624 research outputs found


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    This article has for objective to discuss the approach of cultural aspects in the English language classes, always pointing the relevance of working language associated to the culture. We present some definitions of language, identity and culture, and some expressed relationships of these elements in the existent dialogue in the language teaching and learning. By discussing on the foreign language teacher's intercultural formation, some of the problems found by the teachers while they work with cultural aspects are also pointed out, presenting suggestions and considerations to favor a critical intercultural teaching


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          Este artigo apresenta como uma sequência didática com o gênero textual abstract pode contribuir para que alunos do curso de Bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação (BSI) de um campus do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia - IFBA se desenvolvam como aprendizes de inglês para agirem socialmente na sua área de atuação acadêmica e/ou profissional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação que contou com a participação de dez alunos do curso de BSI. Foram utilizados três instrumentos de coleta de dados: dois questionários e as notas de campo da professora-pesquisadora. Após a análise dos dados, percebemos que houve uma melhora considerável no desenvolvimento dos alunos, estimulando-os, também, a criar estratégias próprias no intuito de aprenderem a língua inglesa de uma maneira eficaz. &nbsp


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    Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre algumas questões relacionadas à perspectiva do Inglês como Língua Franca (ILF) na prática do ensino de inglês no contexto brasileiro, através da contribuição de professores-pesquisadores da área. Trata-se de um estudo de caso no qual participaram quatro professores de língua inglesa de instituições públicas e particulares de ensino do interior da Bahia. O instrumento de geração de dados utilizado foi um questionário com perguntas objetivas e discursivas. A partir da análise das respostas dos participantes, observamos que, embora os docentes percebam a relevância de se descentralizar o modelo do falante nativo e de mostrarem aos estudantes que existem outras variantes do inglês, as modalidades de inglês britânico e americano ainda são evidenciadas e tomadas como referências principais. O estudo mostrou ainda que algumas das razões para tal prática se devem à necessidade de os docentes conduzirem suas aulas seguindo à risca o que ditam aos livros didáticos por eles usados ou por conta das demandas de exames como o ENEM que, até o presente momento, não contemplam a perspectiva do ILF


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    Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a influência do Pibid nas práticas metodológicas de três professores em formação inicial de um curso de Letras/Inglês de uma universidade estadual do interior da Bahia, na regência dos Estágios Curriculares Supervisionados III e IV na rede pública de ensino.  Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo que se configura por dois métodos de pesquisa, documental e estudo de caso, cujos participantes foram três professores em formação inicial integrados no Pibid. Diante dos dados analisados, verificamos a relevância das experiências adquiridas através do Pibid pelos futuros professores para a sua formação inicial e a forma positiva pela qual este programa influenciou os ex-bolsistas em suas práticas pedagógicas


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          Este artigo tem por objetivo discutir a abordagem de aspectos culturais nas aulas de língua inglesa, apontando a relevância de se trabalhar língua sempre associada à cultura. Apresentam-se algumas definições de linguagem, identidade e cultura, e algumas relações expressas por estes elementos na interlocução existente no processo de ensino e aprendizagem de línguas. Ao se discutir sobre a formação intercultural do professor de língua estrangeira, pontuam-se também alguns dos problemas encontrados pelos docentes ao se trabalhar com aspectos culturais, apresentando sugestões e considerações que favoreçam um ensino intercultural crítico. &nbsp

    Music Laboratory: sing to learn

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    No âmbito da preparação de um projeto de investigação inserido na Unidade Curricular de Pedagogia da Música do Mestrado de Ensino de Educação Musical no Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação – IPB, percebemos que preparar canções para crianças pequenas compreendia diferentes etapas de aprendizagens e que as mesmas podiam contribuir para distintas aptidões motoras, linguísticas e musicais. A literatura reforça que aprender música através de canções potencia o desenvolvimento e aprendizagem, quer da língua materna, quer dos sinais referentes à música, ou mesmo da memória e outras aptidões cognitivas e sensoriais. Deste modo, propomos apresentar um estudo de caso, com a aplicação de uma canção destinada a crianças e exemplificar as etapas da sua aprendizagem, enquanto processos para reforçar a língua materna, a géstica, o fraseado e a coordenação motora para comunicar musicalmente. Os resultados do estudo permitiram concluir que as crianças perceberam frases musicais, criaram referências linguísticas e motoras.In the preparation of a research project included in the course of Music Pedagogy of the Master in Teaching Music in Basic Education, at the School of Education – IPB, we realized that preparing songs for young children comprise different stages of learning and the same could contribute to different motor, language and musical skills. Literature reinforces that learning music through songs encourages the development and learning of both the mother tongue, the signals for the song, or even memory and other cognitive and sensory skills. Thus, we propose a case study through the application of a song to children by illustrating the stages of their learning as processes to strengthen the mother tongue, the gestures, phrasing and coordination to communicate musically. The results show that the children understood musical phrases, created language and motor references.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plan de mejora en la calidad de los servicios que brinda la empresa Sanitarios Express ubicada en la ciudad de Managua

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    El presente trabajo propone la elaboración de un plan de mejora en la calidad de los servicios que brinda la empresa Sanitarios Express ubicada en la ciudad de Managua, cuyo propósito fundamental es aportar un enfoque de sistemas que pueda brindar un mejor desarrollo en los procesos de la empresa y sus servicios

