934 research outputs found

    Social inequalities in the demand, supply and utilisation of psychological treatment

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    Introduction: Socioeconomic deprivation is associated with higher prevalence of mental disorders but poor access to care. We conducted a national workforce survey to examine the demand, supply and utilisation of primary care psychological services. Aim: To understand the variability in the rates of access to psychological care in different geographical areas. Method: This was a cross-sectional survey of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) services. Data were collected from 144 services covering 180 local areas in England, using a freedom of information request. The access gap (AG) was defined as the percentage of cases that did not receive treatment, from the wider pool of cases referred for psychological care. We examined correlations between the demand (number of referrals), and supply (workforce size) of psychological care with local area prevalence rates of common mental disorders and the index of multiple deprivation (IMD). Regression analyses were used to assess if the variability in AG may be explained by IMD and workforce size, controlling for local population statistics. Results: Workforce size was weakly correlated with the IMD (r = 0.16, p = 0.04) and prevalence rates (r = 0.16, p = 0.03). The AG was significantly associated with IMD, number of referrals, prevalence rates and treatment waiting times, but not with workforce size. Together, these variables explained approximately 26% of variance in the AG. Conclusions: Socioeconomic deprivation is associated with psychological service utilisation, irrespective of the demand–supply function, particularly when contrasting the poorest and most affluent areas

    European Spallation Source as a searching tool for an ultralight scalar field

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    Dark matter (DM) nature is one of the major issues in physics. The search for a DM candidate has motivated the known proposal of an ultralight scalar field (ULSF). We explore the possibility to search for this ULSF at the upcoming European Spallation Source neutrino Super-Beam experiment. We have considered the recent study case in which there could be an interaction between the ULSF and active neutrinos. We have found that in this future experimental setup, the sensitivity is competitive with other neutrino physics experiments. We show the expected future sensitivity for the main parameter modeling the interaction between ULSF and neutrinos.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures. Section added, extended discussion. To appear in PR

    Autolytic changes involving proteolytic enzymes on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) preserved by hyperbaric storage

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    he effect of hyperbaric storage (HS, 50–75 MPa at 10–37 °C) on proteolytic enzymes and muscle proteins of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was assessed and compared to atmospheric pressure (AP, 0.1 MPa) at the same storage temperature and refrigeration (AP, 5 °C). Generally, activities of acid phosphatase, cathepsin B and D, and calpains decreased when compared to fresh salmon, with a more’ pronounced effect of storage temperature of 37 °C in HS/AP samples. However, activity recovery was observed for some enzymes, as the case of cathepsins B and D, and calpains, whose showed an increase of residual activity for samples stored at 60 MPa/10 °C and 75 MPa/25 °C after 50 and 25 d, respectively. A pronounced increase of myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI) was observed at 75 MPa (25/37 °C) after 10 d (3.2-/4.3-fold, respectively). Otherwise, at 60 MPa/10 °C, a decrease of MFI values was observed after 50 d of storage. For sarcoplasmic proteins, no effect was observed at 60 MPa/10 °C during 30 d of storage, with a slight increase after 50 d. At 75 MPa/25 °C, a decrease of sarcoplasmic proteins content (46%) was obtained after 10 d with no further changes during the 25 d of storage.publishe

    Caracter?sticas de personalidad que presentan un grupo de estudiantes del grado s?ptimo A de la Instituci?n Educativa Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora de Girardot Cundinamarca que ejercen violencia f?sica y psicologica con sus compa?eros de clases

