653 research outputs found

    Clima organizacional y su relación con el engagement de los trabajadores administrativos en la sede central de la Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas, Andahuaylas, 2019

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    La investigación que lleva por título: “Clima organizacional y su relación con el engagement de los trabajadores administrativos en la sede central de la Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas, Andahuaylas, 2019”. Tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación existente entre el clima organizacional y el engagement de los trabajadores administrativos. La investigación se desarrolló de acuerdo a los hechos correspondientes al año 2019. Pertenece al enfoque cuantitativo de tipo básica, de diseño no experimental – transeccional – correlacional. La población está definida por los trabajadores administrativos, que son en total 94, es por eso que se optó por mantener la misma cantidad para determinar el tamaño de la muestra. Las técnicas e instrumentos de recolección de datos que se empleó fueron la encuesta y el cuestionario, que consta de 37 preguntas con una escala de Likert de 7 alternativas. Los análisis de los datos, nos dieron en primera instancia el coeficiente de confiabilidad, un alfa de Cronbach de 0,953 como resultado de una encuesta piloto a 20 trabajadores administrativos, siendo el instrumento confiable y consistente, además de contar con la validación del juicio de expertos. Para definir la correlación, se usó el coeficiente de correlación Rho de Spearman donde se obtuvo el resultado r = ,617**, que nos indica que hay una correlación positiva moderada con una significancia de 0.000 (p<0.05), que nos da un nivel de confianza del 95%; dándonos a entender que el clima organizacional se relaciona de manera positiva con el engagement de los trabajadores administrativos en la sede central de la Universidad. Concluyendo con que la investigación demostró que el objetivo general era acertado ya que existe una relación significativa, entre las variables estudiadas, lo que significa que a medida que el clima organizacional (autorrealización, involucramiento laboral, supervisión, comunicación, condiciones laborales) sea favorable, también será favorable el engagement (vigor, dedicación, absorción) de los administrativos y así mismo de manera contraria y desfavorable

    Perfil da qualidade de vida de adultos

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    Orientador: Fabrício CieslakTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado) – Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Educação Física


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    Pork is the most consumed meat in the Philippines, and efficient quality control is essential for ensuring the safety of its consumers. Current manual procedures of meat inspection are time-consuming and laboratory-intensive considering the large amount of supply to be examined. This research aims to construct a rapid objective system of pork quality assessment with respect to meat freshness through Support Vector Machine (SVM) implementation, and to ultimately have an accuracy rate of ≥ 90%. 35 meat samples were collected, and their images were acquired. 30 of these were randomly designated as part of the training dataset while the rest were designated as part of the testing dataset. Of the 30 training samples, 6 were randomly chosen for the creation of a microbial profile. In all of the acquired image samples, image segmentation was performed and the RGB, HSV, Lab, and statistical texture features were extracted. These were inputted in 15 different SVM configurations. SVM classification yielded an accuracy rate of 93.33 %. Results from the microbial profile revealed considerable microbial activity at the 5th and 6th intervals (10th and 12th hour) with 2 and 3 colonies formed, respectively. With the ability of the SVM to distinguish between samples with respect to the hour interval and with the supplementation of the microbial profile, an objective artificial intelligence mechanism for freshness detection was successfully created.Keywords: Meat quality, Image segmentation, Support vector machine, Artificial intelligenc

    The omnivorous Tyrolean Iceman: colon contents (meat, cereals, pollen, moss and whipworm) and stable isotope analyses

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    The contents of the colon of the Tyrolean Iceman who lived Ga. 5300 years ago include muscle fibres, cereal remains, a diversity of pollen, and most notably that of the hop hornbeam (Ostrya carpinifolia) retaining cellular contents, as well as a moss leaf (Neckera complanata) and eggs of the parasitic whipworm (Trichuris trichiura). Based almost solely on stable isotope analyses and ignoring the work on the colon contents, two recently published papers on the Iceman's diet draw ill- founded conclusions about vegetarianism and even veganism. Neither the pollen nor the moss is likely to have been deliberately consumed as food by the Iceman. All the available evidence concerning the Iceman's broad-based diet is reviewed and the significance of the colon contents for matters other than assessment of food intake is outlined


