Drosophila melanogaster, at both the effector and the regulation levels. D. melanogaster has three PPO genes. We generated for the first time a mutant for the third PPO gene, PPO3, and analyzed its function. We demonstrated that PPO3 has an important role in the melanotic encapsulation reaction, a defense mechanism against parasitization. Additionally, we extended our knowledge about the other PPOs, PPO1 and PPO2. We confirmed their role in the defense against septic infections and ascribed a new role for PPO2 in the melanotic encapsulation. The use of single or combined mutations allowed us to show that each PPO mutant has a specific phenotype, and that knocking out two of three genes is required to abolish a particular function completely. Thus, Drosophila PPOs have partially overlapping functions to optimize melanization. Finally, we demonstrated that PPO3 is the result of a gene duplication of PPO2, restricted to a subgroup of Drosophila, and likely evolved as an additional defense mechanism in the cellular encapsulation process, probably due to the evolutionary pressure from parasitoid wasps. In the second part of this thesis, we re-addressed the roles and functions of three SPs involved in the melanization process. We developed a novel screening method for defects in melanization by infecting flies with a low-dose of S. aureus. We found that only one of the three SPs, Sp7, is involved in survival upon septic infections. Additionally, we demonstrated that the melanization reaction resulting in the clearance of systemic infections is regulated by extracellular components of the Toll pathway. While a connection between the SPs regulating the melanization and the Toll pathway was found in other insects, our study provides the first demonstration in D. melanogaster. We also present evidence of a disconnect between the melanin production at wound sites and the melanization reaction resulting in the clearance of infections, indicating a role of cytotoxic compounds in the killing of microbes. Finally, we ascribed a new role to Hayan, another SP implicated in melanization. Hayan is dispensable for the clearance of septic infections, but is important for wound melanization. We also demonstrated that Hayan plays an important role in the activation of the Toll pathway. Hayan, together with the SP Persephone, is necessary to activate Toll after infection. We propose that both Hayan and Persephone are the result of a recent gene duplication event. This can explain why they still have overlapping functions, but these genes also show signs of early sub-functionalization. Collectively, our work provides important insights on both melanization and the activation of the Toll pathway

    A rapid method to monitor parasitoid infestations in Drosophila suzukii populations

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    Parasitoide Wespen tragen zur Kon­trol­le von Insektenpopulationen bei und sind daher ein wichtiger Baustein zur biologischen Bekämpfung invasiver Schädlinge. Während der Ausbreitung von invasiven Schädlingen in neue Gebiete folgen ihnen häufig Parasitoide aus ihren Heimatregionen nach. Die Überwachung der einheimischen und der adventiven Parasitoidpopulationen und die Auswertung ihres Erfolgs bei der Reduzierung von Schädlingspopulationen im Freiland ist aufwändig, und beruht meist auf langwierigen Parasitierungs- und Schlupfversuchen. Wir haben eine schnelle und kostengünstige Methode zum Nachweis von Parasitoiden bei der invasiven Kirschessigfliege, Drosophila suzukii, entwickelt. Sie basiert auf dem Amplifizieren der Hymenoptera-spezifischen 28S rRNA Sequenz von DNA oder RNA aus Fliegenpuppen, welche den Nachweis von Parasitoiden bis auf Artniveau ermöglicht.Parasitoid wasps are efficient natural enemies of other insects. They are in focus as an important biological pest management element to control invasive pest species. While spreading into new areas these invasive pests are often followed by their natural parasitoids from their home regions. The monitoring of native and adventive parasitoids, and their success in controlling the pest populations in the field, is cumbersome and relies mainly on hatching experiments. Here, we present a rapid method to detect parasitoid infestations in the invasive agricultural pest Drosophila suzukii. We specifically amplified a hymenopteran 28S rRNA sequence from DNA or RNA extracted from fly pupae. This allowed the determination of parasitoid infestations at the species level

    Investigating urban form, and walkability measures in the new developments: the case study of Garnizon in Gdansk

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    Sustainable transport choices are gaining much attention as they may support the global shift towards reducing the carbon footprint and developing more energy-efficient cities. The relation between urban form and sus- tainable transport has been discussed by academics and practitioners and there is a consensus that specific pa- rameters of urban form can encourage walking and discourage car use. Following global recommendations on sustainable development, countries take steps towards strengthening pedestrian accessibility by implementing spatial characteristics of walkable neighbourhoods, but also by mobility and urban design strategies. This issue, however, is not properly recognised in countries with short experience in sustainable urban development, such as former socialist countries. In Poland no studies on walkability-related parameters of urban form have been carried out, hence the knowledge in this field is limited. This paper aims to address this gap by providing evi- dence of a newly built urban district located in Gdansk, Poland. We present the Polish case with three examples of new urban districts from Western Europe, that are designed as sustainable and walkable environments. The methodology is based on the descriptive case study. It includes characteristics of design parameters namely the components of the “walkability index” as well as mobility solutions and urban design guidelines. The results show the current position of Garnizon development in relation to the Western European cases with regard to the existing post-communist legacy and allow for indicating differences and possible shortcomings. Additionally, the study results can be discussed in the context of improving the quality of the housing environment in Poland through pedestrian-oriented development strategiesPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Locked in syndrome - a case report

