43 research outputs found

    Re-Analysis of the Solar Phase Curves of the Icy Galilean Satellites

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    Re-analysis of the solar phase curves of the icy Galilean satellites demonstrates that the quantitative results are dependent on the single particle scattering function incorporated into the photometric model; however, the qualitative properties are independent. The results presented here show that the general physical characteristics predicted by a Hapke model (B. Hapke, 1986, Icarus 67, 264-280) incorporating a two parameter double Henyey-Greenstein scattering function are similar to the predictions given by the same model incorporating a three parameter double Henyey-Greenstein scattering function as long as the data set being modeled has adequate coverage in phase angle. Conflicting results occur when the large phase angle coverage is inadequate. Analysis of the role of isotropic versus anisotropic multiple scattering shows that for surfaces as bright as Europa the two models predict very similar results over phase angles covered by the data. Differences arise only at those phase angles for which there are no data. The single particle scattering behavior between the leading and trailing hemispheres of Europa and Ganymede is commensurate with magnetospheric alterations of their surfaces. Ion bombardment will produce more forward scattering single scattering functions due to annealing of potential scattering centers within regolith particles (N. J. Sack et al., 1992, Icarus 100, 534-540). Both leading and trailing hemispheres of Europa are consistent with a high porosity model and commensurate with a frost surface. There are no strong differences in predicted porosity between the two hemispheres of Callisto, both are consistent with model porosities midway between that deduced for Europa and the Moon. Surface roughness model estimates predict that surface roughness increases with satellite distance from Jupiter, with lunar surface roughness values falling midway between those measured for Ganymede and Callisto. There is no obvious variation in predicted surface roughness with hemisphere for any of the Galilean satellites

    The Scattering Properties of Natural Terrestrial Snows versus Icy Satellite Surfaces

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    Our comparisons of the single particle scattering behavior of terrestrial snows and icy satellite regoliths to the laboratory particle scattering measurements of McGuire and Hapke demonstrate that the differences between icy satellite regoliths and their terrestrial counterparts are due to particle structures and textures. Terrestrial snow particle structures define a region in the single particle scattering function parameter space separate from the regions defined by the McGuire and Hapke artificial laboratory particles. The particle structures and textures of the grains composing icy satellites regoliths are not simple or uniform but consist of a variety of particle structure and texture types, some of which may be a combination of the particle types investigated by McGuire and Hapke

    Characterization of the MASCOT landing area by Hayabusa2

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    Context. After landing on C-type asteroid Ryugu, MASCOT imaged brightly colored, submillimeter-sized inclusions in a small rock. Hayabusa2 successfully returned a sample of small particles from the surface of Ryugu, but none of these appear to harbor such inclusions. The samples are considered representative of Ryugu. Aims. To understand the apparent discrepancy between MASCOT observations and Ryugu samples, we assess whether the MASCOT landing site, and the rock by implication, is perhaps atypical for Ryugu. Methods. We analyzed observations of the MASCOT landing area acquired by three instruments on board Hayabusa2: a camera (ONC), a near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS3), and a thermal infrared imager. We compared the landing area properties thus retrieved with those of the average Ryugu surface. Results. We selected several areas and landforms in the landing area for analysis: a small crater, a collection of smooth rocks, and the landing site itself. The crater is relatively blue and the rocks are relatively red. The spectral and thermophysical properties of the landing site are very close to those of the average Ryugu surface. The spectral properties of the MASCOT rock are probably close to average, but its thermal inertia may be somewhat higher. Conclusions. The MASCOT rock can also be considered representative of Ryugu. Some of the submillimeter-sized particles in the returned samples stand out because of their atypical spectral properties. Such particles may be present as inclusions in the MASCOT rock

