717 research outputs found

    Major role of marine vegetation on the oceanic carbon cycle

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    The carbon burial in vegetated sediments, ignored in past assessments of carbon burial in the ocean, was evaluated using a bottom-up approach derived from upscaling a compilation of published individual estimates of carbon burial in vegetated habitats (seagrass meadows, salt marshes and mangrove forests) to the global level and a top-down approach derived from considerations of global sediment balance and a compilation of the organic carbon content of vegeatated sediments. Up-scaling of individual burial estimates values yielded a total carbon burial in vegetated habitats of 111 Tmol C y-1. The total burial in unvegetated sediments was estimated to be 126 Tg C y-1, resulting in a bottom-up estimate of total burial in the ocean of about 244 Tg C y-1, two-fold higher than estimates of oceanic carbon burial that presently enter global carbon budgets. The organic carbon concentrations in vegetated marine sediments exceeds by 2 to 10-fold those in shelf/deltaic sediments. Top-down re-calculation of ocean sediment budgets to account for these, previously neglected, organic-rich sediments, yields a top-down carbon burial estimate of 216 Tg C y-1, with vegetated coastal habitats contributing about 50%. Even though vegetated carbon burial contributes about half of the total carbon burial in the ocean, burial represents a small fraction of the net production of these ecosystems, estimated at about 3388 Tg C y -1, suggesting that bulk of the benthic net ecosystem production must support excess respiration in other compartments, such as unvegetated sediments and the coastal pelagic compartment. The total excess organic carbon available to be exported to the ocean is estimated at between 1126 to 3534 Tg C y -1, the bulk of which must be respired in the open ocean. Widespread loss of vegetated coastal habitats must have reduced carbon burial in the ocean by about 30 Tg Cy-1, identifying the destruction of these ecosystems as an important loss of CO2 sink capacity in the biosphere.Peer Reviewe


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a sustentabilidade ambiental de Sistemas Agroflorestais Regenerativos e Análogos (Safra), utilizando-se como indicadores de sustentabilidade ambiental o aporte de biomassa e nutrientes via serrapilheira de espécies arbóreas plantadas. Este trabalho faz parte das ações do PRODETAB – projeto 039 e foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Goura Vrindávna, Paraty, RJ. Foram plantadas 28 espécies arbóreas de múltiplos usos em três tratamentos agroflorestais, Safra Mínimo (sistema simplificado de enriquecimento de bananal), Safra Absoluto (sistema adensado e diversificado) e Safra Modificado (mesma composição do anterior e com adubação do solo). Para a avaliação do aporte de nutrientes via serrapilheira; foram coletadas amostras nos três tratamentos Safras e em dois tratamentos testemunhas (Bananal e Capoeira) por meio de coletores de 625 cm2, 15 meses após o plantio. Nas amostras, foram feitas as determinações dos teores e conteúdos de micro e macronutrientes. O Safra Mínimo foi o sistema que depositou maior peso de serrapilheira (32,4 Mg ha-1) e aportou maiores conteúdos de micro e macronutrientes. Com exceção do C e H, o N foi o que apresentou os maiores conteúdos nos cinco tratamentos, e em relação aos micronutrientes, o Fe foi o elemento de maior aporte. A poda da vegetação nos Safras favoreceu a ciclagem de nutrientes e contribuiu para elevação dos conteúdos destes na serrapilheira. Os Safras, sob o aspecto do aporte de nutrientes via serrapilheira, foram os sistemas mais promissores na recomposição dessas funções ecológicas, quando comparados à Capoeira e monocultura de banana

    Caracterización de la accidentalidad laboral en manos en una empresa del sector eléctrico de barranquilla en el período 2014 – 2016 como base para el diseño de un modelo de gestión para la prevención y control de factores de riesgo en las manos del personal operativo