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    Zespół zamknięcia jest stosunkowo rzadkim zespołem niedokrwiennym, powstającym najczęściej na skutek zmian miażdżycowych w naczyniach układu kręgowo-podstawnego. Innymi przyczynami powstania zespołu mogą być: uraz, krwotok mózgowy, zabiegi manualne na odcinku szyjnym kręgosłupa oraz anomalie w zakresie koła tętniczego. Wiek występowania jest różny - opisano przypadek rocznego dziecka z pourazowym zespołem zamknięcia. Najczęściej jednak występuje w wieku średnim, z podobną częstotliwością u kobiet i mężczyzn. Przebieg i rokowanie są różne - część chorych przeżywa kilka lat, część umiera w ostrej fazie zachorowania. Autorzy przedstawili opis przypadku młodego, dotychczas zdrowego mężczyzny, mającego jedynie okresowe wzrosty ciśnienia tętniczego, które nie były leczone. Pacjenta przyjęto z powodu nagłego bólu głowy, zaburzeń mowy, osłabienia kończyn prawych i stanów podgorączkowych. W badaniach dodatkowych wykazano leukocytozę, niewielkie odchylenia w układzie krzepnięcia oraz profilu lipidowym. Przebieg choroby był powikłany zapaleniem krwotocznym dwunastnicy i anemią. W trakcie leczenia wystąpił drugi udar, po którym stwierdzono zespół zamknięcia z towarzyszącymi zaburzeniami oddechowymi. Badanie tomograficzne głowy i angiografia rezonansu magnetycznego 2-krotnie wykazały zmiany miażdżycowe. Opisany przypadek porównano z przedstawionymi w literaturze podobnymi zespołami, których nie jest dużo, a które również miały przebieg powikłany i zakończyły się zgonem.Locked in syndrome is a very rare stroke caused by a primary vascular or traumatic injury to the brainstem in regio vascularisationis vertebrobasilar artery corresponding to the ventral pons lesion due to an obstruction of the basilar artery. The signs are: upper motor neuron quadriplegia, paralysis of cranial nerves, anarthria, with preserved consciousiones. Patient has presented vertical eye movements and movements of the eyelids (blinking). That is the means to responding to the world. The principal causes are: atheromathosis (the most frequently), haemorrhagic stroke, trauma and cervical manipulation and Willis's circles abnormality. The age when this syndrome may occur is middle age, equally frequent in men and women but on describe 1-years old children with this syndrome. We present our patient with this syndrome. It was a young men, who worked in the mine and never been at the hospital. He had a stroke with aphasia and hemiplegia on the right and duodenitis haemmorhagica. Blood examinations showed: lipids fractions abnormality, CT and angio MRI showed atheromatosis. After 27 days it was a second stroke with lockedin syndrome and with respiratory dysfunction. Ct control showed left side pons leasion. We find in the literature a few cases of this syndrome, some of them alived (average time is about 3 years), some died during acute phase of illness. The complications was: pneumonia, respiratory abnormality, very strong trauma with the occlusion of both vertebral artery). We compared our cases with others and described the history of the patients who alived

    Drosophila innate immunity: regional and functional specialization of prophenoloxidases

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    The diversification of immune systems during evolution involves the expansion of particular gene families in given phyla. A better understanding of the metazoan immune system requires an analysis of the logic underlying such immune gene amplification. This analysis is now within reach due to the ease with which we can generate multiple mutations in an organism. In this paper, we analyze the contribution of the three Drosophila prophenoloxidases (PPOs) to host defense by generating single, double and triple mutants. PPOs are enzymes that catalyze the production of melanin at the site of infection and around parasites. They are the rate-limiting enzymes that contribute to the melanization reaction, a major immune mechanism of arthropods. The number of PPO-encoding genes is variable among insects, ranging from one in the bee to ten in the mosquito

    Remote Control of Intestinal Stem Cell Activity by Haemocytes in Drosophila

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    The JAK/STAT pathway is a key signaling pathway in the regulation of development and immunity in metazoans. In contrast to the multiple combinatorial JAK/STAT pathways in mammals, only one canonical JAK/STAT pathway exists in Drosophila. It is activated by three secreted proteins of the Unpaired family (Upd): Upd1, Upd2 and Upd3. Although many studies have established a link between JAK/STAT activation and tissue damage, the mode of activation and the precise function of this pathway in the Drosophila systemic immune response remain unclear. In this study, we used mutations in upd2 and upd3 to investigate the role of the JAK/STAT pathway in the systemic immune response. Our study shows that haemocytes express the three upd genes and that injury markedly induces the expression of upd3 by the JNK pathway in haemocytes, which in turn activates the JAK/STAT pathway in the fat body and the gut. Surprisingly, release of Upd3 from haemocytes upon injury can remotely stimulate stem cell proliferation and the expression of Drosomycin-like genes in the intestine. Our results also suggest that a certain level of intestinal epithelium renewal is required for optimal survival to septic injury. While haemocyte-derived Upd promotes intestinal stem cell activation and survival upon septic injury, haemocytes are dispensable for epithelium renewal upon oral bacterial infection. Our study also indicates that intestinal epithelium renewal is sensitive to insults from both the lumen and the haemocoel. It also reveals that release of Upds by haemocytes coordinates the wound-healing program in multiple tissues, including the gut, an organ whose integrity is critical to fly survival