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    AbstractThe projection of forest growth is important for forest management, to plan the subsequent cutting cycles and to show the tendencies that the forest will present in the future. This study evaluated the use of a stochastic model - the Markov Chain - in the projection of the future diametric distribution and carbon stock of a forest subjected to experimental selective logging in Manaus / AM. The data used were obtained from an experiment conducted since the 1980s by the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (Inpa). The forest inventories were conducted in the years 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010. The main variable used was the diameter at breast height (DBH). The Markov Chain was used to project the diameter distribution and the carbon stock for 2015. With respect to the stock of carbon expected, this should exceed the existing stock in 2010, reaching about 157 t/ha. With these results it is possible to conclude that, if the dynamics projection will be confirmed, the studied forest will continue growing and increasing its carbon stock, thus acting as a CO2 sink.Keywords: Markov Chain; forest dynamics; forest management; climate change. ResumoProjeção da distribuição diamétrica e do estoque de carbono de floresta manejada na Amazônia. A prognose do crescimento de florestas é importante para o manejo florestal, para o planejamento dos ciclos de corte subsequentes e para mostrar as tendências que a floresta apresentará no futuro. Este trabalho avaliou a utilização de um modelo estocástico - a Cadeia de Markov - na projeção da distribuição diamétrica e do estoque de carbono de uma floresta submetida à exploração seletiva experimental em Manaus/AM. Foram utilizados dados de experimento desenvolvido desde 1980 pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (Inpa). Os inventários florestais foram realizados nos anos de 2005, 2007, 2009 e 2010. A principal variável utilizada foi o diâmetro à altura do peito (DAP). A Cadeia de Markov foi utilizada para projetar a distribuição diamétrica e o estoque de carbono para o ano de 2015. No que diz respeito ao estoque de carbono esperado, este deverá superar o estoque existente no ano de 2010, atingindo cerca de 157 t/ha. Com esses resultados, pode-se concluir que, se for confirmada a projeção da dinâmica, a floresta estudada continuará crescendo e aumentando seu estoque de carbono, atuando, assim, como sumidouro de CO2.Palavras-chave: Cadeia de Markov; dinâmica florestal; manejo florestal; mudanças climáticas.AbstractThe projection of forest growth is important for forest management, to plan the subsequent cutting cycles and to show the tendencies that the forest will present in the future. This study evaluated the use of a stochastic model - the Markov Chain - in the projection of the future diametric distribution and carbon stock of a forest subjected to experimental selective logging in Manaus / AM. The data used were obtained from an experiment conducted since the 1980s by the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (Inpa). The forest inventories were conducted in the years 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2010. The main variable used was the diameter at breast height (DBH). The Markov Chain was used to project the diameter distribution and the carbon stock for 2015. With respect to the stock of carbon expected, this should exceed the existing stock in 2010, reaching about 157 t/ha. With these results it is possible to conclude that, if the dynamics projection will be confirmed, the studied forest will continue growing and increasing its carbon stock, thus acting as a CO2 sink.Keywords: Markov Chain; forest dynamics; forest management; climate change.

    Post-stroke depression: psychological, neuropsychological, HHA axis, localization of stroke aspects and treatment