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    129 P?ginasEn el siguiente trabajo de investigaci?n en la maestr?a en educaci?n realizado por la Universidad del Tolima se enfoca en indagar sobre la existencia del fen?meno del bullying en los estudiantes del grado s?ptimo ?A? de la Instituci?n Educativa Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora del Municipio de Girardot, Departamento de Cundinamarca. Esto con la intenci?n de detectar un grave problema que afecta a algunos estudiantes, y que se presenta en la convivencia diaria dentro y fuera de la Instituci?n Educativa, que es originada en el aula de clases, la cual deber?a ser un lugar seguro y arm?nico para el desarrollo del aprendizaje. Es por esto que se decidi? realizar esta investigaci?n, para plantar las bases del fen?meno en la comunidad educativa y recolectar datos que servir?n para conocer la situaci?n en nuestro contexto social. Con formulaci?n del problema, dise?o de objetivos, elecci?n de m?todo de recolecci?n y an?lisis de datos tendientes a detectar los principales indicadores del fen?meno. Despu?s de tener la hip?tesis aprobada se dise?aron las estrategias acad?micas, para trabajar con los estudiantes, que se espera sean implementadas por la Instituci?n Educativa en lo que queda del a?o escolar y en adelante para comprobar su eficacia.ABSTRACT. The following research work in the Master of Education by the University of Tolima focuses on investigating the existence of the phenomenon of bullying in the seventh grade students "A" of School Mary Help Normal Superior Township Girardot, Department of Cundinamarca. This with the aim of detecting a serious problem affecting some students, and that appears in daily life in and out of the school, which is caused in the classroom, which should be a safe and harmonious to learning development. This is why it was decided to conduct this research, to plant the foundations of the phenomenon in the educational community and collect data that will help to understand the situation in our social context. With the problem formulation, design objectives, choice of method of data collection and analysis aimed at identifying key indicators of the phenomenon. After having passed the hypothesis academic strategies were designed to work with the students, who are expected to be implemented by the educational institution for the remainder of the school year and thereafter to verify its effectiveness.La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci?n de la Universidad del Tolima, el director, codirector y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de los conceptos ni de las ideas expuestas por los autores del presente trabajo. Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Articulo 29, Acuerdo 064 de 1991, Consejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del TolimaINTRODUCCI?N 15 1. DEFINICI?N DEL PROBLEMA 18 1.1 PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 18 1.2 IDENTIFICACI?N DEL PROBLEMA 19 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 20 3. OBJETIVOS 22 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 22 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 22 4. MARCO CONTEXTUAL 23 4.1 CONTEXTO DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 23 4.1.1 Situaci?n Global del bullying 23 4.1.2 Situaci?n Colombiana 25 4.2 EXPOSICI?N DE MOTIVOS 25 4.2.1 Aspectos Generales 25 4.2.2 Corresponsabilidad Internacional frente al Acoso Escolar o Bullying 28 4.2.3 Signos Preocupantes en ni?os/as agresores. 30 4.2.4 Signos Preocupantes en ni?os/as v?ctimas 31 4.3 MARCO LEGAL 32 4.4 ANTECEDENTES 32 4.4.1 Antecedentes Personales 32 4.5 MARCO TE?RICO 33 4.5.1 Factores biol?gicos 34 4.5.2 La experiencia directa 34 4.5.3. Aprendizaje observacional 35 4.5.4. Reforzamiento externo vicario 36 4.5.5 Reforzamiento vicario. 36 4.5.6. Autorreforzamiento o consecuencias autoimpuestas 36 4.5.7 Justificaci?n Pr?ctica 38 4.6 MARCO INSTITUCIONAL 38 4.6.1 Contexto de la Instituci?n Educativa Escuela Normal Superior Mar?a Auxiliadora 38 4.7 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 39 4.7.1 Conceptos relacionados con el Bullying 39 4.8 TEORIA DEL APRENDIZAJE SOCIAL 40 4.9 TEORIA COGNOSCITIVA SOCIAL DE ALBERT BANDURA 41 5. M?TODO Y RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACION 44 5.1 METODOLOG?A DE LA INVESTIGACI?N 44 5.2 POBLACI?N Y MUESTRA 44 5.3 INSTRUMENTOS 45 5.4 PROCESAMIENTO DE LA INFORMACI?N 45 5.4.1 An?lisis de los Resultados 45 5.4.2 An?lisis Integrado de los resultados obtenidos en la aplicaci?n del instrumento a los tres tipos de muestra 47 6. DISCUSI?N DE RESULTADOS 49 7. ESTRATEGIA DE MEJORAMIENTO Y PROPUESTA PROPOSITIVA 51 7.1 ESTRATEGIA N? 2. PROGRAMA DE EDUCACI?N PARA LA CONVIVENCIA Y PREVENCI?N DE LA VIOLENCIA 52 7.1.1 Cuidado entre pares. 52 7.1.2 Organizar comisiones de seguridad y autocuidado 52 7.1.3 Implementaci?n de los espacios para el ocio creativo y alternativo 53 8. MATRIZ ESTRATEGICA DE RESULTADOS DE LA INVESTIGACI?N N.1 54 9. APENDICE 57 9.1 MATERIAL FOTOFIGURA 57 10. CONCLUSIONES 67 REFERENCIAS 72 ANEXOS 7