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    Objetivo: Determinar las principales características de la accidentalidad en manos en una empresa del sector eléctrico de Barranquilla en el período 2014 – 2016 como base para el diseño de un modelo de gestión para la prevención y control de factores de riesgo en las manos. Metodología: Estudio Observacional de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo y de corte transversal; realizado a la población subcontratada integrada por 80 operarios. Los instrumentos utilizados para realizar el estudio fueron, la caracterización de la accidentalidad y la matriz de riesgos, priorizando en los peligros mecánicos; se recolectó la información a través de observación directa no participante que permitió analizar al operario en el ejercicio de sus funciones, previo cumplimiento de criterios de inclusión. Se tuvieron en cuenta aspectos éticos y normativos, guardando el rigor científico y metodológico. Los datos fueron organizados, tabulados y procesados en Excel. Resultados: Las manos y los dedos son las partes del cuerpo más lesionadas en un 37%; los cargos de ayudante raso y avanzado son los que más accidentes sufrieron, y el día de la semana donde se presenta la mayor accidentalidad es el viernes con un 23%, los agentes de lesión son las herramientas en un 87% y las máquinas en un 17%. Discusión y conclusión: Se diseñó un modelo de gestión para la prevención y control de factores de riesgo en las manos del personal operativo en una empresa de Barranquilla, teniendo en cuenta que las partes del cuerpo que tuvieron más lesiones fueron las manos y los dedos, por agentes de lesión como herramientas y máquinas, todo esto relacionado con los peligros mecánicos a los que se encuentran expuestos al momento de realizar las instalaciones de redes eléctricas. Los resultados son coherentes con lo hallado en estudios similares a nivel nacional e internacional.Objective: Determine the main characteristics of the accident in hands in a company in the electric sector of Barranquilla in the period 2014 - 2016 as a basis for the design of a management model to prevent and control of risk factors in the hands. Methodology: A retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study; carried out to the outsourced population composed of 80 operators. The instruments used to carry out the study were the characterization of the accidents and the risks matrix, prioritizing the mechanical hazards; the information was collected through direct observation non-participating that allowed analyzing the operator in the exercise of his duties, prior compliance of the inclusion criteria. Ethical and normative principles were taken into account, maintaining the rigor scientific and methodological. The data were organized, tabulated and processed in Excel. Results: The hands and fingers are the most injured parts of the body in 37%; The positions of the rank and file and advanced assistant are the ones who suffered the most accidents, and the day of the week where the highest accident rate occurs is on Fridays with 23%, the physical agents are the tools in 87% and the machines in a 17%. Discussion and conclusion: A management model was designed to prevent and control of risk factors in the hands of operational personnel in a company of Barranquilla, taking into account that the parts of the body that most injured were the hands and fingers, by physical agents such as tools and machines, everything is related with the mechanical hazards in which they are exposed at the time of perform the electrical networks installations. The results are consistent with what was found in similar studies to the national and international level

    Derkje Hazewinkel-Suringa. Moed en middenweg

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    Contains fulltext : 126707.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)10 p

    Investigation and Management of Bone Mineral Density Following Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation : A Survey of Current Practice by the Transplant Complications Working Party of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation

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    Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) is a well-recognized complication of hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT), with significant drops in BMD occurring within the first 12 months after HCT. Guidance on identifying and managing this complication is available in several published guidelines. In this study, we investigated current practices in the investigation and management of low BMD in centers registered with the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT). A questionnaire about bone health was sent to all registered centers, and responses were received from 99 centers in 25 countries (52%) currently registered with the EBMT. Our data highlight considerable heterogeneity in practices across European centers in relation to investigations, management, and use of guidelines. Our data demonstrate the need for better dissemination and implementation of existing guidelines and also for the development of multidisciplinary guidelines with input from all relevant stakeholders. (c) 2020 American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy. Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe

    Ibérico (Iberian) Pig

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    The main characteristics of the Iberian breed, an autochthonous pig breed of the Iberian Peninsula, are presented in this chapter along with the results of a literature review on productive traits. Reproductive performance was estimated by sow age at first parturition, litters per sow and year, piglets alive per litter, piglet weight at birth and at weaning, percentage of stillborn per litter, mortality at weaning, lactation length and farrowing interval. For growth performance, average daily gain and daily feed intake during lactation and in different growing phases are provided. Carcass traits were evaluated by age and weight at slaughter, hot carcass weight, carcass yield, backfat thickness measurements, muscle thickness and loin eye area. Meat quality traits of longissimus muscle (pH, objective colour measurements and intramuscular fat) were also assessed. The main part of the studies considered simulated practical production conditions in Iberian pig rearing although others evaluated a defined growing period, sometimes quite far from the usual commercial slaughter weight of this breed. Therefore, some figures should be interpreted with caution. Although a considerable number of studies on Iberian pig were included in the current review, scientific papers on reproductive performance and some meat quality parameters are still rather scarce

