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    El presente trabajo se centró en el siguiente objetivo general: Conocer y analizar los factores que inciden en la construcción de la identidad en jóvenes de la localidad de San Diego Suchitepec, Villa Victoria; Estado de México y analizar sus interrelaciones con la sociedad inmersa en un sistema económico capitalista.El planteamiento de esta investigación se centra en San Diego Suchitepec, una de las 104 localidades del municipio de Villa Victoria, Estado de México; se eligió este lugar para realizar el estudio por una razón, que obedece a la inquietud personal por hacer un análisis antropológico en una zona mazahua donde los jóvenes no se sienten parte de la etnia o identificados con ella y tienden a mostrar rechazo a la cultura de origen

    Increased lifetime of Organic Photovoltaics (OPVs) and the impact of degradation, efficiency and costs in the LCOE of Emerging PVs

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    Emerging photovoltaic (PV) technologies such as organic photovoltaics (OPVs) and perovskites (PVKs) have the potential to disrupt the PV market due to their ease of fabrication (compatible with cheap roll-to-roll processing) and installation, as well as their significant efficiency improvements in recent years. However, rapid degradation is still an issue present in many emerging PVs, which must be addressed to enable their commercialisation. This thesis shows an OPV lifetime enhancing technique by adding the insulating polymer PMMA to the active layer, and a novel model for quantifying the impact of degradation (alongside efficiency and cost) upon levelized cost of energy (LCOE) in real world emerging PV installations. The effect of PMMA morphology on the success of a ternary strategy was investigated, leading to device design guidelines. It was found that either increasing the weight percent (wt%) or molecular weight (MW) of PMMA resulted in an increase in the volume of PMMA-rich islands, which provided the OPV protection against water and oxygen ingress. It was also found that adding PMMA can be effective in enhancing the lifetime of different active material combinations, although not to the same extent, and that processing additives can have a negative impact in the devices lifetime. A novel model was developed taking into account realistic degradation profile sourced from a literature review of state-of-the-art OPV and PVK devices. It was found that optimal strategies to improve LCOE depend on the present characteristics of a device, and that panels with a good balance of efficiency and degradation were better than panels with higher efficiency but higher degradation as well. Further, it was found that low-cost locations were more favoured from reductions in the degradation rate and module cost, whilst high-cost locations were more benefited from improvements in initial efficiency, lower discount rates and reductions in install costs

    Alginate Hydrogels as Scaffolds and Delivery Systems to Repair the Damaged Spinal Cord

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    Alginate (ALG) is a lineal hydrophilic polysaccharide present in brown algae cell walls, which turns into a gel state when hydrated. Gelation readily produces a series of three dimensional (3D) architectures like fibers, capillaries, and microspheres, used as biosensors and bio‐actuators in a plethora of biomedical applications like drug delivery and wound healing. Hydrogels have made a great impact on regenerative medicine and tissue engineering because they are able to mimic the mechanical properties of natural tissues due to their high water content. Recent advances in neurosciences have led to promising strategies for repairing and/or regenerating the damaged nervous system. Spinal cord injury (SCI) is particularly challenging, owing to its devastating medical, human, and social consequences. Although effective therapies to repair the damaged spinal cord (SC) are still lacking, multiple pharmacological, genetic, and cell‐based therapies are currently under study. In this framework, ALG hydrogels constitute a source of potential tools for the development of implants capable of promoting axonal growth and/or delivering cells or drugs at specific damaged sites, which may result in therapeutic strategies for SCI. In this mini‐review, the current state of the art of ALG applications in neural tissues for repairing the damaged spinal cord is discussed

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    A GIS water balance approach to support surface water flood risk management.

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    Concern has arisen as to whether the lack of appropriate consideration to surface water in urban spatial planning is reducing our capacity to manage surface water flood risk. Appropriate tools are required that allow spatial planners to explore opportunities and solutions for surface water flooding at large spatial scales. An urban surface water balance model has been developed that screens large urban areas to identify flooded areas and which allows solutions to be explored. The model hypothesis is that key hydrological characteristics; storage volume and location, flow paths and surface water generation capture the key processes responsible for surface water flooding. The model uses a LiDAR DEM (Light Detection and Ranging Digital Elevation Model) as the basis for determining surface water accumulation in a catchment and has been developed so that it requires minimal inputs and computational resources. The urban surface water balance approach is applied to Keighley in West Yorkshire where several instances of surface water flooding have been reported. Data for validating surface water flood risk models is sparse because such flooding events are of short duration, very localized and distributed across the catchment. This research used a postal questionnaire, followed up with site visits to collect data on surface water flooding locations in Keighley. The validation exercise confirmed that the major processes responsible for flooding are largely well represented in the model for situations where interaction with the urban sewer network is well represented by the assumptions made in the model. A qualitative analysis based on field visits revealed that the degree of interaction with the sewer network varies spatially, and as the importance of the interaction of the sewer system increases, the accuracy of the model results are lowered. It also highlighted that local detail not present in the DEM, the presence of urban drainage assets and the performance of the sewer system, which are not be represented in the model, can determine the accuracy of model results. Model results were used as a basis to develop solutions to surface water flooding. A least cost path methodology was developed to identify managed flood routes as a solution. These were translated into model inputs in the form a modified DEM. It was shown that the simple and fast representation of flood routes and surface storage is of considerable benefit for scenario analysis

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    Un modelo 1D NPZ de acoplamiento entre la hidrodinámica y los flujos biogeoquímicos en estrechos bicapa. Aplicación a la dinámica mareal en el Estrecho de Gibraltar

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    Los modelos NPZ (siglas para Nutrientes-Fitoplancton-Zooplancton en inglés) son comúnmente utilizados en estudios de biología marina. Este tipo de modelos utiliza un conjunto de ecuaciones diferenciales muy sencillo para definir la dinámica del plancton marino. Las variables de estado de las cuales se modeliza su evolución son los nutrientes, el fitoplancton y el zooplankton, esto se hace en términos de su contenido de nitrógeno, ya que este compuesto el que normalmente limita la producción primaria en el océano. En este trabajo se implementa el acoplado de un modelo NPZ para el modelado de los flujos biogeoquímicos con un modelo de aguas poco profundas bicapa para la hidrodinámica. El objetivo es aplicar este modelo a la simulación de flujos biogeoquímicos en el Estrecho de Gibraltar con imposición de la dinámica mareal.1) Proyecto DAIFLUID. Plan Nacional MTM2012-38383-C02-01. 2) Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    New financial instruments to help improve agricultural water management for poor farmers under conditions of risk

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    Financial instruments can help alleviate poverty through better agricultural water management Using examples of drought insurance, payment for environmental services and warehouse receipts, this brief paper discusses the potential roles of some new financial instruments to support agricultural water management in rainfed areas of developing countries. In so doing, we aim to raise awareness of the broader potentials for financial instruments to improve water productivity and so help achieve two goals: alleviation of poverty that is caused by the inability of individuals to manage water, and improved water productivity that is necessary to solve an emerging problem of global water scarcity. We discuss these issues in the following sequence. First we review the need to improve water productivity at both a global and individual level, highlighting the obstacles to improvement posed by uncertainty and risk. We then focus on a particular approach to pro-poor risk management using drought insurance, before examining briefly how two other financial instruments: payment for ecosystem services and warehouse receipts als