127 research outputs found

    Утицај система обраде на пораст и принос xељде у агроеколошким условима cеверног Kосова и Mетохије

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    In this paper has been investigated influence of different tillage of soil on growth and yield of buckwheat. The investigations have been done in the agro ecological conditions of Kosovo and Metohia, in the period 2007/08. There have been chosen three localities, on the brown type of soil. Field-Lab research has been targeted to the evaluation of working quality of different aggregates for tillage and pre-sowing tillage, and its influence on growth and yield of buckwheat. The objective of research based on field-lab trials was to determine parameters of work quality of different systems for tillage, pre-sowing tillage, influence on growth and yield of buckwheat, in order to determine right choice of technological-technical system for tillage and pre-sowing tillage. Also, the objective was to advantages and disadvantages to be indicated. Based on the achieved results it has been concluded that tillage system indicated significant influence on yields of buckwheat, wit ht variations from 705 kg/ha (system CТ- Conservation tillage), up to 950 kg/ha (system PТ - Protect tillage).У раду је испитиван утицај различитих система обраде земљишта на пораст и принос хељде. Испитивања су обављена у агроеколошким условима северног Косова и Метохије у периоду 2007/08. године. Испитивања су обављена на два локалитета, а земљиште је било типа црвено-смеђег земљишта на флишу. Пољско-лабораторијска испитивања обухватила су оцену квалитета рада различитих агрегата за обраду и предсетвену припрему земљишта и утицај на пораст и принос хељде. Циљ истраживања је био да се на основу пољско- лабораторијских испитивања утврде показатељи квалитета рада различитих система за обраду и предсетвену припрему земљишта, њихов утицај на пораст и принос хељде, што ће омогућити правилан избор одговарајућег технолошко- техничког система за обраду и предсетвену припрему земљишта. Такође, циљ је био и да се укаже на предности и недостатке примењених система обраде. На основу добијених резултата закључено је да је систем обраде испољио значајaн утицај на висину остварених приноса хељде, при чему су приноси варирали од 705 kg/ha (систем KO - Конзервацијска обрада) па до 950 kg/ha (систем ЗО - Заштитна обрада)

    Elektrofilterski pepeo kosovskih termoelektrana kao materijal za kalcizaciju kiselih zemljišta

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    Fly-ash which is being produced as a result of coal combustion provides serious environmental problem, especialy if it is hardly remediated. Kosovo powerplants since 1963 have formed huge fly-ash dumps, with over than 200,000 t of fly-ash, which provides seriou environmental problem now. Afact that fly-ash of Kosovo powerplants is alkaline, with relatively high content of CaO, recommends it as a material which can be successfuly used in melioration of acid soils.Elektrofilterski pepeo (EF) koji nastaje kao proizvod sagorevanja uglja u elektranama predstavlja ozbiljan ekološki problem, naročito ako je slabo rekultibilan. Kosovske termoelektrane su tokom vremena, od 1963. godine do danas, formirale ogromne deponije EF pepela, čija težina danas iznosi 200.000 tona i predstavljaju ozbiljan ekološki problem. Činjenica da je EF pepeo kosovskih termoelektrana alkalne reakcije, sa relativno visokim sadržajem CaO, preporuka je da se, kao material, može koristiti za uspešnu popravku kiselih zemljišta, što je i cilj ovog rada

    Stanje erozije zemljišta malog sliva Dmitrov potok (zapadna Srbija)

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    Due to a variety of both natural and anthropogenic erosion factors, the general condition of the Dmitrov brook torrential catchment area has contributed to the overall picture of soil erosion intensity in the area. From the aspect of belonging to the type of torrential flow stream Dmitrov brook is the less torrential brook (D) with mean annual erosion-induced sediment yield Wyear from 772.85 m3 year-1 and total annual specific sediment yield at the confluence of the the Dmitrov brook in Tinja (left tributary of Kamenica, which the river flows into the West Morava with her left hand) where Ggod sp-1 were 220.81 m3 km-2 yr-1.Usled različitih činilaca procesa erozije, prirodnih i antropogenog, opšti uslovi područja bujičnog toka Dmitrov potok, doprineli su sagledavanju intenziteta erozije zemljišta sliva. Sa aspekta pripadnosti tipu bujičnog toka Dmitrov potok je manji bujični potok (D) sa srednjegodišnjom količinom erozionog nanosa (Wgod) od 772,85 m3 god-1 i specifičnom godišnjom količinom ukupnog erozionog nanosa, koja dospeva do ušća Dmitrovog potoka u Tinju (leva pritoka Kamenice, koja se u reku Zapadnu Moravu uliva sa njene leve strane), Ggod sp-1, od 220,81 m3 km-2 god-1

    Proračun intenziteta erozije zemljišta dela sliva Kamenice (Zapadna Srbija)

