206 research outputs found

    Digital Skills and Technological Accessibility as Challenges for the Labour Market Insertion of People with Disabilities in the Audiovisual Sector

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    This article describes the second stage of a research study focused on the most demanded digital skills in the audiovisual field and the possibilities for people with disabilities to acquire them, to increase their employability in this sector. In this phase, we focus on the need to adapt digital devices to this population group, by analysing their accessibility and identifying the existing barriers to their use. Through a series of in-depth interviews, we obtain an x-ray of the current situation and point out a series of actions for improvement.Este artículo recoge la segunda etapa de una investigación centrada en las competencias digitales más demandadas en el ámbito audiovisual y las posibilidades para las personas discapacitadas de adquirir las mismas, aumentando su empleabilidad en dicho sector. En esta fase ponemos el foco en la necesidad de adaptar los dispositivos digitales a este colectivo, analizando la accesibilidad de los mismos e identificando las barreras existentes para su manejo. A través de una serie de entrevistas en profundidad obtenemos una radiografía de la situación actual y señalamos una serie de acciones de mejora

    Stabilized Chiral Organic Material Containing BINAP Oxide Units as a Heterogeneous Asymmetric Organocatalyst for Allylation of Aldehydes

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    Condensation of BINAPO-(PhCHO)2 and 1,3,5- tris(4-aminophenyl)benzene (TAPB) results in a new imine-based chiral organic material (COM) that can be further postfunctionalized through reductive transformation of imine linkers to amines. While the imine-based material does not show the necessary stability to be used as a heterogeneous catalyst, the reduced amine-linked framework can be efficiently employed in asymmetric allylation of different aromatic aldehydes. Yields and enantiomeric excesses found are comparable to those observed for the molecular BINAP oxide catalyst, but importantly, the aminebased material also permits its recyclabilityFinancial support was provided by the Spanish Government (PID2019-110637RB-I00). A.L.-M. thanks UAM for a FPIUAM predoctoral fellowship. M.S.-F. thanks Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación for a FPI contract (PRE2020-092295). A.M. acknowledges the Spanish Government and the European Union through the Funds Next Generation through grant Maria Zambrano-UAM (CA3/RSUE/2021-00648

    Implementing FFT-based digital channelized receivers on FPGA platforms

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    This paper presents an in-depth study of the implementation and characterization of fast Fourier transform (FFT) pipelined architectures suitable for broadband digital channelized receivers. When implementing the FFT algorithm on field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platforms, the primary goal is to maximize throughput and minimize area. Feedback and feedforward architectures have been analyzed regarding key design parameters: radix, bitwidth, number of points and stage scaling. Moreover, a simplification of the FFT algorithm, the monobit FFT, has been implemented in order to achieve faster real time performance in broadband digital receivers. The influence of the hardware implementation on the performance of digital channelized receivers has been analyzed in depth, revealing interesting implementation trade-offs which should be taken into account when designing this kind of signal processing systems on FPGA platforms

    Protección de la independencia de los profesionales de la información en las televisiones públicas autonómicas

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    La desconfianza de una parte importante de la población hacia la neutralidad informativa de las televisiones autonómicas exige de éstas la puesta en marcha de instrumentos de control, internos y profesionales, que promuevan la objetividad, el equilibrio y la veracidad de los contenidos informativos. Para alcanzar este objetivo se hace indispensable la existencia de órganos que defiendan la independencia de los periodistas con respecto a los requerimientos de la empresa y de otros poderes políticos y económicos. Los Estatutos de redacción se presentan como el instrumento idóneo para la consecución de estos fines, pues reconocen los derechos y obligaciones de los profesionales y de la empresa informativa que ambas partes se comprometen a respetar. Los Comités de Redacción, exigidos por los propios Estatutos, son el mecanismo adecuado para velar por el cumplimiento de esos acuerdos. En la presente investigación se hace un estudio de los Comités de redacción de las tres televisiones autonómicas españolas que se han dotado de Estatuto de redacción (TV3, EITB y Canal Sur), mediante entrevistas en profundidad a miembros de esos Comités. Como conclusión, se plantean algunas propuestas para reforzar su papel al servicio de la autonomía profesional de los periodistas y de la calidad de la información

    Aproximación a la evaluación de un programa de "formación fuera del aula" en la Universidad

