477 research outputs found

    Competition for indigenous representation in Venezuelan elections (2004-2010)

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    Este trabajo examina la participación y el desempeño de los actores que compitieron por los curules reservados a la representación indígena en los comicios celebrados en Venezuela entre 2004 y 2010. La metodología incluye una revisión analítica de legislación electoral y de los datos del Consejo Nacional Electoral sobre los comicios en este periodo. Se pone de manifiesto la existencia de un extraordinario número de actores en la competición (tanto organizaciones y comunidades postulantes como candidatos), principalmente en circunscripciones locales y regionales. Al mismo tiempo, los datos revelan lo limitado de las posibilidades reales de obtención de curules para los participantes, quienes para lograr la victoria electoral dependen absolutamente de la colaboración de los partidos políticos convencionales. También se constata que la polarización política está estimulando el interés de estos partidos (o de los frentes partidistas) por incrementar su influencia efectiva sobre los actores del movimiento indígena que dan el salto a la arena electoral. Esto contribuye a entender por qué los representantes indígenas elegidos en comicios ajustan sus reclamos a lo considerado como aceptable en los partidos políticos convencionales y no a lo planteado (al menos discursivamente) en las organizaciones o comunidades indígenas de las que proceden.This work examines the participation and performance of actors that competed for seats reserved for indigenous representation in Venezuelan elections held between 2004 and 2010. Methodology includes an analytical review of electoral legislation and data from the National Electoral Council about voting during this period, revealing an extraordinary number of actors in the competition (including indigenous organizations and communities postulating as candidates), principally for local and regional constituencies. At the same time, data reveal how limited the real possibilities are for these participants to obtain seats, since they depend absolutely on the collaboration of conventional political parties to achieve victory. The study also shows that political polarization is stimulating the interest of parties (or party alliances) in increasing their effective influence on indigenous movement actors who step into the electoral arena. This contributes to understanding why the elected indigenous representatives adjust their claims according to what is considered acceptable by conventional political parties and not to the proposals maintained (at least discursively) by the indigenous organisations or communities to which they belong

    A quantitative version of Krein's theorems for Fréchet spaces

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    For a Banach space E and its bidual space E'', the function k(H) defined on bounded subsets H of E measures how far H is from being &#963;(E,E')-relatively compact in E. This concept, introduced independently by Granero, and Cascales et al., has been used to study a quantitative version of Krein¿s theorem for Banach spaces E and spaces Cp(K) over compact K. In the present paper, a quantitative version of Krein¿s theorem on convex envelopes coH of weakly compact sets H is proved for Fréchet spaces, i.e. metrizable and complete locally convex spaces. For a Fréchet space E, the above function k(H) has been defined in thisi paper by menas of d(h,E) is the natural distance of h to E in the bidual E''. The main result of the paper is the following theorem: For a bounded set H in a Fréchet space E, the following inequality holds k(coH) < (2^(n+1) &#8722; 2)k(H) + 1/2^n for all n &#8712; N. Consequently, this yields also the following formula k(coH) &#8804; (k(H))^(1/2))(3-2(k(H)^(1/2))). Hence coH is weakly relatively compact provided H is weakly relatively compact in E. This extends a quantitative version of Krein¿s theorem for Banach spaces (obtained by Fabian, Hajek, Montesinos, Zizler, Cascales, Marciszewski, and Raja) to the class of Fréchet spaces. We also define and discuss two other measures of weak non-compactness lk(H) and k'(H) for a Fréchet space and provide two quantitative versions of Krein¿s theorem for both functions.The research was supported for C. Angosto by the project MTM2008-05396 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, for J. Kakol by National Center of Science, Poland, Grant No. N N201 605340, and for M. Lopez-Pellicer by the project MTM2010-12374-E (complementary action) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Angosto Hernández, C.; Kakol, J.; Kubzdela, A.; López Pellicer, M. (2013). A quantitative version of Krein's theorems for Fréchet spaces. Archiv der Mathematik. 101(1):65-77. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00013-013-0513-4S65771011Angosto C., Cascales B.: Measures of weak noncompactness in Banach spaces. Topology Appl. 156, 1412–1421 (2009)C. Angosto, Distance to spaces of functions, PhD thesis, Universidad de Murcia (2007).C. Angosto and B. Cascales, A new look at compactness via distances to functions spaces, World Sc. Pub. Co. (2008).Angosto C., Cascales B.: The quantitative difference between countable compactness and compactness. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 343, 479–491 (2008)Angosto C., Cascales B., Namioka I.: Distances to spaces of Baire one functions. Math. Z. 263, 103–124 (2009)C. Angosto, J. Ka̧kol, and M. López-Pellicer, A quantitative approach to weak compactness in Fréchet spaces and spaces C(X), J. Math. Anal. Appl. 403 (2013), 13–22.Cascales B., Marciszesky W., Raja M.: Distance to spaces of continuous functions. Topology Appl. 153, 2303–2319 (2006)M. Fabian et al. Functional Analysis and Infinite-dimensional geometry, CMS Books in Mathematics, Canadian Math. Soc., Springer (2001).M. Fabian et al. A quantitative version of Krein’s theorem, Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 21 (2005), 237–248Granero A. S.: An extension of the Krein-Smulian Theorem. Rev. Mat. Iberoam. 22, 93–110 (2006)Granero A. S., Hájek P., Montesinos V.: Santalucía, Convexity and ω*-compactness in Banach spaces. Math. Ann. 328, 625–631 (2004)Grothendieck A.: Criteres de compacité dans les spaces fonctionnelles généraux. Amer. J. Math. 74, 168–186 (1952)Khurana S. S.: Weakly compactly generated Fréchet spaces. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2, 721–724 (1979

