87 research outputs found

    Face recognition and visual search strategies in autism spectrum disorders: Amending and extending a recent review by Weigelt et al.

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    The purpose of this review was to build upon a recent review by Weigelt et al. which examined visual search strategies and face identification between individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and typically developing peers. Seven databases, CINAHL Plus, EMBASE, ERIC, Medline, Proquest, PsychInfo and PubMed were used to locate published scientific studies matching our inclusion criteria. A total of 28 articles not included in Weigelt et al. met criteria for inclusion into this systematic review. Of these 28 studies, 16 were available and met criteria at the time of the previous review, but were mistakenly excluded; and twelve were recently published. Weigelt et al. found quantitative, but not qualitative, differences in face identification in individuals with ASD. In contrast, the current systematic review found both qualitative and quantitative differences in face identification between individuals with and without ASD. There is a large inconsistency in findings across the eye tracking and neurobiological studies reviewed. Recommendations for future research in face recognition in ASD were discussed

    The development of cross-cultural recognition of vocal emotion during childhood and adolescence

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    Humans have an innate set of emotions recognised universally. However, emotion recognition also depends on socio-cultural rules. Although adults recognise vocal emotions universally, they identify emotions more accurately in their native language. We examined developmental trajectories of universal vocal emotion recognition in children. Eighty native English speakers completed a vocal emotion recognition task in their native language (English) and foreign languages (Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic) expressing anger, happiness, sadness, fear, and neutrality. Emotion recognition was compared across 8-to-10, 11-to-13-year-olds, and adults. Measures of behavioural and emotional problems were also taken. Results showed that although emotion recognition was above chance for all languages, native English speaking children were more accurate in recognising vocal emotions in their native language. There was a larger improvement in recognising vocal emotion from the native language during adolescence. Vocal anger recognition did not improve with age for the non-native languages. This is the first study to demonstrate universality of vocal emotion recognition in children whilst supporting an “in-group advantage” for more accurate recognition in the native language. Findings highlight the role of experience in emotion recognition, have implications for child development in modern multicultural societies and address important theoretical questions about the nature of emotions

    The Impact of Worry on Attention to Threat

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    Prior research has often linked anxiety to attentional vigilance for threat using the dot probe task, which presents probes in spatial locations that were or were not preceded by a putative threat stimulus. The present study investigated the impact of worry on threat vigilance by administering this task during a worry condition and during a mental arithmetic control condition to 56 undergraduate students scoring in the low normal range on a measure of chronic worry. The worry induction was associated with faster responses than arithmetic to probes in the attended location following threat words, indicating the combined influence of worry and threat in facilitating attention. Within the worry condition, responses to probes in the attended location were faster for trials containing threat words than for trials with only neutral words, whereas the converse pattern was observed for responses to probes in the unattended location. This connection between worry states and attentional capture by threat may be central to understanding the impact of hypervigilance on information processing in anxiety and its disorders

    A brief early intervention for adolescent depression that targets emotional mental images and memories: protocol for a feasibility randomised controlled trial (IMAGINE trial)

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from BioMed Central via the DOI in this record.Background: Adolescent depression is common and impairing. There is an urgent need to develop early interventions to prevent depression becoming entrenched. However, current psychological interventions are difficult to access and show limited evidence of effectiveness. Schools offer a promising setting to enhance access to interventions, including reducing common barriers such as time away from education. Distressing negative mental images and a deficit in positive future images, alongside overgeneral autobiographical memories, have been implicated in depression across the lifespan, and interventions targeting them in adults have shown promise. Here, we combine techniques targeting these cognitive processes into a novel, brief psychological intervention for adolescent depression. This feasibility randomised controlled trial will test the feasibility and acceptability of delivering this imagery-based cognitive behavioural intervention in schools. Methods/design: Fifty-six adolescents (aged 16-18) with high symptoms of depression will be recruited from schools. Participants will be randomly allocated to the imagery-based cognitive behavioural intervention (ICBI) or the control intervention, non-directive supportive therapy (NDST). Data on feasibility and acceptability will be recorded throughout, including data on recruitment, retention and adherence rates as well as adverse events. In addition, symptom assessment will take place pre-intervention, post-intervention and at 3-month follow-up. Primarily, the trial aims to establish whether it is feasible and acceptable to carry out this project in a school setting. Secondary objectives include collecting data on clinical measures, including depression and anxiety, and measures of the mechanisms proposed to be targeted by the intervention. The acceptability of using technology in assessment and treatment will also be evaluated. Discussion: Feasibility, acceptability and symptom data for this brief intervention will inform whether an efficacy randomised controlled trial is warranted and aid planning of this trial. If this intervention is shown in a subsequent definitive trial to be safe, clinically effective and cost-effective, it has potential to be rolled out as an intervention and so would significantly extend the range of therapies available for adolescent depression. This psychological intervention draws on cognitive mechanism research suggesting a powerful relationship between emotion and memory and uses imagery as a cognitive target in an attempt to improve interventions for adolescent depression. Trial registration: ISRCTN85369879.This study represents independent research from a Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship (Dr Victoria Pile, ICA-CDRF-2015-01-007) supported by the National Institute for Health Research and Health Education England

    Effects of Correct and Wrong Answers on ERPs Recorded under Conditions of the Continuous Performance Test in ADHD/Normal Participants