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    The present time of a world in constant change invites of a special way to the educational ones of any scope, to look for new ways to imply the student. In order to be able to approach I tot the deepest reality of the educative process: to be able to remove the best thing from each one. The present case shows a program that looks for to us, through different activities outside the classroom, to introduce to the college student, not in the paradigms and own lessons of each subject, but in something more general than are in the base of all university education. One is keys like the search of the truth, the synthesis of knowledge's, the integral formation and the service to the society.La actualidad de un mundo en constante cambio invita de una manera especial a los docentes de cualquier ámbito a buscar nuevas maneras de implicar al alumno en su propia formación, para acercarlo a la realidad más profunda del proceso educativo y poder sacar lo mejor de cada uno. El presente estudio nos muestra un programa que busca, a través de diferentes actividades fuera del aula, introducir al universitario, no en los paradigmas y enseñanzas propios de cada asignatura, sino en algo más general que está en la base de toda educación universitaria. Se trata de claves de sentido, como la búsqueda de la verdad, la síntesis de saberes, la formación integral y el servicio a la sociedad

    Caracteres reproductivos en la raza rubia gallega. I. Características del semen utilizado en inseminación artificial

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    [ES] Caracteres reproductivos en la raza rubia gallega. I. Características del semen utilizado en inseminación artificia

    Real Time FPGA Implementation of an Modulation Classifier for Electronic Warfare Applications

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    This paper presents an automatic modulation classifier for electronic warfare applications. It is a pattern recognition modulation classifier based on statistical features of the phase and instantaneous frequency. This classifier runs in a real time operation mode with sampling rates in excess of 1 Gsample/s. The hardware platform for this application is a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). This AMC is subsidiary of a digital channelised receiver also implemented in the same platform

    Editorial charters and newsroom councils in mewdia corporations: a view from the perspective of corporate social responsability

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    Editorial charters and professional representation groups in media corporations are major self regulatory tools often cited in the Spanish literature on journalism ethics and deontology, yet many corporations lack them and they are largely invisible to the public with only a few exceptions, such as the Newsroom Council of the Spanish public national television network TVE. This limited implementation contrasts with the increasing number of media corporations that have adopted corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies that should take into account the expectations of journalists as internal stakeholders. The present study examines the relationships between editorial management and CSR management as a possible approach to integrating corporate governance and news governance in media corporations. The study is based on in depth interviews of members of newsroom councils in Spanish media companies. Discourse analysis of these interviews indicates that journalists in media organizations do not consider that their companies’ CSR policies take into account their professional expectations, in the sense that journalists in these corporations do not perceive news governance and CSR management to be aligned. At the same time, the precarious labor market has led many journalists to stand up less to their employers on questions related to journalism standards. Nevertheless, many newsroom councils are effective at communicating complaints, violations and recommendations to corporate governance bodies

    La Informática Industrial en las Ingenierías Industriales

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    El término Informática Industrial se utiliza para dar cabida a un conjunto muy diverso de disciplinas y tecnologías. El encontrar un criterio unificador que articule los diversos enfoques posibles y que, ayude tanto al docente como al alumno, en el proceso de enseñanza/aprendizaje de manera que se brinde conocimiento perdurable y al mismo tiempo actualizado, es una tarea clave. En esta contribución se discuten estas ideas relativas a la docencia de esta disciplina en las diferentes titulaciones de la Escuela de Ingenierías Industriales de la UVA, manifestando ideas de cómo ese marco conceptual puede adaptarse al contexto de las diferentes especialidades.Departamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática2018-01-0

    Feeding Algae Meal to Feedlot Lambs with Competent Reticular Groove Reflex Increases Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Meat

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effects of supplementing marine algae as a source of omega-3 fatty acids (FA) in the diet, mixed in the concentrate or bottle-fed, on intramuscular fat FA composition of lambs with competent reticular groove reflex (RGR). Forty-eight feedlot lambs were distributed in three equal groups: one group did not consume marine algae nor had competent RGR, the second group received a daily dose (2.5%) of algae meal in the concentrate and the last group consumed the same dose of algae meal emulsified in milk replacer and bottle-fed. Marine algae raised the contents of EPA, DPA, and mainly DHA in the intramuscular fat, but the increase was significantly higher when algae meal was administered with a bottle via RGR. This strategy could contribute to improvements in the marketing of lamb meat by optimizing its status as a healthier food