    Maize open-pollinated populations physiological improvement: validating tools for drought response participatory selection

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    Participatory selection—exploiting specific adaptation traits to target environments—helps to guarantees yield stability in a changing climate, in particular under low-input or organic production. The purpose of the present study was to identify reliable, low-cost, fast and easy-to-use tools to complement traditional selection for an e ective participatory improvement of maize populations for drought resistance/tolerance. The morphological and eco-physiological responses to progressive water deprivation of four maize open-pollinated populations were assessed in both controlled and field conditions. Thermography and Chl a fluorescence, validated by gas exchange indicated that the best performing populations under water-deficit conditions were ‘Fandango’ and to a less extent ‘Pigarro’ (both from participatory breeding). These populations showed high yield potential under optimal and reduced watering. Under moderate water stress, ‘Bilhó’, originating from an altitude of 800 m, is one of the most resilient populations. The experiments under chamber conditions confirmed the existence of genetic variability within ‘Pigarro’ and ‘Fandango’ for drought response relevant for future populations breeding. Based on the easiness to score and population discriminatory power, the performance index (PIABS) emerges as an integrative phenotyping tool to use as a refinement of the common participatory maize selection especially under moderate water deprivationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analyses Of The Rhizosphere Microbiota In Three Different Crop Systems (Conventional, Organic And Syntropic Agriculture), Using A Portuguese Maize Population And Ccp (‘Pigarro’ And ‘Sinpre’).

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    Maize is one of the most important crops in the world for feed and food, which makes its contribution to organic farming crucial. The adaptation to organic agriculture can depend on the interaction between the microbiota present in the rhizosphere, allowing a more efficient extraction of nutrients from the soil for growth and development.The aim of our study was to understand how different production systems (conventional, organic) and different open-pollinated maize populations (‘SinPre’ and ‘Pigarro’) can influence the rhizosphere microbiota.The data collected from the maize trial comprehends phenological data plus the structural diversity of the bacterial and fungal communities from the maize rhizosphere.Three replicates of three plants by two maize populations were collected for each cultivation system, at a depth of approximately 15 cm, forming a total of 15 composite samples. The bacterial microbiota was determined from DNA extracted from maize rhizosphere samples based on the V3-V4 region of the bacterial 16S rRNA and from ITS2 region of the fungal ITS gene using Illumina’s MiSeq sequencing.From our results, we can conclude that the farming system has an impact on fungal diversity since a higher diversity was found in organic farming systems when compared with the conventional. In addition, the fungal microbiota was more diverse in ‘Pigarro’ rhizosphere in comparison with ‘SinPre’.Comparing the diversity between ‘Pigarro and ‘SinPre’ bacterial populations, the first presented always the highest number of genera despite the farming system. Contrarily to what we observed for the fungal diversity, the number of shared bacteria was similar in both farming systems.The main conclusion was that the farming systems have significant impact in maize rhizosphere microbiota. In addition, the maize rhizosphere microbiota is population specific

    Effect of Low-Input Organic and Conventional Farming Systems on Maize Rhizosphere in Two Portuguese Open-Pollinated Varieties (OPV), “Pigarro” (Improved Landrace) and “SinPre” (a Composite Cross Population)

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    Maize is one of the most important crops worldwide and is the number one arable crop in Portugal. A transition from the conventional farming system to organic agriculture requires optimization of cultivars and management, the interaction of plant–soil rhizosphere microbiota being pivotal. The objectives of this study were to unravel the effect of population genotype and farming system on microbial communities in the rhizosphere of maize. Rhizosphere soil samples of two open-pollinated maize populations (“SinPre” and “Pigarro”) cultivated under conventional and organic farming systems were taken during flowering and analyzed by next-generation sequencing (NGS). Phenological data were collected from the replicated field trial. A total of 266 fungi and 317 bacteria genera were identified in “SinPre” and “Pigarro” populations, of which 186 (69.9%) and 277 (87.4%) were shared among them. The microbiota of “Pigarro” showed a significant higher (P < 0.05) average abundance than the microbiota of “SinPre.” The farming system had a statistically significant impact (P < 0.05) on the soil rhizosphere microbiota, and several fungal and bacterial taxa were found to be farming system-specific. The rhizosphere microbiota diversity in the organic farming system was higher than that in the conventional system for both varieties. The presence of arbuscular mycorrhizae (Glomeromycota) was mainly detected in the microbiota of the “SinPre” population under the organic farming systems and very rare under conventional systems. A detailed metagenome function prediction was performed. At the fungal level, pathotroph–saprotroph and pathotroph–symbiotroph lifestyles were modified by the farming system. For bacterial microbiota, the main functions altered by the farming system were membrane transport, transcription, translation, cell motility, and signal transduction. This study allowed identifying groups of microorganisms known for their role as plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and with the capacity to improve crop tolerance for stress conditions, allowing to minimize the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Arbuscular mycorrhizae (phyla Glomeromycota) were among the most important functional groups in the fungal microbiota and Achromobacter, Burkholderia, Erwinia, Lysinibacillus, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas, and Stenotrophomonas in the bacterial microbiota. In this perspective, the potential role of these microorganisms will be explored in future research