166 research outputs found

    Obesity and Anesthesia Management

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    The prevalence of obesity is rapidly increasing throughout the world. Correspondingly, anesthetic procedures in obese patients are also increasing due to both treatment of obesity and other surgical problems of obese patients. Anesthesia-related complications are also seen in obese patients than in normal-weighted population. The importance of anesthetic applications in obese patients originates from physiological and pharmacokinetic alterations. Inhalation of these patients via mask or intubation during general anesthesia may be difficult or even impossible. Determination of extubation time after awakening from anesthesia is also a critical decision. Sleep apnea syndrome and postoperative atelectasis are more common in obese patients than in normal-weighted population. Another vital complication that should be emphasized is thromboembolism, whose incidence and severity may be decreased by pharmacological and functional preventive modalities. This patient population has elevated risk of perioperative mortality and morbidity. Prior to any elective surgical procedure, an obese patient should be thoroughly evaluated to check medical conditions that may increase perioperative mortality risk. Since anesthesiologists will gradually encounter more obese patients, they need a better comprehending of the difficulties of obesity during anesthetic procedures and taking more preventive measures for their patients to avoid complications, or rendering them less traumatic, if any

    Faiz, Döviz Kuru ve Enflasyonun Gelir Dağılımı Üzerine Etkisi: Türkiye Üzerine Bir Eş-Bütünleşme Analizi / The Effect of Interest, Exchange Rate and Inflation on Income Distribution: A Cointegration Analysis on Turkey

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Türkiye’de 2002-2019 döneminde faiz, döviz kuru ve enflasyonun gelir dağılımına etkilerini araştırmak ve literatürdeki konu hakkında eksikliği gidermektir. Zira literatürde çeşitli makroekonomik unsurların gelir dağılımına etkilerini araştıran çalışmaların varlığına rağmen, faiz ve döviz kuru ile enflasyonun gelir dağılımı üzerine etkilerini bütünüyle araştıran çalışma tespit edilememiştir. Çalışmada, Türkiye’de 2002-2019 dönemi için faiz, enflasyon ve reel efektif döviz kurunun gelir dağılımı üzerindeki etkileri ekonometrik olarak araştırılmış ve bu etkiler çerçevesinde dinamik ilişkiler tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla, 3 model oluşturulmuş ve bu modeller ARDL sınır testi yaklaşımına dayanan eş-bütünleşme analiziyle sınanmıştır. Buna göre Türkiye’de ele alınan dönemde faiz oranındaki %1’lik bir artışın, gelir dağılımını temsil eden Gini endeksini %0.016; enflasyon oranındaki %1’lik bir artışın, Gini endeksini %0.16 ve reel efektif döviz kurundaki %1’lik bir artışın Gini endeksini %0.40 oranında arttırdığı tespit edilmiştir

    Perspectives of Preservice Teachers on the Statements Related to Preservice Teachers and Competence of Lecturers

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    This study aims to find out the attitude of preservice teachers of Ağrı İ.Ç. University Faculty of Education who study at the Department of Elementary Turkish Education to the statements related to preservice teachers and competence of lecturers. A-) The statements related to preservice teachers includes following statements: “Productivity of the courses taken in the school enable them to understand the qualifications that a teacher must have.”, “Students take advantages of the education process which brings them sufficient teaching experience”, ”During their education, students experience many fascinating features related to teaching professions which they haven’t seen before.”, ”Opportunities and facilities that the students have in the school let them have rich variety of experiences related to communication with people.”, ”The students who have thought that they couldn’t be teacher understand they are in wrong to assume it after they experience teaching.” B-) The statements related to competence of lecturers includes following statements: “Lecturers have enough professional competence since they have received decent undergraduate education.”, “Lecturers can convey their knowledge to students by showing their class related to class management and employing different methods to teach since they don’t teach the lessons with the exception of their professional fields.”, “Lecturers can plan the teaching-learning process successfully thanks to their professional teaching knowledge.”, “Scientific dignity that the lecturers have thanks to their competence makes them reach the exemplary positions.”, “The high level of service delivery qualifications which the lecturers have thanks to their competence makes the students apply their knowledge to real life.” A questionnaire which includes questions related to A-) the statements related to preservice and B-) the statements related to competence of lecturers is conducted to determine the attitudes of preservice teachers towards. A-) The statements related to preservice teachers and B-) The statements related to competence of lecturers. The sample for the research is composed of 121 preservice teachers of Ağrı İ.Ç. University Faculty of Education who study at the Department of Elementary Turkish Education. According to the findings of the research; it is seen that the preservice teachers have answered the questions containing information on A-) the statements related to preservice and B-) the statements related to competence of lecturers with variable rates. The results which are mentioned above make it possible to come to that conclusion that preservice teachers have responded to questionnaire which is reliable according to its Cronbach’s Alpha value (α=0.91) in varying ratios (Field, 2013)

    Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on colorectal cancer surgery

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    BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) pandemic has changed the course of diseases that require emergency surgery. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on colorectal cancer disease stage. DESIGN AND SETTING: Retrospective analysis in the city of Rize, Turkey. METHODS: This was a comparative analysis on two groups of patients with various symptoms who underwent surgical colorectal cancer treatment. Group 1 comprised patients operated between March 11, 2019, and December 31, 2019; while group 2 comprised patients at the same time of the year during the COVID-19 pandemic. RESULTS: Groups 1 and 2 included 56 and 48 patients, respectively. The rate of presentation to the emergency service was higher in Group 2 (P < 0.02). The stage of the pathological lymph nodes and the rate of liver metastasis was higher in Group 2 (P < 0.004 and P < 0.041, respectively). The disease stage was found to be more advanced in Group 2 (P < 0.005). The rate of postoperative complications was higher in Group 2 (P < 0.014). CONCLUSION: The presentation of patients with suspicious findings to the hospital was delayed, due both to the fear of catching COVID-19 and to the pandemic precautions that were proposed and implemented by healthcare authorities worldwide. Among the patients who presented to the hospital with emergency complaints and in whom colorectal cancer was detected, their disease was at a more advanced stage and thus a higher number of emergency oncological surgical procedures were performed on those patients

    Potential protective effect of boron against gentamicin-induced oxidative stress on rat tissues

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    Çalışmada gentamisin maruziyeti ile toksisite oluşturulan ratlarda borun (B) muhtemel koruyucu etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlandı. Bu amaçla Wistar albino 56 erkek rat kullanıldı. Her grupta 7 hayvan olacak şekilde, kontrol, gentamisin (100 mg/kg i.p.), B-5 (5 mg/kg B, i.p.), B-10 (10 mg/kg B, i.p.), B-20 (20 mg/kg B, i.p.), B-5 + gentamisin (5 mg/kg B ve 100 mg/kg gentamisin, i.p.), B-10 + gentamisin (10 mg/kg B ve 100 mg/kg gentamisin, i.p.), B-20 + gentamisin (20 mg/kg B ve 100 mg/kg gentamisin, i.p.) olarak 8 gruba ayrıldı. Ratlara B uygulaması gentamisin enjeksiyonundan 4 gün önce verilmeye başlandı. Gentamisin uygulamasına 4. gün başlandı ve 12. gün bu uygulama sonlandırıldı. Gentamisin uygulamasının bitişinden itibaren hayvanlara 2 gün daha B verildi. Uygulama sonunda hayvanlardan anestezi altında karaciğer, kalp, beyin, akciğer ve testis dokuları alındı. Gentamisinin karaciğer dokusunda malondialdehid düzeylerini arttırdığı, buna karşın redükte glutatyon düzeylerini, superoksid dismutaz ve katalaz aktivitelerini azalttığı tespit edildi. Histopatolojik incelemede gentamisinin dokularda hasar oluşturduğu gözlendi. Buna karşın, B uygulamasının gentamisin ile indüklenen hasarı azalttığı tespit edildi.The objective of this study was to determine the protective effects of boron on gentamicin induced toxicity in rats. Rats were divided into eight experimental groups containing seven animals in each group. Experimental groups were as follows; control group (fed without B), gentamicin group (100 mg/kg, i.p.), B-5 group (5 mg/kg B, i.p.), B-10 group (10 mg/kg B, i.p.), B-20 group (20 mg/kg B, i.p.), B-5 + gentamicin group (5 mg/kg B and 100 mg/kg gentamicin, i.p.), B-10 + gentamicin group (10 mg/kg B and 100 mg/kg gentamicin, i.p.), and B-20 + gentamicin group (20 mg/kg B and 100 mg/kg gentamicin, i.p.). B was given to rats before four days. Gentamicin was given to rats on the fourth day and finished on the twelfth day. Also, administration of B was completed the fourteenth day. End of the experiment, liver, hearth, brain, lung, and testis tissues were collected from animals under anaesthesia. Administration of gentamicin increased malondialdehyde levels whereas decreased reduce glutathione levels, superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in the liver. Histopathologically, damages were detected in the tissues of gentamicin group. However, treatment of boron resulted in a reversal of gentamicin-induced damages

