18 research outputs found

    Les Ă©quidĂ©s peuvent-ils s'adapter aux conditions d’hĂ©bergement inhĂ©rentes au confinement A3 ?

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    National audienceGiven the possible re-emergence of equine pathologies (West Nile Fever, African horse sickness) and the need to study these pathologies using in vivo infections, it is necessary to have structures where horses could be housed in BSL-3 in the respect of welfare and ethics rules. To estimate this possibility, 3 pony mares were housed in BSL-3 facilities at the Plate Forme d'Infectiologie Experimentale in INRA (PFIE) to observe their behavior in these conditions of confinement. The observation of these animals did not reveal deviant behaviors for the three females during the test. This validation is of major importance for the scientific community and the equine sector by offering perspectives for the study of equine pathologies, in particular for the arbovirus such as the African Horse sickness or encephalitis.Face Ă  la possible rĂ©Ă©mergence des pathologies Ă©quines (West Nile, Peste Equine ... ) et aux besoins d'Ă©tudier ces pathologies en rĂ©alisant des infections in vivo, il est nĂ©cessaire de disposer de structures pouvant accueillir des Ă©quidĂ©s en confinement A3 (Animalerie sous pression nĂ©gative permettant l'Ă©tude de pathogĂšnes pouvant prĂ©senter un risque pour l'environnement et le manipulateur) dans le respect du bien ĂȘtre animal et de l'Ă©thique. Afin d'Ă©valuer cette capacitĂ©, 3 ponettes ont Ă©tĂ© hĂ©bergĂ©es dans les locaux A3 de la Plate Forme d'Infectiologie ExpĂ©rimentale de I'INRA (PFIE) afin d'observer leur comportement dans ces conditions de claustration. L'observation de ces animaux n'a pas permis de dĂ©celer de comportements dĂ©viants chez les trois ponettes pendant la durĂ©e du test. Cette validation est d'une importance majeure pour la communautĂ© scientifique et la filiĂšre Ă©quine en offrant des perspectives importantes pour l'Ă©tude des pathologies Ă©quines, en particulier pour les arboviroses telle que la peste Ă©quine ou les encĂ©phalites

    Composite Event Patterns for Maritime Monitoring

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    Maritime monitoring systems support safe shipping as they allow for the real-time detection of dangerous, suspicious and illegal vessel activities. We have been developing a composite event recognition system for maritime monitoring in the Event Calculus, allowing both for verification and real-time performance. To increase the accuracy of the system, we have been collaborating with domain experts in order to construct effective patterns of maritime activity. We present some indicative patterns in the Event Calculus, and evaluate them using two forms of real kinematic vessel data

    Dismal prognostic value of monosomal karyotype in elderly patients with acute myeloid leukemia: a GOELAMS study of 186 patients with unfavorable cytogenetic abnormalities.

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    International audienceThe prognosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is very poor in elderly patients, especially in those classically defined as having unfavorable cytogenetics. The recent monosomal karyotype (MK) entity, defined as 2 or more autosomal monosomies or combination of 1 monosomy with structural abnormalities, has been reported to be associated with a worse outcome than the traditional complex karyotype (CK). In this retrospective study of 186 AML patients older than 60 years, the prognostic influence of MK was used to further stratify elderly patients with unfavorable cytogenetics. CK was observed in 129 patients (69%), and 110 exhibited abnormalities according to the definition of MK (59%). MK(+) patients had a complete response rate significantly lower than MK(-) patients: 37% vs 64% (P = .0008), and their 2-year overall survival was also decreased at 7% vs 22% (P < .0001). In multivariate analysis, MK appeared as the major independent prognostic factor related to complete remission achievement (odds ratio = 2.3; 95% confidence interval, 1-5.4, P = .05) and survival (hazard ratio = 1.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.1-2.5, P = .008). In the subgroup of 129 CK(+) patients, survival was dramatically decreased for MK(+) patients (8% vs 28% at P = .03). These results demonstrate that MK is a major independent factor of very poor prognosis in elderly AML

    Long-term prophylaxis in hereditary angioedema management: Current practices in France and unmet needs