    Bolívar, espejo de la revolución: los comicios regionales de 2008 en Guayana

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    Las elecciones regionales del 23 de noviembre de 2008 (23-N) fueron tempranamente asumidas por los contendientes como un momento de decantación del proceso bolivariano en Venezuela. Tanto para los alineados con el gobierno de Chávez como para quienes se le oponen, los resultados del referendo para la reforma constitucional del 2 de diciembre de 2007 (2-D) condicionaron la estrategia electoral y las alianzas de los actores políticos. A menos de un año de aquel referendo, el 23-N se presentó como una nueva ocasión para someter el proyecto socialista liderado por Chávez al escrutinio de la población, y como tal fue preparada por los principales actores políticos del país. Sin embargo, aunque ésa era la agenda electoral, el análisis de la campaña en Guayana revela que entre los candidatos contendientes primaron tácticas que subordinaban el debate ideológico y la confrontación de proyectos de país frente a la inmediatez de problemas como el de los servicios públicos y la seguridad ciudadana

    Implementación de sistema domótico con servidor Raspberry

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    Este proyecto consiste en el diseño e implementación un sistema domótico que puede ser instalado en una vivienda para controlar distintas variables ambientales y conseguir así la máxima comodidad de los habitantes de manera automática o manual según los gustos y necesidades de los usuarios. La característica principal de este sistema, es que cuenta con un funcionamiento distribuido donde entran en juego un servidor, encargado de tomar las decisiones generales para el comportamiento de la casa, y una serie de controladores esclavo cuya función es mantener constantes las variables ambientales con los valores fijados por el servidor. Así se consigue mantener la vivienda en una situación de bienestar constante para cualquier persona que se encuentre dentro. El sistema ha sido pensado de manera que se intenta reducir al máximo el cableado para facilitar su instalación por lo que la comunicación entre los distintos dispositivos se hace de manera inalámbrica por medio de un protocolo descrito en la norma IEEE 802.15.4 llamado ZigBee. Para ello se ha utilizado un módulo de comunicación wireless llamado Xbee, el cual permite la comunicación entre dos dispositivos. Para el control de dicho sistema distribuido se cuenta con una aplicación web, que mediante una interfaz gráfica permite al usuario controlar los distintos dispositivos dentro de la vivienda consiguiendo así controlar las variables ambientales a gusto del usuario. Dicha interfaz gráfica no depende de un software específico, sino que sólo es necesario un cliente http como podría ser Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. Para integrar dicho sistema se ha usado un mini ordenador de bajo coste llamado RaspBerryPi, en el que se encuentra alojado un servidor Apache con el fin de gestionar y automatizar las variables ambientales. El control de los dipositivos encargados de modificar y estabilizar las variables ambientales se realiza mediante unos controladores genéricos implementados mediante mcontroladores 80C51F410, pertenecientes a la familia 80C51, y una serie de componentes y circuitería que permiten el correcto funcionamiento de éstos. Existen dos tipos de controladores distintos, los cuales son: Controlador Sensor: Encargados de las tomas de valores ambientales como puede ser la luz y la temperatura. Controladores Actuadores: Encargados de actuar sobre los dispositivos que modifican y estabilizan las variables ambientales como pueden ser la calefacción, tiras de leds de iluminación, persianas, alarmas, etc. El conjunto de la RaspBerryPi y los diferentes controladores forman el prototipo diseñado para este proyecto fin de carrera, el cual puede ser ampliado sencillamente para abarcar una amplia gama de posibilidades y funcionalidades dentro de la comodidad de una vivienda. ABSTRACT. The project described in this report consisted designing and implementing a home automation system that could be installed in a house in order to control environmental variables and thus get the maximum comfort of the inhabitant automatically or manually according to their tastes and needs. The main feature of this system consists in a distributed system, formed by a server which is responsible for making the main decisions of the actions performed inside the house. In addition, there are a series of slave controlers whose function