444 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic Imbalances in the World Economy

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    This paper explores the emergence of large current account imbalances in a few large countries, the factors behind the emergence, the role of those imbalances in the financial crisis of 2008-09, and the implications of achieving global balance. Imbalances reflect a country’s net savings and suggest that growth in GDP of a surplus country is partly dependent upon growth in external demand of deficit countries. Although a country can incur a surplus or deficit for ever, we suggest that the increasing surpluses of relatively large and rapidly growing countries is likely to be destabilizing to global growth in the long-run. The adjustment will likely require a surplus country, such as China, to rely more on domestic demand for growth while a deficit country, such as the U.S., may need to rely more on external demand for growth. We suggest the Eurozone imbalances are not directly linked to U.S. imbalances. There are a variety of potential causes of global imbalances including excess savings in surplus countries, the twin deficit hypothesis, the export-led growth hypothesis, and the possible miss-measurement of the U.S. current account due to repatriation of profits from U.S. owned foreign affiliates. However, whatever the combination of causes of the growing imbalances, adjustments need to be made to return to long-terms sustainable growth.International Relations/Trade,

    Yoga in the Modern World: The Search for the Authentic Practice

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    Western yoga practitioners and academics alike have become preoccupied in recent years with the thought of modernized, Western yoga practice existing in contrast to the transcendental, “classical” yoga of the East. This has led to the assumption that somewhere beneath all the diversity and transformation of contemporary yoga there exists (presumably in India) a monolithic core of yoga philosophy and practice. But is this dichotomy accurate? Did such an untainted tradition ever exist? If so, what did it look like, and what does it look like today? With this paper, I seek to challenge the commonly held perception that yoga in modern America is a tainted tradition, sorely distilled and dissected in relation to its Eastern counterpart. Rather, I argue that the stereotypical East versus West, spiritual versus material dichotomies related to yoga practice are a figment of popular imagination. Yoga in America is not simply a cultural product of India that underwent a linear transformation after its introduction into Western culture. Rather, it exemplifies the theory of “cultural hybridity,” undergoing perpetual and interconnected transformation in India and in the West concurrently

    Reading Gains of Students in a College Reading Laboratory

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    In this study, non-content related reading instruction was provided in a laboratory setting through a semester-long course which met for three hours per week. Students receive grade points for the course, but the course does not count for graduation credit

    Intravascular absorption syndrome : case report of a life-threatening complication during hysteroscopy

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    A 40-year old, healthy woman underwent hysteroscopic endometrial ablation with a bipolar electrocautery using 0.9% saline as distension fluid. After 45 minutes of surgery, arterial oxygen saturation decreased and liquid was obstructing the laryngeal mask. With an estimated total fluid deficit of 5000 mL, fluid overload was suspected and the patient's trachea was intubated. Furosemide was given intravenously and a urinary catheter was inserted. The intra-abdominal pressure, measured through the urinary catheter, was 28 mmHg. As ventilation became unfeasible, the patient became cyanotic and no clear pulse could be detected, cardiopulmonary resuscitation was started. In order to decrease the abdominal pressure, a laparotomy was performed and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation was started to increase the arterial oxygenation. After one week in the Intensive Care Unit, the patient was extubated and gradually recovered without further complications nor residual morbidity. The pathophysiological aspects of the evolution to severe pulmonary edema due to massive fluid translocation during operative hysteroscopy, and the rationale behind the successful interventions are being discussed. Close continuous monitoring of the amount of fluid deficit should be performed to avoid severe fluid overload during operative hysteroscopy. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation can be life-saving to bridge the period of desaturation until standard treatment suffices to provide adequate oxygenation

    Some suggestions for the teacher\u27s use of cloze

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    The reading specialist is the appropriate person for administering and interpreting cloze tests and results

    Uppfostringsstilar och uppfattningar om föräldraskap : en deskriptiv kvalitativ analys

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmä. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnäytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet på nätet eller endast tillgängliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Denna pro gradu-avhandlings syfte var att undersöka och klarlägga olika typer av föräldrakontroll och därmed även föräldrars uppfostringsstilar. Problemformuleringen baserade sig på frågor om vad för slags föräldrakontroll föräldrar utövar, på vilket sätt den tar sig i uttryck, uppfostringsstilar samt vad för uppfattning föräldrar har om sitt eget och andras föräldraskap. Den tidsmässiga tyngdpunkten låg på dagens moderna samhälle men även en kort historik presenterades. Som teoretisk referensram fungerade Diana Baumrinds (1966) typologi om föräldrakontroll samt Bronfenbrenners (1979) ekologiska system teori som stomme. Hautamäkis (1997) fyrfältsmodell om föräldrakontroll, forskningsresultat av Aunola & al. (1998, 2001)samt övrig forskning inom föräldragenren kompletterade ytterligare teorierna. Det empiriska materialet bestod av 12 temaintervjuer med i Helsingfors boende mödrar i åldern 27 till 39 år med barn i åldern 3 veckor till 15 år. Ingen av mödrarna saknade utbildning, sju av mödrarna hade utbildning på yrkes- eller läroverksnivå och fem av mödrarna var högskoleutbildade. Temaintervjuerna utfördes i enlighet med en på förhand uppgjord temastruktur. Då materialet analyserades utgående från Baumrinds typologi kunde man konstatera att sex av mödrarna placerade sig inom ramarna för tillåtande föräldrakontroll, fyra av mödrarna inom ramarna för auktoritativ föräldrakontroll medan de två sista mödrarna visade drag av auktoritär föräldrakontroll. Det intressanta i denna analys låg i att samtliga mödrar som placerade sig inom den tillåtande föräldrakontrollen var mödrar till sitt första barn som i ålder var under 14 månader gammalt. De mödrar som utövade auktoritativ eller auktoritär föräldrakontroll levde alla, förutom en, i en familj som även innefattade äldre barn. På basis av denna analys kunde en intressant fråga ställas - kunde man anta att mödrarnas uppfostringsstil var starkt situationsbunden och varierade beroende på barnets ålder? Ytterligare analys ledde till att det kunde konstateras att mödrarnas uppfattning om det egna föräldraskapet samt föräldraskap i allmänhet inte hade någon direkt koppling med den typ av föräldrakontroll de utövade. De faktorer som kunde kopplas ihop med typ av föräldrakontroll var däremot beröm, respekt samt kritik