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    Parameters of event-related potentials (ERPs) regarding correct and wrong answers under conditions of the continuous performance test (CPT) were measured in 50 adult subjects with the absence/presence of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) and characterized by different levels of sustained attention. For ERP extraction, the average for each group of signals, which were time-locked to the onset of stimuli, was calculated; two ERP groups were considered separately for correct and wrong answers. In both groups, the P300 wave was clearly observed. The time dynamics of ERP components were investigated in six defined time blocks. At the peak of P300, a prominent component of brain activity could be observed. Some ERP morphological features (704 items) were extracted from these potentials. The results indicated that 11 of the obtained features had a significant (P<0.01) relation to the level of sustained attention. When comparing correct and wrong answers, 10 features in the normal group and 3 features in the ADHD group demonstrated significant differences (P < 0.05), which means that the participant’s response is reflected in the features of EEG signal. The results reveal a promising relation between CPT results and some parameters of brain signals, which can be used for further evaluations of the sustained attention level.Параметри пов’язаних з подією ЕЕГ-потенціалів (ППП) вимірювали у 50 дорослих тестованих з відсутністю (норма) та наявністю синдрому дефіциту уваги й гіперактивності (АDНD), котрі демонстрували різні градації рівня підтримуваної уваги. Враховували правильність і помилковість відповідей в умовах тесту безперервного виконання (continuous performance test, CPT). Щоб описати ППП, розраховували середні значення для кожної групи сигналів, «прив’язаних» до моменту пред’явлення стимулу. Було виділено дві окремі групи ППП, відповідно до вірних та помилкових відповідей. Хвиля Р300 була чітко представлена в обох групах ППП. Часова динаміка компонентів ППП була досліджена в межах шести ізольованих часових блоків. Пік Р300 віддзеркалював чітко виражений компонент церебральної активності. У складі ППП було виділено низку морфологічних особливостей (усього 704 риси). Виявилося, що 11 з таких рис вірогідно (P < 0.01) корелювали з рівнем постійної уваги. При порівнянні ППП, пов’язаних з вірними та хибними відповідями, істотні відмінності демонстрували 10 рис у групі норми та три риси в групі АDНD (P < 0.05). Це свідчить про те, що характер відповіді тестованого певним чином віддзеркалюється в патерні ЕЕГ-сигналу. Отримані дані вказують на наявність зв’язку між результатами СРТ і деякими параметрами ЕЕГ-сигналів. Це може бути використано для об’єктивної оцінки рівня підтримуваної уваги

    Epidemiological study on some environmental and management parameters affecting on WSD occurrence in Fenneropenaeus indicus and Penaeus vannamei

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    For the first time white spot disease (WSD) was reported in shrimp farms of khoozestan province, in southwest of IRAN in 2002. Then in 2005 the neighbor province, boushehr, was contaminated. In 2008 WSD outbreak reported in sistan-bloochestan province in southeast of Iran. In 2015 all of southern shrimp farms of country except Hormozgan, the middle southern province, which has remained free of WSD, are being contaminated. White Spot disease suspended shrimp culture in thousands hectares of shrimp farms. Considering that white spot disease has not been observed in Hormozgan province yet, the question is; to what extent environmental and management factors participated in preventing WSD outbreak or cause WSD outbreak. In this study (20102012), the effects of environmental factors and management, stressors that decrease immune system function of shrimp are discussed. In addition, the role of pathogen as the main factor of outbreak is discussed. The goal of this study is to define environmental parameters and management practices associates with outbreak of white spot disease in affected provinces and discover reasons of being Hormozgan province free of this disease. In this study the role of the local environmental factors and management practice stressors in susceptibility to WSD was determine. Both the effects of environmental factors in water of ponds including total ammonia, nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, transparency, and temperature and management issues related to biosecurity are studied. There were overlaps on physical and chemical parameter values obtained in clear areas with contaminated areas .Results of the data analysis suggest that lack of association with WSD incidence was 7 times greater than WSD incidence despite of disease outbreak in sistan-bloochestan province, so other sources of white spot disease virus incidence was suspected in affected areas. Histopathological examinations and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests during project performance did not reveal white spot disease virus evidences in post larvae examined from khoozestan province stocked in farms but disease outbreak was happened in that farms , so we suspected to management practice include feed , pond preparation and carrier of disease. Recorded values of temperature and salinity in some months during inspection in Hormozgan province specified stressful condition that may lead to WSD outbreak, however the disease did not appear. Therefore the hypothesis that the water physical and chemical conditions are reasons to prevent disease outbreak in Hormozgan province is being rejected. The policy of Hormozgan’s fishery authorities, to replaced Fenneropenaeus indicus with specific pathogen free Litopenaeus vannamei, that is more resistant to some of diseases, before incidence of WSD in farms and to before being endemic in the Hormozgan province, made an advantage compare to affected southern provinces that introduced Litopenaeus vannamei after WSD prevalence to their farms. However it does not guarantee to maintain current trend of being Hormozgan province farms free of white spot disease. Therefore establishing the principals of biosecurity are strongly emphasized. Strategies taken by the proficient authorities in preparation of SPF shrimp broodstock can be the most important factor in preventing WSD. Regarding biosecurity principals purchased feed must be free of shrimp head powder. Construction the new shrimp farms should be as far as it could be away from contaminated areas

    Ancient goat genomes reveal mosaic domestication in the Fertile Crescent

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    Current genetic data are equivocal as to whether goat domestication occurred multiple times or was a singular process. We generated genomic data from 83 ancient goats (51 with genome-wide coverage) from Paleolithic to Medieval contexts throughout the Near East. Our findings demonstrate that multiple divergent ancient wild goat sources were domesticated in a dispersed process that resulted in genetically and geographically distinct Neolithic goat populations, echoing contemporaneous human divergence across the region. These early goat populations contributed differently to modern goats in Asia, Africa, and Europe. We also detect early selection for pigmentation, stature, reproduction, milking, and response to dietary change, providing 8000-year-old evidence for human agency in molding genome variation within a partner species

    The role of character strengths in depression: A structural equation model

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    10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01609Frontiers in Psychology9SEP160