    Understanding Infrared Galaxy Populations: the SWIRE Legacy Survey

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    We discuss spectral energy distributions, photometric redshifts, redshift distributions, luminosity functions, source-counts and the far infrared to optical luminosity ratio for sources in the SWIRE Legacy Survey. The spectral energy distributions of selected SWIRE sources are modelled in terms of a simple set of galaxy and quasar templates in the optical and near infrared, and with a set of dust emission templates (cirrus, M82 starburst, Arp 220 starburst, and AGN dust torus) in the mid infrared. The optical data, together with the IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 mu data, have been used to determine photometric redshifts. For galaxies with known spectroscopic redshifts there is a notable improvement in the photometric redshift when the IRAC data are used, with a reduction in the rms scatter from 10% in (1+z) to 5%. While further spectroscopic data are needed to confirm this result, the prospect of determining good photometric redshifts for the 2 million extragalactic objects in SWIRE is excellent. The distribution of the different infrared sed types in the L{ir}/L{opt} versus L{ir} plane, where L{ir} and L{opt} are the infrared and optical bolometric luminosities, is discussed. Source-counts at 24, 70 and 160 mu are discussed, and luminosity functions at 3.6 and 24 mu are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 14 figures, to appear in proceedings of 'Spitzer IR Diagnostics Conference, Nov 14-16, 2005

    Maps of solar wind plasma precipitation onto Mercury's surface: a geographical perspective

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    Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, possesses a weak intrinsic magnetic field and has only a very tenuous atmosphere (exosphere). These three conditions result in a direct coupling between the plasma emitted from the Sun (namely the solar wind) and Mercury’s surface. The planet’s magnetic field leads to a non-trivial pattern of plasma precipitation onto the surface, that is expected to contribute to the alteration of the regolith over geological time scales. The goal of this work is to study the solar wind plasma precipitation onto the surface of Mercury from a geographical perspective, as opposed to the local-time-of-day approach of previous precipitation modeling studies. We employ solar wind precipitation maps for protons and electrons from two fully-kinetic numerical simulations of Mercury’s plasma environment. These maps are then integrated over two full Mercury orbits (176 Earth days). We found that the plasma precipitation pattern at the surface is most strongly affected by the upstream solar wind conditions, particularly by the interplanetary magnetic field direction, and less by Mercury’s 3:2 spin-orbit resonance. We also found that Mercury’s magnetic field is able to shield the surface from roughly 90% of the incoming solar wind flux. At the surface, protons have a broad energy distribution from below 500 eV to more than 1.5 keV; while electrons are mostly found in the range 0.1-10 keV. These results will help to better constrain space weathering and exosphere source processes at Mercury, as well as to interpret observations by the ongoing ESA/JAXA BepiColombo mission

    Dark Spots on Mercury: A Distinctive Low-Reflectance Material and Its Relation to Hollows

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    Orbital images acquired by the Mercury, Surface, Space Environment, Geochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft reveal a distinctive low-reflectance material on the surface of Mercury. Such material occurs in small, isolated, and thin surficial units. We term these features “dark spots.” Dark spots have the lowest average reflectance yet documented on the planet. In every case observed at sufficiently high resolution, dark spots feature hollows at their centers. Not all hollows, however, are surrounded by a dark spot. Dark spots have been found on low-reflectance smooth plains, intercrater plains, heavily cratered terrain, and impact craters at almost all longitudes on Mercury, but they have not been documented on high-reflectance smooth plains material. Dark spots are one of the youngest endogenic features on Mercury, and some postdate craters with distinctive rays. Sulfides may be the phase responsible for the low albedo of dark spot material. We propose that dark spots form during the initial stages of hollow formation, perhaps in a manner similar to intense outgassing events that feature exit velocities in excess of 100 m/s. Such outgassing could contemporaneously produce a depression that constitutes an embryonic hollow. Under this scenario, dark spot material is subsequently removed or modified by regolith gardening or other surface processes on time scales shorter than the lifetime of the central hollow

    Vis-NIR disk-integrated photometry of asteroid 25143 Itokawa around opposition by AMICA/Hayabusa