    Poncas of Ponca City: A Study of Conflicting Values and Power

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    Secondary Educatio

    Conformational Temperature-Dependent Behavior of a Histone H2AX: A Coarse-Grained Monte Carlo Approach Via Knowledge-Based Interaction Potentials

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    Histone proteins are not only important due to their vital role in cellular processes such as DNA compaction, replication and repair but also show intriguing structural properties that might be exploited for bioengineering purposes such as the development of nano-materials. Based on their biological and technological implications, it is interesting to investigate the structural properties of proteins as a function of temperature. In this work, we study the spatial response dynamics of the histone H2AX, consisting of 143 residues, by a coarse-grained bond fluctuating model for a broad range of normalized temperatures. A knowledge-based interaction matrix is used as input for the residue-residue Lennard-Jones potential. A knowledge-based interaction matrix is used as input for the residue-residue Lennard-Jones potential. We find a variety of equilibrium structures including global globular configurations at low normalized temperature (T* = 0.014), combination of segmental globules and elongated chains (T* = 0.016,0.017), predominantly elongated chains (T* = 0.019,0.020), as well as universal SAW conformations at high normalized temperature (T* ≥= 0.023). The radius of gyration of the protein exhibits a non-monotonic temperature dependence with a maximum at a characteristic temperature (T-c* = 0.019) where a crossover occurs from a positive (stretching at T*≤T*c) thermal response on increasing T*

    Bacterial Infection and Immune Responses in Lutzomyia longipalpis Sand Fly Larvae Midgut

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    Citation: Heerman, M., Weng, J. L., Hurwitz, I., Durvasula, R., & Ramalho-Ortigao, M. (2015). Bacterial Infection and Immune Responses in Lutzomyia longipalpis Sand Fly Larvae Midgut. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 9(7), 18. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0003923The midgut microbial community in insect vectors of disease is crucial for an effective immune response against infection with various human and animal pathogens. Depending on the aspects of their development, insects can acquire microbes present in soil, water, and plants. Sand flies are major vectors of leishmaniasis, and shown to harbor a wide variety of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Sand fly larval stages acquire microorganisms from the soil, and the abundance and distribution of these microorganisms may vary depending on the sand fly species or the breeding site. Here, we assess the distribution of two bacteria commonly found within the gut of sand flies, Pantoea agglomerans and Bacillus subtilis. We demonstrate that these bacteria are able to differentially infect the larval digestive tract, and regulate the immune response in sand fly larvae. Moreover, bacterial distribution, and likely the ability to colonize the gut, is driven, at least in part, by a gradient of pH present in the gut

    Bacterial infection, immune responses, and autophagy in lutzomyia longipalpis sand flies

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    Doctor of PhilosophyDepartment of EntomologyMarcelo Ramalho-OrtigaoKun Yan ZhuMicrobial communities residing within the midgut of insect vectors play a critical role in the response to various zoonotic and human pathogens, and can directly alter the development and survival of the insects. Sand flies are the primary vector of Leishmania, the causative pathogen of leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease. Sand flies acquire many microbes from the soil where immature stages develop until emergence as adults. Gram-negative Pantoea agglomerans and gram-positive Bacillus subtilis are two bacteria commonly associated with sand fly populations. Here, I demonstrated that an EGFP- and a GFP-expressing version of these two bacteria localize to different compartments of the midgut; a phenomenon that is achieved, in part, to pH differences found across the length of the gut. Additionally, P. agglomerans is able to selectively induce midgut epithelial apoptosis while B. subtilis does not. This is accompanied by differential immune and homeostasis responses to both bacteria highlighted by immune pathway suppression via the Poor Immune Response upon Knock-in (Pirk) gene. These effects may actually be representative of a broader type of response to bacterial infection that might be present across several insect species. Finally, I demonstrated that during metamorphosis the sand fly relies, at least in part, upon the activation of multiple genes from the autophagy pathway to aid in generating adult tissues. More specifically, I demonstrate, using microscopy, the presence of ATG6 in the cytoplasm of developing midgut epithelial cells of the sand fly pupae
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