consists in keeping the environmental variables within the values established by the server. Thus gets to keep the home in a situation of constant wellbeing to anyone who is inside. The system has been designed in order to reduce the amount of wire needed for the inter-connection of the devices, by means of wireless communication. The devices chosen for the solution are Xbee modules, which use the Zigbee protocol in order to comunicate one between each other. The Zigbee protocol is fully described in the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. A web application has been used to control the distributed system. This application allows users to control various devices inside the house and subsequently the different environmental variables. This implementation allows obtaining the maximum comfort by means of a very simple graphical interface. In addition, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) does not depend on any specific software. This means that it would only be necessary a http client (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.) for handling the application. The system has been integrated using a low-cost mini computer called RaspBerryPi.This computer has an Apache server allocated which allows to manage and to automatize the different environmental variables. Furthermore, for changing and stabilizing those variables, some generic controllers have been developed, based on mcontrollers 80C51F410. There have been developed mainly two different types of controllers: Sensor Controllers, responsible for measuring the different environmental values, such as light and temperature; and Actuator Controllers, which purpose is to modify and stabilize those environmental variables by actuating on the heating, the led lamps, the blinders, the alarm, etc. The combination of the RaspBerryPi and the different controllers conform the prototype designed during this project. Additionally, this solution could be easily expanded in order to intake further functionalities adapted to new needs that could arise in the future

    Mapping the History of a Territory: Bon Pastor (Barcelona) – Social Remembrance and Heritage Project

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    The topic of the article are the complex stages of the formation of the Bon Pastor neighbourhood in Barcelona, and contemporary efforts to create the remembrance space system that would preserve the social memory and historical identity of the place. The author presents how the urban development plans for the district were transformed as a result of major changes in national politics, economy, and social policy, since the 1930s, through 60s and 70s, till today. The article describes the Bon Pastor Civic Memory project as an interesting example of a participatory action aimed at the preservation of local heritage.The implementation of the Civic Memory project was possible due to the neighbours’ initiative and their cooperation with cultural and academic institutions. The aim of this project is to mark certain points of the territory which possess historically and socially significant value, and to enhance them through public art, urban design and other implementations envisaged. The Association of residents of Bon Pastor (Barcelona) has been characterized, since 1974, for its combative and vindictive nature, at the same time as for its great capacity to launch solidarity initiatives and manage complicated processes to improve the living conditions of residents of the neighbourhood. After the struggles to obtain a health centre, the improvement of communications by metro and bus, and the constant improvement of public space, in recent years, the Association is co-managing with the Barcelona City Council, the radical transformation of the neighbourhood.The different phases for the remodelling of the neighbourhood, by replacing the so-called “cheap houses” with new buildings, with more spacious apartments and with better material conditions, is coming to an end and now, the possibility opens up, driven by the neighbours and the Museum of the History of the City (MUHBA) to have a metropolitan museographic space devoted to the presentation and study of the evolution of workers’ and popular housing in Barcelona

    La carta desaparecida.

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    Los alumnos del profesor VILLAMIL, en Santiago, oímos múltiples veces, en sus clases, referencias al artículo que hoy publicamos y la carta que S. FREUD le escribió con motivo de dicho artículo y las observaciones que en él se hacía