    Variation in fine-scale genetic structure and local dispersal patterns between peripheral populations of a South American passerine bird

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    Indexación: Scopus.The distribution of suitable habitat influences natal and breeding dispersal at small spatial scales, resulting in strong microgeographic genetic structure. Although environmental variation can promote interpopulation differences in dispersal behavior and local spatial patterns, the effects of distinct ecological conditions on within-species variation in dispersal strategies and in fine-scale genetic structure remain poorly understood. We studied local dispersal and fine-scale genetic structure in the thorn-tailed rayadito (Aphrastura spinicauda), a South American bird that breeds along a wide latitudinal gradient. We combine capture-mark-recapture data from eight breeding seasons and molecular genetics to compare two peripheral populations with contrasting environments in Chile: Navarino Island, a continuous and low density habitat, and Fray Jorge National Park, a fragmented, densely populated and more stressful environment. Natal dispersal showed no sex bias in Navarino but was female-biased in the more dense population in Fray Jorge. In the latter, male movements were restricted, and some birds seemed to skip breeding in their first year, suggesting habitat saturation. Breeding dispersal was limited in both populations, with males being more philopatric than females. Spatial genetic autocorrelation analyzes using 13 polymorphic microsatellite loci confirmed the observed dispersal patterns: a fine-scale genetic structure was only detectable for males in Fray Jorge for distances up to 450 m. Furthermore, two-dimensional autocorrelation analyzes and estimates of genetic relatedness indicated that related males tended to be spatially clustered in this population. Our study shows evidence for context-dependent variation in natal dispersal and corresponding local genetic structure in peripheral populations of this bird. It seems likely that the costs of dispersal are higher in the fragmented and higher density environment in Fray Jorge, particularly for males. The observed differences in microgeographic genetic structure for rayaditos might reflect the genetic consequences of population-specific responses to contrasting environmental pressures near the range limits of its distribution.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ece3.3342/epd

    A renormalization procedure for tensor models and scalar-tensor theories of gravity

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    Tensor models are more-index generalizations of the so-called matrix models, and provide models of quantum gravity with the idea that spaces and general relativity are emergent phenomena. In this paper, a renormalization procedure for the tensor models whose dynamical variable is a totally symmetric real three-tensor is discussed. It is proven that configurations with certain Gaussian forms are the attractors of the three-tensor under the renormalization procedure. Since these Gaussian configurations are parameterized by a scalar and a symmetric two-tensor, it is argued that, in general situations, the infrared dynamics of the tensor models should be described by scalar-tensor theories of gravity.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, references added, minor correction

    Geometry in transition: A model of emergent geometry

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    We study a three matrix model with global SO(3) symmetry containing at most quartic powers of the matrices. We find an exotic line of discontinuous transitions with a jump in the entropy, characteristic of a 1st order transition, yet with divergent critical fluctuations and a divergent specific heat with critical exponent α=1/2\alpha=1/2. The low temperature phase is a geometrical one with gauge fields fluctuating on a round sphere. As the temperature increased the sphere evaporates in a transition to a pure matrix phase with no background geometrical structure. Both the geometry and gauge fields are determined dynamically. It is not difficult to invent higher dimensional models with essentially similar phenomenology. The model presents an appealing picture of a geometrical phase emerging as the system cools and suggests a scenario for the emergence of geometry in the early universe.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Matrix geometries and Matrix Models

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    We study a two parameter single trace 3-matrix model with SO(3) global symmetry. The model has two phases, a fuzzy sphere phase and a matrix phase. Configurations in the matrix phase are consistent with fluctuations around a background of commuting matrices whose eigenvalues are confined to the interior of a ball of radius R=2.0. We study the co-existence curve of the model and find evidence that it has two distinct portions one with a discontinuous internal energy yet critical fluctuations of the specific heat but only on the low temperature side of the transition and the other portion has a continuous internal energy with a discontinuous specific heat of finite jump. We study in detail the eigenvalue distributions of different observables.Comment: 20 page