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    CONTEXTO: A depressão pós-AVC (DPAVC) possui uma prevalência elevada. Apesar disso, ela é pouco detectada e tratada. Muitos fatores de risco e repercussões negativas na recuperação dos pacientes estão associados à DPAVC. OBJETIVO: Revisar alguns aspectos da DPAVC como: qualidade de vida, prejuízos cognitivos, eixo HHA, localização do AVC e tratamento. MÉTODOS: Pesquisa dos últimos 10 anos da base de dados MedLine/PubMed usando as palavras-chave post-stroke depression, stroke, quality of life, hypercortisolism, cogntitive dysfunction e treatment. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de DPAVC é de 23% a 60%. Há poucos estudos sobre a incidência de DPAVC. A DPAVC está associada a pior prognóstico e evolução, agravo das disfunções cognitivas e redução da qualidade de vida. O hipercortisolismo está associado à DPAVC que ocorre tardiamente ao AVC. AVC em gânglios da base, região frontal esquerda e estruturas do circuito prefrontosubcortical está relacionado à frequência e à gravidade da DPAVC. CONCLUSÕES: É necessário melhoria na metodologia dos estudos para maior esclarecimento sobre a fisiopatologia da incidência da DPAVC. Programas objetivando o aumento das taxas de detecção dos pacientes deprimidos se fazem necessários inclusive para a redução dos impactos negativos na recuperação desses pacientes.BACKGROUND: The prevalence of post-stroke depression (PSD) is elevated. Some risk factors and poor outcome have been associated with PSD. The treatment of PSD reduced the negative impact in patients recovery. Appart from these data the PSD has been under diagnosed and under treated. OBJECTIVE: Review some aspects such as quality of life, cognitive dysfunction, hypercortisolism, stroke localization and treatment of PSD. METHODS: MedLine/PubMed database search using the terms post-stroke depression, stroke, quality of life, hypercortisolism, cognitive dysfunction and treatment, published in MedLine in the last 10 years. RESULTS: PSD has a high rate of prevalence, from 23% to 60%. Few incidence rates are investigated. PSD is associated with poor outcome, increase of cognitive dysfunction and reduced quality of life. The hypercortisolism seems to be associated with PSD in the latter period of stroke. Stroke in the left frontal region, basal ganglia and some structures of prefrontosubcortical circuits have been related with frequency and severity of PSD. DISCUSSION: Some programs can be used to assist the medical care researcher with these patients in diagnosis and treatment of PSD. The research needs to be continued with clear methodological protocols in order to understand the physiopathology related to the incident PSD

    Longterm comparison between extracapsular cataract extraction combined with trabeculectomy and combined phacofiltration surgery

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    Purpose: To compare the safety and efficacy of extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) combined with trabeculectomy and combined phacoemulsification/trabeculectomy. Methods: The records of 46 patients (53 eyes) who underwent combined glaucoma and cataract surgery at the Santa Casa de São Paulo between January 1996 and November 1999 were reviewed. Results: After a mean follow-up of 18 months, visual acuity improved and intraocular pressure decreased in both groups after surgery (P<0.05). In the phacofiltration group 55.5% of eyes achieved intraocular pressure < 22 mmHg without medication as compared to 46.1% in the extracapsular cataract extraction/trabeculectomy group (P=0.3). Conclusion: Both techniques proved to be safe and efficacious in the treatment of glaucoma and cataract. However, the phacofiltration surgery seems to promote lower intraocular pressure without additional medication in a larger number of eyes.Objetivo: Comparar os resultados a longo prazo entre a cirurgia extracapsular da catarata combinada à trabeculectomia (FEC/TREC) e a facotrabeculectomia (FACO/TREC). Métodos: Os prontuários de 46 pacientes (53 olhos) submetidos à cirurgia combinada na Santa Casa de São Paulo entre janeiro de 1996 e novembro de 1999 foram revisados; dados relativos à pressão ocular (PO), acuidade visual (AV) e número de medicações foram analisados. Resultados: Em ambos os grupos, após seguimento médio de 18 meses, a acuidade visual melhorou e a pressão ocular diminuiu em relação aos valores pré-operatórios (P<0,05); 55,5% no grupo da facotrabeculectomia e 46,1% no grupo da catarata combinada à trabeculectomia obtiveram a pressão ocular final menor que 22 mmHg sem medicação (P=0,3). Conclusão: Ambas as técnicas são eficazes no tratamento simultâneo do glaucoma e da catarata. Entretanto, a facotrabeculectomia parece promover pressão ocular menor sem a necessidade do uso de medicações hipotensoras oculares em maior número de pacientes.Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Faculdade de Ciências MédicasIrmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Serviço de GlaucomaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Prevention of postoperative atrial fibrillation in open heart surgery patients by preoperative supplementation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: An updated meta-analysis