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    The aim is that based on the general conditions of the nameless brook catchment, natural and anthropogenic, calculate the intensity of soil erosion. The parameters, ie. factors for the calculation are: geological substrate, relief, soil, climate, vegetation, hydrography, man. The analysis defined the type of affiliation torrential watercourses. The nameless brook belongs to the type landslide (class E). It is established that the catchment landslide with mean annual erosion sediment (Wyr) 292.14 m3 year-1, a specific amount of the total annual erosion sediment (Gyr sp-1), which is to its mouth in Kamenica, on her right , 109,55 m3 km-2 yr-1.Cilj rada je da se na osnovu opštih uslova područja sliva bezimenog bujičnog potoka, prirodnih i antropogenog, izračuna intenzitet erozije zemljišta. Parametri, tj. činioci za proračun su: geološki supstrat, reljef, zemljište, klima, vegetacija, hidrografija, čovek. Analizom je definisana pripadnost tipu bijičnih tokova. Bezimeni bujični potok pripada tipu urvinskih tokova (klasa E). Proračunom je utvrđeno da je na slivu urvine srednja godišnja količina erozionog nanosa (Wgod) 292,14 m3 god-1, a specifična godišnja količina ukupnog erozionog nanosa (Ggod sp-1), koja dospeva do njegovog ušća u Kamenicu, sa njene desne strane, 109,55 m3 km-2 god-1

    The Association of CHA2DS2-VASc Score and Blood Biomarkers with Ischemic Stroke Outcomes: The Belgrade Stroke Study

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    -VASc score with unfavourable functional outcome (defined as a 30-day modified Rankin Scale [mRS] ≥3) in patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke (AIS), and examined whether the addition of blood biomarkers (troponin I [TnI], fibrinogen, C-reactive protein [CRP]) affects the model discriminatory ability.We conducted an observational single-centre study of consecutive patients with AIS. All patients were admitted to hospital within 24 hours from the neurological symptoms onset.-VASc and TnI or TnI, fibrinogen and CRP (z statistic 0.369, p = 0.7119; integrated discrimination index 0.00801 and 0.00172, respectively, both p>0.05).-VASc score did not significantly increase the predictive ability of the model

    Empathy and affect: what can empathied bodies do?

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    While there has been much interest in the apparent benefits of empathy in improving outcomes of medical care, there is continuing concern over the philosophical nature of empathy. We suggest that part of the difficulty in coming to terms with empathy is due to the modernist dichotomies that have structured Western medical discourse, such that doctor and patient, knower and known, cognitive and emotional, subject and object are situated in oppositional terms, with the result that such accounts cannot coherently encompass an emotional doctor, or a patient as knower, or empathy as other than a possession or a trait. This paper explores what, by contrast, a radical critique of the Cartesian world view, in the form of a Deleuzean theoretical framework, would open up in new perspectives on empathy. We extend the framework of emotional geography to ask what happens when people are affected by empathy. We suggest that doctors and patients might be more productively understood as embodied subjects that are configured in their capacities by how they are affected by singular ‘events’ of empathy. We sketch out how the Deleuzean framework would make sense of these contentions and identify some possible implications for medical education and practice. Keywords: Empathy, Medicine, Affect, Philosophy, Subjectivit

    Readers building fictional worlds:visual representations, poetry, and cognition

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    This article explores the complex nature of the literature classroom by drawing on the cognitive linguistic framework Text World Theory to examine the teacher’s role as facilitator and mediator of reading. Specifically, the article looks at how one teacher used visual representations as a way of allowing students to engage in a more personal and less teacher-driven transaction with a poem, and to encourage them to reflect on their own roles as active makers of meaning and knowledge in the classroom. The article shows how teachers can be mindful of the various contextual factors that can privilege and legitimise certain kinds of response in the classroom and be wary of external factors and pressures that can promote the idea of preconceived knowledge. The teacher in the case study presented was able to both facilitate the experience of reading poetry in an unmediated way and also develop her students’ metacognition in relation to the reading process itself. The article shows how Text World Theory’s status as a socio-cognitive grammar may be of benefit to teachers in understanding the nature of communicative interaction and literary transaction

    A bicyclic α-iminophosphonate improves cognitive decline in 5xFAD murine model of neurodegeneration

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    I2 receptors (I2-IR) are widely distributed in the central nervous system. I2-IR ligands are associated with a neuroprotective effect but, as I2-IR structure remains unknown, the discovery of better and more selective ligands is necessary to understand the pharmacological and molecular implications of I2-IR. Recently, we described a new imidazoline-structure family which showed high affinity and selectivity for I2-IR. In vivo studies in mice indicated a neuroprotective role and revealed beneficial effects in behaviour and cognition with a murine model of neurodegeneration, senescence-accelerated prone mouse (SAMP8). Herein, we report a novel non-imidazoline-structure of bicyclic α-iminophosphonates family with high affinities for I2-IR. In vivo studies in 5X-FAD mice (a transgenic representative model of AD) and SAMP8 mice (a model of neurodegeneration linked to aging) showed an improvement in behaviour and cognition, a reduction of AD hallmarks and of neuroinflammation markers for the mice treated with the lead compound B06. After evaluating several pathways associated with neurodegeneration, we demonstrated that CaN pathway plays a critical role on the neuroprotective effects of I2-IR ligands on SAMP8 mice model. To rule out warnings of the novel family, we calculated DMPK and physicochemical properties for the novel bicyclic α-iminophosphonates. As well, we carried out drug metabolism, safety studies and in vivo pharmacokinetics for lead compound B06. In summary, we present a novel family of I2-IR ligands, its effectiveness in in vivo models and the possible neuroprotective molecular mechanism mediated by them. This highlights that the modulation of I2-IR by bicyclic α-iminophosphonates may open a new therapeutic venue for unmet neurodegenerative conditions