4 research outputs found

    The Effect of Administering Vitamin C Lozenges Towards the Increasing of Saliva Secretion of Hemodialysis Patient

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    Hemodialysis is a dialysis method to secrete bodily fluid when the kidneys are progressively or acutely unable to do it. This research aims to know the effect of administering vitamin C lozenges on the increasing saliva secretion of hemodialysis patients. The research used an experimental design with one group pre-test and post-test design. The T-test result was mostly dependent (paired sample test). A purposive sampling technique was used to acquire 30 hemodialysis patients. The result shows that 26 patients (86.7%) have an increase in saliva secretion while four patients (13.3%) have not. The p-value was 0.000 (p<0.05). It can be concluded that administering vitamin C lozenges to hemodialysis patients increases saliva secretion. This research suggests that Royal Prima Medan Public Hospital administer vitamin C lozenges as an alternative medicine to increase the saliva secretion of hemodialysis patients

    The Effect of Four Pillars of Education on Self-Efficacy in Type 2 Diabetes Melitus Patients at Royal Prima Hospital Medan

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    ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases with characteristics of hyperglycemia which occurs due to impaired function of insulin. Education is an outcome that can be carried out for patients in order to increase understanding regarding their health condition so that patients can carry out the self-efficacy needed by patients in the context of success. Implementation of the management of the four pillars of type 2 DM. The purpose of this research is to understand the impact of four pillars of education on type 2 DM patients on self-efficacy. This research uses a quantitative quasi-experimental research approach pre-post test with control by utilizing the two group pre-test and post-test research models carried out with a total sample of 30 informants with 15 intervention informants and then 15 control informants. Techniques in collecting samples using purposive sampling technique. The method used in statistical testing is with the help of the Wilcoxom Signed - Rank Test and the Man Witney Test. This research gives the result that there is an effect of four pillars education on type 2 DM patients with self-efficacy at Royal Prima Medan Hospital. In the Wilcoxom test results obtained in the treatment group p = 0.01 (p 0.05). The conclusions obtained from the results of this research are that there is an influence of the four pillars of education on self-efficacy in type 2 DM patients at Royal Prima Medan Hospital. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Four Pillars, Self Efficacy  ABSTRAK Diabetes melitus merupakan salah satu golongan penyakit metobolik dengan karakteristik pada hiperglikemi yang sangat terjadi karena terjadinya gangguan fungsi pada insulin, Edukasi ialah hasil yang bisa dilakukan pada pasien dalam rangka menambah pemahaman terkait keadaan kesehatannya sehingga pasien dapat melakukan efikasi diri yang dibutuhkan oleh pasien dalam rangka suksesnya pelaksanaan manajemen empat pilar DM tipe 2. Makud dari riset ini ialah untuk memahami dampak edukasi empat pilar pada pasien DM tipe 2 atas efikasi diri. Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan riset kuantitaif quansi experinmental pre-post test with control dengan memanfaatkan metode two group pre test and post test model riset yang dilaksanakan dengan total sampel 30 informan dengan 15 informan intervensi kemudian 15 informan kontrol. Teknik dalam mengumpulkan sampel memanfaatkan teknik purposive sampling. Metode yang dilaksanakan pada pengujian statistik ialah dengan bantuan uji Wilcoxom Signed - Rank Test dan Man Witney Test. Riset ini memberikan hasil bahwa adanya pengaruh edukasi empat pilar pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan self efficacy di RS Royal Prima Medan. Pada hasil pengujian wilcoxom diperoleh pada grup perlakuan p=0.01 (p 0.05). Simpulan yang diperoleh dari hasil riset ini ialah Adanya pengaruh edukasi empat pilar atas self efficacy pada pasien DM tipe 2 di RS Royal Prima Medan.Kata Kunci : Diabetes Melitus, Empat Pilar, Self Effcac

    Chitosan-based blends for biomedical applications

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