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    BackgroundSeveral randomized clinical trials evaluated whether preoperative supplementation of omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids protects against postoperative atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery, a condition associated with increased cardiac and cerebral mortality. However, their efficacy remains still controversial. An updated meta-analysis was performed to clarify if preoperative n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation prevents postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery.MethodsArticles were retrieved until November 2012 by screening electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) and cross references. Two of us independently reviewed articles and agreed to select 8 randomized clinical trials. For each study, the incidence of atrial fibrillation in both the intervention and placebo groups was extracted to calculate odd ratio and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Weighted study-specific estimates were combined using fixed (Mantel-Haenszel method) and random-effects (DerSimonian-Laird method) models.ResultsThis meta-analysis includes 2687 patients (1337 in the intervention group) who underwent cardiac surgery. Pooled analysis using fixed-effects models showed a significant reduction (average, 16%; 95% CI, 1%-29%) in postoperative atrial fibrillation by preoperative n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. There was a low heterogeneity among studies (P = .07 and I2 = 46%). By using a random-effects model, the reduction averaged 25% (odds ratio, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.57-1.00; P = .05). When isolated coronary artery bypass graft surgery was only considered (7 studies), a significant protection averaging 34% was observed in a fixed model (odds ratio, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.50-0.87; P = .003; I2 = 26%, P = .23).ConclusionsA preoperative supplementation of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids significantly prevents the occurrence of postoperative atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, in particular coronary artery bypass surgery

    Dental calculus is not equivalent to bone collagen for isotope analysis: a comparison between carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analysis of bulk dental calculus, bone and dentine collagen from same individuals from the Medieval site of El Raval (Alicante, Spain).

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    Palaeodietary reconstruction using the carbon and nitrogen isotope values of bone and dentine collagen is a well-established method and the biochemical processes involved are well known. Researchers have recently explored using bulk samples of dental calculus as a substitute for bone and dentine collagen in dietary analyses, because calculus can be sampled without causing damage to the teeth, and may be useful in situations where more destructive analyses are not possible, or where collagen is poorly preserved. Several questions remain about the use of bulk calculus as a source of carbon and nitrogen isotope data, however. It is not yet clear how much of an individual¿s life span dental calculus represents, what portions of the diet it records, and how diagenesis effects the carbon and nitrogen isotope values of this material. Most importantly, there have been no comparative studies of collagen and calculus isotope values, which are necessary to establish the value of bulk calculus as a source of accurate isotope values. Here we report the comparison of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses of bulk calculus to those from bone and dentine collagen. These analyses have been performed on individuals from the El Raval Mudéjar Medieval Cemetery (Eastern Iberia, 15th century A.D.). Although calculus isotope values may be broadly similar to expected values at the population level, we report here no correlation between collagen and bulk dental calculus values at the individual level. As a result, we recommend that carbon and nitrogen analysis on bulk dental calculus should only be used as a last resource archaeological dietary marker, if at all

    Saving bones without risking brain—bisphosphonates and risk of stroke: matched case-control study

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    Introduction There is conflicting evidence on the link between bisphosphonates and stroke with studies variously showing increased, decreased or unchanged risk. We investigated the association between bisphosphonate treatment and the risk of stroke using a large routine clinical dataset. Methods We used a matched nested case-control study design analysing routinely collected electronic data from patients registered at primary care practices in England participating in the Royal College of General Practitioners Research and Surveillance Centre. Cases were patients aged 18 years or over, either living or dead, recorded as having had a stroke in the period 1st January 2005 to March 31st 2016. Each case was matched to one control according to age, sex, general practice attended and calendar time. Data were analysed using Stata, version 14.2. Conditional logistic regression was used to determine odds ratios for stroke according to bisphosphonate treatment and duration in cases compared with controls. We adjusted for disease risk groups, cardiovascular risk factors, treatments, smoking status, alcohol consumption, ethnicity , bisphosphonate types, fracture and socioeconomic status using IMD (Index of Multiple Deprivation). Results We included 31,414 cases of stroke with an equal number of matched controls. Overall, 83.2% of cases and controls were aged 65 years or older and there were similar proportions of females (51.5%) and males (48.5%). Bisphosphonate treatment was not associated with stroke after adjusting for the wide range of confounders considered (OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.62 - 1.19). Conclusions We found no association between bisphosphonate treatment and risk of stroke, after adjusting for other confounders