302 research outputs found

    The use of an e-learning constructivist solution in workplace learning

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    We wished to investigate whether an e-learning approach which uses constructivist principles can be successfully applied to train employees in a highly specialised skill thought to require expert individuals and extensive prolonged training. The approach involved the development of an e-learning package which included simulations and interactivity, then experimental testing in a case study workplace environment with the collection of both quantitative and qualitative data to assess the effectiveness of the package. Our study shows that this e-learning strategy improved the skills of the inexperienced operator significantly. We therefore propose that such programmes could be used as a work based training aid and used as a model system for the training of employees in complex skilled tasks in the workplace. This research demonstrates that the e-learning can be applied outside the traditional learning environment to train unskilled employees to undertake complex practical tasks which traditionally would involve prohibitively expensive instruction. This work also illustrates that simulations and interactivity are powerful tools in the design of successful e-learning packages in preparing learners for real world practical situations. Finally this study shows that workplace learners can be better served by elearning environments rather than conventional training as they allow asynchronous learning and private study which are valued by employees who have other demands on their time and are more comfortable receiving tuition privately Relevance to industry: E-learning using constructivist principles, and incorporating simulations and interactivity can be used successfully in the training of highly specialised and skilled tasks required in the modern workplace

    Multivariate restricted maximum likelihood estimation of genetic parameters for growth, carcass and meat quality traits in French Large White and French Landrace pigs

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    Genetic parameters of 7 traits measured in central test stations - average daily gain (ADG1), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and backfat thickness (ABT) measured on candidates for selection, and average daily gain (ADG2), dressing percentage (DP), estimated carcass lean content (ECLC) and meat quality index (MQI) measured in slaughtered relatives - were estimated for the Large White (LW) and French Landrace (LR) breeds using a derivative free restricted maximum likelihood (DF-REML) procedure applied to a multiple trait individual animal model. The data consisted of 2 sets of records (3 671 and 3 630 candidates, 3 039 and 2 695 slaughtered animals in, respectively, LW and LR breeds) collected at 3 different stations from 1985-1990 (LW) or 1980-1990 (LR). The models included additive genetic value, common environment of birth litter and residual random effects, a fixed year x station x batch or year x station x slaughter date effect and, for traits measured in slaughtered animals, a fixed sex effect and a covariable (weight at the beginning or at the end of the test period). Heritabilities of ADG1, ABT, FCR, ADG2, DP, ECLC and MQI were respectively 0.30, 0.64, 0.22, 0.52, 0.39, 0.60, 0.33 in the LW and 0.34, 0.56, 0.25, 0.46, 0.31, 0.68, 0.23 in the LR breed. Common litter effects ranged from 5% (ABT in LW breed) to 16% (ADG2 in LR breed) of phenotypic variance. Growth traits and FCR exhibited favourable genetic correlations, but were unfavourably correlated to DP and carcass lean content. MQI also showed unfavourable though generally low genetic correlations with all the other traits. These antagonisms were apparent in both breeds, but tended to be larger in the LW than in the LR breed.Les paramètres génétiques de sept caractères mesurés dans les stations publiques de contrôle de performance - le gain moyen quotidien (GMQ1), l’indice de consommation (IC) et l’épaisseur de lard (ELD) mesurés sur les candidats à la sélection ainsi que le gain moyen quotidien (GMQ2), le rendement de carcasse (RDT), le pourcentage de muscle (PM) et l’indice de qualité de la viande (IQV) mesurés sur des apparentés abattus - ont été estimés pour les races Large White (LW) et Landrace français (LR) à l’aide du maximum de vraisemblance restreinte appliqué à un modèle animal multicaractères. Deux fichiers de tailles comparables (3 671 et 3 630 candidats, 3 039 et 2 695 animaux abattus, respectivement, pour les races LW et LR) ont été constitués à partir des données collectées dans trois stations au cours des périodes 1985-90 (LW) et 1980-90 (LR). Les modèles d’analyse incluaient les effets aléatoires de la valeur génétique additive de l’animal, du milieu commun de la portée de naissance, l’effet fixé de l’année x station x bande ou de l’année x station x date d’abattage et, pour les caractères mesurés chez les animaux abattus, l’effet fixé du sexe et une covariable (poids au début ou à la fin du contrôle). Les valeurs d’héritabilité de GMQ1, ELD, IC, GMQ2, RDT, PM et IQV s’élèvent respectivement à 0,30; 0,64; 0,22; 0,52; 0,39; 0,60; 0,33 en race LW et 0,34; 0,56; 0,25; 0,46; 0,31; 0,68; 0,23 en race LR. Les effets de milieu commun de la portée de naissance représentent de 5% (ELD en race LW) à 16% (GMQ2 en race GR) de la variance phénotypique. La croissance et l’indice de consommation présentent entre eux des corrélations génétiques favorables, mais sont corrélés de façon défavorable au rendement et au taux de muscle de la carcasse. L’IQV présente également des corrélations génétiques défavorables, bien qu’en général faibles, avec l’ensemble des autres caractères. Ces antagonismes existent dans les deux races, mais tendent à être plus marqués en race LW que LR