    Severe drought rather than cropping system determines litter decomposition in arable systems

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    "Litter decomposition is a fundamental process in soil carbon dynamics and nutrient turnover. However, litter decomposition in arable systems remains poorly explored, and it is unclear whether different management practices, such as organic farming, conservation agriculture can mitigate drought effects on litter decomposition. Thus, we examined the effects of a severe experimental drought on litter decomposition in four cropping systems, i.e., organic vs. conventional farming, each with two levels of tillage (intensive vs. conservation tillage) in Switzerland. We incubated two types of standard litter (tea bags), i.e., high-quality green tea with a low C:N ratio and low-quality rooibos tea with a high C:N ratio. We assessed litter decomposition during the simulated drought and in the post-drought period during three years in three different crops, i.e., pea-barley, maize, and winter wheat. Subsequently, we assessed whether decomposition in the four cropping systems differed in its resistance and resilience to drought. Drought had a major impact on litter decomposition and suppressed decomposition to a similar extent in all cropping systems. Both drought resistance and resilience of decomposition were largely independent of cropping systems. Drought more strongly reduced decomposition of the high-quality litter compared to the low-quality litter during drought conditions regarding the absolute change in mass remaining (12.3% vs. 6.5 %, respectively). However, the decomposition of high-quality litter showed a higher resilience, i.e., high-quality approached undisturbed decomposition levels faster than low-quality litter after drought. Soil nitrate availability was also strongly reduced by drought (by 32–86 %), indicating the strong reduction in nutrient availability and, most likely, microbial activity due to water shortage. In summary, our study suggests that severe drought has a much stronger impact on decomposition than cropping system indicating that it might not be possible to maintain decomposition under drought by the cropping system approaches we studied. Nevertheless, management options that improve litter quality, such as the use of legume crops with high N concentrations, may help to enhance the resilience of litter decomposition in drought-stressed crop fields.

    A medição do Brand Equity a partir do modelo de ressonância da marca em um hotel

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    O objetivo geral deste estudo é medir a ressonância da marca do Hotel Gran Lord a partir da perspectiva do consumidor através da investigação sistemática dos fatores envolvidos conforme o Modelo de Ressonância da Marca. Além disso, identificar os componentes do modelo teórico que mais se correlacionam com a ressonância da marca. Esse é um estudo descritivo de cunho quantitativo no qual, após a realização de um pré-teste, foram aplicados um total de 303 questionários. Os blocos do Modelo de Ressonância da Marca foram avaliados em termos de proeminência, desempenho, imagem, julgamento, sentimento e ressonância da marca. Os resultados indicam que o Hotel Gran Lord possui uma boa ressonância de marca e a correlação que ocorre entre os blocos que foram o modelo usado na pesquisa indicam a existência das relações propostas no Modelo de Ressonância da Marca, por meio da Pirâmide de Marca

    Plerixafor for autologous peripheral blood stem cell mobilization in patients previously treated with fludarabine or lenalidomide.

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    Fludarabine and lenalidomide are essential drugs in the front-line treatment of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) and multiple myeloma (MM), respectively. Data suggests that fludarabine and lenalidomide therapy may have a deleterious effect on stem cell mobilization. In the European compassionate use program, 48 patients (median age 57 years) previously treated with fludarabine (median 5 cycles; range: 1-7 cycles) were given plerixafor plus granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for remobilization following a primary mobilization attempt. The overall median number of CD34+ cells collected was 2.3 × 10(6)/kg (range: 0.3-13.4). The minimum required number of CD34+ cells (≥2.0 × 10(6)/kg) was collected from 58% of patients in a median of 2 days. Thirty-five patients (median age = 57 years) previously treated with lenalidomide (median 5 cycles; range: 1-10 cycles) were given plerixafor plus G-CSF for remobilization. The overall median number of CD34+ cells collected was 3.4 × 10(6)/kg (range: 1.1-14.8). The minimum required number of CD34+ cells (≥2.0 × 10(6) per kg) was collected from 69% of patients in a median of 2 days. In conclusion, salvage mobilization with plerixafor plus G-CSF is successful in the majority of patients with MM previously treated with lenalidomide. In fludarabine-exposed patients, only 58% of patients will achieve successful salvage mobilization with plerixafor plus G-CSF, suggesting the need for novel mobilization regimens algorithms in this subgroup of patients