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    International audienceBackground: Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is characterized by unpredictable and potentially life-threatening attacks of cutaneous and submucosal swelling. Over the past decade, new agents, based on a better understanding of the underlying biologic mechanisms of HAE, have changed the face of long-term prophylaxis (LTP). Objective: The objective was to describe current practices and unmet needs with regard to LTP for HAE in expert centers in France. Methods: The study was conducted in France in 2020. Based on their experience with patients with HAE who had visited their center at least once in the past 3 years, physicians from 25 centers who are expert in the management of HAE were requested to fill in a questionnaire that encapsulated their active patient list, criteria for prescribing LTP, and medications used. They were asked about potential unmet needs with currently available therapies. They were asked to express their expectations with regard to the future of HAE management. Results: Analysis was restricted to 20 centers that had an active patient file and agreed to participate. There were 714 patients with C1 inhibitor (C1-INH) deficiency, of whom 423 (59.2%) were treated with LTP. Altered quality of life triggered the decision to start LTP, as did the frequency and severity of attacks. Ongoing LTP included androgens (28.4%), progestins (25.8%), lanadelumab (25.3%), tranexamic acid (14.2%), intravenous C1-INHs (5.6%), and recombinant C1-INH (0.7%). Twenty-nine percent of the patents with LTP were considered to still have unmet needs. Physicians' concerns varied among therapies: poor tolerability for androgens and progestins, a lack of efficacy for tranexamic acid and progestins, dosage form, and high costs for C1-INHs and lanadelumab. Physicians' expectations encompassed more-efficacious and better-tolerated medications, easier treatment administration for the sake of improved quality of life of patients, and less-expensive therapies. Conclusion: Despite the recent enrichment of the therapeutic armamentarium for LTP, physicians still expressed unmet needs with currently available therapies

    Major discrepancy between factual antibiotic resistance and consumption in South of France: analysis of 539,037 bacterial strains

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    International audienceThe burden of antibiotic resistance is currently estimated by mathematical modeling, without real count of resistance to key antibiotics. Here we report the real rate of resistance to key antibiotics in bacteria isolated from humans during a 5 years period in a large area in southeast in France. We conducted a retrospective study on antibiotic susceptibility of 539,107 clinical strains isolated from hospital and private laboratories in south of France area from January 2014 to January 2019. The resistance rate to key antibiotics as well as the proportion of bacteria classified as Difficult-to-Treat (DTR) were determined and compared with the Mann-Whitney U test, the chi(2) test or the Fisher's exact test. Among 539,037 isolates, we did not observe any significant increase or decrease in resistance to key antibiotics for 5 years, (oxacillin resistance in Staphylococcus aureus, carbapenem resistance in enterobacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 3rd generation cephalosporin resistance in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae). However, we observed a significant decrease in imipenem resistance for Acinetobacter baumannii from 2014 to 2018 (24.19-12.27%; p = 0.005) and a significant increase of ceftriaxone resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae (9.9-24.03%; p = 0.001) and Enterobacter cloacae (24.05-42.05%; p = 0.004). Of these 539,037 isolates, 1604 (0.3%) had a DTR phenotype. Over a 5-year period, we did not observe a burden of AR in our region despite a high rate of antibiotic consumption in our country. These results highlight the need for implementation of real-time AR surveillance systems which use factual data

    Premiers résultats du projet RELAPA : génomique pour la résistance génétique des lapins à la pasteurellose

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    Session : GĂ©nĂ©tiqueParticipation Ă  cette Ă©tude : Plateforme d'Infectiologie ExpĂ©rimentale (PFIE) UE 1277 - Nouzilly Centre Inra Val de LoireLa pasteurellose est la premiĂšre cause de mortalitĂ© des femelles en Ă©levage cunicole. Le projet RELAPA (GĂ©nomique pour la REsistance gĂ©nĂ©tique des LApins Ă  la PAsteurellose) a pour objectif de mettre en Ă©vidence des rĂ©gions du gĂ©nome associĂ©es Ă  la rĂ©ponse Ă  la pasteurellose. Pour ce faire, 955 lapins ont Ă©tĂ© inoculĂ©s Ă  6 semaines d’ñge avec une souche de Pasteurella multocida pyogĂšne et suivis pendant 14 jours. La rĂ©ponse des animaux Ă©tait trĂšs variable, avec 7% de lapins rĂ©sistants (sans aucun symptĂŽme de pasteurellose et sans Pasteurella multocida dĂ©tectĂ©e dans les organes) et 11% d’animaux trĂšs sensibles (morts ou euthanasiĂ©s pendant l’essai avec des Pasteurella multocida dĂ©tectĂ©es). L’effet du pĂšre sur les caractĂšres mesurĂ©s est trĂšs significatif, ce qui laisse prĂ©sager l’existence d’une variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique importante dans la rĂ©sistance Ă  la pasteurellose