    A new Robertsonian translocation in Holstein-Friesian cattle

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    A new Robertsonian translocation was found in a cow of the Holstein-Friesian breed. GTG-banding allowed us to elucidate the anomaly as a centric fusion between chromosomes 19 and 21. CBG-banding demonstrated that the translocated chromosome was dicentric. Cytogenetic investigation of the relatives of the translocated animal revealed two other carriers.Une nouvelle translocation robertsonienne a été mise en évidence chez une vache de race Holstein. La coloration en bandes GTG nous a permis d’identifier les chromosomes impliqués dans la translocation. Il s’agit des chromosomes 19 et 21. La coloration en bandes CBG montre que le chromosome transloqué est dicentrique. Une analyse cytogénétique des apparentés de l’animal porteur a permis de mettre en évidence aux autres animaux porteurs

    Statistically Optimized Inversion Algorithm for Enhanced Retrieval of Aerosol Properties from Spectral Multi-Angle Polarimetric Satellite Observations

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    The proposed development is an attempt to enhance aerosol retrieval by emphasizing statistical optimization in inversion of advanced satellite observations. This optimization concept improves retrieval accuracy relying on the knowledge of measurement error distribution. Efficient application of such optimization requires pronounced data redundancy (excess of the measurements number over number of unknowns) that is not common in satellite observations. The POLDER imager on board the PARASOL microsatellite registers spectral polarimetric characteristics of the reflected atmospheric radiation at up to 16 viewing directions over each observed pixel. The completeness of such observations is notably higher than for most currently operating passive satellite aerosol sensors. This provides an opportunity for profound utilization of statistical optimization principles in satellite data inversion. The proposed retrieval scheme is designed as statistically optimized multi-variable fitting of all available angular observations obtained by the POLDER sensor in the window spectral channels where absorption by gas is minimal. The total number of such observations by PARASOL always exceeds a hundred over each pixel and the statistical optimization concept promises to be efficient even if the algorithm retrieves several tens of aerosol parameters. Based on this idea, the proposed algorithm uses a large number of unknowns and is aimed at retrieval of extended set of parameters affecting measured radiation

    Remote sensing of aerosols by using polarized, directional and spectral measurements within the A-Train: the PARASOL mission

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    Instruments dedicated to aerosol monitoring are recently available and the POLDER (POLarization and Directionality of the Earth's Reflectances) instrument on board the PARASOL (Polarization & Anisotropy of Reflectances for Atmospheric Sciences coupled with Observations from a Lidar) mission is one of them. By measuring the spectral, angular and polarization properties of the radiance at the top of the atmosphere, in coordination with the other A-Train instruments, PARASOL provides the aerosol optical depths (AOD) as well as several optical and microphysical aerosol properties. The instrument, the inversion schemes and the list of aerosol parameters are described. Examples of retrieved aerosol parameters are provided as well as innovative approaches and further inversion techniques

    Екологія: наукова сутність, об'єкти досліджень, завдання

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    Розкрита суть чотирьох основних розділів екології: аутекології, демекології, синекології та екосистемології; описані об’єкти, предмет і завдання останньої. Визначена роль розумової і виробничої діяльности людства як зовнішнього збурювального чинника щодо живих систем і як організатора соціосфери. Обґрунтовані завдання екосистемології у теперішніх геосоціальних умовах.The matters of the four main divisions in ecology, such as autecology, demecology, synecology and ecosystemology have been uncovered. The objects, subjects and assignments of the latter were described too. A part of mankind’s mental and industrial activities, which are outside disturbing factors for biosystems and sociosphere organisers, has been determined. The assignments of ecosystemology within present geosocial condition were well grounded in the article