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    We present photometry of the S-type near-Earth asteroid 25143 Itokawa based on both ground-based observations in the UBVRI bands and measurements from the AMICA/Hayabusa spacecraft observations with ul-, b-, v-, w-, x-, and p-filters. Hayabusa observed Itokawa around opposition during the rendezvous, thus providing a unique set of observations of this asteroid. We fit the phase curve measurements with both the Classic Hapke Model (Hapke, 1981, 1984, 1986) and Modern Hapke Model (Hapke, 2002, 2008, 2012a) and thereby extract the physical properties of Itokawa's surface regolith. The single-scattering albedo (0.57 ± 0.05) is larger than that derived for Eros (0.43 ± 0.02), another S-type near-Earth asteroid visited by a spacecraft. Both models indicate a regolith that is forward-scattering in nature. From the hockey stick relationship derived for the single-particle phase function (Hapke, 2012b), both modeling results suggest a regolith comprised of rough surfaced particles with a low density of internal scatterers. Application of the Modern Hapke model derives porosity parameter values from 1 to 1.1, for BVR bands, which corresponds to porosity values between 77–79%. This suggests the surface of Itokawa is very fluffy and the large boulders may be bonded with smaller size particles, typical of the particle sizes observed in Muses Sea. Both models also provide similar geometric albedo values (0.27 ± 0.02) at the V-band wavelength, which are equivalent to Eros’ geometric albedo

    Photometric behavior of Ryugu's NIR spectral parameters

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    Context. JAXA’s Hayabusa2 mission rendezvoused the Ryugu asteroid for 1.5 years to clarify the carbonaceous asteroids’ record for Solar System origin and evolution. Aims. We studied the photometric behavior of the spectral parameters characterizing the near-infrared (NIR) spectra of Ryugu provided by the Hayabusa2/NIRS3 instrument, that is to say 1.9 µm reflectance, 2.7 and 2.8 µm band depths (ascribed to phyllosilicates), and NIR slope. Methods. For each parameter, we applied the following empirical approach: (1) retrieval of the equigonal albedo by applying the Akimov disk function (this step was only performed for the reflectance photometric correction); (2) retrieval of the median spectral parameter value at each phase angle bin; and (3) retrieval of the phase function by a linear fit. Results. Ryugu’s phase function shows a steepness similar to Ceres, according to the same taxonomy of the two asteroids. Band depths decrease with increasing phase angle: this trend is opposite to that observed on other asteroids explored by space missions and is ascribed to the very dark albedo. NIR and visible phase reddening are similar, contrary to other asteroids, where visible phase reddening is larger: this could be due to surface darkness or to particle smoothness. Albedo and band depths are globally uncorrelated, but locally anticorrelated. A correlation between darkening and reddening is observed

    Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes:Evidence from genome-wide association studies

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    First published: 16 February 202

    Effects of Anacetrapib in Patients with Atherosclerotic Vascular Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease remain at high risk for cardiovascular events despite effective statin-based treatment of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels. The inhibition of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) by anacetrapib reduces LDL cholesterol levels and increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels. However, trials of other CETP inhibitors have shown neutral or adverse effects on cardiovascular outcomes. METHODS: We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 30,449 adults with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive atorvastatin therapy and who had a mean LDL cholesterol level of 61 mg per deciliter (1.58 mmol per liter), a mean non-HDL cholesterol level of 92 mg per deciliter (2.38 mmol per liter), and a mean HDL cholesterol level of 40 mg per deciliter (1.03 mmol per liter). The patients were assigned to receive either 100 mg of anacetrapib once daily (15,225 patients) or matching placebo (15,224 patients). The primary outcome was the first major coronary event, a composite of coronary death, myocardial infarction, or coronary revascularization. RESULTS: During the median follow-up period of 4.1 years, the primary outcome occurred in significantly fewer patients in the anacetrapib group than in the placebo group (1640 of 15,225 patients [10.8%] vs. 1803 of 15,224 patients [11.8%]; rate ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.85 to 0.97; P=0.004). The relative difference in risk was similar across multiple prespecified subgroups. At the trial midpoint, the mean level of HDL cholesterol was higher by 43 mg per deciliter (1.12 mmol per liter) in the anacetrapib group than in the placebo group (a relative difference of 104%), and the mean level of non-HDL cholesterol was lower by 17 mg per deciliter (0.44 mmol per liter), a relative difference of -18%. There were no significant between-group differences in the risk of death, cancer, or other serious adverse events. CONCLUSIONS: Among patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive statin therapy, the use of anacetrapib resulted in a lower incidence of major coronary events than the use of placebo. (Funded by Merck and others; Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN48678192 ; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01252953 ; and EudraCT number, 2010-023467-18 .)