    Monitoring of drinking water distribution system by SCADA in Antalya City, Turkey

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    Antalya water and wastewater administration has recently completed SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) system. The system enabled the on-line continuous monitoring of many water quantity and quality parameters such as flow rate, pressure, temperature, pH, turbidity, electrical conductivity, and free residual chlorine. Additionally, water levels in the distribution reservoirs, water pumps, energy consumption and the closing valves are monitored and controlled by the SCADA system. Beside the on-line continuous monitoring, field sampling and lab analyses of other water quality parameters such as total organic carbon, THM, bromide, iron, nitrogen and phosphorous groups, and coliform bacteria were conducted. The results of field sampling agreed with the on-line monitoring values. The SCADA system proved to be very useful for reducing water losses, improving water quality, reducing energy consumption and improving the reliability of the system

    Protective effect of taurine against acrylamide-induced oxidative stress in rats

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    Bu çalışmada, sıçanlarda akrilamid ile oluşturulan oksidatif strese karşı antioksidan ajan olan taurinin koruyucu etkisinin araştırılması amaçlandı. Toplam 35 Wistar erkek sıçan standart rodent yemiyle beslendi ve 5 eşit gruba ayrıldı. I. Grup: kontrol grubu, II. Grup: sadece 15 mg/kg akrilamid 60 gün boyunca gastrik gavaj yolu ile verildi. III., IV. ve V. gruplara sırasıyla akrilamid (15 mg/kg) ve taurin 50, 100 ve 200 mg/kg/gün olacak şekilde ağızdan gastrik gavaj ile verildi. Akrilamid uygulaması sıçanların kan ve dokularında malondialdehid seviyelerinde önemli bir artışa ve glutatyon seviyelerinde azalmaya neden oldu. Buna ilave olarak, akrilamid uygulaması ile süperoksid dismutaz ve katalaz aktivitelerinin sıçan eritrosit ve dokularında azaldığı belirlendi. Taurin uygulamasının akrilamid ile indüklenen oksidatif stres ve lipid peroksidasyonu azaltarak vücudun antioksidan savunma sistemini iyileştirdiği belirlendi. Bunun yanı sıra, taurin uygulaması ile akrilamid verilen sıçanların karaciğer ve beyin dokularındaki IFN-γ, IL-1β, TNF-α ve NFĸB mRNA ekspresyon düzeylerinin azaldığı gözlendi. Ayrıca, taurin dokularda akrilamid ile indüklenen oksidatif stres sonucu oluşan histopatolojik değişikliklere karşı koruyucu etki gösterdi. Sonuçta doza bağlı olarak taurinin sıçanlarda antioksidan savunma mekanizmasını artırarak akrilamidle indüklenen oksidatif strese karşı koruyucu etki gösterdiği belirlendi.The aim of the present study was to evaluate the protective effect of taurine on acrylamide-induced oxidative stress in rats. Totally, 35 Wistar albino male rats were fed standard rodent diet and divided into 5 equal groups. I. Group: control group, II. Group: only 15 mg/kg acrylamide treated by gastric gavage for 60 days. III., IV., and V. group received 15 mg/kg acrylamide with taurine at dose of 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg/day by gastric gavage. Treatment with acrylamide significantly increased malondialdehyde levels and decreased glutathione levels in blood and tissues of rats. Additionally, acrylamide treatment decreased superoxide dismutase and catalase activities in erythrocyte and tissues of rats. However, treatment of taurine inhibited acrylamide-induced oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and enhanced the antioxidant enzymes activities. Besides, mRNA expression levels of IFN-γ, IL-1β, TNF-α, and NFĸB in liver and brain of acrylamide exposed rats were decreased with taurine treatment. Moreover, taurine exhibited protective action against the acrylamide-induced histopathological changes in tissues. In conclusion, it was determined that taurine in a dose-dependent manner has a protective effect against acrylamide induced oxidative stress by increasing antioxidant defense mechanism in rats

    Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Technologies: Bioelectrochemical Systems

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    The food industry produces a large amount of waste and wastewater, of which most of the constituents are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and organic fibers. Therefore food wastes are highly biodegradable and energy rich. Bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) are systems that use microorganisms to biochemically catalyze complex substrates into useful energy products, in which the catalytic reactions take place on electrodes. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are a type of bioelectrochemical systems that oxidize substrates and generate electric current. Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) are another type of bioelectrochemical systems that use an external power source to catalyze the substrate into by-products such as hydrogen gas, methane gas, or hydrogen peroxide. BESs are advantageous due to their ability to achieve a degree of substrate remediation while generating energy. This chapter presents an extensive literature review on the use of MFCs and MECs to remediate and recover energy from food industry waste. These bioelectrochemical systems are still in their infancy state and further research is needed to better understand the systems and optimize their performance. Major challenges and limitations for the use of BESs are summarized and future research needs are identified

    Ömer Fuâdî'nin Türkçe tasavvuf risaleleri

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    Pir Şa’bân-ı Velî (ö. 976/1569) tarafından tesis edilen Şa’bânîlik, İslâm dünyasının en yaygın tarikatlarından biri olan Halvetiyye’nin önemli kollarındandır. Şa’bânîlik tarihinde, Ömer Fuâdî (ö. 1046/1636), başta Şa’bânîlik ve Pir Şa’bân-ı Velî olmak üzere, kendisinden önceki postnişinlerin tanınması, tarikatın âdâb ve erkân sistematiğinin kayda geçirilmesi, tarikat usûlünün aktarılabilir bir somutluk içerisinde tayin edilmesi hususunda önemli bir yer tutar. Şa’bân-ı Velî’den sonra Kastamonu âsitânesinin beşinci postnişini olan Fuâdî, çoğunluğu Türkçe kırkı aşkın eser kaleme almıştır. Üç bölümden oluşan tezde Ömer Fuâdî’nin hayatı, tarikatı, silsilesi, mürşidleri, müridleri, tarikat faaliyetleri incelenmiş; Fuâdî’nin on dört risâlesinin çevrimyazısı yapılmış, bu risaleler eşliğinde tarikat anlayışı ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu minvalde müellifin mürid, mürşid, zikir, halvet, devran, âdâb gibi meselelere bakışı temel tasavvuf kaynakları ışığında ele alınmıştır. ABSTRACT Halvetiyyah is one of the most common sufi orders of the Islamic world. Shabaniyyah established by Pir Shabân-ı Velî (d. 976/1569) is an important branch of Halvetiyyah. In the history of tariqah Shabaniyyah, Omar Fuâdî (d. 1046/1636) has an important place on the following issues: recognition of the postnishins (sheikhs) before him, especially Pir Shaban-ı Velî and the silsile of Shabaniyyah, the recording of the systematic moral and rules of the sufi order, determination of religious order proccess in a transferable conformation. After Shaban-ı Velî, Fuâdî, becoming the fifth postnishins of main shrine (âsitâne) in Kastamonu, wrote a number of works, most of which are in Turkish. In the thesis composed of three parts, the life, sufi order, folklore, sufi guides (murshid), discriples (murid) and sects activities of Omar Fuâdî were studied; the translation of Fuâdî’s fourteen rites has been made, and attempts have been made to reveal the understanding of sects along with these treatises. In this way, the author’s view on issues such as murid, murshid, zikir, halvet, devran, âdab was taken up in the light of basic sources of mysticism